ttLt fcAlLT NEWS Monday, o, t,lt)t . y sin QADSBY DISCUSSES B. C. The Daily News "The White Flour Pinch" have you felt (Continued From Pno One.) THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA deoS With the advancing W , pnin.(id Daiir ud Wookiy it? pHunc hundred railroad., for which five Guaranteed LargMt Circulation price of wheat "the seven-cent two loaf is doomed," say the thotmnnd proper could not HEAD OFFICE bakers. In its place we have provide- .tho. trnlTlo for yenr I m Dally News Hul1dintf, 3rd Ave, Princn Rupert, D.G. Telephone 08. the eight-cent loaf in many come, inciuciuniiy.!.- .t.iuo ihcihiiiu f-It-1.1- SB POO3i0OMItSUIII1llnaH THANBIKNT DISPLAY ADVKRTI8INO 60 cents per Inch. Contract cities only the sixtecn-ccnt government In direct contravention jo .jcuaicui jsatf on,'u, 2 rates on application. loaf. A loaf of white flour of tho statute, overpaid one bread is not a complete firm of railroad contractors seven Avxv rinoijs J! AMai uostM ration. However wholesome mllliondollars. Si Oiaqi p-wpuoia ou tut, dC0. DAILY EDITION Monday, October 1C, 1010. J I aajUBj.njl nnn'ct- tr. and pure, it does not supply In short, Sir Richard was some all the proteids the human whirlcr. Ho was a head of hair-not uris ttfiti u tBt, dnoS jjunjj CONSTANTINE Constantino seems to have body needs. In Shredded a brain. Consequently It took When tho history of the war controlled tho Greek supply of Wheat Biscuit you have all all Attorney- General nowscr's to bo Constantino but it the body-building nutriment wind to keep explaining. Thus It comes written, King munitions, is very certain in the whole wheat grain that when tho badly of Orceco will cither that the great majority of prepared in a digestible form.,. happened looted Dominion Trust Company FALL AND loom up as ono of tho greatest the Greek soldiers will bo more It is always the same price, WINTER of Vancouver, of which liowscr, villains of the drama or as one than willing to join tho Allies always the same high quality. tho and Walibridgo Field wero SCHEDULES of tho weaklings. Having n against the Bulgarian, the Eat it for breakfast with solicitors, blew up, and tho high German consort seems to havo Turk and tho Teuton. Tho kid milk or cream or with fruits. Alvo Alvonslc-ben, Tho following chango will bocnic (T.-mk. rolling Count von warped his judgment, if he glovo stago is long slnco past, Made in Canada tho Kaiser's agent, rolled his 8.October S. PRINCE l!Hh,QEORQE from Prince Ilimtvi ever had any, ond it looks as if and it would probably bo a good hoop to Seattle, and Manager Ar For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and SeaUln pvom, his days ns king of Orceco are thing for Greece, as well as The Rumanians seem to have nold a confessed embezzler, died Friday at 0 a. in. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midnight numbered. From tho beginning, for the if S. S. PRINCE RUPERT Allies, Constantino got off on the wrong foot in head In such a way that his life Insurance For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and it'has been apparent that ho and his Teutonic advisors were ing through Transylvania. They couldn't be collected when urday nt 12 noon. For Vancouver and Skagway all points every gmVth km was pro-German, but tho proximity escorted to a placcof retirement every Wednesday at 9 a. in. avo probably been too anxious these things occurred, I repeat, PASSENGER TRAIN of a strong Anglo-French oh tho Island of Crete. The SERVICE say to get hold of the territory which poor Bowser was quito out of For Winnipeg; and all points cast and south every WrHnM fleet and army induced him to Cretans would sec that they they wanted. Had they devoted breath and hadn't n word to say. day and Saturday at 11:30 a. m. declare a "benevolent neutrality," did not get into mischief, and, all their energies to helping de Whereupon Sir Menard whirled Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. which seems to have been if the Royal gentleman got shy For information and reservations apply to feat Von Mackcnzcn on the Do- off to London ond left Premier City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. " perfectly understood in Berlin. of amusement, ho could form PHONE 260 brudja' would have front, they got Bowser to hold tho bag. Afraid of the radical element a littlo court of his own there along faster and with fewer casu Tho chances arc that if tho amongst his own; still more and rule to his heart's content. alties. Browstcr government institutes afraid of the Allied strength, Meantime, tho" Allies