Tue'(lay October 17, 101 inn bAiuif jikwb. IflttYSEOICl 2,000,0001 TINT HLM HtK Belgians Depend on us fnil-a-lhes Again Proves lis for Bread! Exlraordinary Powers March 2nd, 1915. Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians wonderful ..tL.mcolvedthe most have depended for food entirely on the "Commission 't Uklns "I'ruit-n-tlTcs". Sir'rca for n years from Rheumalim for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only J tenable without result. I three weeks they have had no chance to rai moie L 'Fruit-a tlTCs" and It wa tho !J,;i acdu: that rw did me good. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply them I I am entirely well-tho Rhcu-Ltl,m Backed by the ha, disappeared, and tho tor-riWe in my body are all Bono. I pain others, who suffer from such Relief Fund dSwin? diseases, will try 'Trull. FISHERMEN Belgian BLOWN OUT TO SEA BY A QALEr A sudden Kalo caught the fishing fleet at trial 25c. Colombo and blew nearly two hundred native fishermen out to Many saved slue, by Incoming boi, 0 for $2.S0, sea. were 50c a steamers In addition so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United jit til dealers orsent postpaid by Fruit' to those rescued by the tugboats which were sent nut next day. The photo Slates, the neutral Belgian Relief Committion has imported atircs Mmiftl.uuawa. shows soma -of the fishermen Just before they were hauled nhoarda rescue ship. The men were enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. badly bruised and were so exhausted that they could not stand up. so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left in Public meetings, Tuesday, the country hare been able to pay for their daily allowance of Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m bread but a steadily growing number have no mooey left. RnndaTs at 7:30 p.m. BABY'S SOMEONE BLUNDERED the artillery had not been used as it should have been. Unlets we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of OWN IN C0URCELETTE FIGHT women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the "Hundreds of dead and wound expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible ed is a heavy price to pay for someone mutt contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month every Toronto, Oct. 13. After an-alyzing month all this winter I disregard of the most elementary the Canadian eye-vltness' No people under the Allied Flags are a well able to ceotribote precautions. Lack of munitions story of operations on the Somirie generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more 3nL. YW on Sunday, the fllobe's military may have warranted tho risking deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity for Whisky 9ou of men's lives against uncut wire the sake of our own teU-respect let as give al we caa to expert says today: "If these stale, help our martyred Allies I lit the early stages of the war, oQuality ments are not exaggerated, Canadians Seod jmm ubecriptloaa weekly, noalVry ia aa less mm a Local w but that excuse can no longer bo Ptoviacial Committee, tbe ot te E Aged In Wood had their Magersfonteln, put forward. The Canadian people Central Executive Committee, 59 St Ptter It, Htrttreal 8 Years Loos nnd Ncuvc Chapellc all in will be deeply interested In $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. before bottling Tbe purity and fap-ance of one on Sunday. They were sent learning more about the action CUARANTEED BY THE I 3aby e Own Soap have mads it up against wire defences that had north of Courcelettc last Sunday. GOVERNMENT of CANADA" iretial fa or'lr. Its use is beneficial to any akin. 4.tj not been subjected to the ttior. The official report leaves much to Albert Soap Limited,Montreal. in ough artillery preparation necessary be explained." IM before an assault is launched. made when, as a matter of fact, The explanation that "close, CANADIAN WOMEN W direct observation" of German THIS SHOULD KNOW defences by day was Impossible HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk does not appear to bo sufficient. SECOND HAND GOODS old by Your Croccr. The Government Bulletin Nj.305 tells the story IT COSTS THE SAME. Ilritain's aeroplane scouting ser OP ALL RINDS This Superior vice has become marvellously cuii moduct-inSIST BOUGHT AND SOLD If roo wtntwhlrrlcrem.chm"C.iilDrt"ETtorted proficient and the