lna Daily hbwi. am HE 7 ooo nnm ifl IE HUT Belgians Depend on us N S'n Of L 7 Drop. -rot AnJ IIT.A.TIVM"Kidney Trouble for Bread! Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians have depended for food entirely on the "Commission for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only three weeks they have had no chance to rais more and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I Backed by the BaiiH 4smh-Jsst Belgian Relief Fund uiTTK WARRCN SSHSSaSBhrsaBSF ( P "TiBf ior Port Robinson,Ont.,July Bth, 1015. so generously contributed in the British Empire sad tha United "ffa fca J " Frult-a-tlres" in Stales, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported oar house fororcr three years and liaro enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation tim foun(1 l,iem KpoJ metlcli' so far. The great majority of the 7.000,000 Belgians left in QT lUlir """"I PROHIBITION MAP OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA. the country hare been able to pay for their daily allowance of AV7 Tno oc101" Mi1 8,10 In Iho Yukon Final figures in tho recent plebiscite bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. gave a majority of threatened with Dropsy. Ilcrlimba 3 against Prohibition. With tho exception of Quebec, which is was nearly three-quarters "dry," all t ho Unless willing to let these hundreds el thousands of and in J My were all swollen we liocan other provinces and territories are already "dry" or have voted we are tothinktheoould not live. Finally,we for Prohibition. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the deciJed to try "Frult-atives". SA expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible after tt had QAD8BY someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month lothow imprmtmtnt DISCUSSES B. C. with errery ifgan a government that is doomed they can and often when very they her a few tablets. In a short time, month all this winter I fitm to defeat at Iho next general election. can't. down and licr the swelling had all gone No under the Allied wefl able cesstibute (Continued from Page two.) people Flags are ss to natural. Now Humor has it that It. H.s Jesh be:into look more Premier Hearst is charged with generously as we Canadians I No cause has ever been more the is tho heatthitil out in the family seat in Calgary is not as safe as being The landslide outmanoeuvred on the deserving of helpl In the name of Justice and Huroarsity for old in llritlsh Co the and ha no signs of "ailment. it used to be before liritish Columbia question of prohibition, and tho the sake of our own self-respect Ut w give si we caa to We can not say too much for Fruit-a-lives" lumbia has naturally alarmed the Allies help martyred I and would never be without Conservative showed Alberta what n talk now is to hearse Hearst by our in the parly neigh them". wash-out could do. On the whole making him a nigh Court Judge. Scad yew Milecriptioas weekly, sseatkly et ta oao laasat seas so LeesJ at boring province of Alberta, where Pieriactal Committee.o le ike WILLIAM VAimE.V. it. D. might find the Opposition The funeral preparations are in jOc.a box, 6 for $2.S0, trial site, 25c. Leader Michener slips back two leadership in Alberta Central Executive Committee, 6s) St. Peter tt, Hentreal a snugger hand right now -no flowers. At all iJralers or sent postpaid on Inches for inch he makes every berth than his $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. receiptor price by Fruit a-lives Limited, hopes deferred at With Premier Hearst decently interred of headway. This has led tho Ottawa. Ottawa. If Alberta gets him back and a new premier at the party to cast longing It. on eyes it will be with Ottawa improve head of affairs the government Bilvatlon Army. II. Dennett, M. P., the Calgary Public meetings, Tuesday, ments, which have rendered him may see its- way clear to restore Demosthenes, who has got about Thursday and Saturday nt 8 o. m a Madder and wiser man. wine and beer licenses in cities Fnndiivn at 7-30 p. m. as far as he can go at Ottawa The signs of the times have of ten thousand and over and CANADIAN WOMEN also spread panic in the flock of perhaps to operate the liquor SHOULD KNOW THIS village lawyers who are manhandling shops on the Saskatchewan system. "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk a fourteen million dollar This would be the first step. sold by Your Crocer. The Covemment Bulletin budget in Queen's Toronto. Nj.30S tells the story-IT COSTS THE SAME. Park, The program is to reorganize the This Superior