THE DAJLY NEW§S FOR BENEFIT | OF SETTLER CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 , Classified . ; : | will throw light on agriculture and | roe “What Shall It Be” Question mon ground, ‘To put this Here is our Cla rate to a nominal price of a cent a word This store is prepared to answer it meres jhorticulture will be sought for. | Particular attention will be paid to water supplies. The trip will not be without its | dangers. The young men_ will) be alone and will have to trust! for their supplies to the Hudson | Bay outposts. Each carries well tested revolver and rifle. Specially Chosen | Mr, W. E. Scott, Deputy Min- | ister of Agriculture at Victoria, | sent to the Ontario Agricultural | College and asked Professor Creel- man, the head of the institution, to| send two 6! his besi men on the| errand and Messrs. Weir and | White were chosen. Mr. Weir is from Ontario and this is his first trip west. behind White is a native of New West- | nounced this morning that in SAYS WE ARE SATISFIED Premier McBride Gives Inter- view at Minneapolis WILL HOLD | | The occasion may be what | it will; it is our duty to be ready to supply you, and we can do it too, With pleasure to you be- cause of the size of display; with profit to you because o our ability to sell close. When the gift question pre- sents itself let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. rn portant Announcement we RESULT OF PROTEST ree ee Done in Public. Heintzman Pianos EASY TERMS C. B. WARK Jdewelier (Canadian Press Dispatch) Lethbridge, May 4.—As a result of the protest of the miners the Mr. | sitting | future sessions will be openly, the public and represent- jatives of the press being ad- | mitted. If at any time it is deemed |necessary to return to the secret method again, the ! order. Witnesses were heard this morning regarding dockage and timber methods. The board will go to Fernie and hold its first session in that place on Friday. WANTED A local representative is wanted for a territory tributary to Prince Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery stock grown by the Oregon Nursery Company, Oren- co, Oregon. Liberal terms. Party must come well recommended. +f > | ' i } ABOUT RECIPROCITY METHODIST CONFERENCE Says People of B. C. are Satisfied with Conditions as They Are and See no Reasons for a This Morning's Business Un- Change. eventful. Vote not Taken seme rmerermes ADDRESS pmermermerms (Canadian Press Dispatch) ter : aw > ’ . . . Minneapolis, May 4.—-Premier | ¢his morning under the presidence McBride and party arrived here! of the Rev. G. H. Raley, today and are conferring with| Methodist Conference was Great Northern officiais on rail-| jy way matters in which railway the!in the way of church business was province is interested. Asked re-| transacted. The on the garding reciprocity Preimer Mc- | ques Bride only would say that he was| to be take Oregon Nursery Company Orenco In the First Methodist Church Oregon the again 4-40 -@ — @-#-@-¢ 4-@ FRED. STORK ; Builders’ Hardware ; Valves & Pipes Oxford Stoves e 4 Graniteware Tinware SECOND - AVENUE | vote —General Hardware— + expressing the overwhelming senti-| will sit until a late hour tonight ment of the people of the province | to wind up the business in hand. that the people of British Colum- | bia were quite satisfied with eco-| nomic conditions as they are. | “We feel,” he said, ‘‘our material| Riyer Still Low but Rising prosperity has been advanced un- | Boats Making Progress der existing conditions and we can see no reason for a change.” ;warm. Water at 1 foot 7 inches WILL PROBE sv TWO CHARGES Operator left Hazelton at 6.30 a.m. coming down. Definite Statements to be Faced | , m. going by Hon. Mr. Oliver STEAMER BULLETIN today the Skeena weather report was cloudy and At 8 a.m. up. Distributor at Mile 119 going up | Omineca by Hardscrabble at 8 Beaumarchand | OVERRAILWAY LANDS jam. me Port Simpson left Kitsumkalum A Pure Olive Oil |Charges are That He Accepted | 4+ | 5 a.m, and $50,000 and $19,300 From the | Hazelton in Canadian Northern for Hav- | | ing Their Manitoba Lands | | Changed. going up river, Rupert leaving this afternoon for up river. Watch the Window WIRELESS MAN SICK (Cadanian Press Dispatch) |Wm. B. Phillips of S. S. Prince Ottawa, May 4.