presence of Ihea whip at with freih cream. uncut wire In large Quantities HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A TmsAYLMKR CONDENSED MILK CO..Ltd. COFFEE could have been detected at once SMALL PROFIT ATLMia,OHT.t CAHD Try S2S 3rd Ate., Or Phone Red 26S by" aerial observation. "The defeat for defeat Is was, despite the splendid gallantry of As Its nemo Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. tho men who died while they It has a splendid body and, will produce a rich, strong, and sought a way through the enemy's Invigorating cup of coffee. f wiro entanglements was avoid able and must have been due to the assumption by some highly- AT ALL GOOD GROCERS placed officer that sufficient preparation for assault had been $0.45 per lb. Threelhlylbrce& WM. BRAID & CO., VANCOUVER DIRECT IMPORTERS- B.C, LAKELSE HOTEL HOT SPRINGS Close Lmk Stewart Stabler, Ltd, Wholesale Dletrlbutore, Print Rupert. 13 WOW QPKM TO QUESTS One of the larrest Hot Sprlnrs In f m America, circumference 100 feet Temperature of Wter, ISO d. Fanr. I D Eicellent Trout Late.Plehlna In Lakelee Phone Connectlene with Torrae. RATES I 2M per day. For further particular, apply to Have you ever noted how an audience Empire Cream Sodas t. BRUCE JOHNSTONE, Manager. yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? On the other hand, have you noted how an audience twlitttf will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-lb. Tina I THE ENG1NEKlTINEMENI the speaker reveals enthusiasm P Ztett bolts tfttSfait J Have attained their enviable reputation by their auperlor ENGINE Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife FISHCRSJAH-S Insists upon "Ramaays Empire" when buying Soda t Cyl-C 1-2 Horse In.Power.by 1 In.. 12-1S impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Biscuits. deeply himself. We call such a, man an enthusiast, Oyl-S S-4 In. by S 1-2 In, 25 They are made In B. O. and gets his supply Nor Power. also grocer particularly your 4 CyL 1-2 In. by S In, 25-38 This applies to the writttspjferd irequentlv and nnlnblw liMiitlnn fMihnHi. which main Morta Power. "Ispness. to advertisements. When &e manufacturer really For Further Information believes in his ware's, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. Apply to inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm I Manufactured by W. E. WILLISCROFT will be contagious his audience the Prince Rupert, B. O. readers of the will, figuratively speaking, j RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. newspaper "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, B. 0. CwgWif scatters gtem To be convincing an advertisement d a must convey an unmistakable - Step it impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your Irritation Coaghtnr of the tiiereaaee already 0 tn-fiamol will only do when the article tuoctuma membrane Gasoline or Distillate dlacaae and la rooreorer to other.apt to carry advertised has inherent worth. Math leu' Syrup of Tar aad guarantee to mv v, ok r,t nn choline or distillate and Cod U ver Oil promptl y atop Thus we have: K ?ffntL free any mtor from CAKUON trouble. A seven ounce coughing, ana soon, thanks to tt tonk properties,effect 9X box Enthusiasm Advertising: Urbonvoid is equivalent to BO eallons of gasoline. Every a Sincerity . . will save you i permanent cure. tU v"nvou : ; The wonderful Ka8ne and give rrom popularity Three forces, close-linked. Inn mighty to coo .j. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, of Mathleq'e Brrup of Tar powder and Cod Liver Oil la specially f.VHa dry you dae to It great value aa a Will : GO in Gasoline : tank. re- "veafcarbon from cylinders. peraaoent lang and boon Ifym mr J.imf m Itcal imtlaiu ult ever year aWperrli'af priUmt with lit AJptrlitltf Dtptrtnml chtal ITM) largest comn.nl... ,.i.i It TIIR ALLIK8 OHUEItEU healer. tf Mi mwipaftr, J yea art Joint preriaWaf er mstitmal hntUtu it areaU h If til r Sold era y where, jc targe guaran?88'0 CAUTONS." order 250,000 cartons. Fully yea It kavt tht (tumul tmj autitantt tf m frtd aJvtrlitltt tf'O- A Ihl f Iktu or your money refunded. Mailed anywhere on recelptof 1 1.60 will ht furnhktJ, trllktut til er tkllfatUm, ky At Stcrtlury tf Ceaaiwa &LStebn!b'ri' fret AnttUHtm, feea SOS, Lumtitm BmlUitf, Terea. For Sale Only by Geo. L. Clayton, - Prlnce Rupert' ' P"ar.MM 1m mm ex A I I aV