4 i ‘ fy Ny } é i | a ) oe ee aS Rig se Ree | i Pl ‘ tai th i \y HH i ow _ THE DAILY NEWS The Daily News Forinerly The Princ: Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND, WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAILy, 50¢ per month, or $6.00 per year, in advance. WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OuTsipe CaNnADA—Daily, $8.00 per year; Weekly, $2.50 per year, ttrictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —3i0 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates HEAD UFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New YorK—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. ag ENGLAND —The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar are, “‘The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a keeper of the public conscience.’’—Henry Watterson. all DAILY EDITION. ORE WEDNESDAY, May 3 THE SPIRI OF THE PRESS The unfamiliar sight of a newspaper, the Inland Colonist of Kitselas, printed on light brown paper of more than usual thickness, and the editorial explanation that ‘‘owing to the lack of newsprint in town, the paper is being printed on wrapping paper supplied by local tradesmen” makes us pause to pay a tributejto the Spirit that will not be beaten. It is the spirit that has made the West; a spirit that has been richly exemplified by the pioneer newspapermen of British Columbia and the prairie provinces. In proportion to its population Canada has more¥newspapers than any country in the world. It is a fact to be read into the other fact of Canada’s great development. The newspaper is a necessity to development. Nothing helps a town more internally, nor advertises it more effectively to the outside world than a well conducted news- paper. Fer instance an English school mistress with interests in Prince Rupert writes to the Daily News this week, and tel!s of reading to her class a story of the castaways on Zayas Island in an Optimist of two or three months ago; a subscriber in York, England, tells of how the paper is passed round among a circle of friends; a story of the exploits of a Graham Island settler on his way to his pre-emption brings an inquiry from Virginia about Graham Island. The wide- awakeness of the frontier newspaper, puts to shame the hundreds of towns in Great Britain with from 5,000 to 15,000 inhabitancs who cannot support a local newspaper. Getting out a newspaper on the frontier is a very different matter to getting out a newspaper in a city block with a paper factory at one end and a machine shop and type foundry in the basement. It was the editor of the Inland Colonist we think who entertained his readers last fall with a harrowing tale of his troubles with a broken chase. In a city not one man in a thousand knows what a chase is; in Kitselas every man, woman and child has a personal knowledge of and regard for the source of the Colonist’s trouble. Every time the monkey wrench drops into the press and gets run over by accident every man, woman and child in Kitselas goes into mourning with the editor. And this Spirit that Will not Down, this spirit that runs the edition off on wrapping paper rather than be beaten, affects a whole community. It inspires others to share in the sacrifice. Many a man in Kitselas this winter has carried home his new suit of cluthes| over his arm, saying: ‘‘Never mind wrapping it up. Send the wrapper | over to the Colonist instead,with my compliments.'’ Many a woman has stayed up late at nights hunting up wrappers from parcels and smoothing them out for the press. Getting out those brown paper editions has become a communal feature, something in which everyone Fruit : Produce : Feed WHOLESALE H. H. eens, - 3rd Ave. F OR SALE Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1. $3000, 25, pet cent. cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent. GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C, (; ROCHESTER re MONROE aerocuin ~* COAL 4 * ee an el i Northern Produce Co’y. WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Send for our Weekly Price List PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN SHIPPING ORDERS Phone 151 - Phone 