—By a resolu- | | tion of the House it was decided | this morning to limit the inquiry} William B. Phillips, wireless op- into the charges against Hon. | erator on the Prince Rupert, was Frank Oliver to two definite charg- removed to the hospital this morn- es, viz., that he received fron the | ing suffering from a serious attack ———-|Canadian Northern Railway on | of pleurisy. He is being attended two occasions sums of $50,000 and | to by Dr. Reddie, and at $19,300 transfer for them an | was reported to be doing as well exchange of 660,000 acres of las could be expected. swamp land in Manitoba for 660,-| His place on the 000 acres of land in Saskatchewan. |probably be taken temporarily The lands were part of a subsidy | by Mr, J. E. Harker of the Digby for railway construction granted |Island Wireless station, who has by the Federal Government. CA -OR E The Pioneer Druggist j PHONE 82 I a ceencormseretnsrtesetmcertnarrmarsmneinsene Rupert in Hospital ! t ! i i i / | l | ! , noon to PHENIX THEATRE (Under New Management) Rupert will £2.93 £293 £285 TO-NIGHT Complete Change of Programme |signalled below for permission to fill the gap. GAVE $100 TO HOSPITAL Latest Pictures Best Music GET THE HABIT For Prevention For sterilizing and instruments a new apparatus has The Evening Empire Made Gen- bandages erous Donation Yesterday nt ‘ ! . . ' EVERYBODY COME j : "Tr | been installed at the General Hos- aise | Instead of collecting an account pital. The things are put inside i f $51.30 the Empire Publishing | i i i , }O! 01.00 the Empire Publishing | of a circular cistern and steam is vy. Adults 15¢ Children 10c iComoany ‘wrote he Hospital : 94" ; j-ompany wrote to the Hospital| turned on to a heat of 24° degrees Board yesterday afternoon asking and after half an hour every germ wa | that the money be placed towards within that cistern is as dead as a }4 subscription to the hospital | fund of $100. The balance of the $160 wrote Mr. S. M. Newton, jwill be sent on at once to the door nail. The sterilizer cost $250. FOR SALE Two Box Ball Alleys, 42 feet long; Wall case and counter, chairs, card tables, etc. Smoker All Scandinavians are cordially : 1ay $200 takes the outfit for quick sale. Apply |averesary. A hearty vote of thanks invited to attend a smoker to be . » hie H. E. ROSS, Empress Hotel Pool Room was at once registered for Mr. ae : a ; Third Avenue ; Prinne Runert | Ne a ; g given tonight, May 4, by the | ; SV GW SON. Scandinavian Society, in the Car- The Board decided to pay Con- tractor Hicks the balance of the price of his contract up to within $100. Miss McLeod, a young Seattle lady, wanted to come the penter’s Union Hail. 98-99 COAL NOTICE Stikine Land Distriet— District Take notice thut Christian A. Tervo of Stikine, B. C., cceupation customs offirer, intends to apply for to purchase the following deneriked LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Dietatet-~ District of Queen Crarlotte 8 to an Take notice that George W. Arnott of Prince OPEN SESSION Conciliation Board Makes Im- Secret Meeting Aroused the Opposition of the Men—Ev- erything in Future Will be jconciliation board which has been closed doors an- ard will sc! session, but nothing eventful | tion of church union has yet | n, and the Con.ference | Conveyor left Mile 144 at 6.30) ae ‘ Commencing at 8 post pleated Gress these: hospital to train as a nurse. Whe- Rupert, |B. C., occupation real estate broker, i ee ee ea uth eS Wk ene onthe ther or not girls will be trained folowing deserved Tanda: oT ee ia: on ¢ pais, eet ey A sen anaes here in the immediate future is yniles and one-half it wot cal ian ake south ; , of commencement and