The Daily News Onr. m PRINCE RUI'ERT, D. 0. FRIDAY. OCTOBER 6, iiGt-, PRICE FIVE CENTS TttLjM- u a Lgy) 0 TEE flllfl A FROMT TURKS DEFEATED IN ARMENIA GERMAN HEAVY ARTILLERY ACTIVE ON SOMME KAISER RUSHES HUN BIG GUNS NICHOLAS' MEN GERMANS FLEE ACROSS TO THE AGAIN ACTIVE MAKE SURPRISE RUMANIANS IN RUSSIAN FRONT ON WEST FRONT DRIVEON TURKS TRANSYLVANIA Heavy Fighting In Volhynla Both Enemy has Received Fresh Sup Russian Success In Turkish Armenia Desperate Fighting In Dobrudja Sides Claim Successes piles of Ammunition French Large Quantity Region Berlin Claims Rumanian Allies Drawing Nearer are Busy too Cunardor of Material Taken Army Cut Monastlr. Torpedoed. Italians Win. to Pieces. Sprdal lo The Dally News.) (Special to The Daily .itws.i (Special to The Dally Newi) (Special to The Dally Mcwj.) PflP.grad, Oct. 0. The Rus-ian Lnjidon, October C. The Ger- Potrograd, October 0. With Bucharest, Oct. C. In Transyl arc vigorously maintaining nans today delivered heavy coun tho suddenness which has so' vania, the Rumanians have cap their attarks against tho Austro-i.oiman ter-attacks along the greater part olten disconcerted the Turks, tho tured several enemy fortresses armies in Volhynia anil or the Somnio rront. Their fire Grand Duke's army in Turkish after three days strenuous fight reported to be Armenia has resumed the offensive, the Kaisor is ing. The Austro-German armies s mucu Heavier man u nns iteen the receiving splendid troops of conflict t" H'O scene hurrying: are neeing before the Rumanians where General Von ror some lime and il is believed assistance rrom the Russian fleet front, this ii on this rront. Uiisingeti is busy trying to hold that they have received fresh supplies in tho Black Sea. The flussians Dobrudja Struggle. inflicted a severe defeat on the The Russians of hfg ammunition. the Russians. gun Win In the Dobrudja region tho !,a deflated the enemy in var- French Attack. enemy near Trebizond, capturing Teutonic forces have rrustrated ,i disli id but stubborn flghl- The French today have been a strongly rortificd position and, every effort to advance on the g iitiiuji s at many points. shelling a German military station advancing through a strongly part of the Russo-Rumanian guarded line, took prisoners many Berlin Report. where there werc-great movements armies. and immense quaitities of Ikr;m reports that, though of troops reported by the Berlin Report. that the Ilus- aeroplane scouts. Tho bombard military equipment. The enemy's I't', g ud stales Berlin reports that the Ruman earth worksand trenches i m ItnAn uiirnuaf ill nn I hp ment caused a serious conflagra rear ian which crossed the' army, destroyed by the Russian were jfl a front, the Germans are tion within the enemy lines. Since Danube a few days ago in an at The Russians also regis rs ding the Czar's armies in check the big offensive started on July guns. tempt to corner Von Mackeiuen's . Ihn cntiro front from Lutsk 1st, the British havo captured 021 BRITAIN'S AIR HERO AND HIS "TAKING" SMILE tered gains on the south-eastern army, has been terribly cut lip. '. the llnicsler. German guns. Flight Lieutenant Ilobinson, V. C, or tho Iloyal Flying Corps, portion of this front. The Rumanians were driven back Balkan Front, Franconla Sunk, who brought down the German Zeppelin at Enfield, is seen in Italian Success. to the river, where German monitors L.-don, Oct. 6. The Entente The- -Gunard liner Franconla the nhol stepping out of a II. E.G. prairie schooner" preparatory Rome, Oct. 0. In Albania, tho had destroyed their pontoons, ' 5 arc now within twelve has been sunk by an enemy submarine to undertaking another dangerous spell of duty. The Insert shows Italian cavalry has occupied and suffered very heavy, losses, c.. ? t Monastlr, the Bulgarian while engaged on trans a nearer view oT his smiling physiognomy. Georgucalis Ekiskopi and has the casualties being estimated at established communication with ijrtiiid in Macedonia and port service in the Mediterranean. 