1MB DA1L.I flKWB. I Of if. 1'C1DQ l.su iU.i 2,000,0001 burn inrr Belgians Depend on us froil-a-tiyes" Made Him Feel for Bread! As If Walking On Air .aaaaaaaa. Nov. 2311.. 19H. 0.,.ti0.tT , I was troubled Since shortly aftct the German invasion, the Belgian, two years, ,.Foro, f r . Prowsiness, I.atk cj have depended for food entirely on the "Commission itanSlhaiathti. One day I savr for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, 1 ' ,1 a wtilch foci liko read walking"FrulUtiu on air." even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only TliI fl vou to me, so I decided to three weeks they have had no chance to rais more S'Vl'x. ina very .hort U.ne,I and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I iL'( .jo.1-1! I"'''". relish everything Backed by the I f ii and tin lloadaehes aro gono ,af., K . I r. otrunond pleasant hMwduine to oil my PAN friends McLEAN. Belgian Relief Fund COc a box, Cfor $2.50, trial slxe, 25c. or: at postpaid by Fruit- 10 generously contributed in the Br ituh Empire and the United ili ROYAL all PARTY At i-I " INSPECTS MILITARY CONVALESCENT HOWE, votoran of the great war States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has Imported ativ (vns overlooked by the Duke of ( .niiaiiglit. the Duchess or Princess Patricia when they paid their enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation farewell visit to the Convalescent Homo for returned soldiers III Toronto. The photo, from left to far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in the country have been able to for their daily allowance of to right, shows: Duchess of pay Connaught, Princess Patricia, Duke of Connaught, Captain Finnemore btead but a steadily growing number have no money left. of the Princess Pats, Sir Henry Pellatt and other relumed soldiers. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the PRIZE WINNERS IN Irish work crochet Mrs. A Baal Leear SlmalaUea 1st, expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible FAIR COMPETITIONS Morte Craig; 2nd, Mrs. F. Hutton. someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Tl tin?. Ill COLD WATCH FREE, Filet crochet 1st, Mrs. W. J. month all this winter I lewnistiy 2v Continued From Page One. effw k atralgtitfamra from aHa&lMMo tmraoi Kirkpatrick; 2nd, Mrs. ,11. K. No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to contribute oQuality Irm.Walcha.Wa la ara UmbmiiiM elvine.war M 1st. Minnie I Jury; 2nd, Arthur Webster. generously as we Canadians! No cause haa ever been more world aanpla til m tlx Phillip:.. deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Hunwasty for Aged In Wood adrarttaamaat. Iom Tatting 1st, Mrs. T. E. the sake of self-respect let aO la raar hJM to Model drawing 1st, It. Oordon; our own ut gfre we caa to 8 Years Mala aoa. Wrtla Pringle; 2nd, Miss E. Ilriscoo. help our martyred Allies I BOW. aneloatllf M 2nd. Cherry Jan Tal. before bottling anta for ana of ear t.hloatU L.41.1' Map drawing, all ages 1st, Uardanger work 1st, Mrs. K. Scod yew tubocriptwat weekly, aiootWly is oaM kaeap mob la Local as lnf OoaMa. ar BY THE Pio'iacial die GUARANTEED Oara llbm, ant Johnson; 2nd, Mrs. Stockland. Commiuee.ee lo g COVERNM ENT of CANADA owrteM aaie la r J hn Kotos: 2nd, Minnie Howen. lik lha nvl,okltfe Central Executive Committee, 59 St Patar SL, Montreal ttimm vlll a vauhaa(. fiaa at Map drawing, under 12 years Lace 1st, Mrs, A. E. Campbell; tntKVX.m i frill.ieEKTn III i tvaruiloaa hoala roo la It.r-n). 1st, C. Duncan; 2nd, Doris Pat-tullo. 2nd, Miss Ii. F. Currie. $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. Ulan af aw oiamk teaa .Bar. we eiaan roa la uu pn- trtaoda Ladies' apparel 1st, Mrs. Med aboot aa aa allow thaai lha ba.atiialU.atek. Im I think IM alar toa ana to I ma. al m4 Salvation Army. a eoata a-4ar WUXJtM a4 .ia a rna VatHi. Taa Nature drawing 1st, Hoya dle; 2nd, Miss Irwin. will a jaa4. MOTS, Wl Public meetings, Tuerday, JmUaraUMa.lav,M,Caaeralie b.Uad. koad. Uoaan,a, Hailey; 2nd, Gladys Vicrick. Fancy quilts 1st, Mrs. E. Hell- Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m Picture of Kitchener A. Noel- iiiiinn; 2nd, .Mrs. diaries Lowe. Fnnrlavs nt 7 30 p. m. le. Home made rugs 1st, Miss CANADIAN WOMEN Ma Ledslroms 2nd, W. II. Leute. "The Union Jack" F.ssay on SHOULD KNOW THI S II. Davies; 2nd, Nellie Sox and stockings 1st, Mrs. " 1st, Nancy "CANADA FIRST Milk It the BEST Milk McDonald. A. Drown; 2nd, Hy. Smith. sold by Your Croccr. The Government Bulletin N j.30S t ells the story-IT COSTS THE SAME. Knitted shawls This Fancy Work. 1st, Mrs. Mor-rissey; Superior Candlcshades 1st, Mrs. V. D. 2nd, Mrs. A. Drown. cuiiki aiei