sue daua nwi

                                                                                                             Ai     is w.rkmg on     bis  ratwh!

    "The Daily News"                     Priflce Roptft Feed Co.            Local News Notes                 n-m in Ftaeders.after kavteg dene bis

                                        P. O. Ht     -   rCS TMN A..

        CLASSIFIED ADS.            I    RECEIVED OUR 1916 SEEDS                                                 A Msrtt tor Stewart J. Marti
                                                                            J. A. Maedonald. of Haielton. i
                                                WE HANDLE                                                    exhfMC was a centre mt attraction
                                                                          ii town.
                                                                                                             yesterday.   It weighs 1    enifiees

             WANTED.                     Rsnnle's, Ferrye, Steele's,        C R. OHbtit,    t Terrace, is in aiMf  two pennyweights     and   Is
                                                 and Brlgg's.

 WAXTED Woc&sa for bowl wort Ajt4j        Garden and Field Seed.         town vfMtlng the fair.              worth about 185.

   Central lloieL                til.

 WASTED Girt                                   Alto Fertilizer.             Mr. and Mrs. Nah, ef MassetL        The days are gettlns: short and
              to lock after fefUL AJVJ
   Se. I Oapp IllUac.                   Wo Takt Orders Stock.for Nursery are viitln-r in tbe city.           the Blfhts chilly.  Winter is not

 WASTED Teamster it oacC Arpty toT      Hay,   Oraln   and  Feed   at                                        far wO"  See that your chimney's.

 "tiptm.                          tf.         Vancouver Price.              II. O. Johruon left for .Inver   range,   furnace  and   pipes  are

 WASTED !nul: wifl pay rood mare.                                        ness Cannery this morning.          (leased and Wked over.      Phone

   MAT B     III. DaHy Sew,       tf.   Chicken   Feed A Specialty.                                            19. FriU.                    22

 WASTED To by some r?od rarnilare                                           R. O. Johnson and' family are                 t

   far ftr rosea. Apply pon  tIT            o      prwpUf          t.'   in town from Inverness Cannery.
                                                                                                               Dr. H. C Wrineb, mt Haielton.

WA5.TED DltW7 tor. Apply MuuSca                                                                              arrived on yesterday afternoon"
  Cfoeery Co, 1U Pboo    II. 147 ttb                                       J. U'Sbea, of Haielton, came in
  ittoat, UlL                   tIT.                                                                         train. He was an Interested visit
                                     ales w. xuuot. bjl,                 on the train yesterday afternoon.

WASTED Bowse bold rood    of CjssSty,            W. L wmumt, BJL. LJVB                                       or to the fatr and also attended

  mechanics Sod, effcut nut. bOOU, tic                                     Tbe drawings at tbe Exhibition    the meeting of tbe Agrieultural
  Hiftetl prices paid. Fboe Red 1(1.      WILLIAMS A MANSON -Barristers,
  WJfl ca8 uj turn, tit Third Arccsc                                          yesterday amounted to f 266- Assoriatioa last evening.
                                                     Solicitors, Etc.
WOTID     Second-hand fclrh usee desk.          our TO LOAN                                                    J. F. Slpes. wh    recently lost
  Ar bx lot Daily J.                              Bel 1111
                                                                           D. D. Manre is in tbe eity from his snot her, wife aad most of his

WASTED tt UL&ORJJU AT OSCE. AP-'fLT  Bitroa Block      Prtat Bprt. a. C
       OTT WI1GH SCALES.          If,                                    Terraee, a visitor ta tbe Hxhibi. family wnder      very sad eirrurn-

                                                                         tien.                                tanees.  is in town   from   Port
                                                                                                             Clements.   He will leave for Nel

LOST Peart aad Terr     earrtnr. Fmd-tfWwi                                 D. J. Williams, of Rocber De
                                          FIRE ALARM SYSTEM                                                  son on Saturday morning.
           to Mr. L. W. ratmere.  If                                     Boole,  left  for  Tramville   tbis

LOST  It-foot Usacft. painted vtlte, vita                                morning.                              New York Life Ins, Co, a mu
  tx&Aj top.  Eastbopo earne. Phone             CIRCUIT HO. 1.
  Blae   T.                      If.                                                                         tual company, strongest financial!
                                           ia  Ita st and ird Are.
                                                                           Andy Tyson,               of In
                                       Bet IS 4U 81 a4 trd Are.                           inspeetur          Institution In the world, has made

             FOR SALE                  Ba 1    Ita at. And trd Are.      dian agencies, is registered at the its contracts much more liberal

                                       a   1C ;eiKc ef liv. Ian and      Hotel Rupert.
FOR sale   t a. p. disuHate marine en-erne ird r.                                                            One   secret  of  the  .company'i

      with eeatth an complete, la r3 . Ssx 1   Ut Arc. bttveea iu and J
 order. Hit.   Can be seen  wwiisr. J     tn EU. (EM  Hctcl)               CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- growth.         C. E. Balnter, agent.

