TO The Daily News A ,0CTi7 Vir VII. NO- t l'lUNni: hupkut. n. c, Wednesday, octodeh n, ioio. 'SlfaxFlVK CENTS WWTAM FREMCM GA N HEAR PEEOII IT WASHINGTON EMBROILED IN NAVAL DEBATE - RUSSIANS GET TWO SUBMARINES HEAVY GERMAN RUSSIANS SINK WASHINGTON IS CASUALTIES AT SUBMARINES IN EMBROILED IN CHAULNES WOOD BALTIC BATTLE i NAM DEBATE French Bend Back German Line Subs. Attacked Wireless Station British Writers Assert that the and TaKe Twelve Hundred OfT Murman Coast Allied United States Should have Refused Prisoners Greeks Havo Gains In Balkans Huns lo Ccuntenance Submarine Another Premier. Gain Near Lutsk. Campaign. .Special The Pally !ew.) (Sfwrlal io The Daily wa.l (Special to Tbe Dally fewi) ia, . ort. li. Tho Trench fhristinuia, Norway, Oct. 11. London, October U. Naval have ii il liark tho Herman lines IliiHsian torpedo boat sank two writers maintain that" '.ho United ,,aii"it extending for two miles Herman submarines in the Haltic. Stales government cannot f?.:ily ami a half .mat south of Pennine, countenance the carrying of tho ho submarines had attacked a sdaiiit' ""IK out their line In German stihmarino campaign into ireless station off the Miirmau tl.i r.;;. a and bringing nearer territory adjacent to the home the final attack on this strong-h coast mill had killed several persons waters of that country, after having Id, by their gun fire. registered a protest to tho The village of Movent, on tho Balkan Gains. Ilritish government against th i. ,iris cf Ablaincourt, Is now London, Oct. 11. The Teutonic patrolling of Hritish cruisers : !;, hand of the French, who forces havo evacuated Chavadar near tho American coast. In uci'upv most of Chiiulncs Mali, Ormanli and Haznartnr on watching for the submarine V J, The Hermans Io.t twelve the Italkan front, while the (Irti Deutschland. -r iiireJ prisoners and their cas sh have also captured Kafendra The fact that Washington pro A TRAVELLING OPERATING THEATRE.- The motor field operating theatre which is to be ualties were particularly heavy, omondos from the Itulgarians. tested against the action of the lo the Italian government the wounded presented by Allies Relief Committee. 1 they put up a stubborn fight, Allied aeroplanes carried out a nrjlish naval authorities on that pc al y at Chaulnos Wood. successful bombardment of Mon- occasion was withheld until the German Credit. astir, causing considerable damage. WINNIPEG EDITORS ALASKAN PIONEER MISSIONARY HERE HALIBUT STEAMER IS recent submarine activities by Amsterdam, Oct. 11. Tho Ger-i:,an HAVE BEEN RELEASED WRECKED OFF ALASKA the Germans raised tho entire Reichstag is requesting that In the fighting northwest of the Itev. David Waggoner, of the question. n thr - war credit of twelve bll-ails truma Iliver, the Serbians cap (Special to The Dally News.) Further Notes. Presbyterian Church of Alaska, The fishing steamer Independ be passed at the prrsi tured-Hght'hundred prisoners. Winnipeg, Oct. 11. Mr. Justice of Washington, October 11. The passed through the city this forenoon ent, the4Jationayllnd,ejpe.nnt f ii session of tho house. United-Slate government refuses German Success. llaggart has quashed the warrant Company, of Seattle, is a total .u Another Greek Premier. on his way to Juneau. Mr. to accept the contention of tho Pelrograd, Oct. 11. The Her gainst the editors of the Winni wreck off the Alaskan coast. No Athens. October 11. Professor Waggoner, who has been in Entente Allies urging that neu mans have driven the Ilussians peg Telegram lor coniempi i particulars are available except TiJo!- I.ambros has been np-, from their advanced positions to court in connection with the re Alaska for fifteen years, has been that tho crew was saved. tral nations deny the uso of their iited premier and has succeeded tho northwest of Lutsk, in tho cent llogers episode in tho enquiry attending the Synod at Everett, The Independent put into Ju harbors to all submarines, wheth in f uming a cabinet. The meantime holding up tho drive for into tho Agricultural Col- er they may bo merchantmen or ashlnglon. 1 hough now located I neau about a week ago wiln a new calmi'l includes several university emberg from this direction. ego building contracts. Tho warships. large quantity of halibut for ship- in Juneau, Mr. Waggoner is one Return. professors und is sepa-uled In Transylvania. newspaper men havo been releas- Destroyers of the real poiucers of Alaska, merit to Seattlo and then cleared October 11. Twelve entirely from the recent Hucharest, Oct. 11, Tho Ger d and the judge ruled that the again for the halibut banks. Newport, polil ni strife. having' roughed it years ago United States torpedo boat de- mans are closely pursuing the retreating commissioner, Mr. Justice Gait, Rumanians, who continue had exceeded bis authority in throughout tho country which troyers, failing to locato tho NAUTICAL EXAMS. HON. BOB EXPLAINS was looked upon as a wilderness crew or tno steamer Kingston, to fall back along the whole sentencing Jur contempt. May.M Mi'Caffery this morning Kleven and at that time. which was torpedoed by a Ger hundred twenty- ne. Yesterday, S. K. U. P. Svcndscn f-i uej a letter from Hon.Jlobcrt five llumanians and Hvo cannon ENJOYABLE DANCE Much of Mr. Waggoner's tinio man submarine on Sunday, havo Wells Wadham Chester wero H'n:i'.. in