The Daily News for VII. NOM3. PRINCE RUPERT, H. 0. SATURDAY. SEPTEMBER 23, 1910. PRICK FIVE CENT? DD li'Si CAPTi Era TWO 1L9 1 MB OF IkENCHES ALLIES TIGHTEN SHIPPING CONTROL - FRENCH AND SERBIANS ARE ADVANCING BRITISH HAVE SERBIANS AND ALLIES EXTEND VICTORIA MAY JOE'S PROPHECY STRAIGHTENED FRENCH GAIN MEASURES FOR BE LINKED WITH We liavo been asked by so many people as to Joe's THE SOMME LINE IN MACEDONIA prophecy prior to the election that we herewith reproduce it. CONTROL OF SEA THE MAINLAND It was sent to the "Conservative leaders" of Bella Goola and other points along the coast and on the Islands. 1 Two Lines of German Trenches Berlin Reports Mackenzen has ' Prince llupert, September 13, 1010. Will 8eek to Prevent Depletion Dream of Twenty Years May Yet Taken says Halfl Oermans Forced Russians and Rumanians "Never in provincial campaign dufch encouraging reports of Tonnage French Submarine be Realized Canadian and Lost Thousands Twelve to Retreat German Submarine received parly's success, Liberals final rally here was a frost, Sunk Struma British Rail and Million Shells. was Sunk. audience less hundred and fifty l'remier wires us heis delighted Bombarded. Ship Combine. with the loyal support accorded him throughout the TT- (Special to TDe news.) Special to The Dally News.) Daily P III to Tlie Dilljr news.) (Special to The Dally News. province, and absolutely assured of sweeping victory. Soldiers I, Jon, Sept. 23. General Sir Paris, Sept. 23. The French report ninety.per cent, voted for government. William Manon London, Sept. 23, In order lo Victoria, Sept. 23. A Royal Ik-ias llalg announces that the nd Serbians, on the left wing of certain of handsome majority. However, let us not fail from prevent the depletion of world's Commission, which has been appointed ovcrconlidence but work unceasingly until last vote is polled. shipping tonnage, as a result of Itntish lmo at Martlnpiiich, oa the Afties in the Iialkan campaign to consider the question J. E. MEilllYFIELlj. the submarino operations of tho the Suinme front has been continue to advance In Mace- of Imperial defence, emphasizes stiaiglitened out for a distance onia. Fiorina is now entirely in Central Powers, tho Allies are increasing the importance of bridging tho ,,t two miles by the capture of le hands of the French and the their measures for the Seymour Narrows in order to connect T. D. PATTULLO MADE FISHERMEN WILL control of shipping. They claim tv ; lines of German trenches. Unitarians around Monastir are Vancouver Island with the Heavy German Loss. it a precarious position. FAIR PRESENTATIONS PETITION PREMIER that it is. unreasonable to expect mainland, with a view to protecting If & ..lllcially reported that the Berlin Reports.. that coal sTiould be expended and the continental shore lino and Hi if sh and French have captured Berlin, Sept. 23, General Von At the close of the Exhibition The fishermen in this district other facilities given for the Us transcontinental railways. fiffv uve thousand eight hundred Mackenzen's encircling move carrying of merchandise for The bridging of those narrows ast night, T. D. Pattullo, M. L. are gelling up a petition for black-listed i -Miier.on tho Sommo front bo-twern ment has broken the resistance of firms. has long been a dream of the for Prince Rupert, presented presentation to Sir Robert Iiorden French Submarine Sunk. July 1st, when tho great the Russians and Rumanians, on people of this city and the change and September the cups and medals to the suc in regard to the control of the Paris, Sept. 23 An Austrian would have tremendous (i(lc:,s vc began, their line from the Danube to the commer 18lli. Illack Sea, and they have been cessful competitors. He con fishing industry on this coast by aeroplane has succeeded in sink cial signlficanco to Victoria, as Twelve Million Shells. compelled to retreat. gratulated the association on tho Orientals. The following is a ing a French submarine. well as making for a stronger A war correspondent with the The German admiralty reports uccess of the fair and tho grow- draft of the petition which is being Struma Bombarded. coastal defejico. New Zealand contingent on the that a German submarine sank, taken around for signature London, Sept- 23. British war Shipping Combine. rs on tno excellence ui me ex s v.. from estimates tnai me oiiiplelcly filled with water, in by the fishermen and citizens ships have bombarded the Bui London, Sept. 23, It Is stated hibits sent in. garian