WCK GX.ROL PIUX. More Man-Power The Daily News ' Behind the Job is crested . T, N.afUN la law in ever factcey. ia ever rtxxr. ta rrcy cebcr- Laa-pcntr Sircr.tt4 Lasher Ctrcwtalas-a m ia la ,. ccenrs frtra norarisisng rida io sacsctV m , food that head rncL criaL Sferedded . -a aaar4 W- I V. I LV2CJCf 7?I . Wl' MaaW lsty re HvfUi. 3rd Are, h Hrt. f. rnaiiagrrx Whcsl E:sccil rcaratafeH &8 ita a ajlaii . fTTi tt rxN J act Vtra.e' hs toiy toMtng asalezial in rater a tppMesMKL Tlilrtf A at the -a-boir niacat grain ra a p digesdble focra. A man's ir ta4 vaar. Mr. - fr" -, fJAILT EMTIO nrt4. SVgtoaaW 22. lic. food for a rasa job. Serve ta- Uavi eca- Bora .d i r r-. ..-nntarr -with rrriflr or crcara or "srilh a ,1i i iif vartrty aa4 of " ilkrd peacbes or other fhrts. ta MM aa-w ao fi cccaicjicr Mk ta wUaait M-ery? TeC Tlr Jary a-e f Mr, ta tatter mum. 1t bat Isarwa ak- mr la Ikihr wimh j FUMMER STfAMSSft L PWwl ta aanasa a Car W4.1 IjMIt ftwt flrHae all LU fr.i CAST SHOW - T 5L. wtricii fajasad taS j Ta fHlac mr ftat award ALASKA AND YtJKC rMttetm f in.iff? aua vtia kit rT WMatt Tbe S. S. Prince Itsraert s. rW T !. aU4 tot flU- raiaifaia of ia ,r ta aaar "y IriDce Rupert -,?? v,.. rtvmar. Wfcy ids-saM tfcey? potato ta (aeir aartiiaiia. Ta '. t frt4mr. Vara. f r K'Ulnlaa. WrangWI. Juneaa. fftasi., aa4 Ur. Traaaa wer U witb tbe Watte r- at taray Pas aad Yak Way itoasjld mv Jsjry k far pmMm Ufe of Caa4a Mtl be kat rioia, aa4 it raa W io4e. SOUTHBOUND oaay 1 aW oar Tbe 5. S. Prisce Rapert or I'r tare Goora fa4Ualay ferofcea Ms ka tmm br ai'iag tae 2Iade in Canada ft .p- rl eery Saturday aad M'nSay at I a. sn I Baar 2 Baay Vcttna aad Seattle. l use ese wfsasa ht re- of taw law vMa late rer. NrMeecia. FortnlgbUy service to th Queen ChartetU It r. .!? A airaer sMaadsrd of rt?or a4 ntaaat fear or Savor TRAIN tar iarJ fWt aookamr bay aaoer two SERVICE f4sie ft disaaadtisl tferwrb. IMui aaoai Ue part- or Trains leave Priacc Rupert every Monday retara of tax rar : aaay .t awn. s woy and Friday at 10:3 a. m. for Winaiaec aad a as Ike DvmiMkm. has aotlati wto oCertd tbe We? jfcat afcM at Karate. Way aaal ttey and S.td Mixed tram leaves I'rince Rapert bte?a litMMd win aer at-Uiisesi Aro tay So ? free? Tfce ana lay 6 a. m. Special weekend far t Trrace ao i jwaav ta rtsM away wfta tae F fuil mf'.r:naU''n &. reservation Hariot tay aaaer ae year. t appi) t r . ay esiJ? esueaey wke oAfer a aria m eqaaJly Allw ai bete) fa fake tftxar eol. ! Bafry JaoaaHoa. Z may THIRD AVENUE PII07SE 2G0 l Use saea wfa are Inmmt iiMy wtia toe aaa tw ac a. It i Hate aw far TMiHy of a aajrraal areii of orpit H a ad ibotaVj aaTcr a aad aol far dhaonatle to HeaviaM baby aaoer years. fastis. bo Ay maa accept a fcruVe far frfsteal or aay tat. (1 nabyFoofar. I Raby Myro CANADIAN PACIFIC User traitor MOTC5 AND COMMENTS In tbe twia roaie4Utfi taer RAILWAY pajrpo i a to WeaUtar report from tbe bi cottairy, aad to bit Xelkrwr, i ery littl bHwen the er- Lowest Rates all Las.e.r f roai are bad. Tbe Ger- o i c r a Tite eeral eoceatf of oaia- tranl. Tne MrCarttwy tia k- ' ami, a mw)), bonM be dealt to bavc foaad it via Steamer to Vancouver ar -Z ; t Hm to iht limit ot Use tew. II toa -ee to be tbat tbe war will Ucorarty fary. par- tr4 arate aa4 ta Iay tin CANADIAN PACIFIC Ra i L vi AY tart iato next year. Lord Krleb- eeoad. Maala and Berth inclwdtd on "Stet t lime Ittal an exawpte vai ade of of tb taea bo or fareeal of a tbree year TWO FAVORITES AT Princess Way for Granby and Alice Arm Friday 11 pjn. liase brow?fit polttl le lbs war wHI proaably ctorae eat Jutt WESTHOLME THEATRE The Iail .m oeiiverei ; Princess Alice southbound Saturday, Sept. 23rd. aboat 50 rent th I country to eri a tow let, and right. earner. Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Hie fact that the guilty party is raee Cuoard and Francis Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, Sept. 25 ih York l liable to be scatters ,ew em. Cesgklig ftm prominent etxtnitii to bare be-ewrne Ford, two ever popular stars, are broiled in a bitter labor battle. J. i. PETERS, General Aeem a repfeLalive of the at tbe top of tbe tteotboime bill Stop it owing- to tne non-ree?nltten of Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rvitrt. BX. people fa the L?fiaUrre frr toaigal ia "His Majesty Dick L tbe men" union by tbe traction! CengUag tacreases tbe bHjll im( stand fa tbe way. Tarsia." Tb aotoriotis Dick bas Irritatioa cc tbe already lav eofflpanie. Apart from tbe merit fiamed bbcqoos tnbrae Hi- fael Ibat tbe guilty oftoa been tbe RAVI&ABLC WATERS of tbe oepteted oa stape aad la morrorrr apt to cany MINERAL ACT rHOTlCTKH art. demand question of tbe a. a. c. caa::e party ba reabd such a decree bat lbi i tbe flrsl eeeasioa n diaeaac to others. its. made in tbe first Instance, ft Kathira'a Syrcpof Tar asd of prornffte&ee tbat the wbieb bis exploit, historical and Cod Href Oil Znxnyilj nor Certificate of Improvements The Oraad Inaaa -stj eem ridieuloa that, at tbi t j have trusted film by imagtoary, have ever been filmed. coo bin r, asd arxm, thaaxa paay aray nea a . cJa time of day, any corporation toils tonie properties,effects tectxaa t af Sa a.: . .XA5URTICM. IMS nUCTlO.1, BElXU , ra making him their represeata-lise It aboaid prove a most thrilling O a prrmanrnt rare tbe Msaasasr at hi . boatd seek to deny to working Tie wonderfnl popularity riUCT105. CE5TU.1, BLCE BELL FRAC-TIO.1, t. an i an aggravation Instead and piettovstse drama with a !- aad ta She saaat or of Uathiea'a of Tar men tbe rfgbt to organizes a right Byrap COSMOS rRACTIO.1. THISTLE ? aa Laaa of an exUsmmatUm of tbe offence. lifbtfol tooeb of romance. "In aad od Ur Oil U tprdaUy MARIGOLD nUCTrU.H. ULAC twtuir? wbieb capital ban always taken dne to its rrraj raloe sa a rRACTIO.1, Pianse Ruewrt at is Tbe ideate of aHy man Borrowed Plames. is a one-art perraaaent Isof aad broo-chUl rhACTiox. era nacrio.t, flue arrix atiayltsai C tbe siw a. cr to Iteelf. aspirin? to such a petition drama, wtiHe there is a pretty healer. rRACTI05, COXCOMB. BE005IA FRAC Sold rrerywhere,xje Wp TION, ML.M3i.AL CLAIMS altoate ta Ute part Hartaar at rrta r shorjld be away above any little comedy - drama entitled hotzles. Qoeen Chartette Dtauict. located at or near lawhia, ta rrsax of . t i What t the ue of aikfnsr Sir lieda Bay. Qaeca ChartetU laUad, rrsaloce an in SSir te rtflat,; o question of peraooal gain and Ciader" and two comedies. ne a. l. asATHiru co,ptv. Wilfrid La Brier to appoint new of Bnttab ceScmhU. aad UvlaBj heU ty atw of tax aaat at a-psstttd the only way by which toon of a.Neator aad tbe other an L-K. o. nnanin. yjq. tkeda MUtes t United, Sa the atof . rrj member to tbe Parliament Duild-ia? TAKE .tonCE that L Joba A. Maciaaia. ooee aa X. Its. tbe stamp of Mr. Pierce east roeoM traction committee If aUtrttor for Ueda Mmes Uzoited. frtr A0 TAKE MTI' il x t' C3 m-parafcteai be kept froM drargfa? tbe M-ftare uwnsg to tne lact tnai a num mi Diners" certificate So. 7tltlB, In lend sf eoe aavc.:. d flob lioger ba afroady decided after the eiptrauoo of auty daya from tae orat