are too an inquiry into tho whirlwind yet evidently determined to busy In the Balkans to be It Is the duty of every citizen mothods of tho Bowser-McHride CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY strike a blow for Germany troubled with this disturber to beeomo a member of tho Red combination, a stale of things when tho opportunity offered, longer. Cross at this time. Those Society will bo disclosed which will make Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point Constantino has been in a very who cannot to tho front go can c Manitoba scandal look liko a via Steamer to Vancouver and the uncomfortable corner ever NOTES AND COMMENTS at least do what they can to help CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY sweet geranium by comparison. . since tho Balkan troublo tho boys who have gone. By Moals and Berth Included on Steamer This precious pair took as their started. Tho French and British have oining tho Red Cross Society you & Alice Arm for Granby motto the good old Tory policy Princess Maqulnna Friday 11 p. m. Tn some quarters it has been not been successful in their big render valuable assistance to the Southbound 6 of spending all the people had Princess 8ophla Saturday p. m. felt that tho Greek government effort to break through tho German cause of the Allies. Southbound S Princess Maqulnna Sunday m. and then some. Late in the day. p. has been treated much too pa lines on the Somme. The Premier Bowser tried to comfort Princess Alice for Alaska Monday October 16th. tiently by the Allies, but now! preparations for the next big try CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT tho British Columbia that they have shown that they will simply be all tho greater, and MUNICIPAL taxpayers J. I. PETERS, General Aeent VOTERS TAKE NOTICE with apples-that is to with say, nro capable of dealing very the Allies will keep on trying The followlnr classes of voters should Co ner Fourth Streot and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. be careful to take the necessary steps to prohibition and woman suffrage, firmly with the situation, matters until they are successful. Mean register, otherwise their names will not but tho trick didn't work. British will begin to mend, but not time tTTe German line is pretty appear on the list. These steps are: Columbia accepted prohibition for Constantino. The radicals badly bent. (t) Householders, namely, men who and woman suffrage gladly under Venizelos will now be have paid Road Tax and are otherwise qualified, must, during- October, nake the enough, but not tho Bowser gov still more determined to oust The offensive on the Somme Declaration required. ernment. It got what was coming the Royal family from the con-- front has not only been success (I) Persons holdinj Trade Licences must also nie Declarations during October, to it. .trol of the destinies of Greece, ful. in that it drove tho Germans (3) Persons holding; land under Agree Continued on Pcge Three Dr.PRICE'S -v: and, given Venizelos as a lead- back for many miles and resulted ments for Sale must also Die Declarations, showing pertlculars of Agreements, before er, there can be little doubt in many thousands of prisoners the end of November. that a republican form of government being taken, but it entirely relieved (4) The City Clerk, in order to con REAM venlence voters, will attend every Wed FIRE ALARM SYSTEM would be beneficial. tho French army on the nesday and Friday evening during this In these democratic Verdun month, from 7 o'clock until 9:30 o'clock, days, a front. to take Declarations. CIRCUIT NO. 1. Baking powder king should only remain king (S) Voters will greatly facilitate mat If Boa 12 Ith 81 and 3rd At ters those Road voting Tax bring so long as he is the father of Prince Rupert will bo busier on their receipts with them, and those claim Bo i is tb St. and 3rd Ate. his people. When a' monarch after next Wednesday than it has log to vote on Agreements bring tbelr Box 14 8th St. and 3rd Ave. Agreements with them. Boa 18 Junction of 1st. Ynd and Ymmrm thm Standard betrays his people, as Constantino been since the days of railway F. PETERS, City Clerk. 