DARING HELEN HOLMES The Daily News AT MAJESTIC THEATRE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Pablisncd Daily anil Weekly The Majestic Theatre was packed Guaranteed Largest Circulation lal night when n lino variety was screened. Helen IIKAD OFFICE of pictures Prince Il.G. Telephone 98. Holmes, in 'The Fight nt Signal Dally News Building, 3rd Ave, nupert, their drivo on Lutsk. However, probably tho big TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 50 cents per Inch. Contract every Berlin report of success Station," was rates on application. lately has been followed by a attraction, though tho other Items greater and more important Allied wero first-class. The Signal station DAILY EDITION K Thursday, October 5, 1010. success in tho same region and fight Is somo scrap and Miss this may be no exception. Holmes brings ofT nnothcr of AMBULANCE WORK of members, but of many who those daring feats which havo In G. T. Partington and Alick Shortly nflor tho outbreak (f havo not yet taken an Interest Stowell, Prince Rupert has given made her famous. On this occasion war a branch of St. John Am In this very essential work. two moro of her finest sons in she Jumps from tho arm bulanco Association was form In every walk of lifo there is the causo of liberty Tho hardest of a telegraph polo on to tho top od in the city and many ladies the possibility of n suddcu demand part is played by tho loved ones of a moving freight train. An nnd gentlemen took advantage for first aid. Out hunt who remain nt homo and bear all other thrilling moment Is when of the classes and graduated ing or boating, an accident tho anxieties of waiting and Scagrue, the villain, leaps from In first aid work. Now that the may happen at any moment watching for tho casualty lists, his horse on to tho cab of an cn-gino first rush of war excitement is with a doctov many miles away while they experience nono of the while it spins along. "Almost over, thcro is lessening of interest nnd a life may be at stake. counter-acting excitement of the a Widow" is an extremely amusing THE BEAUTY OF in this splendid work, First aid will stop tho bleeding fray, which keeps tho soldier from SUNLIGHT comedy in which a mouse which is regrettable. Ambu- from a wound; fix up a broken thinking for a moment that he is that every garment washed with it bears the plays an important part. -Tho lanco work is not necessarily limb comfortably so that tho s facing death. impress of purity; a purity begotten of sweet Mutual Weekly is newsy nnd In cleansing oils, nnd maintained by absolute clean' connected with warfare, though patient may bo removed to a teresting. In the railroad feature lincss in manufacture: a purity exalted by t!se its greatest use at the present hospital with the minimum Vancouver Is nblo to boast of co-operation of workers united for the purpose is in that sphere. A knowledge amount of pain, and in many everal daring young aviators M Stillwcll Is wonderfully suc o purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee" cessful in producing "effects," which rests upon bar of SUNLIGHT of how to render first aid to ways prove of the first importance who have gained tho Military every SOAP. to the- tick-tick of the tele anyone who has sustained injury in an emergency. If Cross for their exploits. Prince even A laii'fata fur SmmlitH it ml f4 mm graph instrument. tn . ! lit trmmimt SmmbiH Stp. is something of the greatest the public come to realizo the Rupert may sotno day soon be Tb nam Lever on Soap Is guasntc valuo and well worth acquiring, great privilege which is extended ust as proud of tho samo dis of Purify and Eicctlcoce. nnd lias on many occasions to them in having an tinction. THE MAILS been the means of opportunity to take up this saving life. work, there will bo a large attendance NATIONAL FISH DAY From tho East. The doctors in this city have on Friday evening. ever been ready to devote a Tuesday, October 31, has been Sunday, 0:15 p. in. ' portion of their valuable time NOTES AND COMMENTS set asido as the National Fish Tuesday, 0:15 p. in. iiER BROS, Xmif-j Friday, 0:15 p. m. Ss Trro throughout Canada. It