H, 'P'O- galu rM October 1MB DAtLt RKWS. WHY NEWSPRINT IS AMOUNTS COLLECTED AT RED CROSS SALES nri! TlliroT flfJP ADVANCING IN PRICE 2,000,0001 iHL IHLOl " Tho followiiiR nro thu nmn;.nls collected at tlio various sales (Continued from page two.) "to. in nld of the Ited Cross fund, and by the solo of (lowers by vmucic uarron nnu ncr mile gin iricnus: Belgians ifl THE m BY for ulalnff in tho business, sold SALE draco OF FLOWERS Carroll and Helpers..., 9150.00 ITf O ordinarily for thrco dollars ar.d Five Little flirls Hewing Club 4.11 ti5t.il Depend on us pvonty-flvo cents n barrel and SALE OF HOME COOKING Trouble .. nl Droptr AnJ KWney Mrs. Krizzell and Mrs. Kenning 03.50 Bread! now brings six dollars nnd fifty Mrs. Millar and Mrs. Klack 40.50 for cents; bleached sulphite, another Mrs, Mcrryfleld and Mrs. lloltby C0.05 Mrs. WrlKht and Mrs. Klrkpatrick. ...... . 40.20 important Item, has doubled in Mrs. Mcintosh and Mrs. Iiesncr.......... 80.55 Since after the German the ihortly invasion, Belgians price, nnd tho same may bo said Mrs. Morrlssey and Mrs. Henning 50.20 Mrs, (lallaml and Mrs. Illlcy 31.30 have depended (or food entirely on the "Commisiion of satin while. Common bleach, Mrs. Wennnoulh nnd Mrs. (-wey 20.50 which was n cent nnd a quarter Mrs. McNIchol and Mrs. C&mblo 72.05 for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, Mrs, Dawson and Mrs. Potter , 60.00 even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only a pound, went up to seven cents, Mcsdames Humble. Drady and Woodland.. 37.65 and Is now Mrs. Walker and. Miss Clark. 34.75 three weeks they have had no chance to rait more practically unobtainable. Hut nnlllno colors lead all Mrs.Mm. Diane llltditch and Mrs. Williams 32.55 11.50 and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I tho rest for mounting price. Mrs. Manson and Mrs. Arnold 32.00 Backed by the Mrs. Kweet and Mrs. Stephens 33.C0 Tboso that formerly sold for forty Mrs, T. II. Johnson 20.00 cents n pound ore now about Mrs.Mrs. W.Kelsey K. Williams (extra) 13.00.50 Relief Fund twenty dollars for the same Mrs, Manson and Mrs. Arnold 45.00 Belgian Mrs. Nnden (sale of cake) .50 MiTTic warmer weight. Aniline colors are extensively Mrs. Manson and Mrs. Uirnie 31.70 Port Robiut.-n.Ont.,July 6th, 1915. used to give the proper Mrs. Johnson and Mr. Tumbull 30.00 so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United m t ....... .1 "rrulU-tivcs" In Mrs. McNichol and Mrs. Carss 39.00 Slates, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported buo Jiousi i t ovr three years and havo to paper, cochineal and ultra Mrs, llix and Mrs. Kcrgin 37.35 $900.45 enough whest, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation 0or Zi'und them ft good medicine. marine or magenta and aniline DONATIONS so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left m Cr tilt'i- '' I Ml'was troubled triih blue being combined to obtain a 0.iNaas W.Harbor Nlckerson Cannery 29.00 the country have been able to pay for their daily allowance of Ktdney Disease. The Doctor said alio desirable white. Jabour Uros (Exhibition' 15.00 10.00 bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. threatened with Dropsy. Ilerlimbs Kitlniaat (Collection ' 4.00 snd M bo !y aivall swollen and wo loj;an So, dear reader. If your news W. Pntmoro (bridge) 39.00 Unless we are willing to let these hundreds oi thousands of think she could not live. Finally,we paper presents a Jaundiced appearance, Concert S. 8. Prince George 11.05 women, children and old mea starve, they must be fed at the lo "Fruit-a-tlves". She 1. 