3rd Aves. Sixty has attempted to do, his construction, May it be the start Boi tth 17-1 st Ave., between 8tb and Sts. (Knot Hotel.) term of kingship should end of the big things which are bound NAVIGABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT Bot 17 1st Ave. and 7th St. (Ceo Adds to the R. S. C Chapter 115. suddenly and forever. to come sooner or later. The Grand Trunk Pacinc Railway Com trel HoteL) heal thlulness of the food pany hereby gives notice that It has under OIROUIT NO. S. Section 7 of the said Act deposited with Boa St 3rd Ave. and 3rd 81 the Minister of Public Works at Ottawa omce.) I and Id the offlce of the District Registrar Sex(Post ES 3rd Ave. and McBrlde St. I FRED STORK'S HARDWARE of Prince the Rupert Land Registry at Prince Offlce.Rupert,District d of Boi Boa 14 ts tnd 1st Ave.Ave. and and Ind McBrlde St Bt. CONTAINS NO ALUM scriptton or tne site and plans of ware Boa SS Ind Ave. and U St home proposed to be built In Prince Rupert Bos ST O. T. I. Harbor at Prince Rupert. British Co 710 SECOND AVE lumbia, in front of waterfront Block "O" oMourr no. s. Made In Canada according to registered plan of the town' Oarpsntsrs' Tool Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Bo 81 -Ith Ave. and Fulton St site of the said city of Prince Rupert de Bo St Borden and Taylor Su. Wire Cabl Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle posited In the aforesaid Land Registry Box S4 7th Ave. and Fulton SL omce as No. 9JS. Iron Pips Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns Sol SB 9 lb Ave. and Comox Are. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ex Bo S7 8 th Ave. and Dodge PL Hope Valves Ammunition plratlon of one month from the date of Boi SS 6 th Ave. and Thompson St Pumps Hose Paint the first publication of this notice, the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Company will Siovaa and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron under Section 7 of the said Act apply to wmvv.i r.v.and w. Boa 41 4th Ave. Emmeraoo Healthful Sleep the Minister of Public Works at his offlce "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" In the City of Ottawa for approval of .. so ox I in Ave. ana Mennae St. said site and plans, and for leave to con Bo 48 Ith Ave. and Green St is necessary for the enjoyment and prolongation struct Dated the at said Winnipeg,warehouse.Manitoba, this SStb Box 44 etn Ave and Gull st of life. During sleep Nature renews the vital day of May A. D. tt. Boa 4S 7th Ave. and Shone. forces of the and the restores FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Bo 141 7th Ave. and Y Ming St body energy. I THE GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. Sleeplessness is one of the evil results of indigestion. II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor. To avoid it, keep the stomach well, the liver active ana the bowels regular. The health of these organs MINERAL ACT a iMi Uiu Sinalatlwa j RlvermoDth Fractional mineral eiatm, OLD WATGH FREE. Is Assured by situated In the Skeena Mining Division ol Tickets Casslar District. A eaf MnlrfitfOTnri'imraa Ifom a Beecham's Pills. A harmless vegetable remedy, which Where located: At the bead of Alice Arm. W. an atla .wr acta immediately on the stomach, liver, bowels ana wa-neys, to thmmnito ol adjoining the Rlvermouth and Carl Arm, ail m Uw and them in good working oroer. to and from Norway, Swodon, Don- boo mineral claims. voiU m a kn toning putting mam, riniana, iuuy ana nutaia. TAKE NOTICE that I, 0. R. Naden. Free Millions of people sleep well and keep well because, at Al LINOS FROM NKW YORK Miners' Certificate No. S4.096B, acting Willi take aneloalaf at the first unfavorable symptom, they begin to "United states" Oct. lent agent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Cer naki lot cm al aar "Drgenrjorir ....... Oct. tlttu tincale No. 93,91TB. intend, sixty days taahloaabW lmt Ooarda.La4ltl'or Oscar II." Nov. 9th. from the date hereof, to apply to the Ooau Albarta. anl "Krlstlaniarjord" Nor. lltb. Mining Recorder for t Certificate of Im win orrUwa tha ol4 auk,U vfcltk.Ml Ha Your Rasarvatloaa mad 'Early. provements, for the purpose of obtaining 111 to il?oa trwm ftEE(HANSh.LS BBBBSBK'BBxySK&yBJBBBJ Rates. Illustrated rolderi and For a Crown Grant of the above claim. oeoerai inronnauon Apply to koakl roa'taU a i And further take notice that action, aaUn al.of aiartol. BBtMMm:VfSMBBBBBBB OYBHAVN HANSON under section 85, mutt be commenced be 1am abOat rJftM.a a4 Wl ato Ibaaa i . .r fore the Issue of such Certificate of Im lka t thlak UU afar tea oo4 4o to b-oa. kn nl Bos . Insuraneo and Stsamahla Afonoy, aa oaata t4a on,taia a Worth at Gulnoa a provements. will to aaM4.-WllXIM a UarDTlIkolalS! 8t. If r.p.r.l mnU kf Thorn.. ""b'.,fc a. O. frlnee Rupart, Dated this sird day of December, A. rwrtlow tHwpt,!..Corawallla lUjalTtinZiaTa!, C.nad l U.8.Am.rlc. 1911. Apr. t. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT.