ran daily rawj ST. ANDREW'S SOCIETY - xuaane3wssmMnriUKVBtcxsreEsuBBWBVsVBWBaBm FOR RENT Local News Notes IN FLOURISHING STATE "The Daily News" t room, bath, tit tnd Are. Ill There were three cars of flsh St. Andrews Society held Its CLASSIFIED ADS. rooms Oreen and 1th, Sec. 111 for the cast today. monthly meeting last evening in 4 room. 109 lib Ave E. I 4 room, til Till Are-, E.....I I the rooms on Third Avenue, when I roomi, bath, 171 Summit...fit Lieut. Wood arrived from the S. I). Macdonald presided over an WANTED roomi, bath, Borden SL....M0 south this morning, I room flat, opposite school...f 10 attendance of about fifty members. im mr x wasted tHW - - t rooms, bath, 701 lib Ave V. Ill In opening the meeting, the 3 room MeMordie Apu, bUi..ll It. fl. Johnson and family are president referred lo the war and from Inverness in town Cannery. vol Chicken ranch Lenin Harbor, new the part played in it by the members brdlng womas bouse p:.;n w - or tin,;, , S-eom hews, .furnished, .houtee William Noble, of Maple Bay, of the society. He made n or out of prttce n, 1 i. n- run for 700 chickens, 11 I", " M tiaiiy a.w relumed yesterday from n visit feeling reference to the fact that eree pertly cleared lend $1B. " up-river. four members of the society, John WANTED (leasehold go, ar We hate one ef the feset deuble e WalL James Russell, Roy Mc-Kinnon mecbanici tools, jrcas. """I. comers In section 0, en 4th Ate., CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- and James Stewart, had WUI cau an, time. tjSZ for eele at 91,200, on terms. sett & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward within the past few weeks, laid WASTED To Lu, Il Electric Co. tf. M. Q. HELQERSON, LTD down their lives for their King forfourrm,.jlppLtr e e e The Prince George did not get and country. LOST in until 11:30 today. She was Fourteen new members were Lust--Yen coatalaing tt, .,. .. ,T initiated, which is a record number pr.ei.i m a local in Vancouver. delayed leaving mg or a worktag nun i tit Uf for meeting. Thomas any one UNION TRANSFER CO'Y. COAL Favorite Ladysmith McMeekln was appointed second Lost- ooid-aiied Wellington lump and nut, best results. vice-president in place of Dan '.... c. c. btCn'L 'a11 Solicits your Hauling and Phone 15. P. R. C. Co. tf. McLean, who has gone to the- old Coal Orders land, and Howard Slcen was added LOSTll.foolJa.eeti. painted tlTl E. E. Phair, the well known to tho board of directors. Fort George hotel man, arrived B. Prompt attention In spile of the fact that a large FOR on the Prince George this morning. SALE and careful delivery number of the members are on rntt bM m given to all active service, the society is In V barur L tiew.-'i-rea AWr Jmm m,u:r u met, orders, either large All tickets calling for photo a flourishing condition and has rort SALE Few artlr.i or small. graphic mirrors and sets will be ambitious plans for the coming r6'Ke Black 3lt. tn extended to October 30th, 19 10, winter. The following entertainment FOR SALE Carload mioirig EaC Mr? h BEST QUALITY COAL Benson Studio. tf. committee was appointed to nuding 17 msrbioe dniL'. c jai tan. and CLOSE PRICES prepare for the winter session: drill-steel,Dally flews.ilram ntiiugs' t' K- A number of mechanics arrived E. II. Patterson, J. O. Slecn, Thos. PHONE 57. from Vancouver this morning, McClymonl, Frank Moore and They are likely to be pretty busy James L. Lee. PHONE 93 P. 0. BOX aa for the next few weeks at the Refreshments were served and PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. drydock. a most enjoyable musical program Dress Up! It's the best tonic Sheet Metal Work YVYG. Gillette, mayor of Prince elections was rendered.by the St.It Andrew's included you ever took and it's an important a Transfer and Storage George and one of the candidates orchestra, composed of James towards BEST LUMP A NUT COAL Now is the lime to have in the recent election there, was step success. and C. .ee, W. Vaughan Davies four heating plant put in among the arrivals from the EXCLUSIVB AGENTS NO LONG WAITS R. Murray, and songs by R. Dow-ther, shape for the winter; roofs south today. and skylights seen to. J. G. Stecn, Frank Moore. NO SHORT WEIGHTS In such cases consult a F. Gorman, formerly with James Sturgeon, C. W. W. Gauld, Bryant Company, Limited When You Order from Us. practical man If you want Foley, Welch & Stewart and now W. II. W. Murray and W. Vaughan results. at the Silver Standard Mine, returned Davies. Mr. Davies played the C. 0. Rowe this morning from a visit accompaniments in his usual ef B. C. to the south. ficient manner. Practical sheet metal man. Opposite Board of Trade eUNCRAL DIRECTORS ASO IB-BALWIRS F. A. Deitrich, manager for the SATISFACTION ft'JUU Rooms 322 2nd Avenue CHARLIE CHAPLIN AT ANTECD OPEN DAT AND PHONE 340. B. C. Equipment Company, who WESTHOLME THEATRE Advertise In The Daily News. 117 2ND STRtET HOSI MIQKT 41 put in some of the plant at the Estimates Furnished Free. drydock, arrived from the south monster at There is a program" this morning. the Westholme Theatre tonight, '-iu ' I If I I L K I mZ , I. II I I the chief ilem of which is "The 1 ir nit ( t fi : CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT latest. Charlie Count." ChaplirTs WANTED MUNICIPAL VOTERS TAKE NOTICE It is some little time since this Tne following classes of voters should famous comedian was in the city ''r Experienced Bridge men. be earerul to take tbe oecesiarjr steps to Track men. Tracklayers and rerlster, otherwise their names will 'not and there will be a large audience 8j General Construction Laborers appear on tbe list. to greet him tonight. The Count" to join the 239ttt Battalion, These steps are: Overseas Railway (ti Householders, namely, men who is well, just Charlie. The rest Construction Corps. bare paid Road Tax and are otherwise Is of high order. of the a program Drafts leaving Vancouver, qualified, must, durlnr October, make the B. C for Valcartier, P. Q Declaration required. including "The Frame-Up," a weekly. Persons holding Trade Licences (I) in which the drama Be attested and forward mutt also nie Declarations durlnr October. splendid papers to Vancouver, and (3 persons holding land under Agree- famous actor George FaWcctt transportation will be arranged ments for Sale muit also nie Declarations, while the third plays the lead, at once. bowing particulars of Agreements, before Send all communications tbe end of JSoTember. episode of "Liberty" will also be to: Officer commanding, (4) Tbe City Clerk, in order to con 239th Battalion, C. E. F. ventence voters, will attend every Wod- included. This serial of Mexico 175 Cordova SU W. nesday and Friday evening during this is a thriller, containing some Vancouver, B. C. month, from 7 o'clock until 9:10 o'clock, B to Uke Declarations. great work by Eddie Polo, while dealer cannot supply you, write () Voters win greatly facilitate mat Marie Walcamp makes an attrac ters if those voting on Road Tax bring their receipts wltb tbem, and those claim tive heroine. Ing to vote on Agreements bring their Agreements with them. STEEN & L0NGW1LL F. PETERS, City Cleric FRIDAY 13TH. ijp ;jj IMPERIAL o"lf COMPANY Ptf J. - LiqUOR ACT, 1910. This is Friday and the 13th, an SS.ANCHU IN AIL emu SANITARY AND HEATING (Section 4t.) ominous combination, but,so far ENGINEERS TiOTlCE Is hereby given that, on the nothing has happened, except that first day of December next, application will of Pro the boat from the south was late be made to tbe Superintendent Agents for vlncial Police for renewal of the hotel in arriving. It may be that some McCLARY FURNACES licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel of the halibut schooner skippers known as the .Northern Hotel, situate.at PLUMBING Port Columbia.Simpson, in the Province of BriUsb have put off their time of departure and Dated this 7th day of October, ttle until after midnight, but 8HEET METAL WORKS , ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant they will not say much about it ' - 1 " I " ! iiLii ,3 . n-itr'-l-felill . "jjj. - " Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. BSPS"SdSSBPSWiPS Night phones 576 and Blue 270 Prince Rupert Feed Co. The right work, at tho right Stuart J. Martin time, and at the right price. ASSAY Ert HAY, GRAIN, FEED, 8EEDS AND FERTILIZERS HAZELTON B. O. DENTISTRY WE HANDLE The oldest established Assay Bulbs, and Take Orders for CROW AND BRIOAC WORE Office In the North. Nursery Stock. A SPECIALTY DR. J. 8. BROWN Chicken Feed A Specialty. DENTIST OflUei Salts PSm.Sleek,M Third Avenue Safety First Mall Or 4 ire Fremiti Attendee Te. Indigestion, constipation, biliousness P. O. Bo I SS3. SCt Thlr Ave. and many ailments of the digestive PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. organs are often the source of serious illness. At the first sign of disordered m conditions take the reliable family Biw-'' eoupoos with groceries cnly'ir - 'AW) AKERBERG, THOMSON remedy that is always dependable toV'' rKKl t0T ont ! OoM Bond Soap. ' . ' -JHR Ales M. Hanson. a.A. COMPANY BEECHAM'S W. K. William. B.A L.L.B. Sole agents foe the WILLIAMS A MANSON PALMER OAS ENOINE COMPANY PILLS Barristers, Solicitors, Eto. ONEr TO LOAN PHONE 525 Vmrtt SU ml Amf M4kU lata WerU. Boa lilt SU ttMfikm, la Uiw,21(Mu. Helgtrsoo Block Prince RoseM. B. C I