M-3WsVJaE av.l HI 11 IU !'L1H 'ait"" tl se,-- Off to the Front! Put The Daily News yourself in top-notch condition THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA by eating Shredded PaMUbed Dally and Weekly Wheat Biscuit, n food that Guaranteed Largest Circulation supplies the greatest amount HEAD OFFICE of body-building material Dally News iiullding, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 08. with the least tax upon the digestion. You cannot get TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVEIITISINO 60 cent per Inch. Contract to "the front" in any business, rates on application. with a poorly nourished body. Delicious for breakfast DAILY EDITION Friday, October 0, 1010. with sliced peaches and TNC THMtlMC-MTMOTKr f cream. WHVEftf AL RIAL AS OTHERS SEE US ver, and the ships golny out iiiiimr It is nlwnys Interesting to aro loaded with machinery and "see ourselves ns others see war material for Vladivostok. I tewimrio 4orrt4o I us," but it is not often so "In the country back of I I MAM Mtnv O AMtnKAH a pm ..? -Ot r am I amusing ns tho view of Prince Prince Rupert are many fine V X. avc-vWaM Wa a-bh tvtvM.-toy M Hupcrt presented to tho rcsl valleys, and tho Dritlsh gov dents of Iloquiam, Washing ernment is advancing to those ton, by Senator Johnson, who injured soldiers returning DOUBLE FEATURE AT visited (lieso parts during the from the trenches In France WESTHOLME THEATRE summer. Tho extract Is from 81,350 each, giving them a Made in Canada tho Seattle P.-I. year's education in agriculture, There aro two big features at THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT considerably but it is Congressman Albert Johnson etc., and then deeding to them apparent Westholmo Theatre tonight the is that every garment washed with it bears " that the Germans have not been the writes his newspaper, the 1C0 acres of land. Thus they impress of a purity begotten and tomorrow when the second purity: of sweet Iloquiam Washingtonian, a hope to populate the country nearly so successful as tho German cleansing oils, nnd maintained by absolute cleanliness chatty letter about his Alaska which shall be tributary t war offlco would have the installment of tho great serial in manufacture: a purity exalted by the world believe. Liberty" will be screened and co-operation of workers united for the purpose from which the Prince trip, following Rupert." a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee' excerpt is taken: Tho worthy senator was also "Fatherhood," a flvo-act which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. Vcnizclos still shows the as. up "Ketchikan, population 3,-000, really here, though for a very rama In which Hobart Hosworlh A flttitmf far Smtlifil it ml at aae aa Mm strong man of Greece. Ho is not f h. Utitl ee tki trmmlutSmthiil Sut. is headquarters for the short time, and it is not impossible plays the lead. "Liberty" is an interested in advance personal The oame Levtr on Soap is a (uartnte Alaska halibut fishing Indus, that some humorist ment but only wishes to see intensely thrilling story in which ol Purity and EsccUtoce. try, which Industry is in great has been "stringing" him, but Greece freed forever of her Tcu-tonic Mario Walcamp and Edic Polo danger of being transferred, it would rather appear that he guiding rein. figure prominently. "Fatherhood" body, boots and breeches, to has been drawing upon his the new city of Prince Rupert, imagination. However, if his V a story of the west, in which Mr. Dourassa and his friends the Pacific ocean terminus of letter is taken as a- prophecy Hosworlh plays the part of n in Quebec seem to be looking for the Grand Trunk Pacific railway. instead of a statement of fact, range rider who becomes wealthy trouble. The logical thing for The road can make any it may not be so far out.at and loses interest in everything them to do is to fight for France If freight rate it desires, and that. except his business. Late in life they do not want to take up arms there seems to be no doubt that The senator's knowledge of e becomes