The DailNews a ' -1 c. J PMNCK ItUPEUT, II. C, I-fllDAV, OCTOBEIl 13, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENT8 fflAMAffS SUFFERED AY LY m SOMME TAKE TRENCHES IN FACE OF DEADLY MACHINE GUN FIRE-ITALIANS ADVANCING CANADIANS WERE GRIM STRUGGLE tyres, r ITALIANS ARE IN WARM CORNER PROCEEDING ON ADVANCING ON ON SOMME FRONT PERONNE ROAD CARSO PLATEAU Tranches Driven Back Heavy Artillery Duels and Fierce Seventeen Hundred Prisoners are Thm Aaaln Faced Hand to Hand Fighting Ger Taken and Important Points u m.ovv Machine Oun man Socialist Speaks Gained British Advance Fusllade. Out Plainly. on Greek Front. (Special to. TIM Dally Kewi.) speil to The Dally fiewt) (Special lo Tbe Dally Ntwt.) October 13. There Ottawa, Oct. 13. A cablegram Paris, arc rtome, Oct, 13. The Italians from London to tho Militia Do violent artillery engagements are moving steadily in the direc nrtmni announces that jncprogressing along the Soinine tion of Trieste and have captured nnd tho French and Ger Canadians have bean engaged in front additional points of vantage and mans are engaged in fierce hand particularly desperalo lighting seventeen hundred and seventy-one, to hand fighting. on the Sommc front. Tho encounter prisoners. The French and British forces has lasted almost Inces-lanlly On the Carso Plateau', the en have advanced further In their all week and the British emy made heavy counter-attacks efforts to reach tho outskirts of ml Canadian forces attacked SERBIAN TROOPS BUILD A SANCTUARY IN HONOR OF KINO PETER- Th r,, u against tho positions recently frontago of thlrty-flvo ,,anau,no on lho one naml nn( organized Serbian army north of Saloniki recently erected a sanctuary with their own hands in captured by tho Italians but they .... ... hundred yards. honor of King Peter. Tho picture shows Mass being held before the troops go forth fb battle. were repelled on each occasion. , , - nasn ii iinvn nriw """", 1 They captured several Herman Sinco August Gth, the Italians inches but were driven.nm'n.l,,.back "Pot,road between the heights Ilapaumo protecting nnd Per-the EARST NEWS BUREAU TRADES AND LABOR JAP ACTIVITIES ON in the fighting In the Julian Alps .v.- Kt, u. have captured nearly thirty-ono w " i"""-- i I LIUUI V IlL'lIT 11 I I II ents, where the enemy directed onno. lllUULia ISbftLil 111111 COUNCIL MEETING GRAHAM ISLAND thousand Austrians. Socialist Speaks Out. i terrible machine gun Are into Greek Front. Berlin. Oct. 13. A Socialist (Special to The Dally newt.) At the regular of tho meeting As In the ranks of lho Canadians. The was reported The Daily London, Oct. 13, The British member of tho Reichstag made London, Oct. 13. The Inter Trades and Labor Council men from Canada again advancr. on News tho other day, the Japs at have reached the outskirts of lho statement yesterday that national News Service, Hearst's Tuesday evening, over which S. tho northeast the Struma, and succeeded in penetrating Ikeda and Jedway are salting Seres, on German trenches and indicted '0 dominal,on for Gcrma is organization which collected and I). Macdonald presided, credentials huge quantities of dog,salmon of Saloniki, and are driving tho now impossible anil tnai no warns were presented by J. Dean, -from districts. the outlying casualties tho enemy terrre enemy. upon distributed war news throughout the German people to know the representing tho Engineers' and for shipment lo Japan, The Japs Canadian Seres is a strongly fortified It is feared that tho the United Slates and Canada, has worst. J. Pilford, representing the Long having no license to fish for sal is cisualties are heavy, the baltal- town and the garrison m from Ontario, Manitoba, Al In Transylvania. been denied all further uso of tho shoremen's Union. mon over there, got over their likely to put up a stubborn reslst- London, Oct. 13, Berlin do olllcial press bureau cable and A communication from the berta and Ilritish Columbia being