is to delivering lectures and giving ay For the East. demonstrations before the Tho Rumanians, by rushing a hoped that this movement will be Monday, 8:30 a. m. ambulance class, and, as doctors pontoon bridge across the Danube effective In increasing the use of Wednesday, 8:30 m. are becoming fewer in our near Silistria, slipped one over sh as a food throughout the Do. a. midst, that time fs becoming on Von Mackenzen. The Germans minion and that In time every Friday, 8:30 a. m. Summer Steamship Service Remo, Barrett Lake and North more valuable. At the last take credit for burning the bridge lay will become "fish day" in that Bulkley, Monday and Wednesday session of the ambulance class after the army bad got across, but this most nutritious and cheap - TO the attendance dwindled that will probably not worry the food will be used at least onco only. ALASKA AND YUKON away From the South. Tho S. 8. Trlnce Ilupert or Tr r re Gc ;rge so that it was really a waste Rumanians as they won't want to every day. Monday, Wednesday nnd Friday leave I'rlnco Ilupert every Wednesday at It of time for the doctor to de-vole come back that way soon. noon for Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau, Skagway i ::iae so many hours to lecturing The annual Thanksgiving sup nornings. Sunday nights. ing at Skagway with tho Wlillo Pass and Yukon It At. For the South. to so few people, and the The Spanish and American per will be held on Monday even SOUTHBOUND Monday, 8. a. m. The S. S. Prince- Itupert or l'rlncc Oeorge leave Prtae probability is that there will be ministers In Brussels seem to ing, October t)th, from 0 to 8 Ilupert every Saturday and Monday at 10 n. m. f- : ai: v 'clock in the basement of the Tuesday, 8 a. m. Victoria and Seattle. I .some dimculty in getting a have checked Von Bisslng's steady ver, Fortnightly service to the Queen Charlotte Islands lecturer for the ensuing ses reign of execution of helpless Methodist Church. Tickets 50 Ladws coats, new fall models TRAIN SERVICE sion. The' one inducement for Belgians for minor offences. The cents, children 25 cents. Trains leave Prince Ilupeit every Monday. r:r-st Wallace's. 233. and Friday at 10 :30 a. m. for Winnipeg and ail r .'s l.ao a doctor to give of his time and German governor has done his nnd South. Mixed train leaves Prince Ilupert c 7 energy to this splendid work utmost to strike terror into the Crockery open-slock, dinner- day G a. m. Special weekend faro to Terrace and r ! 4.K For full Information & reservations apply to city : ware patterns Wallace's. will be a class sufficiently large civilian population of the Belgian FIRE ALARM SYSTEM J THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2G0 and sufficiently interested to capital since he was placed in NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. carry through the course. The power. As a lieutenant in the war R. S. C Chaptsr 116. OIROUIT NO. 1. association meets on Friday of 1871 the same gentleman earn si is ith St. and Srd at evening first at 5 o'clock, in ed The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com and trd an unsavory reputation. fto i If -fib St Ave. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY pany hereby rives noUce that It bas under Boa 1 8th St. and Ird Av. tho Board of Trade rooms, to Section 7 or the said Act deposited with Boi 18 Junction or tit. In and elect officers and make plans Kven though the Berlin reports the Minister or Public Works at Ottawa Lowest Rates 10 all Eastern Points and la the omce or the District Iterlstrar ( Boi ie1st Ave., between Ith )1 for the winter session, and it unreliable, it would via Steamer to Vancouver end the are very ap or the Land Registry omre. District or ath sts. (Knot Hotel.) will bo a splendid thing if there pear that the Russians have suf Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a de Bet 17 1st Avs, and 7tb 8V Cni CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY scription or the site and plans or ware tral HoteL) Meals and Berth Included on Steam" is a largo attendance, not only fered a rather severe check In house proposed to be built In rrlnce Ru pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, British Co CIRCUIT NO. t. Princess May for Qranby and Alice Arm Friday 11 p-m lumbia. In front or waterfront Block "Q" Boa a Ird Ave. and Ird St. Allco southbound Saturday .October 7th. Princess according to rerlstered plan or the town (Post OfOc.) site or the said city or Prince Rupert de Boi S3 Ird Avs. and McBrlde St. Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE posited Office as In No.the 91 aforesaid S. Land Registry Bos 4 1st av. and McBrlde Ot. Princess 8ophla for Alaska Monday, October 9th. Bi 28 tod Av and tnd SI AMD TAKE NOTICE that after the ex Boa e tnd at, and lib St 1 piration or one month from the date of Boi ST O. T. P. J. I. PETERS, General Aeent the first publication or this notice, the Rupert. B.C. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Trlnce 710 SECOND AVI Grind Trunk Pacific Railway Company will OIROUIT NO. S. under Section 7 or the said Act tpply to Boi SI Ith av. and Fulton St. Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery the Minister or Public Works at bis omce Boi 88 HonVn and Taylor Sts. In the City or Ottawa for approval of Wlr Cable Steel Block Fishing Tackle Boi 84 7th av. and Pulton SL said site and plans, and for leave to con Boi 88 9 th Ave. and Comoi Ave. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns struct the said warehouse. Boi ST Ith Ave. and Dodge PL Rope Valves Ammunition Dated at Winnipeg-. Manitoba, this Jsth Dot SS Ml Ave. and Thompson St. day or May A. D. 1916. Pumps Hose Paint THE ORAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY OIROUIT NO. . 8toves and Rubberold Roofing Iron COMPANY. Ranges Corrugated Bet 41 4th Av. and luiuersori Dr.PRICE II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor. PL WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST' Dot 42-UK Ave. and McBrlde St. MINERAL ACT Boi 48 Ith Ave. and Oren SL Notice to Delinquent Partners Boi 44 em Ave and Basil SL REAM E no 48 7tti Av. and crane. To a. W. Maiwsll and Charlsi Nicholson, FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Dot 141 7th Av. and Ytunt SI. TAKE NOTICE that wbereas I bare done and caused to be done assessment work trtr Hr Baking powder on the WoU Mineral claim, situated at th bead or Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, in the Sktena mlnlns division or Skeena dls ct, assessment work for the years 19 IS A lul Lear SlmalaUoa j 1914, and 1915, and have paid for said Sixty Yoar the Standard Tickets work and recording same, tb sum of BOLD WATCH FREE, IJ07.S0. Unless you pay m the sum of A atnlaatfaraar tit.to, for your share or the said as afar from aa wiutiN mmm sessment work, together with the cost of! Arm. Wa ara ftoiaa aaar Walekaa u Itinannili trf Adds to the IV. this advertisement. I shall, at the eipira-1 liaoale all aval tha mark, Finland, lull and Russia. tlon or ninety (90) days from the dat : a.U m aoaa healthfullness of the food SAILINGS FROM NEW YORK hereof apply to the mining recorder at j to roof abaaa, la Mala aaa. Writ SMMllCTSBJaB-vX.-aa.lJlSafBBBJaBaK7X .jBTK'jdSBl BBjBM 'KrmlDlfJord, Oct. 7 th Prince Rupert. B, C., to hav your Inter Mar. lnlM M HHiir oiv" Oct. if in est In the Wolf mineral claim vested In aaala laaMoaaMa lot MM Laalo'ol M, "Frederick WW Oct 18th me. In pursuance or tb provisions or the ll Oaardi, m "United Stttei" Oct. tttb Oaau Allan. Hal ALUM mineral act. earelaaa raj la Mf CONTAINS NO H Your Rsrvtlon mad Early. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C,, this 1 9 lb alia alll ta ba aaua,m aklea m. For lutes. Illustrated Folders tod day or February. 1919. (Umm vauhaa ai BwePfTt" BBB Oenertl larormitloa Apply to ml. I. E. STARK euaraaUaa Sa raanl. Taauaa of mat MmL OYBHAVN A HANSON tow aSar, aa mtmmt Ma 1a 11 BMa. ... tool ai Hi ihoa Ikaa Ika MaaulalUauea. SUBSCRIBE Canada Insurant and Stmthlp Agtncy, FOR n I think th aar to toat la la Iraa, kal am Made in aaala lo-aar ana aala a trm abk. It. Prlnc B. O. Rupsrt, The Daily News rnkii aallari Uk I .,Coiaaailii tuiaa, UaJva.V EMPRESS C0FF & . WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F, Q. DAWSON . PRINCE RUPERT.