  A7 r. O. Bot J.               JI4.   irn 17  Mt an. a4 ita m. tCrn-
                                                                         sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward
                                         tral Bul,                                                             Two exhibits which      attracted
FOB SALE  Team of borse. lit   tain.                                            Electric Co.             tf.
 AxvT P. O. Bo ttt. Prince Rupert.  :                                 :                                      mueb attention at the fair were
                                                ctRcurr no. a.

        MISCELLANEOUS                  ti Z2 Ird Art. ad      Ird  !U      J. V. Watt, of Vancouver, who an inlaid cabinet and       ashield rf                                         TORONTO

                                          Pet OSre.)                     i interested in work at tbe         crossed swords made by Wm
                                       Bi Z3   trd Ar  and McBrUe SL                                   dry-dock,
COSSL'LT MDME. ROBERT, lit renowned    Ei Il-Hi art. and MeBrlde 3L J          is in town.                   ?elig.  The work was done with               Youth          demands
  Sptrltuiliit and psychic. Too win be                                                                                                                                                        smarter,
                                       Bt 23   Iik! Art and fDd SL
                                                                                                             a             and is   retnarkall
 pleased and furptlsed. Here tbi week                                                                          pen-knife
                                    I Bet 7    tnd Are. tnd Ilk St.
 only, tt 8L Elmo Hotel tma II lib.    b   n o. t. r,                      Prominent people consult Me. fine.                                             snappier clothes than middle or old
  to t p. m.                     tf.
                                                CIRCUIT mo.,a.          Robert, renowned Spiritualist and                                                 age and rightly so. We have them.

                                                                        Psychic, at St. Elmo Hotel.      tf.   I). C. Undertakers wish to an
                                       Baa ai Ita Art. and raltoa SL                                                                                                 EXCLUSIVE AGENTS
                                    J bi aa eorlea and Ttjlor iu.                                            nounce that they have     engaged

                                       Bet a   Till Art. and raltoe SL     CO A I     Favorite   Ladysmith the services of Mr. Frank Norris.

  Stuart J. Martin                  2 Bi S8 Ita Are. and Cocnox Are.                                                                                       Bryant Company, Limited
                                       Bi t7 tta Are. and Voit PL       Wellington lump and nut, best results. of Vancouver, as managing funeral

            ASSAYErt                   Boi 39 4ta Are. and Tbomtton 8L J        Phone 15. P. II. C. Co.  tf.      director and embalmer. Mr.

 f                                             CIRCUIT NO. .                                                 N'orris has had years of experience
                                                                           A. J. Bailey, of Inverness,
                                           41-          and
                                       Be      4tB Art.     Emmeraon
      HAZELTON         B. C.                                                                                      in first-class and up-to-date
                                    I     L                              turned   up-river   this  morning
                                       Sot  2  lift Are and McBrlde SL                                       establishments and is in a posi
                                                                        after having spent a few days in
                                       Boi ,a  ttt Are. and Oreen St.
                                                                                                             tion to give helpful assistance to
  The oldest established Assay         Bex  4 4t& Art and Basil SL       town.                                                                                                       RAVI3ABLE
                                        a as   7tk Art. end EBtrta.                                          those who require      honest  and                                                 WATERS PROTICDOI ICt
       Office in the North.                                                                                                                                                                   R. S. a Chapter tit
                                       bi 141- Tta Art. and Tunt sl   1
                                                                                                             conscientious service.         226
                                                                           Father McDonald is in town                                               DENTI31RY

                                                                                                                                                                                       Bobert Cecal Ooase t- r r ta
                                                                         from the Queen Charlotte Island.
                                                                                                                                                                                     tkat be has under      " ' i- l
                                                                         He is being transferred to Powell            FAIR   PROGRAM                 CROWN ANO BRIDOE WORK           Act depeeited vttfe i'-. H  m

                                              MINERAL ACT                Iliver.                                                                             A SPECtAbTT             Wurk at Ottawa, ai :     "  '