151i Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET Newly Furnished 1 and Steam | Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING kOOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP BATHS FREE TO GUESTS ROBT. ASHLAND * P.O. BOX 37 New Knox in Kitselas could lend a hand or a sheet of paper. The spirit that prints the edition on brown paper of various shades, | is the spirit that conquers. It is the spirit that has built up the West. It is something to boast of. So with a feeling of genuine regret we! read in the last edition the editor’s announcement that he intends to move his plant and energies to Telkwa—a place he announces in| |BESNER & BESNER, | Hotel [PROPKIETOXKS The New plan. First-class service. Improvements. Knox Hotel is runeon the Kuropean All the Latest Modern BEDS Sc UP FIRST AVENUE. PRINCE RUPERT | capitals, ‘‘where every man is a born booster.” ‘ Is this latter a sly dig at Kitselas? NOTES AND COMMENTS The obstructionists who talk with delight of the pleasure they | will have keeping the House in session during the hot summer months, | forget that Parliament Hill is just as hot for obstructionists as for any | folk in the merry month of June. pe A man has recently been arrested in San Francisco for walking | through the streets carrying a placard stating: suppert I want work. Who will give mea job?’ Is it so much worse ito advertise one’s need for work, than one's} need for purchasers of cigars, or bread, or whisky? “T have a family to| The men who are trying to convince the people of Canada that} they can make themscives rich by keeping taxes on their food ought} to try and convince their audiences that it is possible for a man to iift himself by his bootstraps. There's a similarity in the propositions. PBDI LD LPAI IW H GF ows Mr. Non-Resident: roan enronrin SESOOooy When You Think of Real Estate THINK OF US Write us regarding your Prince Rupert holdings. We will be pleased at all times to keep you posted as to the Realty market here. “ A Guarantee of Value Received.” Why not have us look after your important property ? | VOOSOUoD . M. Helgerson, Ltd. PRINCE RUPERT REAL ESTATE RENTALS HELGERSON BLOCK Advertise in The Daily News rin | urmiture Coy’s ASSIGNMENT Sale is Still Going on NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED “nee IN THE Pool Block, 3rd Ave. Between 7th and 8th C.B. Lockhart, Assignee MUSINGS <==—=—=BY MACK—== Such well Haunted by a word. the dreadful fate of a very known and highly respected fellow citizen, a san who has been with} the city since it was a shack, to speak, just like the Fado in| who owned his wagon since was a barrow. It is not the word itself that is so dreadful, it is its grim persistence. Unlike the ghosts that come in the still, chill hours ol night, this spectre word comes to its victim by day, It the morning with the It comes at noon, Jt comes softly with the gathering shadows of twilight. Even in the kindly lamp-light upon the festive board the hauiting word has made its dreary presence felt. comes in sunshine ts victim, erstwhile cheerful presence, of repute raconteur, and with a vein of dry humor sometimes cutting, but not merciless, is becom)ag visibly af- fected by the troublesome visi- tation. In the midst of a conver- sation, let that word but slip out for an instant, ay, in the veriest whisper, and a_ change comes over the man. A weary expression takes hold of his featur- His voice loses of manly music, becomes vexed and as a even es. some protest. That word taboo, but even the most watchful among the victim's friends have failed to preserve the taboo per- fect. Out slips the sorry and its melancholy echo is hard to forget. So the victim still suffers. To him the sound of the word is like the stirring up of an ancient wrong, like the of a brand upon the ‘athlete in the hour of his triumph, | liike the intrusion of the old love} hen getting nicely with the new. It is a cruel! sort of apparition this haunting word, and the plaint of its victim is the most pity-awakening sound in Prince Rupert. For all} in the same laying bare shoulder of an just Ww you are | today | }men are not cast in