1 1 Ul: I i, , TUB DAILY MWJ SECOND ppjjj!jijj;;jj!ji!!:l!ljiii;iPPifliSi :Iii!K!l::i.-fa Willi i!iiilflltlimnSIHifitHHi!!ttimiim!i:!!l!!i;:i: AND HUNDRED sii Mi ii !! : i i i i! i ii ii i B Sheet Metal Work HOLDINQ HARD POSITION I Local News Notes IHI!f niHf ill mni&: ; iiiui: -;;;,ii:i!l j t!iil:j; H mil f ini IN!M I m?Hi h i iiliiili i n ii i ii jPcifcaB Mrs. J. C. Ualscy and her son, I "A NASTY CHILL" Oordon, arrived from the south II. A. Grant left for up-river Now is the timo lo have When this morning to visit with" Dr. and this morning. tickness comM, the nte1 M healing plant in your put ui iMuiJci warmin ii urgent. hapo for tho winter; roofs Mrs. Kergln. Mr. Halscy received Fills of Balmoral Cannery, and skylights seen to. his captaincy on arrival in England J. F. PERFECTION In such cases consult a and Is now In the trenches is a visitor In town. HEATERJ practical man If you want with his men. On September 7th Dr. J- F. Brown left for tho Interior results. he was (11 and well and the 102nd A Perfection Oil Heater jivn it this morning. had not suffered many casualties ' instantly and cheaply. C. 0. Rowe considering tho position they occupied. There were four cars of fish It it alwayi ready for uie, and Practical sheet metal man. Col. Warden, who had for the east this morning warms up a room in a Opposite Board of Trade previously seen activo service In .J 1 ried fewminutei.uhrr.v.f. . .Eaulycar-....... Itooms 322 2nd Avenue Ihe west, says that they were sent A. J. Bailey returned to Inverness NC1-0MT At - IT.UltkJ, eood dtalen. Estimates Furnished Free. lo hold one of the toughest parts Cannery this forenoon. ft cannot tui. of the front line, but that they rite us direct The Chief Zibassa brought in had done marvellously well. Mrs. For b$t rtiulli u 15,000 pounds of halibut yester O x Halsey says that the boys would Royaliie Coal Off -iha WANTED greatly appreciate a supply of day, - economical fuel. cakes and candies. Mrs. W. II. Wright and Miss THE IMPERIAL Experienced Bridge men. Wright havo gone to Alice Arm OIL COMPANY Track men. Tracklayers and ANITA KINO AND VICTOR Limited General Construction Laborers for a few daysi to Join the 239th Battalion, MOORE AT THE MAJESTIC MANCHM IN AIX emu Overseas flailway CARBONVOID for sale by Llp-sctt Construction Corps. Drafts leaving Vancouver, Anita King and Victor Moore in & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward B. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., "The rtaco" arc tho big attractions Electric Co. tf. weekly. .('''IffiS'' Be attested and forward at the Majestic toright and to Vancouver, and A. K. Player, of Hazelton, who papers tomorrow. It is a five-act Lasky I I. u it l "I transportation will bo arranged has been in town for n few days. at once. production, which means that the Send all communications left for home this morning. lo: Ofllcer commanding, staging and photography are of 239th Battalion. C. E. F. the finest. The story is founded COAL Favorito Ladysmilh 175 Cordova St., W. Vancouver, B. C. on many incidents which took Wellington lump and nut, best results. place during Miss King's famous Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. If. automobile trip o"cross the continent. This famous actress made J. J. McN'iven, of tho Inland the trip alone and was tho first Revenue Department, is in the Fire Insurance autoist to accomplish the feat. city inspecting the city meters. .:.r.-'.".Tf'.''.',vvy.' . .. ... ... .... ........!.