containing 160 acres more) something the Board will attend thoneo "west" 36 ‘oan oan mates "aoe { ' { Feb. 10,1911. CHRISTIAN A. TERVO | tg shortly. Dered ste 47, 19h — 0 oo a April 7. Pub. Aprii 22, Numa Der Agent = 4 " nh — ee, ey LAND PURCHASE NOTICE LAND PURCHASE Not “E NOt e R y { t . Skeena Land Detriet —p\). = = Adve Isemen S Skvesa Land District Distriet of ‘ gaat hes k Take mie ths d * et wr ’ John Corley of Prine : A jeorge 5 Take notice that I, Mre : cnan, intends Rupert, B. C., vecupation | Mtoe ; ‘ jai elassifie verti ent columns. tupert, B.C,, occupation marrie’ “voran, for pormiscion to purchase the ts Pe Sie Dect Sercunes tae tabeere raceee moe we bene’ 8 in a or Sarre totes a com- |S eoety for permission vo py: hase the following Se es wn CO purchase the (oh, There buyer and seller, employer and worker, landlord and tenant, and a ost of othe HH a duce its | describod lands nost planted 40 chains east} Commencing at modern convenience in reach of everyone the News wi ars ae | Commencing at a port planter cornet of mien wont and two mij { er insertion, Minimum charge of 26 cents. ne Haat District, Range 6, thence ath 80 Harboe ¢ cna tane . os ‘ , jot 1 . hence vt ) ’ * ssified Advertising Column for today. Watch it grow. mole chewee east 4 chains. thence north 80 | ti iocs "So charms a i neces me ence west 40 chains more on) thence 80 chana Y | %y commencerent, containing 820 acres] oo tontalning 640 ‘ Lost and Found peed tr. te oF lees Z a) CORLEY Dated Maret 17, 14 ores , ssh COAL NOTICE MRS, JOHN (Lottie e Pub. April 7. eC i aan 20, 1911 t FOUNDA seuall sum of money oh 2nd Avenue, | ye af pap ao 4. 1911 Dp cRae, 5 er, Fulton St. 98-10 noes - ————— : oe oS hoemaker, Fulton § j Queen Mhariotte lalands La. Dies ee ‘ ai 4 ‘ oO i ont et nap Queen Charlotte Islands Land District—Distriet of Skeons Lane | Apri Py Soe em 8 Take notice that 13°C", me i Skeona a | Take notice } vl rt, oocupation gene . ‘ For Rent | Take noti¢e that {, John MeL#od of Vancouver | yer, 8. C., are len) Sonn dover! bed or bermiasion to ros eat - Y aban oe,» Cee rf a occupation broker, intend to apply for permission | for permission to purchase th on the following daserlbe: *4 peta’ Nice furnished rooms for rent. | Apply Drexel | to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following | jands ng at a post planted at the north Commencing at a post ; , Rooming House, 2rd Ave., near McBride. described lands: bo peck planvid Gheut two. mass Come 2980, theneo about 90 eckains | corner of Section 4, te 3-lmo Commencing at a ‘ east corner of Lot . : i | May 3-1me Pe. 7 ton Feet River and marked John Mel» | north to Lot 1723, thenes 60 ebaing west 0 soft od aereed J. ( = House with 4 rooms and bath, sewer connected: | Np “Corner, No. 82, theae south 80 el ains, | 3989, thence abvut 30 chains sou hal ath to | east 80 chains, thene: ‘ 3 also 2 rooms furnished. Dunsmuir, between 6th | thonee west 80 chains, thence sorth 80 chains. | thence 40 chains east, thence 20 ae it eaalad qpmamnanenment alts to pas ; and 7th Ave. Applyon premises.—Butler. 96-9 | ph once cast 80 chains to point or commencement; | pot 682, thence 20 eine cast, t ee ad ao eke e 151) i ini ; % . nce 20 chains eas , oo Front Offices in Alder Block. Apply W. J. Alder. ee JOHN MeLEOD | POM inc containing £90 neres more ot lems Pub. Mareh 25. ' a Ma 96-106 Tob, 24. i Leslie BE. Walter, Agent |” p, ked M. B. B,, 8.8, Corner er : Ae | Pub, Feb, 24. Leslie BE. Walte ger Post ae aa 911, MARY BELL BEATON | goons Land District — 6 Dated Feb.14, 1 ' | ub. March 4 Take notice that Jac am Tay W | Yorkshire, Hngland, . ey Help anted Queen Charlotte Islands Land District—District of tends to apply er 2 ~ - it Skeena towi bed lal ' : ae Apply Take notice that 1, John MeLecd of Vancouver, Skeena Land Mistriet—District of Queen Charlotte Coeds’ os 4 - Wanted—A Boy for delivering oe war “ | oceupation broker, intend to apply for permission | * . Islands easterly boundary i