pbMriw a of Canada in' tbe mud t ber of the mofiibers of tbe MeUa-katiab that tbe baHdings have to be the date be reef to apply oa behalf of tbe araad Trnak ractak i i. ;v. to make aa ssiate of every Dand have enlisted and are aald Company to the Miatar Recorder lor avler usMu 7 of ;. c. built eatirely anew with the contractor certificate of far the uta a improvements pc Ota Msataur at rati. v u offender uatM oor provincial making H per cent, on now serving with tne forces m "Safety First" U the pose of cttainlns a Crova Grant to the aa the CKy af oiu , :.'-' parlfawoat are ept el ean. Franco, it was decided to cancel of aboie ctaima. said atte aad ptaa. a '-1 tbe cott and 20 per cent, depreciation Slogan Business" AD FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that aeUoo tract the saM ar-L Ifad tbe lory bea IU tbeir since not same visit, they could uavder 5ecOon St of the Mineral Act man Dated at V!aatfvr y - 1 i 3 tin? on tbe eate of a aan wbo on their plant? come to tbe lair with trieir lull E R 75 years of be commenced before the Uaoancc ot ci day af May A. t. l OV eertiaeate of tmproTementa. THE OllAAD TSf-IE I bad been raked In erfminal of the Metla- Banking in Canada, strength. Many So it wa Winston Churchill bated Ibis list day of May, A. D. lilt. COM I A ? umMiw)ifiK, and who bad katiah people. However, arc in has demonstrated J01I.1 A. MACLfNES, H. a I who bad a band in tbe invention Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. been found gaUly of leallnf? town to attend the exhibition. the strength, security, of the new motor warfare. Win safety and service of The MINERAL ACT even 1, fntead of acrepUn AVIOABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT, ston got in bad the Antwerp over Bank of British North R. S. C CAP. Its. a brile of 1500, would they fiasco but we tnuat never forget America. The of Certificate of Improvamenti history have nade any appeal for that be had tbe fleet ready at the IGOLD WATCH FREE. this bank for over three 1-AariC MILLS. LIMITED, hereby rl N0TI CE clemency? Would they not notice that It baa, under Section 7 of the Baaia Mineral cia jtt a a critical moment. rather have decided that such quarters of a century has aald Act. deposited lib the Minister or Skeena Mlniai Divtaiua ts.-jl uwt been one of progress and ruhiic Works at Ottawa, and la the omee Where located:-- m i (sa a character must be handled Greece ha ent an ultimatum of tbe RerUtrar oeneral of Titles at Victoria. the beach the at.' JL W development, and of Biitlsb Columbia, a description of t tbe bead at a bran : consistent growth in the (he atte sad tbe plana of certain structure! TAKE NOTICE Ibat r r .u jo be erected In rront of Lot Thirty-one rree M(dec's Cerun a: in ri of the business regard ill , Rants Three (), Ccaal District, tend, slity days frun- i: kfrnt Launch AliceB. world. BrlUih Columbia, at the bead of Couains apply to tbe Mtaaas ! r - a Wi&tFjFv'm ow ajbw.' mm rUet THE BANK rate of Imnraveasem. OF A0 TAKE NOTICE that after the ei-ptrauon cbtaiaiof a Cren c- a XSbkVmTiaaP an of one month from tbe date of claim. Lere Datl notl for aaaaBa ami tnniiiii ra a taka rM aav British North America the Brst publlcaUon ot tbia Notice, pacific And rartSMC tak t " 8tlt Lake Saturday after Mills, Limited, will, under Section 7 snder aectMn St. Jbum mtm. W aaa ta wa ua liaak 7S YCABS IN Bl ..NESS. noon and all dajr Sunday. aa aat W taan W UuLtL W au.h oi the aald Act, apply to tbe Ooreraor-ln-Councll fore tbe taaaw of la I lalak taia aaar tea raai la W In. Wc a4 CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.S&X004. the and for approval of said site J Rtturn Fart 25 Canla. U auu aaa aaja a m t provrtnenlj. For tcrrut and particulars wUl Jaaallan ka Mliri Uali Il..