attracted by n young for Hrilain. In any case, they its directors have set out to waitress who turns out to be i Canada must be rather limited, have no busine" to interfere secure the transportation business girl he rescued from Indians in however, when he speaks of with the efforts of others in doing Summer Steamship Seryice babyood. They and of Alaska, icr marry the BriUa- government deeding what they consider to be their '"Prince Rupert has not progressed returned soldiers 1C0 acres; patriotic duty. Tho Quebec Na are parted and then united again --TO ALASKA AND YUKON under the circumstances. as rapidly as its of land in Prince Rupert's happiest promoters tionalists will not get any further It Is well There Tho S. S. I'rlnce Rupert or Pnn :o George good story told,. a had planned, owing to hinterland with a loan of $1,-350 ahead by adopting Dublin tactics. leave Prince Rupert every Wcdui-day at I! the European war and because and a-j ear's agricultural is also a Nestor comedy. noon for Ketchikan, Wrnngell, Juneau, Skagway C onnecv Ilritish Columbia has been education thrown in. It is not impossible that the in? at Skagway with the Wliito Pass and Yukon II ule. pretty well drained of its young document found on the German . I JUaMII.Li.l SOUTHBOUND Tho S. S. Prince flupert or Prince George lrave Princ men, and also because capital NOTES AND COMMENTS prisoner, staling that Germany is llupcrt every Saturday and Monday at 10 a. in. f i' Vau )v for investment purposes is very short of munitions nnd aeroplanes vcr, Victoria and Seattle. I service to ths Queen Charlotte Islands hard to obtain. Nevertheless, Recruiting returns for the Dominion but has plenty of food, Fortnightly TRAIN SERVICE a $3,000,000 drydock is being show a decided falling oft" was specially prepared for Hritish m Trains leave Prince Kupert every Monday. Wedscsd.. built Hritain will still and Friday at 10:30 a. in. for Winnipeg and all pes::' Kao there, a great townsito is and Jt is well that the matter is consumption. and South. Mixed train leaves Prince Hupcrt cv t safu. being carved out of solid rock, being taken up seriously at Ottawa. go ahead on the assumption that day C a. in Special weekend faro to Terrace and ret v, .u all of the Ilritish steamships of Some form of registration tho Germans have all the war For full information & reservations apply to city t -nt : FIRE ALARM SYSTEM THIRD AVENUE PHONE 2C0 tho Australian, Yokohama, will be welcomed by many men material they need. Vladivostok and Hawaiian lines who would like to go but feel that NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. CIRCUIT NO. 1. stop there, and the water front they have heavy obligations to R. S. C. Chapter 115. Bet II lib St. and 3rd Ava is already a busy place. Alaska's meet at home. It will be a relief Tbe" Grand Trunk Facine Railway Com Bo i is tb SL and 3rd Ave. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY pany hereby fires-notice tbat It bas under halibut is shipped from to have the government decide the Section 7 or the said Act deposited with Sea 14 8th St. and 3rd Ave. si 15 Junction of 1st, In4 auJ there in great quantity. Tea matter for them. toe Minister of rubllc Works at Ottawa 3rd Avra. Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points and silk for the United States and In tbe omce of tb District Registrar Bo i IS 1st Ave., between tb and via Steamer to Vancouver nnd the of tbe Land Registry omce. District or 8th SU. (Knoi Hotel.) RAILWAY am in the holds of ships which Berlin and Russian and Rumanian Prince Rupert at rrlnce Rupert, a de Bo 17 1st Ave. and 7th si. (Co CANADIAN PACIFIC scrlptlon or tbe site and plans or ware Meals and Berth Included on Steamer there route to Vancou continue tre! HoteL) stop en reports to conflict bouso proposed to be built In Prince Ru pert lltrbor at Prince Rupert. Dritlsh Co ciRourr no. t. Princess May for Oranby and Allco Arm Friday 11 pjn-Princess In" front of waterfront Clock "O" lumbla. Boi tl 3rd Ave. and 3rd St. Alice southbound Saturday .October 7th. of tbe according to registered plan town Post omce.) site or the said city or Prince Rupert de-poslted Princess May Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Boa SS 3rd Ate. and Mcitrlde St. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ortlre as in No.tbe 811.aforesaid Land Registry Bos 24 1st Ave. and McBrlde 01. Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, October 9th. si SB nd Ave and ind BV. AND TAKE NOTICE tbat after tbe ex Mln.l anrl 1th Bl T vm ptratlon of one month from tbe date of ! J. I. PETERS. General Aeent Boi 7 O. T. P. tbe first publication of tbls notice, tbe Third Prince Kupert. B.C. , Co:ner Fourth Street and Avenue. 710 SECOND AVI Grand Trunk Paciflc Railway Company will oiaouir no. a. under Section 7 of tbe said Act apply to Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Boa SI Ith Ave. and rultoa 8L 1 tbe Minister of Public Works at bis omce Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle In tbe City of Ottawa for approval ef Boi S2- florden and Tsjlor fits. j 4 7tn Ave. and Fulton St. Boi i said site and and for leave plans, to con Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns struct tbe said warebouse. Boa SB 8th Ave. and Comox Ave. Rope Valve Ammunition Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this tttb oa 87 8th Ave. and Dodge PL ; Boa SS -4tl Ave. and Thompson 8t j Pumps Hote Paint day of May A. D. 1818. THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY 8tovca and Range Rubber-old Roofing Corrugated Iron COMPANY. CIRCUIT NO. 4. Bos 41- tb Ave. and tromereoo : Dr.PRICES II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor WE 8ELL NOTHING CUT THE BEST" PL Boi 42 lib Ave. and Mcliride St. MINERAL ACT Boi 43 5th Ave. and Cretn St. Notice to Delinquent Partners. Bex 44 sib Ave and Basil 8L CREAM To a. W. Maiwsll and Char Its Nicholson, Be 40 7tlt Ave. and Iberia. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Boi 141 7th Ave. and Yunt St. hi TAKE NOTICE that whereas I have done and caused to be done assessment work Baking powder If - , .J cn tho Wolf Mineral claim, situated at tbe bead of Alice Arm, Observatory Inlet, In tbe Sktena mining division of Bkeena dls Irlct, assessment work for tbe years 1813 A lul La Tar Blmalatloa j 1814, and 1815, and have paid for said Sixty Yoars tho Standard Tickets work and recording same, tbe sum of GOLD WATCH FREE. 1307.50. Unless you pay me tbe sum of share of the said A atnlaattomra' nana stlt.to, tor your as aaai Irom .a aatafcltafaaa sessuent work, together with tbe cost of JUL Arm. Via an ftia awar the to SBBBBBPHBBPWltf-jTlsW ft'alchas a thouaanda ,4 Adds to and from Norway, Sweden, Dsn-mark, this advertisement, I shall, at tbe eiplra aanala all IN, lb Finland, Italy and Russia. tlon of ninety (80) days from tbe dat worn ftdTwthHSMfl.aa a tiua Mew health!illness ot the food SAILINGS PROM NEW YORK hereof apply to tbe mining recorder at to row hftiM la -k'rlstianlafjord" Oct. 7th Prince Rupert. B. C., to have your ln'r a bull w, an.aaalaatat Wrlta at lielii oiav Oct. ttth e(j In tbe Wolf mineral claim vested In laahloabU aau lor aoa tl aw "Frederick VIII" Oct. 18th me. In pursuance of tbe provisions of tbe Idmi Oovda,LaSlai'ar "United Slates" Oct. ta mineral act. Oaoia AJIana. at ALUM arrlwa aala NO la wm CONT.AINS LsBBsHBwSr isBBM Havs Your Rssarvatlone made Early. Dated at rrlnen Rupert, B. C. this 18 lb arlla lha aauk.arklah win ka rna fraa For Dates. Illustrated Folders and day of February, 1818. lihaai watalua ara General Information Apply to uanalaaS In raanl, ml. J. E. STARK "-' akaaU aaam ,Ti''JBlSBBBM raa Uaa a4- aaotaaa el aoa manat DVBHAVN HANSON tana after. Wf aiaaH m la tall tu,Jimito SUBSCRIBE abaol aa ead aw Ibeai the aaaalUaiWaalaa. Canada HBflBjBJBsTjaiBSBiaSBssssssB FOR Insurance and Steamship Agtncy, Iia t think ibla aSa, toa aooS U ka una. tal aal Made in SS aaaa laaar aa4 ,aia a Vraa Prince Rupert, B. O. will ka ejee4.-WIIX!H a LIXJIU, kola! The Daily News javallan Kaalaaa.UM.1 I. Caiawallla liina EMPRESS C0FF 0- WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR . F, Q. DAWS0M PRINCE RUPERT, B.