& The rest of the program is All tickets calling for photographic taken up with a series of pictures Is carefully written by us in taken in this vicinity by the O. mirrors and sets will bo HI extended to October 30th, 1916, reliable companies. Wo are T. P. publicity department and Benson Studio. tf. permanently engaged in the they are bound to prove highly business and uur records interesting. Scenes on the Skeena, J. J. Stillwcll, of Seattle, who is arc accurately kept so that Willow, Smokey and Grand Forks interested in a molybdenum prop flivers will be screened in addition erty at Alice Ann, passed through when your policy expires to many very fine pictures taken here today on his way north. you will be notified in sufficient nearer home. There will be a lime ,lo keep your special musical program and the M. C. Tobin, engineer with the li"rjs-.,''.r"MONtSf sre- coupon- with. rrocerle. . only ii .'V V K72 property protected. Wo solicit show should draw a large audience. Rocher De Boulc Copper Co., re your business. "The Call of the Cumber- turned from tho south this morn lands,' featuring Dustin Farnum ing and went on to Tramville. and Winifred Kingston, is tho big Charles Swanson, who has H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD item for Monday and Tuesday. some promising mining claims There will bo a matinee on Saturday. near the Dolly Vardcn mine, left for Alice Arm yesterday. Alex M. aftnson, B.A. . W. E. WiUUms. B.A.. L.L.B DRYDOCK LIEUT. CLEMENT HAD WILLIAMS A MANSON Mayor McCafTery has received Pte. W. Sullivan, formerly em THRILLING EXPERIENCE B. C. UNDERTAKERS News" "The Daily Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. ployed at the Knox Hotel, is in a communication from M. P. Cot MONEY TO LOAN ton stating that President Cham- hospital in' England suffering Lieut. Carlton Clement, son of KUNCRAL DIRECTORS AND KM-SALWCHS ADS. D01 lilt from wounds in tho feft arm and SATISFACTION QUAR-tNTCCO CLASSIFIED Hdrcrson Block Prior Ruyert, B. c. berlin, of the Grand Trunk Pacific ' Mr. Justice Clement, of Vancouver, OPEN DAY ANO NIOMT Railway, has notified him that head. took part in an encounter in 117 2ND STRICT PHONI 41 ; ufiiiiimffrrf there will be nothing done at the W. S. Harris, of Hczelton, who which there were only flvo Ilrilish WANTED. drydock until the government accept has been in town for a few days aeroplanes against fifteen fler-j machines. Lieut. Clement's MAM mints - I. ! U -J. man i YOISQ WO I the plant as completed. on business connected with his boarUinp Ikum or nuii ! i" )!' Stuart J. Martin plane had its propeller and one STEEN & L0NGW1LL mining properties, left for home In or uul of Prlmi- ln.l" ii ORDERS of Us tail booms shot away and 117, lully Ktvit. " ASSAYEH this morning. 432 Prince Rupert Cadet Corps. . his engine put out of business in SANITARY AND HEATING WANTED Itouiehold I Hi of HAZELTON B. C. All Cadets will parado in plain W. L. Clark, general agent for mid-air. He glided to earth, on ENGINEERS inetbanlci lllgneit prlcef tooU, pid.oDist Mom tuiU, too ,a clothes at the Borden School on tho Northern pacific Railway Co what remained of his machine, at Will CU wi tUue. 1 19 Wi4 '"" Friday evening, October Cth, at 7 100 miles an hour but alighted Agents for The oldest established Assay at Seattle, passed through the WASTED To buy om rl fumliurt o'clock sharp. city yesterday after having made safely. McCLARY FURNACES for four room. Appijr pnon Office In the North. By order, a tour of the Alaskan territory in NEW MINING MACHINERY PLUMBING LOST R. A. FISHER, A.C.C. tho interests of tho coast trans FOR KLONDYKE REGION and tOST ColJ flHeil