file DAILt MWJ ill Mm mm M pi m Wmm '-.. ; i;'ii:i!!l!il Local NeiVs Notes W -iMmfiikmmmmk Healthful Sleep IliiiillSfc i "A NASTY CHILL" S is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation Olof Hanson enmo in last night ill of life. During sleep Nature renews the vital from Lake Kathlyn. When licknei forces of the body and restores the energy. ii proper warmth is urstnt. Sleeplessness i3 one of the evil results of indigestion. R. (). Jennings returned last PERFECTION To avoid it, keep the stomach well, the liver active and evening from the interior. the bowels regular. The health of these organs fir HEATERS H, II. Rochester has gono to Is Assured by Hazeltnn for n couplo of weeks. instantly A Perfection and cheaply.Oil Heater givn jt Beccham's Pills. A harmless vegetable remedy, which J. Noble, tho well known mining It is always ready for me, and acts immediately on the stomach, liver, bowel3 and kidneys, Is in town from Maplo Bay. warms up a room in a toning and putting them in good working order. man, few minutes. Eaiilycar. Millions of people sleep well and keep well because, at H, C. Gibbons got back last ried wherever wanted. the first unfavorable symptom, they begin to take iiiiHh .irTTi l, -I ... It t At all trnnA night from n mining trip up- r ii ' r&5 your dealer cannot sup. river. III! ply you, write us direct hams Pills Bob Frizzcll left yesterday for For be$i reult$ utt Royalite Coal Oil - Winnipeg where ho may locate tha economical fuel. for a time. :.;:;:t:iiis:i:::i?llis:::: mm Worth a Guinea Bon THE IMPERIAL Prtpartd onlf hv Tbomat flcrchim, St. lleletii, Lancashire. Bntt.txi. l:;iMi OIL COMPANY Sold tnrnthtra in Cauda end II, S.America, la bote,2S cent. CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- ill Limited sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward Electric Co. tf. ill IIAKCIItl IN ALL emu BOARD OF TRADE AND BAIT SHORTAGE Mr. Sandels, of Kelly, Douglas Sheet Metal Work Company, returned from the in 3: At the Board of Trade meeting terior on last night's train. Now is the time to have on Friday night, J. T. C. Williams COAL Favorite Ladysmilh mm your heating plant put in raised the important matter of iiii!;!,:-::.!;!,: Wellington lump and nut, best re shapo for the winter; roofs the scarcity of herring bail for and skylights seen to. sults. Phone 15. P. R.C. Co. tf. the halibut fishermen. Ho proposed In such consult cases a practical man If you want that the halibut men bo V. O, Enright, of tho Royal results. allowed to carry a email net with Bank staff, left for the south this which to catch their own bait morning on a two weeks vacation. C. 0. Rowe wherever herring were found, j these to bo used exclusively for Mrs. Horace Du Vcrnct and mm Practical sheet metal man. jbait and no license to be charged family, of Shandilla, arc visiting Board of Trade Opposite with Bishop and Mrs. Du Vernet. for the privilege. He said that Rooms 322 2nd Avenue j several of the halibut men had ;vr;xvv.v: Estimates Furnished Free. J. N. McLcod, port steward with been taking salmon owing to the the O. T. P., made tho trip to shortage of herring bait. - Granby on the Prince Rupert this George It. Nadeji said that he week. was told that a cannery had re WANTED fused to sell salmon when asked A. N. Davie has returned to to provide them for bait. town after spending tho summer Experienced Bridge men. Mr. Williams did not think that Track men, Tracklayers and at Alexandra Cannery on tho General Construction Laborers this could be so, though salmon Skecna. PMONC-v v rniinnna with rrnrrrlra onlr ii riOIN& to join the 230th Battalion, valuable this that ,'B7a' Overseas Railway were so year rood for one parkite Oold Dond Soap. Construction Corps. the canners wanted all they could Mrs. C. H. Elkins left for Van Drafts leaving Vancouver, for The couver this morning to spend the get canning purposes. B. C, for Valcartier, P. Q., weekly. matter will be brought beforoJP. balance of tho year with her Be attested and forward papers to Vancouver, and H. Cunningham and D. N. Mc- parents. transportation will be arranged Intyre when they visit Prince Rupert at once. Mrs. Jack Keefo and family left Send all communications this fall in connection with for Spokane, Wash., this morning to: OfTlcer commanding, their duties on the Fisheries Advisory 239th Battalion, C.E.F. whero they will spend tho next 175 Cordova St., V. Board. Vancouver, B. C. two months. GREAT NEW SERIAL AT t - ... x News" Ali tickets calling for photo "The Daily WESTHOLME THEATRE graphic mirrors and sets will bo extended to October" 30th, 1010, CLASSIFIED ADS. The second installment of the Fire Insurance Benson Studio. tf, Mexican serial "Liberty," at the Westholme last night, bore out Charles Kennedy, of tho A. R. WANTED. the promise which the first two Is carefully written by us in Williams Machinery Company, WA.NTtO Olrl lo l mi reliable companies. We are reels gave. As Liberty, the dar who has been hero for a few days btiMiirM. Alpl "" " ng young lady who is carried off left for the south today. 