positions at the mouth of 1 Ei it 3 la army preceded its recent forty-three seconds after being generally: on good authority that a Canadian The Dcwar Cup for the best the River Struma. The Struma a: jrv fluent tu this front by an in colljsion with a hostile transport Prince Rupert, Sept. 23, 191C. railway company and British agricultural display, won by tho enters tbo Gulf of Contessa in the (is ...iuiro of twelve million in the Mediterranean. "o the Right Hon. Wr Robert shipping companies may establish Cast Coast of Graham Island, was Aegean Sea, northeast of Saloniki. a combino for the The terrific fualladc cornicle No Conscription. Iiorden, Ottawa. purpose wiped out tho enemy defences Montreal, Sept. 23, Hon. T. C. iresented to Mr. Austin Richard Dear Sir: Whereas the fishing of providing a fast trdns-Atlantfc Casgrain, Postmaster-General, In son. Industry of the North Pacific CANADIANS LUMBERING steamship service between Liverpool IN SCOTTISH FORESTS Tho cup forvthe best district the hands of and the Dominion of Canada. ddrosslng a patriotic rally on waters is largely in OLD-TIME DANCE behalf of tho Jewish overseas display of fruit went to Fred Holi Oriental fishermen and as time The need for timber is duo not raft, declared that Canada will er for tho Kltsumkalum-Lakelse goes on the fishing trade will Income, only to tho scant supply corning BUSH FIRES Afte had been clear the tables district. have no conscription. more and more under the from Baltic countries, but also to ed the Exhibition Duild-ii (Special to The Daily .tews.) aw.y in Silver for poultry display, cup control of these people we, tho the demand for it at the seat of ? la I night, an old-time barn Spirit River, OnU Sept. 23. Hazelton. II. Mosley, by and citi- MR. WOODLAND HEARS won undersigned fishermen war. In consequence a call has la;; - in . The Kitl-maul Tho bush fires which have already was engaged by Wark Football won FROM SIR GEO. E. FOSTER Cup, ens of Northern British Colum been made on the rorests of Scotland, nand played tho opening, cleared about Tour hundred Kitimat Indians. the Hon- bia, respectfully petition which they are meeting. and then way' to the square miles oT timber land aro I'i gave G. A. Woodland, vice-president Cup for baseball team, won by urablc the Premier to enact such The..government have selected a r. heslra, which gave of Trade, has re tho Colts of Prince Rupert. will prohibit abso- now devastating the White Mountain f Hie Hoard of egislatton as largo area of timber on tho Dar- iU i: The floor was thronged ceived the following letter from Cup for heaviest baby, won by ulely tho employment of Orien naway and Cawdor estates, and settlement. with anccrs while there were III. Hon. Sir George E. Foster: Haby Foster. tals in the taking and handling of formed a body of Canadians to at.- hundreds of onlookers. Hugh Paton, one oi the direct any S. S. l'rince llupert, Sept. 18 Cup for heaviest baby under fish in these waters so that the carry out the work. These men .c Frizzell acted ns M. O. ors or tho Royal Bank and a well ear Mr. Woodland, one year, won by Eaby Jacobsen. white race and native Indians are have been selected from the var and i ; had a good time. Wo nre not sorry that wo had Cup for twins, won by tho Mc enabled to handle this industry. ious divisions of the Canadian known eastern financier, arrived Irom Montreal last evening, accompanied otiger at l'rince llupert than was Cartney twins. We, your petitioners, will ever contingent for their knowledge by Mrs. Paton. They FOOTBALL originally anticipated and we are Medal for twins, won by the pray. and experience in Umber cutting were met here by Mr. Doherty. glad that wo had the oppor Humphrey Dayey twins. and A for ery saw-milling. camp In 'lie final gamo of tho football They left for the south this morn ' tunity of studying your conut Medal given by tho Canadian 8TRIKE ENDED three hundred men has been set tition af :npi played yesterday ing. " lions at first hand. My colleagues Hank of Commerco for best col up at Broadshaw, on tho southern it the Minimal team ran '' and I are greatly Indebted to lection of fruit, won by Mrs. (Special to TIm Dally News.) edse of the Cawdor estate,' and Winners over tho boys from Arthur Spurr Is on tho sick list, K ST! 3C 1)V 3 cnnls In 1. ourself; to Mr. Johnston.; to Mr. Johnson, of Terrace. Fort Frances, Ont., Sept. :;3.