OTIS DAIL1 MWJ Monday, October ifl. l0,6 NEW ANQLICAN CHURCH FOR RENT Local News Notes OPENED AT CEDARVALE "The Daily News " Assisted by tho Rev. T. J. YA. Hawkins is in town from CLASSIFIED ADS. I roomi, batbf lift Ind Are. Ill Marsh, of Terraco, Bishop Du 6 rooms Oreen and 7th, Sec III Surf Inlet. 4 rooma, 109 th Ar., E I t Vernet opened the new Anglican 4 ICI 7th Arc, E. 1 I I rooms,rooms, bath, 171 Summit. . .Ill Frank II, Moblcy has returned Church nt Cctlnrvnlo last Sunday WANTED. rooms, btth, Borden 81 .10 from Allin. Morning. Tho church Is n frnmo I room JUt, opposlta school.,,110 WANTED - Delivery boy, 8 rooms, batb, 701 lib Are., W. IIS building 18 feel by 32 feet and .! I room McMordie Apts., bath.,fit John J. McNeil, of Telkwa, is a is neatly finished outside, The WAJITED Empty coil visitor in tho city, aril Immds Chicken ranch Laraan Harbor, new congregation, which is not large, I S-room house, .furnlehed, .houaaa J. 11, McMulliu left for Victoria did well both in the way of subscriptions tf and runa far 700 chlekana, 116 Y0.U W0.MA .U Position a, , . on Saturday afternoon. and also in the way of v uinj "uw or "nl" "tci rZ' aeraa partly cleared land SIS. In or out of Prim Clt T' Rupert labor freely given, the central New arrivals: Distinctive foot 117. Dally Mawa. Wa hat one of the beat double fund of the Diocese meeting the corners In aectlon 6, on 4th Are., wear for men Wallace's. WANTED balance ot-tho expense fop inn-tcrial. I mechanic, tool., offcJTiVLW for aala at 91,200, on terme. t Mr, and Mrs. Walter Leo left Thcro was a good attend-anco ; mrhe.1 price. w,d. Pi "i H'ln H. O. HELQERSON, LTD for Vancouver this morning. at tho opening service, settlers wantedto coming from both sides of for bur aoma nr.,i four room.. Apply , Mr. nnd Mrs. W. Drancy, of tho Skecnn River. tj Haysport, wcro In town Saturday. LOST BLANCHE SWEET AT LOST UNION TRANSFER CO'Y. J, W. Dean has gono to Victoria probably m a loeal hot,I uvi Try WESTHOLME THEATRE ln of a worklnr man. nt L. .' to visit his daughter, Mrs. Kirk- Being shown at the Westholmo Theatre tonight. rindecauat Dally ew, Solicits your Hauling and patrick. Tonight sees the opening of W.!njH Ebm YUKON RECRUITS Coal Orders CARBONVOID the Weslholino Theatre tinder the MINERAL ACT "l":. u.r B',Wcea nu Hotel IM for sale by Lip- Apply Dally News. of Ed. when Certificate of Improvements tf. management Stilwell, sett & Cunningham, and Parkin- ' of hun LOST it-root launch, There was a company, a NOTICE painted white win Prompt attention Ward Electric Co. tf. tho Lasky feature "Tho Sowers" dred and twenty sturdy recruits Silrer Bow Mineral Claim, situate In the DUckyOI.P' E"lll0Pe ",,ne- PboJ and careful delivery will bo produced. It is a filmed Skeena Mlntnr Division of Cai.tar District, board tho all COAL Favorite Lady smith crsion of Henry Sctoh Mcrri- from tho Yukon on Where located. At the bead of a branch FOR SALE given to Prince Rupert this morning bound or Lime Creek about four mile, from the orders, either large Wellington lump and nut, best re man's widely rend novel and deals beach on the aoutb tide of Alice Arm. The is in FOn RENT Seven-roomed bouse, small. sults. Phone 15. P.R. C. Co. tf. with tho story of the struggles of for Victoria. parly TAKE NOTICE that t, Oeorro n. Nedcn, harbor view. ApplyThomas modem. or charge of Governor Black who Tree Miner. Certificate No. 94094B, acttnr Mi :iymont! tho Russian people towards political a. arrnt for Thos. MeRostle, Free Mlner'a FOR SALE Carload mlnlnr Mrs. J. Lynch has returned took his commission sonic titno machinery a. M, nnd industrial freedom. Certificate No, (tttlB, and Jamea L. Ilatcn, cludina; 17 machine drills, cc'jmn bars, BEST QUALITY COAL from a month's visit in tho south ago. They were a remarKamy lit. Free Mlner'a Certificate No. 87flB, intend, drlll-ateel, eteam-nttlnrs. etc Dlancho Sweet appears in the ility day. from the date hereof, to Dally News. w'j and CLOSE PRICES nnd left today for her homo in ooking bunch who would bo leading role, in a part which will applr to the Mlnlnr Recorder for a CertM Smithcrs. capable of giving the Germans a cate of Improvements, ror the purpose of PHONE 57. ppcal to the sympathies of all. obtaining a Crown Grant of the above hot lime in band to hand fighting. claim. PHONE 93 0. BOX 38 Thcro is George II. Munro, G. A. Woodland, a strong supporting arrived hero to tho strains And further take notice tbat action, They Thomas MoMeekin and John company, including Thos. Mcig. under aectlon IS, muat be commenced before PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. ban, ono of the most brilliant of of "Tippcrary.' the Issue of such Certificate of Improvement week's McRao have gono on a I. young movie actors. There is Dated thla tith day of March, A.P. 19 If Sheet Metal Work hunting trip,. . also an Eclair Animated Gazette Tho Daily its delivered b) OEOPOE n. NADEN. Transfer and Storage All tickets calling for photographic showing tho latest war pictures. carrier, 50 cents per month. BEST LUMP & NUT COAL Now is the time to have mirrors and sets will be There will ,be u special musical Prince Rupert Land Dletrlct Olatrlct of your healing plant put in extended to October 30th, 1016, program by the Stilwcll-Balagno Ooaat, Rang 8. NO LONG WAITS shape for the winter; roofs NO SHORT WEIGHTS Benson Studio. tf. orchestra. and skylights seen to. TAKE NOTICE that the raeitle Mills, When You Order from Us. Stuart J. Martin In such cases consult a Limited, or Vancouver, B, C occupation The train" due here at 0:15 last ARCADE CAFE pulp and paper maker, Intend tq apply If want practical man you ror permission to purchase the following I evening arrived this morning ASSAYEK results. described lands: Comroeneinr at a poitl about 8 o'clock. A slide at Usk planted at the southeast corner or Lot ttt From tho Busy Beo to tho new C. 0. Rowe was tho cause of the delay. HAZELTON B. C. on the west shore or Cousins Inlet, thence B. C. UNDERTAKERS Arcade Cafe is quite a jump if west it chains, thence south to chains, Practical sheet metal man. a thence east to shore, thence northeasterly the two establishments. one compares M. Kipp, manager at Balmoral alonr shore to point of commencement, FUNERAL DlfttCTORt AND II-BALWCRS Opposite Board of Trade Tho oldest established Assay But it is of SATISFACTION GUAR ono many containing 6 J acres, more or less. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Cannery, Frank Ellis, Lon Neil umps Billy 4leorgalas has made Office In the North. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, t-NTEED OPEN DAY AND NIOHT and F. V. Campbell were in town Mark Smaby arent. 117 2ND STRtET PHONC 41 PHONE 340. during his career as a restaurn. Dated May nth. A. D. UI6. Aur. It Estimates Furnished Free. Saturday on their way south. ' teur. He thoroughly learned his business in tho cities of large J. V. Rittenhousc, who is interested Europo and since the severance ' . 