reoeucT-lNSiST If)roa want whipped ereim.chf ll"Caoa do Finl"Enporited Vance; 2nd, Mrs. Morte Craig. Fancy work, under 14 years then whip et with frcih cie.m. Doilies (crochet) lt, Mrs. W. 1st, Mabel Vierick; 2nd, M. Mc-Itac. Tmb AYLMKR CONDENSED MILKCO..Ltd. COFFEE ATLaica,Oht.,Canada I). Vance; 2nd Miss K. A. Jenns. Doilies (embroidered) Mrs. Fancy work, best exhibit Miss II. Atkins; 2nd, Mrs. Stockland. D. M. Campbell. As Its neme Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. Handkerchiefs (embroidered 1 It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and 1st Mrs. Morrow; 2nd, Mrs. II. invigorating cup of coffee. Atkins. r Tray Cloths 1st, Mrs. Cum-mings; 2nd, Miss Kilpatrick. Tea Cloths 1st, Miss I.. Thain AT ALL GOOD GROCERS 2nd, Mrs. Morte Craig. $0.45 per lb. Lunch cloths, with G napkins Threelghtyforcea 1st, Mrs. v. J. Kirkpatnck; WM. BRAID & CO., VANCOUVER DIRECT IMPORTERS B.C, 2nd,Tablo Mrs.cloth,P. W.with Anderson.C napkins Close Link Stewart A Hosier, Ltd., Wholeeele Distributor", Prince Rupert. 1st, Miss Du Vernet. Hod spread Mrs. Ncwick. Tablo cover, silk embroidered 1st, Mrs. Stockland; 2nd, -Mrs. Leute. Tablo cover, white work 1st, Ramsay's Mrs. D. Fotos; 2nd, Mrs. I). II. McDonald. Centrepiece, silk embroidered Have you ever noted how an audience Empire Cream Sodas 2nd,1st.Mrs.Miss Stockland.M. V.-McLenaghen: yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? Centrepiece, white work 1st, On the other hand, have you noted how an audience Miss L. K. King; 2nd, Mrs. K. will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-lb. Tins Johnson. the speaker reveals enthusiasm? Towels 1st, Miss F.. Ilriscoo; Hive attained their enviable reputation by their superior 2nd, Mrs. Neddie. Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife Photo frnmes Mrs. Stockland. impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Insists upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Soda Sofa pillow 1st, Mrs. Morto Biscuits. Craig; 2nd, Miss L. M. F.llett. deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply Pin cushion 1st, Miss Mc- This applies to the written word also particularly 2nd, Mrs. Morto Craig. I.enaghon; frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means "'apneas. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really Coagttiig scatters believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove it by buying a tin with your next order. serai Stop it 1 inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by will be contagious his audience tho Coogblng Incremate the RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Irritation mncnooj of the membrane already Inflamed readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, and la moreover apt to carry "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, B. O. diaeaae to other. Matbieu'a Syrup of Tar and Cod Liver Oil promptly atore To be convincing an advertisement coughing, ana eoon, thanks to its tonic propertiea,effects must convey an unmistakable a cure. permanent The wonderful popularity impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your of and Matbieu'a od Liver Odia Syrup specially of Tar will only do when the article doe to It great value as a Gasoline or Distillate permanent healer.long and bronchial advertised has inherent worth. Bold ereTTTrhera, 5C larga bottle. Thus we have: and uVDk.?1nran.t50 10 " you 25 pt-r cent, on gasoline or distillate 'ww motor from CAUHON troubles. A seven ounce J. t MATBIEC CO,lrep, Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: 9t UrteT0'11 c1"'valcnt io t0 gallon, of gaaoUne., Lvcry box SHaT lira)aha. 1.Q. ar I ai il.1 aa. VaAaW, "wan l and icive from fn hi 1 II 11 an oalM aloi mm la. m o Three mighty forces, close-linked. Carbonvoid puts the Jitional miles. aaMa.aap oaal aw i aaaa.toa a aOti.m j atoa im . 2 Ubonv.na powder -MS is a Ury you rtK'i-..ihe "GO" Gasoline tankT Will in : ro-from ITIUVi.oll .-1 : cylinders. are J.it I"! tutimtn tali vtr jur Jprtlilt prUmt with $k AJvtrhilmf Drpartm! u THKALIJUSOKUKKliU tf Ikit mtwtfiaptr. l If fit ar dalt a provincial er mtlitmal butimm it wtulj ht mil fir IN Jl'ul"t,L0,(,!!panle 1,1 e world use yen f Aur Me raaeiW and aithlamtt a eeaf uJvtrtitint afiaty. A IUI af Iktu "rantcea r or vnm..iiiy,t,-j Ainuna,(ci UllUI-VJi ji previous i,l,lv.M.v iii..i oruur.nvwheroon receipt OIJI.DK Shfpyour FREE will bt fnrnUktJ, witktat ml ar akliialita, h tk Snrilary af Canadian - - - ri Ow .Trascvan Uate. Prtn Auaciatitu. Rum $03, ImmtJtm BnlUiaf, TtnnH. Vrm Cola ftnlv tlV FURS Geo. Vrlnce Ruper ' ' wVfco kW,toUraaa . Clayton, - to JOHN HALLAM LIMITED I r lies K. to TORONTO