difficulties very nicely, though it ence. xne uermans nave ueen dares that tho Rumanians are otner iacniues ior news iraus Legislative Committee of the I'p greatest sufferers. is questionable if their methods forced to extend their lino for still retreating along tho entire mission, on account of its gar Hoard of Trade was read, regarding were strictly according to the twenty thousand yards and havo Transylvanian front, while Buch- bled war despatches and breaking the proposal lo remove the STIFF CHANGES AT ideas of the Fisheries Department had to construct additional THE WIRELESS STATION nresl states that the German at- faith with tho burVau. embargo on loreign labor into which is so rigid in its regard trenches. The Serbians, on tho tacks at various points have been British Columbia. Messrs. W. E. for the conservation of anything left wing, have captured Brod. Mr II. I). Pee, from tho Point repelled. TAX SALE Thompson, J. J. Anderson and J. that looks like salmon More Germs. firPV TL'frofnaa otntlrtn nnl ft fi I I'iirord were appointed as a com- u appears that tho Japs got the Petrograd, Oct. 13. The enemy At tho opening of tho city tax Gray, from Victoria station, ar- MISS ELIZABETH BANKS s.tlo vpsfordnv morninsr. William mlttee to confer on the matter. Usie Gf Aliford Bay cannery in have bombarded .Constantza. rived from the south this morn- nnmintiP Tft niinmTl The meeting endorsed t h c WUjCh to do their salting and that Sweets and garlic have been found KtlUrVllJ 1U KUrCIU llcvcridgo entered a protest on inn to take up their duties at tho ground that the sale would principlo of a petition now being tilty a90 got the uso of the can- poisoned with cholera baccilli. Dibgy. irculated by local fishermen, re- nt.ry nef8 with which to do their Miss Elizabeth Banks, the well nn , valid. bv reason of an Mr. riM.. i.-. t,nnr. nil .... .. I questing Premier Borden to take fishing. Of course, they did not JAMES M. THOMPSON i.U9 ulT..i " i-nmvn nnrna si and aumoress, n-,w in.rminr nnsseil snmo Wgby for the last sixteen months, rirnnii mornjnir... from Sc-L. City Sni.viinr teps to abolish Oriental labor in actually do the fishing themselves MARRIED IN SCOTLAND ILIIIIU ago. JVW has been transferred to the Point visiting coast fishing. but persuaded the Indians to fish attle, where she has been n88Urcd intending buyers that tho Grey station whilo Mr. Meiss has for two weeks. Miss Banks is an sne WOuld bo perfectly valid. The question of the right of for them. They paid the Indians Mr. James M. Thompson, formerly gone to Trianglo Island. is equally certain restaurants in the city to three cents per fish, while the with the Dominion Express American citizen who mdding was quite brisk, par- Mr and Mrs. tlalno leave for At- hold a union card was also rental they Daid to the cannery Company hero and an energetic famous on both sides of tho ticularly for property anywhere nconver tomorrow morping, har (,ono brought up. It will bo reported for tho uso of its nets and can-upon secretary of St. Andrew's Society, lantic. For 'ia 8,10 in the vicinity of tho drydock. F. nil it will bo with great regrcl London Daily at next meeting. uery building was ono cent for was married to Miss Mary Shearer, special work for tho yy. nart bought in n double cor- thai their many friends In town this coun- Arthur Cuthbert has been en- e&ct, fl9h taken. They have put at Bogs of Raich, Forgue, Express and is touring ner on Third Avenue for S1.73C. hear of gaged to make a canvas of tho up several hundred thousand dog Iluntly, Aberdeenshire, Scotland, their departure. try and Uo United Statos gather- 9tf but mosl 0( n,0 jn9ido prop city, to seo to it that, from a Lalmoii very cheaply and they are on September 30th. Shortly after tnr tint n fnr a series of articles nriv unnl 1 1 llin flfl 111fll (t (flft A Family Shoe Department incidentally Trades and Labor standpoint, as nmv Dusy shipping them to Japan. ,tho ceremony, tho