11 in the Vol NO WOMA.N warns t. - i: H permanently engaged by bandits but makes her escape ' butrdlnr buu or siiiili b ' fn;'" business and our records with the in or i.ut or rnu. ii -fi; Hi climbing by a precipice Mrs. Jack Kelly received word I IT. Daily .Newt. are accurately kept so that assistance of an equally daring from her husband last night that WAITED lleuaciwld f"H 'f m when your policy expires young man, in the person of Eddio Satn Massy had been wounded inechanle ttU, oBcast ". b00'f'1,., you will be notified in sulll-cicnt Polo the strong man of tho and taken out to a base hospital. Will lllfhcal call prltt any time.paid.83 TWrd 1om ,enl screen,- Miss Marie Walcamp is time to keep your splendid. J, D. Ross, superintendent of WAITED To fcuy oi ld I"1"" property protected. Wo solicit ror rour room. Apiiy P1"0"8 "Fatherhood," the Ave - act municipal lighting in the city of your business western drama in which Hobart Seattle, passed through here yes LOST Hosworth plays tho leading role, terday on his way to Alaska on L"S i -l coutainiiiK ! i ' ' business. probably in a l-l i'1"1 ' is a pleasing drama in which ,' H. G. HELGERSON, LTD tag or a wurklnr nim i there arc several remarkable co ruulrr rail at lii m Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Kendall wero incidences and a great deal of LOST-Oold-fllted wal. h, T J' f'J amongst tho for Van How passengers in l InltUll C. C. the human element. It is an in couvcr this morning. Mr. Ken wharr. Apply i"y i"1 leresting talo from start to finish dall expects to enlist for active LOST-JS-rool launch, palnwd llUe' STEEN & LONGWILL and Bosworth plays splendidly service overseas. canopy top. Eaitboro mto- tho part of a ranger who has sud mack 0. J Anita King In "The Race" at the,Majestic Theatre tonight. SANITARY AND HEATING denly found tho love of a young SALE N. Scheinman, of tho Acme Importers FOR ENGINEERS wife in his later years after ho Ltd., returned last evening The executive of tho Red Cross has devoted most of his lifo to Society has lost tho services of -OU KE.NT-Seven-r..,m; from Edmonton whero ho has Prince Rupert Feed Co. harbor view. Apply -iuJJS- Agents for the acquiring of wealth, A Nestor been looking over a largo dry-goods splendid workers by tho temporary McCLARY FURNACES comedy completes a good show. stock which is on tho market, removal from tho city of Mrs. eluding IT machine mm. """JS, William Manson, Mrs, Trcmayne, drlll-itecl, iiam illiiiilS ,l1 rtf. PLUMBING MAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS Dally Newi. - SUN AND TIDE Mrs. A. E. Wright, Mtb. Henning, and AND FERTILIZERS or horwi. I' SHEET METAL WORKS II. J. Fetter, formerly superintendent and tho going away of Mrs. Sin-clnir FOn Arpiy SALE P. o. BoxJWJi- Sunday, October 8th. with Foley, Welch & and Mrs. Ilassett-Joncs Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. WE HANDLE Sun rises... 7:13 a. m. Stewart, arrived from Prince Night phones 070 Bulbs, and Tako Orders for 0. BOX 33 Sun sets 0:7 93 P. m. PHONE and Bluo 270 p. Georgo. last evening and went The right work, at the right Low water 5 a.m. Ht. 5.0 south this morning on tho Prince Nursery Stock. PACIFICCARTAGELTD. time, and at the right price. High water ...11 :8 a.m. lit. 10.3 Rupert. Stuart J. Martin Chicken Feed A Specialty. Low water ...5:30p.m. lit. 5.0 High water ..11:20p.m. Ht. 19.7 Dr. and Mrs, Tremayno and ASSAYED Mill Ordiri Promptly AlWndtd To. Trwfrr and Storage Monday, October 0th. family leave for tho south this LUMP & NUT COAL r. O. Bo l 833. BOS Third At. BEST Sun rises 7:15 n. m. evening. Mrs. Tremayno and tho HAZELTON B. C. DENTS3TRY PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Sun sets .0:5 p, m. children will rosido in Toronto NO LONO WAITS OftOWN AND BRIDM WORK Low water ...5:45 a.m. Ht. 4.7 whilo tho doctor Is on active service. The oldest established Assay NO SHORT WEIGHTS SPECIALTY High water . ,1 1:48 a.m. Ht. 20.5 When You Order from W- Office) In tho North. DR. J. 8. BROWN Low water ...0:15 p.m. Ht. 4.2 DENTIST Cnplniu McOe, M. M. 8. A. Tho annual Thanksgiving supper HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR OflWti Smith Phoa Block,44 Third Anu will bo held on Monday evening, SECOND HAND GOODS CASE DISMISSED October 0th, from 0 tu 8 kt M. Minion, a.A. OP ALL HINDS UNDERTAKERS Miko Ilokovioh was brought be o'clock in tho basement of tho W. E. Wllllsms, D.A.. L I. H B. C. BOUGHT SOLD 8UBSCRIBE FOR foro Judge Young yesterday after Methodist Church. A good program WILLIAMS A MAN80N AND noon on a charge of breaking Into of miislu will bo provided. Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. HARD TIMl'S SATISFIED WITH A SALMfBl-T''Cfi0No S.0HT Kelly' Cigar Store, on Third Ave Tickets 50 cents, children 25 MONIV TO LOAN SMALL PROFIT The Daily News The caso was dismissed, conts. 235. BOI IISI Try sis 3rd Am., Or ritont Rd tes 117 ino 0 llelitrtoo Block prior Humeri, U. c