                                       Certificate of Improvements                                                                                        DR. J. S. BROWN            tHstrtci twrtatrar      t; :j. m
                                                                                                                1:30        Baseball   Colt
  FOR RENT                                                                                                           today:                   s                                      ReiMuy saee ai 1           t J
                                           i      N O T I O E              Ilev. J. C   Speneer,   of  Port Klspkir for the KihlbitMn Cup.                     DENTIST               CtilasnbSi, a deeenpi. : ' , t

                                      SlJter Bow Mineral Claim, annate In tne                                                                       Offlatt Bailta Bleck, Tklr4 linn pUa  or a wharf pr ,         I
                                                                         Simpson. i   In the eity to attend
                                    fkeena Mlnlor Dirts Ion pt Caiitir DUtrttL                                 3:00 today:    Football   Kispiox               Pftoat 4M             (be Xortb Skteaa l a-ir t c
  4 room, bath, 17 tin are E. 114
                                      Wnere located; AI tte bead or a braneb the conference of the Methodist vs. Kitimat.                                                             Use SAeena Atrer. e        .
  4 rum, bath, CIS ttb Are E lie
                                    vt Lime Creek abol lour mile froen tte                                                                                                           froot of Let osse ...: c  1:
  4 rocms Sit ttb Are.. W.                                               Cliureh
      furnished              lit    beacb on tbe xoctli ilde of Alice Arm.                                     8:00 p. in. Auction of produce                                         (117) Rante are i   a.     t-tb

                                      TAKE JfOTICE that I, Ceorre R. 5aden.                                                                               SHERIFF'S SALE                Cehunbta.
                                                                                                             for                        followed
  4 room  let tin Are, W.    110                                                                                  patriotie purposes,
                                    irec Miner CerUflcate Xa. 91094B. acUnr C. Turney, tt Lawn Hill     dis                                                                          Ajad Uke ne4ee that, a.'s-one
  4 room   07 stb Ae. E.      It
                           ..       m arent far Tao. McRoatle. Pree Miner                                    by distribution of prizes.    Com   IX THE    COU.1TT  COURT OF ATUX        mweui rrem tbe u:  . : ' r-
  I room, beta. 7U Are, W.    ft                                         trict of the (Jueen Charlotte Is
                                    ortiacate 5o. lllttB, and lame U llateb.                                                          their          IIOLDEX AT PRINCE RUrERT.       eaistn of tbla notice. 1 '
  4 room  lit ttb Are, E.     it                                                                             Potior    may   remove          ex.
                                    free Miner  Certificate .to. I79S4B. in                                                                        STEWAHT k                  PUNlUff.               1  ' ' -a ' O
  t room  701 ttb Are, W. .. lit                                         lands, got first prize for butter                                                     MOBLEY, LTD.,         wlU, ntseer Sertioe
  4 room  131 7th Are., E. .. III.  tend, (lxty diy frtm tbe date bereof, to at the Exhibition.              hlbits after 5 p. m. today.    The    i'lUNCE tlUPEHT IITDRil-ELECTRIC CO. So tbe MMttter ot 1 :  .. it

  4 room  Ml etn Are., E.    110    apply to tbe Minlnr Itecorder for a Certlfi                              fair will close as usual    with a        LTD., DefendanL                Ke In Uae CMj of t:aa. " r c n"
  t                   enool..       rate of liuprorement, for tne purpote of                                                                       By rlnue of a Warrant of EiecvUto, foe aM arte aad pla.' f '
    room apt. oppoclte       lit
  4 room   Prater 2t         Ill    "bulpfnt a Cronn Grant cf tbe  abore   Mr.    Geo. Gebhardl    has   re  grand barn-dance free to all. The Utued In tbta acilcn, and to me directed, aosiruci tbe M wharf
                                    rlatm.                                                                         has been                      I bare teiied of tbe rood of tbe Defendant, Bated at Prteee Rupert, B 13
    room MeMordie Apt        Ill                                         moved her dressmaking               floor            thoroughly gone
                                      And  furtber uke        tbal                                  parlors                                              tbe foilowlnr:                  ef
  3 room, forniibed, Mt Bride . I                       wtlce     action.                                                                                                            day    May, lilt.
                                    under tectlon It, mult be romDenced be from Cth Ave. to Suite 3, Clapp over and nil nails driven down so       too bbl. White's CemeoL                         noBEur i     iL

  Wt WRITE INSURANCE.    IF YOUR    fore tne Utoe tit o'b OrUBcate of Im        2nd                          (hat the dancing should be first      II Iron Wbeel-barrow.             mis-J 11.
                                                                         Block,      Ave.-               If.
  HOUSE IS VACANT LIST IT WITH      prortcoent.                                                                                                    I Polar Dietel Entine. 710 h. p.