which he and been ordered to return to.port. acknowledges avo been captured and tho fort s taken up with tho training of successful in passing their examinations rreri,,i ,,( m. 1. Last evening a very enjoyable Cotton's letter in f Kroustadt is again in Herman tho Indians of Alaska along var for their f-anl to the drydock. The letter danco was held in the Ilailway- ious lines and bo has many in captain's NEW WELLINGTON COAL, hands. before A. M. fmeiudes thus: 'The Grand men's Hall by the young people teresting and amusing stories to certificates, Captain phone tlC. We havo ju9t ro- Trunk have not, as yet, completed WEDDING BELLS of tho city. About forty-couples tell of his early experiences Davis. Hoth students were pre elved a shipment of 500 tons their contract with tho department wero present nnd dancing was amongst the natives. pared by Captain McGce. Captain Lump"Coal. Wo are preparod to in so far as tho drydock is little wed kept up until an early hour this Wadham is a member of a well put in your winter's coal for you. There was a pretty known llritish Columbia family '"neorncd, and, until they have, ding ceremony at tho home.of Mr. morning. Tho music was all that SURF INLET BOOMING Svendsen first the work cannot bo transferred could bo wished, being furnished vhile Captain wa9 and Mrs. J. II. F. Melville last officer of tho James Carruthers WESTHOLME " any ..iher by tho Majestic orchestra. Thf company," evening when Miss Harbara Vancouver, Oct. i). Mining up 'of all when that vessel was brought out thanks and congratulations Surf Inlet is in a OPEKA HOUSE way in prosperous Dulhie was united matrimony Women's to this coast from tho old country "Kumforto" While shoes lo Mr. Howard extended aro THURSDAY WEDNESDAY AND statu and there is prospect with Mr. Walter l'e(?t dominion every s's Hoth officers ?V8. who work by Captain McGeo. Special, $1.00 pair and his willing helpers of u good yield in the coming Cannery. Miss Clark was brides. Wallaeo's. aro receiving the congratulations The treat atar of tbe movie atare what it occasion ed to make tho maid and Mr. John Clark support months, Mr. F. Uradshaw told of friends. MARY FULLER was. a brilliant success, with the Tho Province today his return many IN ed tho groom, ltov. W. W. Wright on GREAT hope that tho occasion bo repeat "THROWN TO THE LIONS" SPECIAL FEATURE performed tho ceremony in tho from tho property. Ho will leave THE CRADLE Majestic Theatre presenco of n gathering of friends cd in the near future. for Tonopah, Nevada, tonight, tho JiESTOn COMEDY "t if tho happy couple nnd Mrs headquarters of tho company. In Horn to Mr. and Mrs. W. K. "LOVE AND VAOCINATION" Picture and Btt Muale. THE CRADLE WEDNESDAY AND Melville provided n dainty supper tho past twelvo months there was Fiher,.u son, on October 9th THURSDAY Horn to Mr. and Mrs. James M Sl'BtnOAN COMEDY Mr, and Mrs. Lee are receiving the a greater output of silver at Surf HELEN 157 Third Avenue. West, a "WE SHOULD WORRY ABOUT HOLMES Dunn, In the em congratulations of many friends Inlet than nt their mines In Mr. and Mrs. Dan Sutherland AUNTIE" Eplaode of at tho General Hospital THE OIRL AND THE OAM K" daughter Nevada and tho Nevada'mine has I left for Lome Creek this morning. JHELEW8 WILD RIDE DRYDOCK BUSY this morning. led tho mines in tho United States I where Mr. Sutherland is interest Friday and Saturday, tbe largtat ahow ever offered In Canada In one MAC for tho previous year. This ed in mining properties nliht. Charll Chaplin In 'the I.N-MARSH Tho drydock will bo busyjery REGISTER NOW showed, said Mr. liradshaw, that Count,"t rame-l'p,"Oeorte and fswrett"Liberty."In "Tbe "HER SHATTERED IDOL" shortly on a Job which will las -r- tho nroncrly they had in Ilritish Children's shoes in great va Four acta. for a few weeks. This work has Property holders only Columbia was n very valuable ono rioty. Wallace's. JinMu, ,fem 3 t0 g, no bearing whatever on tho Col aro on tho municipal voters' and with tho plans that they had MUTUAL WEEKLY ton leaso nnd did not interfero In list permanently. All in view for its further development, .... i, m WorM Event. tho slightest with tho carrying who hold trade licenses ho anticipated that tho City of Prince Rupert, B.C. out of that agreement, which was must register' this month yield would bo equal to anything - iwuaeiy, in for work covering a period of at at thoclty hall, If they that Ihey had ever experienced. LOWE MASK" leant two years. Once tho dock wish to vote in tho municipal NOTICE! is occupied, tho government will elections in January. RED CROSS SALE LONDON probably admit that It Is com If you aro not a property Land CAFE TAX SALE of for Delinquent pleted. holder nor a holder of a Mrs, It. K. Walker and Miss AND GRILL tnulo license, you must Gertrudo Clarke will havo charge Taxes will be held in Council Chamber Third Avenue "Paddy" Sullivan, one of Princo pay your road tax and of tho lied Cross Halo on Friday Nothing but the Best Ilupert's real old timers, who left apply to havo your name in tho rooms on Third Avenue. THURSDAY, OCTOBER 12th 8TRICTLY UNION HOUSE some tlmo ago for active servjeo, placed on tho list. Do it Ladies are reminded that a largo at 10 ocloc1i a.m. Rnvrn returned to the city thU morning, now. supply of homo cooking can bo invalided home. disposed of.