-'imui Caranil UOTU.k ' Wbalvato r.a. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH plan. Dated tbia tits day Dated at Vancouver, Srttiah Columbia, 0E '! Call W.J. lias 6tb day of April. A. D. III. SMITHERS, Manager W, t. THOMAS, Phn. BODWELL. LAW80N k LANE. MINERAL ACT Oraan S81. Solicitors for Pacific Mills. Limited. NOTICE 1 hereby riven that M0LY Partner Delinquent f & trim tr BDE.IL'M MI.tl.XQ AMD REDUCTION COM MINERAL ACT Notlco to . - .... "ai.uiiea PA.1Y U.VITED, NO.VPERSO.IAL UABIL Te O. W. Masail an war... . .a THE LSOINEkLf INEMLNTl ITY. tb o-nera of tbe "Molybdenum," ti vr viiTirr ihil :t Uia" - .t "Suereta" and otner mineral clalmi, aim Rivrrmouth Fractional mineral claim, and caused to oe -- . n Tickets atd on the north aide of Alice Arm, about situated In tbe Skeena Mlolnc Division ot ta the Wolf Mineral atiw. . FISHCRMAN-S ENOINt tnre in l Ira from tbe bead or tbe Arm, in Caaalar District. bead or Alice Arm. the Skeena Mlnlnr Dlrlllon of British Co Where located: At the bead of Alice the Skcens mints f dir - a BBBBBamfKBBB''sl1 Sm w 2 Cyl6 1-2 In. by 7 In., 12.11 himbia. Intend thirty days after date hereof Arm. adjoininr tbe Rlvermoutb and Cariboo trlct. assessment work r ' ' - ' .u'juf' to an from Nor war, Swttftn, Dn Horaa Pa war. to apply to tho Minuter of Landa for mineral claima. till, snd till, aa.1 W aw mark, rinlantf, Italr and Rum I. - SAILINGS FROM NIW YORK Cl. 3 3-4 In. br B 1-2 ln 2S authority to traniport orea or other niln- TAKE NOTICE that I, 0. it. Naden, Free work snd rewdinf tarn . 'Knatlanurjord" Ott Tth Hrta Pewar. i rili trim such mineral cUliiia and to ret Miners' Certificate No. Si.OltB. aetior ' liOT.tO. fnleaa juu vi a r our" In machinery and tuppllea to auch mineral trent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer in..50. for your shac f nulls ocl lth 4 Oil. 8 1-2 In. by S In, 28-88 1 Frederick VIII" Oct. llth Harae Powar. claima aeroaa the "Blarkwell" Mineral tiflcats No. Sl.llTB, Intend, auty dayr seaament work, loreth" J" ip!rt United Statca" Oct. tsth Claim, situated on aald north aids of Alice from tbe date fcereof, to apply to tbt tola sdverllaemenl, I shall, aB aaaaaowpB - " am Hatt Vaur Raaariatlona maoa Karly. Ann aforeaaid, and for authority to con Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate or Improvements, lion of ninety (to ,-"7 for Daua. Illuatrated roldera and For Further Information struct a tramway and lay a pipe Una from for tbe purpose or obtalnlni hereof apply to W 1 DW Otueral Information Apply to Apply to aald Molybdenum and Succeaa Mineral t Crown Oram or the above claim. frinr. Ili.rwrL B. C . I, I' '.Zi B Claims across aald Blackwell Mineral Claim. And further take notice Ibat action, esta in tbe Wolf OVBHAVN HANSON luted thta tun day of Aurust, A. V. mder section It, must be commenced be me, In pursuance of tnt - Inatiranca and Btaamihlp Agancr, W. E. WILLISCROFT Hit. fore tbe Issue or such Certificate of tin mineral set, . mi il Prlnca Rupart, . O. M0lYIIIF.UM M1SISO. A.tD HKDUCTIO. rovemeiiti, ratd at PrlncA Ruit, a. Prlnca Rupert, B. 0. COMPANY UVITtD, NO.t TEnSO.tAL Dated this 13rd day of December, A, D. or February, ! LIABILITY lilt. Apr I. mi . t, 8TABK EMPRESS COFFE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR .F.Q.DAWSON , PRINCE RUPERT. ft