  US.  WE CAN FILL IT FOR YOU.        Dated tnl tltb day cf Uareb. A D. tile                                 rate.                                 I Lot Drill Steel and Bar Iron.               LAND ACT
                                                  GEOROE a NADE.1.                                                                                 I Let Tool and FltUnrr.
                                                                           Thomas W. Watson,        of New                                                                           PfUNCE RUPERT LAND BIITSICT-I
                                                                                                                                                   I Ctom-cui Saw
                                                                         York, is in town on railroad busi            DEAR HALIBUT                 a carpenter' Adze.                     TRICT OF COAIT, RASli
    H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD                                                                                                                           I Lot wire cable (I-Inch).          TAKE aOTICE tbat i a ; : '- i1
                                       pntinnrrr nuiutirv ninnvp       i ness for the commission which          Four small schooners brought                                          r Vaneassrer. British "X. :-''
                                                                                                                                                   I Dlapbram Pump, IVi Rotary Tump.
                                                                         was recently appointed.             in a carload of halibut between       I Safe. I Hell-top Deck, S Flllnr Cabinet kH asHl paper mek. - t iczl ' W

                                                                                                                                                     and other roods, all of which, or tuf-Dcleol for porralMtoa to pur lis 3,J
                                       SO   Cents  per ft.  F. O. B.                                         them    yesterday and    there was        to pay tbe Judrmenl and coat. described land, c is - 'af

                                                                           Wm. Crosby,     the well known keen competition for it amongst I snail offer for sale by Public Auction planted on tbe north Uok ' loers f

                                               Prince Rupert                                                                                     for casb on Monday tbe 11 lb day of Sep abotii m Quarter .-r a c 3 W l
                                                                         mining        left this morning for
           WANTED                                                                man,                        the buyers.    It went to the Pa
                                       Concrete Works, McBrlde St.                                                                               trnibrr. ttl, at t:t0 o'doclfln the afternoon, tma tbe re of nu ll t : -north

                                                                         Skecna   Mountain to do assess      cific Fisheries at 10 H cents. The       at tbe Court House, prince RuperL    twenty ehain. .   tack,' v
                                                                                                                                                                                     tbaln. thiare south t r t i
     Experienced Bridge men.                                             ment work on his property.          record price paid here is 10 V      Inrenlory Itln. will be ready on Saturday, Sept. aloat sker ta a

   Track men. Tracklayers and                                                                                                                                                                             aca t
   General Construction Laborers                                                                                                                   Dated at Prince Rupert B. C Septem-ter petei or ommeaKemeDi
       to Join the 239th Battalion,                                         Rev. J. II. Matthews, of Hartley                                         Itln, 1916.                     forty (IS. sere. ni r. r u.
                                                                                                                                                                   J0II.1            Dated Jsc Itth. li-
            Overseas     Hallway      You are warned by a saiiow aim, dull Hay, and  Ilev. C. Lancaster, of                                                              SHIRLEY,             PAOF1C Kins.
                                                                                                                                                           Sheriff of tbe County of AUln.
   Construction                                                                                                  B. C, UNDERTAKERS
                  Corps.              eye, biiiousntss, and that gioucby Ocean                                                                                                                   by "Mark Smit,
                                                                                 Falls,     here
                                                                                        are       attending
     Drafts leaving Vancouver,        f.elfng. Act promptly. Stimulate your                                                                                                                                       m

   U. C.. for Valcartler, P. Q.,       rer   remove the dogging waktea   the Methodist District meeting.        tUNERAL DIRECTORS ANO tM-SALWf   aer                                 SklBHA LA.1D DIST1U' i C
   weekly.                                            digestive organs are
                                             sure your                                                                                                                                         COAST.
      lie attested and forward        working right and-when needed-take                                              RS   SATISFACTION AiiAR.            ANNOUNCEMENT

   papers to Vancouver,      and                                            Harry Killas, of Killas Bros        ANTECO OPEN OAT ANO MOKT                       .                   9
   transportation will    be  arranged                                                                            117 2ND STREET   PHONE 41                                            TAKE oettce that oe-fit
           at once.                    BEECHAM'S anrl Billy Georgalas, are opening                                                                     James    G. Steen     and     kentle, of Prwee Rupert. B. Jr

      Bend all communications                                            n restaurant in the store form                             incsranjtfu      Walter    Longwill     have     enrineee, Inteads to an JrL.
   to: Ofllcer commanding',                                                                                                                                                          M lease tbe foUowmi dc;      0(

       230th Battalion. C. K. F.               PILLS                     erly occupied by Demers on Third     KIENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT Or        formed a partnership In           Cvmmeitelei it  l 5t    lunit 1

         175 Cordova St., W.                                             Avenue.                                       COAST, RANQE 4.                                               N.E.rn.rorT.L          ,
                                                                                                                                                     plumbing, steam heatl
             Vancouver, B. C,                                                                                  TAKE NOTICE that Frederick bradtnaw                            g,     Coast District, rorruu

                                       Lm    Sua f Aar M     U it-VcU.                                       of ioiMJpah, Ktrada, occupation mlue man- roofing, etc.                 awulh IS chain. lh-'9
                                         ixtid marrwBM. la.     mu.         There was quite a number of iter. Intend     to apply lor penuualoa to                                   tbence north 0 chains in -   v
                                                                                                                                                       Ship plumbing and rheet                           sh rt w
                                                                         Indians in the police court yes.    piirctut tbe rolloulnr described land:                                  south MSterly follow 'l      W
                                                                                                               coriuncDdnf at a poll planted alxiul  metal work will bo .1 spec-     point of ooinmencenicni; '
                                                                         terday on charges of drunkeness     100 feet eaaterly from tbe nortbwttt cor                                acres more or less.     u-kiJE

                                                                         The fines ran from 15 to 810 ant    ner of Lot 40. nanre 4, Coait Dlitrlel. laity with tho new firm of               GEOROE in      '

                                                                                                              hence nortb 10 cbaln; tbence well to     STEEN A LONQWILL
     FRED           STORK'S                HARDWARE                      costs.                              chain) tbence aoutb to chain more or
                                                                                                                                                     Phono 5.
                                                                                                             lei  to tne snore or Burr Inlet, thrnr              Night  phonet,         PHONE 93      P.  - BW"
                                                                                                             fullottlor tbe bor loe to tbe place of 4 S76 nnil Blue 970.
                                                                            Mrs. George Benttie, of Queen
                                                                                                             cofiiiurnceineni, containioi forty acre                                              CARTAGE
                           710 SECOND AVE                                Charlotte City, Is visiting in the more or lei.                                                                PACIFIC
                                                                                                             February II. lilt.
                                                                         city.  Mrs. Bealtle will leave
    Carpenters' Tools     Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery                                              on            FREDERICK BIUDIHAW                               peea
                                                                         an extended visit south                                                                                          Tmncfpr and Storage
                                                                                                  on Saturday
     Wire Cable           Steel Blooks          Fishing Taokl
                                                                                                             Prince Ruptrt Land oittrlcU Olttrlct ol LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS
     Iron Pipe            Pipe Fittings         filflee and Shotguns          morning.                                  Ooaat, Rang a.                                                  BEST LUMP A "UT COAL

     Rope                 Valves                Ammunition                            t                        TAKE NOTICE that tbt Faelnc Mills.            HOTEL

                                                                            The Indian exhibit at the fair Limited, of Vancouver. B. c... rrniuii.     IS HOW QPEfl TO QUESTS-
                          Hose                  Paint                                                                                                                                                  WAITS
                                                                                                             pulp ar.d paper maker, Intend to                                                NO LONO
     Stoves and Ranges rtubbsrold Hoofing       Corrugated Iroi,         this year is the finest brought in i or perimuioa io purenxit tne followln doe of the larteit Hot Sprints In          SHORT WEIGHTS

                                                                         yet.  One of the most interest, described land:    Commenelnt  i          America, circumference too feel         NO

                  1 WE 8ELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST"                                                            planted at tne aoutneait corner of Lot tit Temperature of Water, 1 10 d. rahr. When You Order from
                                                                         ing displays is an assortment of
                                                                                                             on iiw hii tour or gouiln Inlet, thence
                                                                         native  halibut  hooks   inado   of vtoii o cnaini, tnenc tjutb to cbalni Eictlltnt Trout rishlno In Ustltt
                                                                                                             llwnce eail to (bore, thence nf,nh...-.iJ          Lakt.
  I                                                                      wood.                                lour inore to point of commencement   Phent Oonntctlent with Ttrrac.
                                           HARDWARE                                                          containing- ! acre, mora or leu.           RATISi .12.50 pte day.             ADVKRTISEIN

                                                                       i    Alex, Holmherg Is in tho city             I-AUFIC MILLS LIMITED,
  8                                                                                                                                                For further particulars, apply to
                                                                                                                              Hark Smaby.                                                                  News
                   ,                    ,                                from tho Queen Charlotto Islands. Dated May Ulh, a. D. to I ft. AuV U      i. BRUCE JOHNSTONE. Manaatf.      The Daily