14,000 to 15,000 men. : apt:(red the towns of Buf Twelve of her crew oT three hun SPLENDID SHOWING OF BREWSTER REALIZES the Italian forces advancing from Greece Hard Up. anoter direction on the Austro- aiuj nT,.;ufut in the Nidje Mountains. dred are missing. Rome, Oct. 6. It is reported HAZELTON COBALT ORE HIS RESPONSIBILITIES Italian front. Every enemy attack These aro situated about Submarines have also sunk the that the Greek government has has been two miles west of the- Struma Russian ship Tourgal and the repdlsed. suspended all payments on account The New llazcllon Gold-Cobalt The election of tho full Liberal Franz Josef. River and were taken after a spell Norwegian vessels Brink, Knut of money, shortage. Mines Limited held its statutory ticket in Victoria was made the Franz Josef, the aged Austrian l y hot righting, the Bul-ptr Curl and Ncsjar. ans putting up a stubborn re. meeting in Vancouver on Tuesday occasion for a party banquet to emperor, is again reported to be NOTICE the workers in that city, at which seriouslv ill. verv i.stan r. The Scotch and Irish WORLD'S 8ERIES when the following directors were I " Mr. Brewster and the other can reg lenls distinguished them elected: Messrs. A. Erskine Smith, Tho annual general meeting of 'vca m the encounter. (Special lo The Dally Nw.) didales delivered speecnes oi con- ajmir TD1AI ADlYCDCn the Prince Rupert Branch, Canadian ,, Shaw, Nicol Thompson, George cratulation to those who had been HE" llUrlL UIUSCIUilS New York, October C. Rubo Red Cross Society, will bo E. Trorey, C. O. Wickenden, Chas. instrumental in their return. lf LULAb L1BLL tASfi Marquard, who has been selected held in tho Court House, Friday, REGISTER NOW H. St. John, and C. F. Bcllschweil- Tho remarks of Mr. Brewster to pitch for Brooklyn in tho first October Gth.'at 8 p. m. The an , gamo or tho world's scries at er, with R. Dalby Morkill as sec were of especial interest because Victoria, October 3. The Ap nual report will be read, and the Property holders only retary-treasurer. it was his first deliverance since pcai Court 'Of British Columbia Boston on Saturday, says be Is election of the executive com. are rn the municipal vot-eis' in tip-top form and that Brooklyn The corporation, which is a the election. The Liberal leader has ordered a new trial In the mitteo for ensuing yea'r will .take lint permanently. All is going to win. E. E. Smathers, close one, has been carrying on was careful to reiterate his stand caso 0f Lucas vs. the Ministerial place. who and devel certain matters which he union. It will be remembered hold trade licenses the owner of fast horses, has extensive prospecting upon It is urged that every member mv)s!. register This month placed a wager of $20,000 to opment work for some time. emphasized during tho fight. that tho case arose out of tho be present and as many new ones at the city hall, If they $li,000 that Boston-will win tho Samples of tho ore havo been "Wo realize the responsibility," publication of tho pamphlet "The as possible. Memberships can bo W'.ah to vote in the muni. scries. The second gamo will be sent to eastern Canada, New York! said Mr. Brewster, "but we are crisis in B. C." Alex. Lucas, M, had Irom Mrs. Woodland on pay 1 ipal elections In January. played at Boston on Monday and and to England and the reports .not afraid to face it and carry on. t,, a. ,for Yale, sued Moses Cols ment or annual dues of $2. If yu are not a property tho next two games will bo a show beyond doubt that the com- jThe people have placed behind meUVorth, Rev. A. E. Cooke and othres J. B. ROERIG, Secretary. hnldor nor a holder or a Brooklyn on October 12 and 13 pany possesses ono of the. richest la body or men than whom there for libel, basing his suit on a trade license, you must properties in British Columbia. can be no higher typo, men or paragraph dealing with a timber ray your road lax and SEAMEN WANTED Tho camp is within easy reach of high character, clean record and deal supposed to havo been put GREAT SPECIAL FEATURE aPP'v to have your name the railway so that there are no tried business ability. We .i are through by Mr Lucas. Majestic Theatre Plated on the list. Do It (Special lo The Daily