bridegroom left it. i. fof Umt journai, and bMder8 devoting their attention n.t . .... i "aiiaco's, "' with inuiiy Humes u inisaiuiu mo en- -jn0 japs aro enterprising in any lo join his regiment am tho material for n novel dealing t(J out8jdo ols NV,,C, not . . . rolled on tho municipal voters' ijne 0f business and they aro hearty good wishes of many y Canadian life. This talented laay such heavy responsibilities. carry list. J. Morrison, of tho Electrl- working up quite an industry on friends, in Prince Uupert will go CHEAT much of her timo and SPECIAL FEATURE has devoted when tho salo closed, everything Cross cal Workers' Union, was elected Graham Island. They are also with him on both ventures. energy on behalf of the fled nau U(?ea u8p0Seu 0f except the Majestic Theatre treasurer, vice A. J. McLennan, devoting attention to tho refining tho war broke out,Lection Society since 8 lots and these were sold in who is leaving tho city. of dog fish oil. which is a valuable NEW WELLINGTON COAL, Nt Picture and Beat Mualo. and has been instrumental lnU morningr commodity theso days. phone 116. We have Just re FAMOUS PLAYERS raising large sums tlirougn Hie PEAT CONCERT COMPANY ceived a shipment of 500 tons f WDAY AND SATURDAY I an In of delightfully Interesting Tho halibut schooner Alameda SPECIAL NOTICE Lump Coal. We are prepared to litllo dog stories brought in 9,000 pounds of fish The Peat Concert Company will winter's coal for JESSE L. LASKY Miss Banks holds strong views U,g mornin&. put In your you. presents ihn nlaco of tho united give a concert in lho hmpress To 0UP many friejids and Pa CLEO RIDQLEY ns to world's, Theatre on Saturday Oct. 14 at 8 irons: In order to givo you bet- States In the present and REGISTER NOW m. Mr. Peal will givo his ex. tcr 80rvico and accommodation. WESTHOLMF. afraid to crisis nnd is not express WALLACE REID with tho 1st contingent. periences transferred business wo ,avo our ,n a them. Sho is a great admirer of OPERA UOUSX gripping wostcrn drama Mrs. Peat, who was with the I.on- tho ability and strength of Col Property holders only lo u,0 Westholmo Theatre. Under FRIDAY AND 8ATURDAY "H Love Mask" rtoosovelt. Miss Banks will bo In aro on lho municipal voters' don Chronicle, was also superm-1 tlio management of E. Stilwell. RECORD SHOW Chicago during tho presidential list permanently. All tendent of n munitions factory ij10 same standard of musio and 'lve acts. campaign and will wrlln who hold trade licenses and will lecturo on "Woman's help iucture8 vv ill bo kept up, election Charlie J atlne, ! it for lho London Express must register this month In lho War." Trooper Jerrott MAJESTIC TIIEATIIE CO. Chaplin Saturday from3to5 up at tho city hall, If they also provides humorous sketches. In his latest biiccess ORDER8 wish to volo in tho municipal Part of tho proceeds will bo given BANK MERGER "THE COUNT' ai9 Princa Ruoert cadet oorpi, elections in January. to tho Prince Uupert lleturned Mario Walcamp and Eddio Bv J. C. Brady, Instructor. If you aro not a iroperty Soldiers' Association, Admission (Special to Tb Daily Polo In tho 3rd Episode, of LONDON CAFE All Cadets will parade In plain I holder nor n holder of a 50 cents. 239. Montreal, October 13. It Is "LIBERTY"' ND GRILL clothes, at the Borden School, mi trade license, you must officially announced that the A .new Universal Feature Third Avenue Friday ovenlng, October J Jin, ni i imy your road tax nnd THE CRADLE Iloyal Bank of Canada is pur- entitled iro? NOlhlna but "t 7 o'clock sharp. Tho band win I npply to have your name Born to Mr. and Mrs, Lylo S.lchasing the Quebec Bank. "SUBURBAN" TRICTLY UNION HOUSE i.rinir their Instruments. I placed on the list. Do It Wilson, 225 Ninth Avonuo, West, Iii four acts. I - -w - By order, now. a daughter, at tho Oeneral llos.lMen's shoes, gum boots and rub FOR S MAGNIFICENT REELS 8 LADIES n. A. I'IHlii:ii, a, i j. u pilal this morning. Ibers. Wallace's. 210,