WAtili. IJi.wrlcitlr portation companies. SHEET METAL WORKS InllliU a Utv. o En 'X Hotel im wturr. Apply Dtiiy .Vws. , The annual Thanksgiving, Skagway, Oct. 4. Tho White Phono 5, 831 Second Avenue. Baiys Own sup LOST St-foot Uuncn. piloted Soap per w ill bo held on Monday 'even Pass & Yukon Railroad is in re Night phones 570 ciiiory lop. Eiitnop.' enflne. T and HI 270 ing, October 9lh, from 0 to 8 ceipt of a cable from London no DUck I0. Tho right work, at the right o'clock in, the basement of the asking that every cITort bo made time, and at tho right price. FOR SALE Methodist Church. A good pro to get in beforo the claso of navigation wAft gram of music will bo provided. a shipment of 270 tons of Fon IIEMT Svn-r.Hni..l h.ias l"".'. hrbor view. Apply i Tickets 50 cents, children 25 new dredging machinery for A. cents. 235 N. Trcadgold, of Dawson, Y. T. Prince Rupert Feed Co. Foil rludlni SALE 17 CirloiJ uieliiiK-nimiiiff.ii.ii.n,,ch,I1,i1rr:i''"UB.: . This maclijncry carries a device P. O. Be I 333. 608 Third A. drlll iu-el. iiem-imim!", ' Lieut. II. W. Roddick, of the for placer workings which it is RECEIVED OUR 1910 SEEDS Dtlly Newi. Inniskillen Fusiliers, is In bos claimed will revolutionize mining WE HANDLE FOIl SALE Teim of nors., H pilal in England wounded and in tho Klondyke. Apply P. O. Bo . Itiiko 0 suffering from tho effects of gas Ronnie's, Ferry's, Steele's, This new h was received by W. F WEDDING BELLS and Brlgg's. 33 BOX Moby M.&yW'h h Garden and Field Seeds. PHONE 93 P. O. I Binns, of tho Dominion Cannery, where "Barney" Rudduck was em At tho Windsor lintel yester Also Fertilizers. ployed when war broke out. day, Miss Lenn Peterson, of the Wo Tako Orders for Nursery 1 8lock. ... hospital staff, was married lo'.Mr. Hay, Grain and Feed at Transfer and Storage In tho latest casualty list ap Conrad Llndseth, who is well Vancouver Prices. you pears tho namo of Corpornl E. T. known hero, having been fishing DEST LUMP & NUT COAL Wearmouth, S. 8. Prlnco John out of this port for a long lime Chicken Food A Specialty. I'rinco Rupert, among tho wound. Tho ceremony was performed by NO LONG WAITS Mall Ord.rt Promptly AtUndMl To. WEICHTS ed. Corporal Wearmouth is NO SHORT r Rev. Dr. (Irani. The bride was U- brother of Captain Wearmouth of attended by her sister while Mr. t.ik.-.. v.. orJer from this city. Another brother was W. H. Wright supported the wounded at the end of Juno. groom. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS t , HOTEL R. h. Shaw, M. P, P. for Btettler, FOB IS JVOW OPEN TO OUKST9 PAID nmrr! After the bath with BABY'S OWN SOAP tho Alberta, arrived from tho south skin is smooth, comfortable, and exhales tho this morning and loft for the In. DENTISTRY One 4mrln,or the rlrcumterrnre Urei Hot S00 Sprints feel la SECOND HAND GOODS aroma of freshly cut flowers. terior on the train. After look. TfinrwriKire of Water, 110 d. Fahr, OP ALL ! Freedom from skin troubles, explains in some measure ing over his mining properties CROWN A ANO BPtOIALTr BRIDOK WORK Citillent Treul Flihlng In Ukelte BOUGHT AND SOLD the refreshing sleep which "Baby's Own Soap" babies Mr. Shaw will go on to Edmonton Uke. enjoy, Kspecially for nursery use insist on"Baby's Own", ,.i i t . . DR. J. 8. DROWN Phone Connection with Terrace. (iMKi-ii ui in i ii i) rumored election DENTIST RATES l S2.B0 per dey. ALBERT SOAPS Limited, MaaufMturare, . MONTREAL. " smuu r.. , in Alberta, Mr. Shaw said ho ha 00I Smith Block. THIr4 Anu P heard PhMa AAA For further ptrtlcuUri, tpply lo T 3rd A,., Of nothing further. 4. BRUOK JOHNITONC. Meneger.