Hewi.) transportation problems to get pledged to givo to this province The appeal was argued by S. Bt Picture and Btat Muale. now Ottawa, Oct. flThe govern over mere is aireauy ?iuu,uuw clean and honest government, and Taylor, K. "C, who argued that Famou PlJr Friday Sat. ' ment is arranging to recruit five worth of ore in sight and it is abolish the patronage system, Mr. Justice Morrison had erred jMiaULaaky pretant Victor Moor tiwnwrinil Canadian seamen for likely that the company will erect and our pledge shall bo carried hn ruling out cortaln evidence and Anita Ring Photo In tha Comedy graat automobile service under tho British Admir a plant In Vancouver for tho pur-poso out to tho utmost. Tho people which Mr. Woodworth, tor the "THE RAGE" WESTHOLME ally during tho period or the war of extracting tho arsenic. havo declared that they must have derencej sought to call, and that NOTE- "The Five nace" rounded on One English report on tho ore men or higher Ideals in charge I Mr. Justice Morrison's charge to many when Anita In.UtriiU klnr croel likli tuok the plat-o continent AN OPERA HOUSE TROOP TRAIN WRECKED showed, arsenic, 10.20; iron, 25.- of thelr affairs. Tho days of thejtho jury was prejudicial to the Ihe llril tiv peraon,automobile mau or alone,woman,bt'lna to UNPARALLELED""DAY SHOW 20; cobalt, 4.01, and gold over professional politician are past,jdorendants. A sentence particu- accomplish thia teat. AND SATURDAY i . . ... j paclal Local Feature TWO BIQ FEATURES (special to The Paiiy Newt.) $100 a ton. A provincial assayjiiever, I nope, to return, lo mo nrly objected to in tho charge Grand Trunk Pacific Motion Plcturo Reel," 1.00 feet of wonder acrn-fryCompleting ""'" in mm Falls, WClOuer U. A K-( b"u. tot,i, oinri, r-.ii, ira, insii, "nuns. ..v. i i ii9 uilti ill Milieu mu juui nuiu, last mlie of O. T. wlmp and Eddlt Polo"in I'. Hallway S. S. rrluce nuiit M 2nd Eplaod of Mirhiiraii Central train, carrying and cobalt, $110 per ton, making system. "Sir Richard Mcllrido we know uiiklnr apwd trial Leaplnr Salmon Mount lloljion, I3.0S8 ft Skwna, "LIBERTY" ,,,,. hundred soldiers, has been a total value, without tho arsenic, "The fight is only beginning, and Mr. Sampson and Mr. Mara. Willow Smoky and tiraml fork l"lrTl tinvuml of the men re- of $10U.J7 per ton. Tho discovery for there is much to bo done In but who is this man Cotsworth? Coming- Monday liivera,and etc.Tueaday, Pin- prmnu ihe HUtlnrnUhed wii-ii"... " . . .... .... I. . .. ; In r H0BART BOIWORTH In criveil minor Injuries but no ser- or cobalt in this district is oi mo oruer to sirnignien out mo ni- m win bo for you lo say whether ; Hit."Tha rarnuni Call A.or Winifred the Cumberland".kinartoii nvo "FATHERHOOD Ions cases aro reported. highest importance ns cobalt is:falrs or tho province. Tho new or not ho is just an ordinary un- Matin Saturday 3 to B. A .lory tlr . being largely used instead of government will need your earn- truthful man," u ouMoori. SIR SAM BACK nickel in tho hardening of steel est co-operation, and sympathy H'TOn COMEDY toids and steel .cutting and plat mid some patience in tho almost agricultural, mineral, timber. (Special to The D"r M'-! ing work. herculean task which has to be fishing nnd other natural riches LONDON CAFE Halifax, N. S., October fl. The undertaken, but there is no doubt wo shall find our province occupy. AND GRILL H of nltrlalnmnt. Minister of Militia arrived from NEW WELLINQTON COAL, as to the result. We havo a mag. lug the place it ought to fill in Third Avenue England today. Interviewed by phono 110. We have Just received niflceut heritago in British Co- confederation. Wo Intend that Serves Nothing but the Best snorters on arrival, ho styled a shipmonl of 500 tons lumbla. with resources which every citizen shall share in the STRICTLY UNION HOUSE The lmi)y rtfes delivered bl himself Lleutenant-neneral Sir Lump Coal, Wo are prepared to have been thrown nway, but with opportunities offered by those, ro. BOXES FOn LADIE8 50 rents per mouth. 8am Hughes put In your winter's coal for you. efficient administration of our sources." World.