1 ' . ' ' n ' ' in mining 'at Copper ::::::::!::::!:::::k:::::;ii:!i !!::!..1, u , i i - j n I i I t "til .'" u , t i ill yV of his connection with tho Busy River, was among the south-go WANTED Beo has worked in Dawson, Fair ing passengers last evening. banks, Iditarod nnd Nome, return. Experienced Bridge men. Ing to Princo Rupert fully con Track men, Tracklayers and Mrs. Du Vernet left this mo'rn- General Construction Laborers ing for Shandilla where she will udent that this is the place in to join the 239th Battalion, which to establish a large cater. Overseas Railway join Bishop Du Vernet who has Construction Corps. been in the interior for a few ng business on up-to-date lines. Drafts leaving Vancouver, days. He has as partner in the new Ar D. C, for Yalcartier, P. Q., weekly cade Cafo II. Killas, who is also papers Be attested to Vancouver,and forward and The Japanese brigantine Hoka- an old timer, and they have cer transportation will be arranged tu Maru arrived in the harbor tainly demonstrated their confl Send at all once.communications early this morning loaded to the dence in Rupert by the lavishness to: Officer commanding, hatches with salted salmon. After of their business enterprise. 230th C. E.F.. 175 Cordova Battalion,St., W. getting her clearance papers hero Everything is new in the Ar Vancouver, B. C. she will leave on her return voy cade Cafe, spotless and in excel i................................. age to Japan. ent taste, with a daintiness about it that is specially inviting. This II. D. Tee, who arrived from is as true of the kitchen in the Point Grey on Friday to take over rear as it is of tho largo room STEEN & L0NGW1LL his duties at tho wireless station, where crowds will gather to feast. is nn old timer here, having been The floor and walls of the kitchen i- SANITARY AND HEATING located at Digby flvo years ago, are of concrete, which is a pro ENGINEERS when things were a little livelier tection against flro and easily iipi around here than they are now. kept perfectly clean. Such n Agents for worthy enterprise will undoubt A tea will be given by the Queen McCLARY FURNACES edly receive liberal patronage. Mary Chapter of tho I. O. D. E. at PLUMBING tho residence of Mrs. F. G. Daw 8UN AND TIDE and son on Thursday, October 10th "' 1 : ...I I.I I...II 1 I II - - SHEET METAL WORKS from four to six, to raise funds Tuesday, October 17th. -Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. for a contribution to tho British bun rises... r .7:31 a. m Night phones 576 Red Cross "Our Day" Fund. Results Sun sets .....5:40 p. in and Blue 270 of radio for the pair of High water ...5:35a.m. lit. 10.3 The right work, at the right socks made and given to tho time, and at the right price. Low water ...11:0 a. m, lit. 10.4 Ducliesn of Connaught will bo nn High water ...4:58p.m. lit. 17.C nounced. Everybody welcome Captain McGee, M. M. 8. A. Admission 25c. 242 A Japanese threw Nmelf in 1 7 w V'V.J' DENTiSTRY front of tho eastbound train near Prince Rupert Feed Co. Smithers on Wednesday nnd wan CROWN AND WHOM WORK a SFEOtALTY i killed before the engineer conk DR. J. 8. BROWN pull up. It was clearly a caso o DENTIST HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS suicide. The Jap had been run oaeei Smith Block, Third Sveaue AND FERTILIZERS nlng a restaurant in Smithers for PIMM 4M obou( three months. WE HANDLE Bulbs, and Take Orders for LIQUOR ACT, 1910. Nursery Stock. (Section 41.) t'JrJPi&:?. ve coupon, with arocerlea only It tcSfT.59?W;-',iW AKERBERG, THOMSON Chicken Feed A Specialty. NOTICE li hereby tfven tbat, on the MW J lr'KMl for t'ck'e 001,1 Uoal 6o,p' ',C'',T7A'-.i2 Drit day of December neat, application will 1 made to the Superintendent of rro COMPANY Mall Ordere Promptly Attended To. vlncial Police for renewal cl the hotel Sole Aejente for the i licence to aell liquor by retail In the hotel P. O. Boa S3S. SOS Third Ave. known aa the Northern Hotel, altuate at PALMER OAS ENOINE COMPANY Port Slmpaon, In the Province of British PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. Columbia. PHONE 525 Dated this 7th day of October, till. ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant ..........