out the word ignorance trot | thinking to compliment its hapless | there are who A. sap jiearer, Others |bring it out inadvertentiy. parently the last hope |haunted fellow citizen lies in flight. for our | ona | What the dismal set of syl- 1s lables that when articulated exhales | an influence so gloomy, a miasma| Curiously to with a bitter? syllables sweetly so broodingly enough those some men’s ears sing | There men who striven with a great ambition to} the word for their own ghost. Could they but that ambition how tenderly they not cherish the haunt- are even have family lattain | i would How they wouid i cherish For the jword is none other than the word |ALDERMAN, and with a little you may find hidden jthis column the name the jhaunted man himself. When you |kuow him you will surely spare ing me ‘lody of it. its very echo. i search of | | ee Grand Hotel... WORKINGMAN’S HOME | Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c Reoms 50c J. GOODMAN, Proprietor «CASH... $337.50 and $43.75 payable October 30th, 1911 and $43,756 payable October 30th, 1912 will secure either of these lots Lots 13:14 Block 8 Section 7 We are agents for the old reliable Phoenix, Liverpool and London and} Globe and British America Fire Insur- | ance Companies, Limited, § d Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C, is | it | a man ol, its! querulous, and is raised in troubled | should be term, | on} mould, and there are many who} | note of much-to-be desired dignity. | have | in | lhim at least your share in the} linfliction that so preys upon him. MACK, | BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY| G.R. NADEN COMPANY Yes; Some Good Printing Costs Too Much, Too The temptation to charge ‘‘stiff clase service, is alwaya natural, usually, For in all artisanship of the commonplace is pro- work is not apt to cost for it at some places It’s the same as with other good things. prices"’ for high class things, or high But it’s not always justifiable even nowadays the standard is higher the doom nounced, So that, as to printing. high grade you more than its still, you can pay owes than ut others—and this shop is on? of the ‘others.’ i a nell not worth ; “If a Man Deceives You Once, Shame on Him. If he Deceives You Twice, Shame on Yo," rd \wew TMUSSALLEM & COMPANY © (4 ,- .+-Good Fresh Groceries at City Prices..,,, CITY STAFF ALTERATIONS Resignation a Mr. F. S. ii. ents and Guy Tooker LIST OF PROMOTIONS City Engineer Makes Recom-) mendations Which are Being | Considered by the Council.| } | | { HAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER WE HANDLE ONLY THE WE SAVE YOU MONEY. US AND SEE WHY. LET US BEST. TRY Te Residents of Sections 5, 6, 7 and 8--We deliver promptly our goods are fresh, at prices not to be beaten in the city Telephone 228 Black MUSSALLEM & CO. Sth Ave. enst of McBride Raises Ail Round Yet a Sav- ing of $63. F. S. Clements and Guy Tooker have resigned their positions on | the city .engineering staff, and Be theirs resignations were acce pted | pe See apy ay PENG = by the council on Monday. As Ler PES aS ean 33 | da- |B iT principal assistant to Colonel Da- a , vis Mr. Clements has done con- | / h ] os 7 hi Y ‘| 1S tinuous and valuable work for} bs ose l e Ings ou ; ; the past year, since the city en-| ay —<—== , igineering department was estab- | 35 Need For Neat Dressing ; ‘ a il lished, and Mr. Tooker has been a |} . Ss valued assistant. io ‘ . These resignations have made it | > In our large catalogce you will find, illustrated, a ae oe ind — i oe Ms 3 of those indispensible little things which every neat - | Crake Out: searrengencey se S dressed lady uses, Lace Pins, Safety Fins, Yeiling . staff providing for increases ol = Brooches and Necklets in plain gold, enamel, gem set salary for a number of men, but} x or silver. All orders sent at our risk prepa } leffecting a saving on the pay roll | 3® and money refunded if not satisfactory. ~ ae | of $63.34. Following are the || ( | | | changes recommended by the City | | Ay! ‘ HENRY BIRKS & SONS, Limited | Engineer: A. S. B. Lucas, now chief drafts. | man to be principal assistant lengineer at a salary of 3175 pe "i Jewellers and Silversmiths ; 740% | iS 1 increase of $25. KY : p : : ieee AC AES “ IEEE 3 GEO. E. TROREY, Managing Director Vancouver, B . Simpson, to be chic a (2 : ary of $108.33 per! Aa fae er Ae ieee) ee, ee man at a salary of 31 ane oe Ere CER ernest Cat COLES Ps Xe A733 ! | month, an increase of $8.33. hess ie second be $125 Heward to engineer ai ol $25. A. fee assistant per | L B We Will Not Sgend Morey Ad. vertising anything bu! Real Bargains month, an increase | Oakley to have an increase of $2 WANTED} ce BE eer a aking his salary $150 per m< ah | J. A. Miller increase from $100 to $125 per month. C. H. P. New- A local representative is wanted for a territory tributary to Prince 1ith Ave. and Brian St |combe raisse from $100 to $108.33 Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri st a will har | per month, and A. W. M« Knight gated nursery stoc k grown by the aan eal $21" raise from $90 to $100 per month, Oregon Nursery Company, Oren ean make a qu co, Oreyon. Liberal terms. Party a emali investm« , K $$$%-—will be mad: fortunate invest we are offering 6 $500 cash w it and we can pr it is a snap Near Sth Ave. and Emmerton Pie ‘ must come well recommended BORDEN ST. SEWER DOWD WOOO OOO OOO OOOO mee eee es ADDRESS eerere ree Need for This Local Impreve- ment Pointed Out Oregon Nursery Company ’ o $300— Cash handles Residents of Borden street had Orenco regen best buys ir | | id right on the } arranged that a deputation shoul: nearly all of t }wait on the city council Monday aeisenoes h : ; retty Inight to request that a sewer be |\@—*—*-#—@-@ — @—4@—-#-@—-¢ e Side akcep. $1) constructed under the Local Im-/|¢ * Sth Ave., Near Lmanuel Place : told . } $183. /5—Down on a $ provement System to serve this « . ate gant Gove residential district. Several mem- General Hardware | id investment : | cated, bers of the deputation were un-|4 | Cen ae Cl Lemar Ploce a | 2 > 9 4g - ¢ . 1 © . " lable to attend but Mr. W. E. | juilders’ Hardware 1 | $500 Cash naneres “ ) |Williams, and Mr. Thomas Mc-| Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves ¢| dae Pant he Clymont attended. Mr. Williams @ Graniteware Tinware +) peeer 7 of t . . ' uys in Lown, be made the request pointing out the |4 $ vestment it increasing improvements in this), SECOND - AVENUE ¢ oe see SI et, o% fe ee a itn ate w the swer | } uarters listrict which render the se WOE |), - acne ethinidh ik elated we json Rows Busines Quarter : an advantage, and Mr. McCly-,;. Seo Per Mon building 26x40 n and 6th Sts., 5 for warehouse, ter shop, plum! tinsmith. Houston is the Plece for Yow $50 to $400 a lot will place in on this new Grand | townsite iocated ce aia of Pleasant which is the cream Bulkley Valley. Law-Butler Co. |mont suggested that the engineer- nil eer me er re ling problem was practically lowing to the nature of the ground. | e e' |The matter is left with the streets | | committee. ve Crazed With Care | | In charge of Mrs. Hoy who is| connected with the Salvation Army \ Se ee ee ee ae |Mrs. Cass the poor woman whose | } ) |mind has become deranged, was | Reaumarchand Real arate od Is ure sent te New W estminster by the A Pere Olive O8 j 5s ists ;eRsetta LLLLL LLL Princess May. j ee Pe 7a ae Late Navigation i Watch the Window / Information has been received PHENIX THEATRE (Under New Managemen 2M 2M Ah by J. H. Rogers, steamship agent here, that navigation on the White Horse and Yukon rivers will not open until about the middle of C H OR VUE i “oe é TO-NIGH }June. Lake Leby.~ge, however, is - | navigable. The pert Druggist Complete Change of Programm The past winter was an un- ] PHONE” 3:3 4 62 } — lusually severe one consequently perc Latest Pictures - Best Music the breaking up of the ice: this year is jlater than usual, S. O. E. B. S. GET THE HABIT EVERYBODY COME ABAwm AM Adults 25¢ - — Children 10¢ New Field Provincial Chief of Police Wynn left for Hazelton today to com- mence work in his new field, The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. $18, Sons of Bngland, meets the first and third Tuesdays in rey month in the Carpenters Hall, at & p.m, F, V. CLARK, See., P. 0, Box 812, Prince Rupert