The Ontario government has been government by making Howard cai4 etas rsoBuct-INSlST If rm want whirred ereim.chiU"Caada FinS"Evaporated running to seed ever since its Ferguson, the bush-leager, or then whip at with tt eh cream. strong man, Sir James Whitney, Listless Lucas or Dr. Pyne premier, ThbAYLMKR CONDENSED MILK CO..Lto. COFFEE died. Its remaining strong man, and then an election. In tho Hon. W. J. Hanna, thwarted other words, reconstruction followed of the premiership and not liking by destruction. II. F. G. the ho is obliged to keep, As Its nemo Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. company is gradually 'casing himself out It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and of politics into his Standard Oil invigorating cup of coffee. satrapy. Sir Adam Beck's hydro-radial r enterprise is more acceptable to the people than Sir Adam AT ALL GOOD GROCERS is to his colleagues in the gov ernment, who, as a matter of fact, $0.45 lb. Tlireefiuyibrce& per refuse to play in his backyard and throw slones at him whenever WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS VANCOUVER - B.C, Close Link SUwart Nobler, Ltd., Wholesale Distributors, Prince Rupert. LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS HOTEL 13 WOW OPEN TO QUESTS 3 One of the larrest Hot Sprtnrs In America, circumference 100 feet Temperature or Water, ISO d. rabr. Ramsay's EieslUnt Trout Flshlnf In Lakelse Lake. Phone Connections with Terrace. Have you ever noted how an audience RATES i per day. Empire Cream Sodas For further particulars, apply to yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? 4. MUCK JOHNSTONE, Manager. On the other hand, have you noted how an audience will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In t-lb. Tina tctrlitttr the speaker reveals enthusiasm? THE ENGINEyKLFIN EMENT Have attained thslr anvlabls reputation by their aupsrlor fa bejta aCeToe l Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife Insists upon "Itamaays Empire" when buying Soda FistrKnatAirs emojne impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Biscuits. t Oil 6 1-2 In. by 7 la 1E-1B deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. Horse Power. They ars mads In . O. and your grocer gets his supply 0l 3 S-4 Horse In.Power.by B 1-2 la 28 This applies to the written word also particularly frequently and qulokly, Insuring freshness, which means crlspnsss. Oil- 1-2 la. by la to advertisements. When the manufacturer really ; t Horse Power. believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Provs It by buying tin with your next order. For Further Apply Information to inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by will be contagious his audience the RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. W.Prince E. WILLISCROFT Rupert, B. 0. readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, "lean forward and listen intently." Vanoouvsr, B. 0. Cwgkkf scatters pom To be convincing an advertisement must convey an unmistakable 5 Sty it impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your Irritation of the already In- will only do when the article oamca mocQooa tncatDranea Gasoline or Distillate dlaeaMto and U mocvoTtr others.apt to carry advertised has inherent worth. Matbicu'e Syrup of Tar ad HlD!ran140 10 ave you 25 cent on gasoline or distillate and Cod Utrtt Oil promptly stops Thus we have: fronTcAUUON troubles. A .even ounce coughing;, ana soon, thanks KsMW "Wpr to its took properties,cftcct Enthusiasm Advertising: ,. kmwi. ' - Sincerity v-'wiivomi ia euutvalent to Wl trillions oi will save you a permanent cur. Hit ; "mum mi irivo from The wonderful popularity J??.to too ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, of Methteu's Byrup of Tar Three mighty forces, close-linked. and Sod Llrcr is UrUnvold is dry powder you Oil specially : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re- doe to its mat value as a wove a I nr) from cylinder. permanent Tana- asd bron If m ore Wof a i 0 tutimtu talk eeer year aWtfii'of pnlUau arid tie Aivtrtitimf Dtfrlmnl world use it. THE ALLIES OltOEUED chUl Bold healer. largo tf tkit Biwtpmfn, j yea ore diimg m prtvimcUl r utitmal oWess It mulJ it wtll tr everywhere),J$c tti'AHTON8. .Pviou.oer2c. . fm I Lip lk4 cunttl :d atthtamt a a fd aJetrthtmf itftmej. A lit! ei i juur money rciunueu, jubiicu any '"w" r " mill furwhktJ. wltkmt ceil er titifti, h Ik Srrtsry f CsoeVee -- U MATBBEO CO.Prop, rU Autiti: Bm SO J, lumul BmiUimf, Ttnmf. For Sale Only by Geo. L. Frlnce Rupcrt' B,c Clayton, - I I