- these men aro to clear tho tim having been laid low yesterday Mortimer, and to the members or Medal given by Canadian Hank I'lie striko amongst- the employ ber to Ciilloden,-u distance or be with morning rather suddenly Tin- thu I'rinco HupVrt Hoard of Trade of Commerce for best five pounds ees or the pulp and paper mills tween fifteen and twenty miles. drawings at the Exhibition what appears to bo an attack or ye-H.-day for tho kind welcome accorded to of butter, won by Charles Turney, here has now been settled, much At present only a small saw amounted lo $285, appendicitis. His many Mends "! us. Wo feel that wo have ac- of Queen Charlottes. to the relief of publishers in mill is running, drivon by a largo - k a total or 851.85. The col wish him a complete and speedy . '' lation is nlinni 9nn more luired much valuable informa Medal for best fisheries the cast. traction engine removed from its His s about $150 better than tion as to tho resources of l'rince lection, won by Charles M. Harri wheels. Tho timber cut is all bo. recovery. la t year. llupert and tho district served by son, of Massctt. QUAKER WINNER lug used to prepare tho camp, and Stewart Kilpatrick arrived last the Grand Trunk Pacific Hallway. Medal for best commercial dis a largo Canadian mill outfit Is bo from London, England. mi- ladies of the lied Gross Yours very truly, play, won by F. O. Dawson. Mrs. C. E. Johnson, 410 8th lug built. evening Is tho staff of Mr. Kilpatrick on IP V fifir.iA.I nK..I A In, 1... (Signed) GEORGE E. lUSTl.ii Medal for best cannery exhibit, Avenue, West, was the fortuuato The wood being cut Is 05 years there and tho Bank of Montreal tas and lunches during G. A. Woodland, Esq., iioaru oi wmi by Robt. Johnson, of Inver winner of tho 08-pound sack of old, and compares well with Can U hero business. This over on I'm three days of tho Exhibition Trade, I'rinco Rupert, H. L, ness Cannery. Quaker Flour offered freo by tho adian timber. The men say that is his first visit home in four ' t about $150 better than last Medal for host collection of G. W. Nickerson Company at the it is similar in growth to what ar NEW YORK STRIKE minerals, won by Surf Inlet Exhibition. is being cut in Eastern Canada, years. mines. but is of harder fibre. (Special to The Dtlly Hews.) Medal for best shipping mine. SUN AND TIDE The prizes for tho band contest n" Mrs.T. II. Johnston, of Oilier camps of Canadians are 'l I t. Iftfl tnr. T.,.. ,1.1. New York, Sept. 23. Tho mem display, won by Granby mine. at work in Hosshlre. Tho North went to the Kltimaat Indians, i uiiviiitvrr nil" labor organl Gold medal Tor lead won by Sunday, September 21th. they lining tho only entrants. Tho """ ' t meet Mr. John-ton's bers of tho various ore, of Scotland Is lo bo swept of its unanimously agreet Allco Arm. Sun rises 0:12 a. in. Kitiinaat boys rendered magnifi t have brother who Is Jus nations timber, and In tho near future "I'H'Unu his to effect a general strike on Wed Medal for best collection of Sun sets 0: 3H p. ui. cent service during tho Exhibi first voyage as there must bo a great scarcity. :" ,r npprentico. nesday morning in sympathy with fancy work, won by Miss Doris Low water ... .5:tUa,m. lit. 5,0 Among the subjects to bo considered tion, and their splendid work i. railway men. Six bun- Campbell, of Telkwa. High water ..U:40a.m. lit. 18.0 brought forth many comments. after tho war will bo that of " 1'lgar. of tho Union Hank lied thousand men will bo in Medal for host water color, won Low water ....0:7 u. in. lit. 7.2 afforestation. Scotsman. .....ilitIT .i"l."'miners.... U snnn.llni. tl.n volvcd. by Mr. Tattorsall. High water ..11:53p.m. HL 18.7 1 LONDON CAFE "''entl in the city. Monday, September 25th. TRADE INCREASE F. K. Rochester, of Ottawa, As RAILWAY COMMISSION Sun rises 0:4 a. in. AND GRILL . - - NFYAI" " -UNQTON COAL slstnnt Comptroller of tho Post Sun sets ...0:30 p. m (Special to Tba Dally news) Third Avenue :; ,m; we i,Ve jt Glilcc Department, arlved In the (SperUI to The Dally Nwi.) I nur u-alnl. ft.I O n til III K 9 Ottawa, Sept. 23. Canada's Serves Nothing but the Best a shipment of 500 ton it., iu .iiuiit. He Is a brother. Edmonton, Sept, 23. Tho Rail High water ..12:17 p.m. lit. 10.0 total trade has Increased ono STRICTLY UNION HOUSE 11 III I -r veil... tit 0 ro llro.mriMi . III.,r W i v, iineliester-.-- and a cousin way Investigation Commission Low water ...0:30 p.m. lit. 0.1 hundred per cent, during tho past BOXES FOR LADIES winter's coal for you or Harry llochestor. passed through here yesterday. Captain Mcfleo, M. M8, A. five months.