0. (). F. Collection 20.50 expenie of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible decided to try or your magazine Just Mrs. II. Davles (Ilallle Lace) 3.55 contribute $3,000,000 month mutt nearly a someone . improvement after tte hud every fan sA, w Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. McOee and Miss Olea- has bought tho cast of age, re. month all this winter I fhsnkfr 3 1'rw tablets. In asliort time, son (tea; 14.10 linliad all pone down nnd her member that the publishers are Mrs. F. II. C. Drown 1.00 the Mrs. No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to osotribtrte iif 'in"look more natural. Now having their troubles In getting Jennings (Crab Claws 8alc 14.00 flesfi generously Canadians I No has been I). Marconi i no as we cause ever mote she U tho luailhitit one in thefatnily paper at all I Kxchange. Ladies Guild 8t. Peter's Church 1C.30 deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humaairy for anil h - n" 'D f l'10 ailment. Sewing Club (Five Little Girls) 10.40 the sake of our own self-respect-Hat us give al vv caa to W't ea:i not say too much for"Fruit-a Ladies Dasket Dall 115.00 help our martyred Allies I Mrs. Knighthall and Mrs. Hill ,. titcs and would never be without 35.75 them". HIQHE8T PRICES PAID FOR Masons Lodges (Tyee and Tsimpsean) ... 31.95 Scad 7 out tBUcnptloat weekly. BotftUy at b lap aaai Is Lseal at Mrs. Arnold (bridge) 19.00 Pranacial Committee, I tfct B WILLIAM WARRICK. SECOND HAND GOODS Miss Hudson 3.00 50c a box, 6 for $3X0, trial site, 25c. OP ALL KINDS Mrs. Uirnie (Ilecelpes) 3.00 Central Executive Committee, 59 St Pttor It, Mantreal At ll '' il'ra or sent postpaid on Queen Mary Club Dance 60.00 Feeds A A Month. rcco, orpriccby Fruit a-tires Limited, BOUGHT AND SOLD Mrs.Hard Freeman Times Hall(party) 21.50 32.95 $2.50 Belgian Family OtUwa. Mrs. Median Parcel Post Sale) 208.25 HARD TIME MTIIPIKO WITH A Friend 5.00 Salvation Army. SMALL PROFIT Mr. Arnold 19.25 Public mpetlnffs, Tuesday, Try 82S 3rd ., Or Phons n4 268 HalUo "Tannis" 212.50 Thursday and Saturday at 8 t. m P. H. Amateur Dramatic Club 25.00 Pundar-i at 7-30 p. in. Metlakatla Council 1000.00 School Picnic (Major Gibson) 10.00 CANADIAN WOMEN School Picnic, Dr. Tremayne and Mr. Mcllae, 9.50 Church Patriotic SHOULD KNOW THIS Anglican Society 1.40 Mrs. McPherson , 2.50 'CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk Anniversary Meeting (Mr Peters) ;. 7.65 sotJb Your Grocer. The Government Bulletin t?!7 Mrs, Manson (Sale of Curios) 5.00 $2,023.20 No.305 tells the story IT COSTS THE SANE. 77ms Superior EXPENSE Ilent,ACCOUNT per Alberts and Clancy 10.00 UMMH riODVCT-INSIST If yon wtntwhlpprderem.chmCaa.JaFint'EnporaleI llroom and dustpan .60 tben whip is with freih cream. Letterheads 1.75 TmAYLMERCONOENSEDM!LKCO..L,to. Postage' .... 12.84 COFFEE Cartage .- 1.35 ATLMta.OHY Cahsd Envelopes .75 Stationery G.50 Telegram to Toronto 1.75 135.54' As Its neme Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. LIQUOR ACT, 1910. It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and (Section ii.) "s Invigorating of coffee. cup PIOT1CE is hereby slven that, on the nrst day of December next, application will be made to the Superintendent of rro- vlncisl Police tor renewsl or tbe hotel AT ALL GOOD GROCERS licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel known as tbe Mortbern Hotel, situate at rort Simpson, in tbe rrovtnee or Brlllih ThreelhtIbrces $0A5 per lb. Columbia. Dated tbls 7th day or October, ISI6. ERNEST WOOD IUC11ARDS, Applicant. WM. BRAID & CO., VANCOUVER DIRECT IMPORTERS- B.C, Linked Sttwart a SSoblsy, UW, Wholssal Distributors, Prlaco Rupert. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS NVUose HOTEL 13 WOW OPEN TO QUESTS One of the largest Hot Sprints In America, circumference 100 reet ! Ramsay's Temperature or Water, ISO d. Fair. Cicsllsnt Trout Lake.Fishing In Lakals Prions oorinsetloaa with Tsrraea. Have you ever noted how an audience RATES l $230 pse slay. Empire Cream Sodas For further parUculsrs, apply to yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? 4. BRUOK JOHNSTONE, ISanafer. - On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-1 b. Tina tetrlitur the speaker reveals enthusiasm? If.. ...-1- .. . . . . . .. . THEENOINERfJINEMEN aiuunea weir enviaoie reputation ny moir upnr oust 6oto CftSfot Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To t quality and uniformity. The most discriminating house- FitHBuaiMra inoink impart belief in anything, a man must believe it k wire Insists unon "Rsmuvi Em n Ira" when buying Soda t Biscuits. t ori' 12 In. by T lav, 12-15 deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. Hoes. Power. t They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply oil a S-4 Horse,in.power.by B 1-2 In, 28 This applies to the written word also particularly frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, ....,whloh means cyl. B 1-2 In. by In, 2S-SS to advertisements. When the manufacturer really clapnets. - Hoes Power. - - believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. For Further Apply Information to inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by will be contagious his audience the RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. W.Prince E. WILLISCROFT Rupert, B. O. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, "lean forward and listen intently." Vanoouver, B. O. fmfci scitters To be convincing an advertisement must convey an unmistakable - Stp it impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your IrrtUtioai Ceaaldiiar of thai NcwsaSfa already tin)inflamed will only do when the article membranes mncnona Gasoline or Distillate and nlsoass la moreover to others,apt to carry Advertised has inherent worth. Uttiietia Byrnp of Tar and We guaranty tn ..., ...... ok nn munlina or distillate and Cod Uvea-Oil promptly stops Thus we have: "Pket'P and free 7. rl nnM troubles. A aeven ounce oocghinr. and noon, thanks any box to tta look properties,cflccts Enthusiasm Advertising: CarU)nvoid7s of Every Sincerity 2f, rbonvoid equivalent to 60 gallons KMnj. a permanent cure. : " gasoline and give from The wonderful popularity Three mighty forces, dose-linked. !X) U too ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditlonal miles, of afathleu'a Syrup of Tar powder and Cod Uvw OU la specially uonvom la dry you Jtdroyin th a : "GO" in Gasoline : tank Will re-from 4sm to ft great valoe aa a ailoarbon -I cylinders. permanent lug and bronchial 1 yn art Jtlmt If I Imilatti talk tvtr year dvtttUlmt pnhlrmt with lit Aivntiiinf Dtptrtmtml NJ rfM tLc?m Pnle In tho world use it. THE AI L1KS OKUKUKU Bold healer.avsrywhero,tjc largo ( tail ntmtfaptr, 1 ym mrt dtlmf m pnvimetut tr uslUmal Iiii It wtuld r Cuarii F4"'000 CAUT0N8. Previous order 250.'000 cartons. Fully jwa to ic tk rsaaiW ami auhuimet a a ti sJvtrHtimf o. A Hit thu teo.l or your mony refunded. Mailed anywhere on receiptoril.pO will bt fmrmliktd, miiktul ttit tr tbllfHtn, bj (As SttrtUry tf Cautdita trtu AutUtit; Rttm SO, Lm$Jt BmlUiaf, Ttnmtt. For Sale Only by Geo. L. Clayton, - Prince Rupert' BCt .Ttrcr I 00