AILY NEWB, The Daily News School-Days arc Joy-Dayc THE MAILS to the boy or girl THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA Publl.hed Dally ! Weekly whose .body is properly From the- East. Guaranteed LargMt Circulation nourished with foods that Sunday, 0:15 p. m. ' are rich in muscle-making, Tuesday, 0:15 p. m. . HEAD OFFICE brain-building elements Friday, 0:15 p. m. Daily News .Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Ilupcrt, IJ.G. Telephone 98. that are easily digested. For the East. TIIAN8IENT DISPLAY ADVEHTI8INO 50 cents per Inch. Contract Youngsters fed on Shredded Monday, 8:30 n. m. rates on application. Wheat Biscuit are full of Wednesday, 8:30 a. in. the bounce and buoyancy Friday, 8:30 a. m. DAILY EDITION Friday, October 13, 10 10. that belong to youth. The llcmo, Harrolt Lake and North ideal food for growing children Ihilkloy, Monday and Wednesday because it contains all FISHING QUESTIONS Into this phaso of tho question the material needed for only. From the South. The .time of the meeting of carefully. building muscle, bone and Monday, Wednesday and Friday the Fisheries Advisory Hoard at Tho question of using dog brain, prepared in a digestible mornings. Sunday nights. Ottawa is drawing near and F. or humpback salmon for bait form. One or two For the South. biscuits for breakfast with It. Cunningham and I). N. Mc- should also bo again gono into. Monday, 8. a. m. milk give a boy or girl a intyro, the Ilritlsli Columbia Tho department will doubtles cood start for the dav. Tuesday, 8 a. m. representatives on that board, tell us that salmon aro much Ready-cooked and ready- too valuable to uso for halibut SUN AND TIDE will shortly bo In,Prince Ilupcrt to-serve. bait, but we know that tho Japs Made in Canada to gather information and October 14th. Saturday, aro shipping hundreds of hear complaints from the flsli-ermen. Sun rises 7:25 a. in. THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT thousands of salted dog salmon Last year the fishermen to Japan, which could be halibut industry here, and, un Sun sets , ,....5:55 p. m. is that every garment washed with it bears the brought many matters before put to a much better use as der it, that business has grown High water ...,3:7 a.m. lit. 19.3 impress of purity;and a purity begotten of sweet, rapidly, surely it would be a ...8:58a.m. HI. 7.3 cleansing oils maintained by absolute clean theso gentlemen with no bait for halibut. It Is also Low water liness in manufacture: a purity exalted by the simple matter to have a clause High water ...250 p.m. lit. 21.0 of workers united for the results, so far as changes in slated that on one day, not co-operation purpose4 tho regulations governing salmon many miles from Prince Flu-pert, added to that order permitl'ng Low water . . ,o730 p. in. lit. t.O a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee'' tho of halibut in which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAP. shipment S. A. fishing were concerned. It a fisherman dumped 20,-000 Captain McOee, M. M. bond to Seattle instead A ithlilmli ft Smnliikl it ml t4 by steamer, at aaa am behooves tho fishermen and all humps overboard because tan . tttiit lit tnmhuSmmlitkl St. of having to transfer the interested in tho fishing industry, they were not wanted at the 31 Years Older Than The Tbe is Lever Soap fish to rail at Vancouver at name on a f uirmtc and In This as ol Purity tod Bxcellcoce. every man cannery. seems strange, present. Thero are many other Dominion of Canada Prince Ilupcrt is interested in a season when everything directly or indirectly, to get with scales on was packed, but points of Jmportanco to discuss and it is time tho fishermen the name implies, busy immediately In tho preparation this information comes from a AS The Bank of British of the various questions reliable source and the matter got busy. TVT .1. A iuriu vmcncu wus which should be brought once should be taken up with the department. NOTE8 AND COMMENTS established long before the more to the notice of the board. Twenty thousand Provinces united and The salmon fishing situation humps would provide bait for Tho University professors in became the Dominion of is just where it was, with the two thousand halibut trips the new tlrcek cabinet must have Cannda. The sound, canneries controlling the misi-ness easily. sustained a rudo shock when that as they please- Tho matter Ono of the most v important progressive management ultimatum was presented to them. which has it made of boat rating should be matters the shipping of halibut a power FALL AND WINTER Conslnntine will now have to devote Canadian finance makes again taken up and pressed in bond from Princo Rupert in firmly home. Another matter to Seattle. The privilege his attention to something it the bank for your more, to the point than appoint- SCHEDULES of the greatest importance is of shipping halibut in bond by account. tho conservation of the fish, steamer to an American port ing new premiers. THE BANK OF I'lio following change will bee 'inn fff live October l&tli. from Princo ltupc:L which is always made tho plea was enjoyed without a murmur To Premier A&quith's state British North America S. S. PRINCE GEORGE of the department, when dealing of complaint for over a year, ment regarding tho acceptance of For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle r,c-y with any request for wider but it was suddenly withdrawn any "precarious, dishonoring 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Friday at 9 n. in. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midriighi in salmon It is tho that it CAPITAL AND SURPLUS, S7.881.0Oe. S. S. PR&CE RUPERT fishing. plea scopo on was a con. compromise, masquerading unuer For Ketchikan, Wranpcll, Junenu and Skatrway every Sat-urday stated by men who ought to travention of an old order-in tho name of peace," every man in PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH nt 12 noon. For Vancouver and all pi e jth know that the salmon are not council, which wns framed be tho Ilritish Umpire will say VV.J.SMITHERS,Manager every Wednesday PASSENGER nt t) n. ni.TRAIN SERVICE reaching the head waters of fore Prince Into Ilupcrt came 'Amen." For Winnipeg and all paints cast and south every Wcdncs. the rivers as they ought, and existence. American fishing day and Saturday at 11:30 a. m. that one reason for the marked concerns were induced to come That three hundred million Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. For Information and reservations apply t decrease in tho sockeye run is to Prince Rupert to carry on Ilritish war loan is the thirteenth. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 260 City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE that conditions in Ihe rivers the .northern part of their It will probably prove unlucky for It nro far from satisfactory. Ottawa business and, needless to say, poor Wilhclm. CIRCUIT NO. 1. depends largely upon the their presence hero is wol ei 11 Itb St. and Ird At. reports from the hatcheries in. corned. Surely it is ridiculous Those Calgary soldiers who Boa IS 6U St. abd Ird Ave. J RAILWAY PACIFIC tore things up the other day are Bo i 14 Itb St. and Ird At. J CANADIAN forming its opinion of this that Ottawa should make it as Bet 1B Junction of til, lod auJ evidently spoiling for a fight. It Ird Ave. J b'ranch of the industry, and it hard as possible for those Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points must be about time to ship them would do no harm if men who firms to carry on that business Itb 8t. (Knot Hotel.) via Steamer to Vancouver and the over to Kuropo where they will BVo 17 1st Ave. and Ttb 81. (Ceo CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY know the practical end of the A special order-in-council was get plenty of it. tra! Hotel.) Meal and Berth included on Steamer salmon Industry were to go framed for tho benefit of tho v OIROUIT NO. X. Princess Maqulnna for Granby & Alice Arm Friday 11 p. Dcvllne, M. L. A. in Saskatche as. X2 Ird Ave. and Ird St. wan, got three years hard labor (Post Office.) Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. Boa IS Ird av. and McBridt 81. for accepting a bribe. A few Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Bos 14 1st Ave. and McBrtde Ot. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE more such sentences and Cana Bei 2B fnd Ave. and tod 81 Princess Alice for Alaska (Monday October 16th. Bei ind Ave. and Itb St. dian politics will become pure as atol XT O. T. P. J. I. PETERS, General Ajrent snow. It would be a good idea to B.C. OIROUir NO. a. Rupert. 710 SECOND AVE Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince attach similar to tho a penalty Boi SI Itb Ave. and Fulton 81 Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery acceptance of all middlemen's Bet S2 aortlen and Taylor Sta. Bex 34 Ttb Ave. and Fulton Si. Wire Cable 8teel Blocks Fishing Taokle commissions on war orders. Bet SB Itb Ave. and Comox Ave. Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns Box 17 Itb Ave. and Dodre PL Rope Valves Ammunition Tho Bavarians are reported in Bex 88 6ti Ave. and Tbompson St. Pumps Hose Paint I Rumanian territory. They will CIRCUIT NO. . Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron probably find that they are very Bex i-L 41 4 la Ava. and Immtraoo Dr.PRICE'S 1 WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" far away from home. Box 42- lib Ave. and Mtbrlde 81 Bex 41 Itb Ave. and Oren 81. It Is very appropriate that! Bex 44 etb Ave and BaiU St. Boa 48 7th Ave. ana Kbarte. O R E AM French aviators should cause i Bex 141 Ttb Ave. and Yiunt 8t. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE sparks to lly in a magneto fac tory. Baking powder MINERAL ACT A lul Lavat MaiaUtlaa Rtrermoutn Fractional mineral rlaim. HOLD WATCH FREE, Sixty Ymmrs thm Standard Tickets lltuatf1 In tha Skeena Mlnlor Division of Caailar District. A Kmlffctfarwt tmmooa Wbore located! At the bead of Alice Arm.Km tnm Wa w fta firm aatblkaa4 iiu Ann. adjolnlur tba Rlrennoutb and Carl- Vikba to ihaaaaaAi ,4 Adds to the aaoala all tha la and from Norway, Bw4n, Denmark, boo mineral claims. Ofl4 M nt BUM Finland, Italy and Rum La. TAKE NOTICE tbat I, 0. R. Naden. Free ru .ham- to healthfulness ol tlic food SAILINGS FROM NIW YORK Miners' Certificate Ko. g,C9B. aetlor a aaa. Writ -United State" I6U Oct. M mot for Cirri Pratt, Free Miners Cer- Berrrnirjord" Oct. I lib. ttneate No. vS,9l7B. intend, slaty day L.ala.' " II." nor, Vtb. la Ooafila, at from tba date tereof, to apply to tbe Oaaia Altatla, toal ALUM "Kiittlanlarjord" Mov, tltb. I Mlnlor Recorder for a Certificate of Im Mk laa klak CONTAINS NO Hat Veue tUtervatleae anaae Barlv, vul ka im, ttm provements, for tbe purpose or obtaining For Rate. Illuitrated Folders and Oeneral Information Apply to la Crown Grant of tbe above claim. fnaraataaa ft-.rMnl, And further take notice tbat action. aaaaU rom al au,toka aanal.a4-nauaa DVBHAVN HANSON under section (I, must be commenced be aauufHlO sBMMsM I 'i l -?Sm Inauranea ana Staaaiahlp Ageaef, fore tbe Issue of sucb Certificate of Im Iiaa 1 aaata I Ulak t4w Ula adat aa4 to aaia aaaS i tba a to fna aa Irva.Wauk.aal N-na Made in Canada Prlno Rupert, B. o. provements. w.ll ka anau4.-WlIXJ4U UJOrv. Wka!aZ Dated tbls tlrd day of December, A. D. Jav.UMlUaM.lUl.w.Canvalla) hot, Laa-kCk, 'till. Apr. I. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON . . PRINCE RUPf"