! OAttiY ItEWi, h ,t M WHY NFWXHK INI IN The Daily News ADVANCING IN PRICE THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA PablUhed Daily um! Weekly Guaranteed Largest Circulation Simple things have a wny of becoming complex the moment HEAD OFFICE v the surface. look beneath Dally New Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. , Telephone 08. you speeches from the platform Take paper, for Instance. Most TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING 60 cents per Inch. Contract thrilled his audiences. of us, If asked to tell tho Ingre rates on application. Perhaps tho most remarkable dients of common paper tho result of his magnificent DAILY EDITION Saturday, October 14, 1010. paper of this newspaper, perhaps work in tho great crisis Is that would mumble something about many thousands of men, who LLOYD GEORQE scheme and plan of elate -Insurance, haled even to hear his name trees, rags, or wood pulp, and let it go at that. Few of us know The discovery of the war, so which were both bit mentioned some years ago, are today numbered amongst his that the manufacture of rapcr Is far as Great Britain is con-cerjicd, terly opposed, even by men in chemical proposition, a greatest admirers and stauncu-est largely is undoubtedly David his own political added party, supporters. He is undoubtedly its quality and color depending Lloyd George. Tho -little lustre to his career and he was the man of the mo. on acids and aniline products. Welsh attorney" had,of course, paving the way for greater re ment. And some of tho most needed and made a name for himself as a forms when the war broke. common chemicals have skyrock statesman years before the A man of dynamic energy eted in price during the past war was ever dreamt of, but and wonderful ability to grasp THE MAILS twelve months, owing to the cessation not even his closest friends the salient features of a situation, of German exports to us. THE BEAUTY OF SUNLIGHT imagined that the plucky little the sworn enemy of militarism From the East. To be more specific: Casein, Welshman had the ability to and n man termed "pro-Boer" Sunday, 0:15 p. m. alum, and soda ash, all of them is that every garment washed with it bears the rise to such occasion be Ingredients in the impress of purity; a purity begotten of an as in tho days of the South Tuesday, 0:15 p. m, very necessary sweet cleansing oils, and maintained by absolute cleanliness has done. African war, many wondered Friday, 0:15 p. in. making of paper, have Increased in manufacture: a purity exalted by the Mr. Lloyd George is a native just how ho would make out in For tho East. three hundred per cent In cost co-operation of workers united for the purpose; of Criccieth and served his apprenticeship the great struggle. He has Monday, 8:30 a. m. since the war began; rosin, used a purity demonstrated by the "$5,000 guarantee'' which rests upon every bar of SUNLIGHT SOAR, in law with an done wonders, and perhaps the Wednesday, 8:30 a. m, Continued on Pcge Three uncle, who also directed his A uhtttmU ttr Smnhtkl it ml J tJ ;4 mmr greatest to his efforts spur was Friday, 8:30 a. m. nn tt. htttt un tkt fmoe Smnlukt Sp schooling. Aspiring to political that he was fighting the detested Rcmo, Barrett Lake and North 31 Years Older Than The Tbe name Levee ea Soap it e luartntee fame, he had no difficulty in militarism. Naturally a Bulklcy, Monday nnd Wednesday of Parity and EiceOeace. Dominion of Canada getting his countrymen to elect fighter, the gallant little lawyer only. hfm to the House of Commons. seems to have been In his element From the South. the name implies, His radical views appealed to from the beginning, and Monday, Wednesday and Friday AS The Bank of British them and he had a gift of fiery the more work he was given mornings. Sunday nights. North America oratory which carried conviction. to do, the greater capacity for For tho South. was established before the He had a long spell of work did he seem to develop. Monday, 8. a. m. long hard work and splendid training As Minister of Munitions, he Tuesday, 8 a. m. Provinces united and became the Dominion of on the front Opposition placed the production of war benches during the reign of material on a sound businesslike The Daily fit", aclivcrcd bj Canada. The sound, the IJalfour government and he basis and brought unity carrier, 50 cents per month- progressive management was a sore thorn in the sidoh and co-operation where everything which has made it a power FALL AND WINTER of the late Joseph Chamberlain, had been done in haphazard CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT in Canadian finance makes who was Foreign Secretary fashion. MUNICIPAL VOTERS TAKE NOTICE it the bank for your SCHEDULES during the dark days of While ho was filling this The followlnr classes of- voters should account. be careful to take the necessary steps to the South African war. difficult position, the trouble register, otherwise their names will not THE BANK OF The fxllowinp rhanKO will te n : October 15th. from Prinfe It ' When Balfour was defeated broke .out in Eff5blln. A man appear on the list. These steps are: British North America S. S. PRINCE QEORQE in 1900, Mr. Lloyd George was was needed, and immediately 1 1) Householders, namely, men who For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria am S..r . given a seat in the Campbell-Bannerman found, in Lloyd George. When hare paid Road Tat and are otherwise 7 YEARS IN BUSINESS. Friday at 9 a. in. For Anyox every Wednesday u' qualified, must, durinc October, make the cabinet, but it was Kitchener's death shrouded the DeclaraUon required. CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.SS1.ftOO. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT For Ketchikan, YVranpcll, Juneau and Skapway . , not until be became Chancellor Empire in gloom, the question must(1)also Persons nie Declarations boldlnr Trade durlnr Licences October. PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH unlay at 12 noon. For Vancouver and all -i i of the Exchequer in the As-quith in tho minds of all was "Who (3) Tenons holding land under Agree W.J.SMITH every Wednefday at 0 a. m. ERS,Manager uieoti for Sale must also nie Declarations, PASSENQER TRAIN SERVICE government that be bedpan can succeed him?" Lloyd showing perttrulara of .Agreements, before For Winnipeg; and all points cast and south cv : y . to stir things up. His George was the answer, and the end or Woveniber. day and Saturday at 11:30 a. in. i raids on the earnings of the tho correct answer. He is not (4) The City Clerk, In order to con Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. venience voters, will attend every Wed ' large corporations by way of a soldier, but he seems to possess nesday and Friday evening? during this FIRE ALARM SYSTEM For information and reservations appi increased month, from 7 o'clock until J0 o'clock. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 income tax on unearned a remarkable faculty of to take Declarations. increment; his increased being able to rise to any and ) Voters will greaUy facilitate mat CIRCUIT NO. I. It ters If those votlnr on Road Tax bring death duties, and his effort every occasion. Probably it Is their receipts with them, and those claiming Sea IS Ith St. and ird Ave. to solve the land problem in the Celtic temperament, but to vote on Agreements bring their set is to St. and Ird Ave. Agreements with them. Box 14 8th BL and trd Ave. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Britain established his famej certainly It is largely an Infinite F. PETERS, City Clerk. ea 18 Junction of 1st. Ion and among the Radicals and capacity for hard work. ira avea. 8Js lo-isl Ave., between ith and 3 Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points brought him many bitter enemies His latest speech on the war NAVIGABLE R. WATERS S. a Chapter PROTECTION 115. ACT. vtn su. imoi Hotel.) via Steamer to Vancouver and the amongst the wealthy has sent a thrill throughout o 17 III Ave. and 7 to 81 (Ceo 7 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY .1 tral Hotel.) classes. His old Meal and Derth included on Steamer age pension, the Empire, just as his radical Tbe Orand Trunk Pteinc Railway Com that It has under CIRCUIT NO. X. notice pany hereby rives Princess Maqulnna for Qranby & Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. Section 7 of tbe said Act deposited with ei XX Ird Ave. and ird St. tbe Minister of Public Works at Ottawa (Post offiee.) Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. and In the office or tie District Registrar Bo 23 Ird Ave. and McBride St. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE of the Land Registry Ofaee. District of Bes X4 1st are. and McBrlde BL Prince Rupert at rrlnce Rupert, a de ava xs tnd Ave. and tnd St Princess Alice for Alaska Monday October 16th. scription of tbe site and plans of ware Boi xs lad Ave. and tin at. house proposed to bcluUt In Prince n. Boi XT O. T. F. J. I. PETERS, General Aeem pert Harbor at Prince Rupert, British Columbia, 710 SECOND AVE In front of waterfront Block "O", cutout t no. s. Corner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince Rupert. B.C. according to registered plan of the town' Bet si Ith Ave. and fulton st Carpenter' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship CtiansHsry site or the said city of Prince Rupert deposited Bet SX orden and TajJor Sis. Wire Cable Stool Blocks Fishing Taokls in the aroresald Land Registry Ba S4 7ln Ave. and r niton St. Iron Pips Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns Omce as No. 9 J I. Bet SB Ith Ave. and Comot Ave. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex- So i 87 sth Ave. and Dodge PI. Ropo Valves Ammunition plrstlon of one month from tbe date of Boi SS th Ave. and Tbompeco St. Hose the first publication of this notice, tbe Pumps Paint Orand Trunk racinc Railway Company will CIRCUIT NO. 4. Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron under Section 7 of tbe said Act apply to Bet 01 Ith Ate. and Emmeraon the Minister of Public Work at bis omce PL Dr.PRICE " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" in the City of Ottawa for approval of Box 43- -lin Ave. and Mil)me at. x said site and plana, and for leave to con Boi 44 lib Ay. and Oreen St. struct tbe said warehouse. bi 44 tin Ave and BasU sl Dated at Winnipeg. Manitoba, this ftb Boa 4 7Ui Ave. sal Kaerta. CREAM FRED STORK'S HARDWARE day of May A. D. 1016. Boa 141 7th Ave. and Yiunt 8L THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Irk HHHHr VvwwYY--r Baking powder II. IL HANSARD. Solicitor. MINERAL ACT A Bui Uiu SlaaUtlea v RIvermouiB Fractional mineral elalm. E OLD WATCH FREE Sixty Year the Standard Tickets .Ituated In tbe Skcena Nlnlnr Division or Caislar District. A mlAilinirf'iMM BBBBBBwKKlBaiWin ' iJLBBBBsl Where located: At tbe bead of Alice ML naa u mhi II Hi a Arm, adjotninr tbe Rlvermouth and Carl Adds to the ! and from Norway, Swadeo, Dea boo mineral claims. mark,SAILINOS Finland,FROM Italy NEW and YORK Russia. TAKE NOTICE that I, O. B. Naden, Free healthf illness of the food Miners' Certificate No. 0,O0tB. acting at Villa "United States" . Oct. J 6th agent for Carrie Tratt, Free Miners' Cer Drfjni.rjuril' Oct.- tlth. tlneate No. S1,I7B, Intend, silly days L.4I. "Oscar II." Nov, th. from the date fcereof, to apply to tbe bau AIWu. mm "Krlstlanlafjord' Nov. 18 th, ALUM Mining Recorder for Certificate of Im CONTAINS NO Have Your Reservation made Early, Ux iwa, M ror Rates, illustrated Folders and provements, for the purpose of obtaining in U una rna General information Apply to a Crown Oram of the above claim. (motaM mil, And further take nolle? that action. OVBMAVN fk HANSON under section 81, must be commenced before Iom of, w umi m m Insurance and Steamehlp Agency, provements.the Issue of such Certificate of !m ! t tkl.l UK Mb tot tmoi W W IrH wiwilkl.w Made in Canada Prince Rupert, B. O. Dated this tlrd day of December, A. D Apr. f. EMPRESS C0FFE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. 0AW80R 4 . . PRINCE RUPE1T fc