Mussallem & Co., 5th Ave. 97 to prospect for coal and petroleum on the folowing Take notice that Geo, H. Laux of Prince Hupert, the southerly limit : y - Iptimist Office. $4-tf | described lands: cecupaiion barber, is to app for | Distriet, where the sa — Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimis c Commencing at a post planted about five miles B.C 09 pe * a Pe tas behenien ceomstnad aloes the iemahtemes Cook—At Ives Hotel, Massett, Graham Island. | north and one mile west of the mouth o the ees and the projectior $75 per month. Apply Chief Steward, Prinve | p).6| River and marked J. MeL., N. B. Corner Fomens a post planted about seven | 90 chains more or e Albert. 97-98 No. 24, thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 | | O'NNN’ 16 mile south from the mouth | timber limit $2601. — -— — chalna, thence or 80 chains, thence aon Ty of Stent Naden Harbor, thence south 80 along the last me a ae MC! MMSE CRE | chains to point of commencement; containing 640 | 7) Wi. thence west 40 chains, thence north 80 | 6. ‘uss to the sorther a ; ; acres, more or leas. . chaina, t st 40 chains then in « westerly d f F.ouses Wanted | Dated Feb, 26,1911. JOHN McLEOU | fyains (oon i? Wil. GO. HW. LAUX | signed tient BO chalns v 2 i BS i ub, Feb. 28, Clarence McDowell, Agent | 5)" Apr Numa Demers, Agect | jimit of timber limit 4 : direction 11 cha\as more m HOUSES WANTED=Furnished or unfurnish- | commencement. oO 2 to fi rooms. § Ifiocation and Price suit 5 | | DatedMareh 8, 1911 meé I will rent them myseif and pay rent in ad- | Queen Charlotte omg Land Distriet—Distriet ot Skeena Land FMatrict— Distriet of Coast | Pub, Mareh 26 vance, no waiting, no listing. Phone me today.) ,. Skeena Ts wtice ti, J. H. MeAughey of Prince/ Black 89— Uncle d r . 72-tf Take notice that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver, Jo , xeupation miner, intends to apply for| — , erry. | occupation broker, intend to apply for permission | Rupert to purchase the following described | S& Land Distriet—D on - WANTED-—Three, four or five room house, fat | to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following or a } Take notice that I, Clara a nished, modern conveniences, close in. Call | deseribed lands: ee mencing at a post planted at the southwest | Rupert, B. ( Oceups: r ‘phone 151, SS-tt | Commencing at © post planted about two miles | Commencing Ot Senta enst a) chaina, thence | apy, Tor parnilasion ratte Sous? ot tae saeeen Gs. tae | sr eee m3 a south 6 chains, thence west 40 chains, thence | Coneribed lands SS SSS = 7; MeL s E ¢ orper, No. 31, —— — oo rth échains to point of commencement, con-| Colnmeneing at a post ‘ chains, thence nert chains, thence east 80 | north 6 chains we or ki 5 west corner of Lot 1755 * Board Wanted chine thence south 80, chaing io pout, com- | nining 2 nee oe. yw eaqumy | Hanes co 4 ch ’ tne atts ’ . ) dre < A - ence weet | chair Shine silchiniibilneedispaebR ttaa ‘ Dasa Fey Say ivii. oer : Rabe cate ist Andrew Deenesy, Ages thetice west 10 chains, t) s ub. Feb. 24. alter, Agen’ | | paint of commencement 5 —Room i rivate family. | ' be . ae oo aga hive M4 | Skeena Land Distriet— District of Cassiar Dated April 4 1911 . | Take notice that | Boleom MeDonald of Prince | Pub April 16 u a — ——__- —— = | QueengChariotte Islands Land Distriet—District © | Rupert, B.C., cceupation laborer, intends to ap | , Ske ni | ply for permission to purchase the following de- NU ° | Take Notice that I, Join Mela d of Va couver, | scribed lands Skeena Land District es Fire Insurance occupation broker, intend o apply for permission | Commencing at ® post planted three ond cne- Take notice that Eldon ee dha p Pag aheteaen Fiipnnrsinnstcienionieinteg gui _.._-. | to prospect for c al and petroleum o. the folluwing | half miles in an easterly direction from oe point Ont." ceeupstion doctor . deseribed lands: m Naas Kiver where the Lava Lake trail begins | permission to purchase t tad i. ~ Commencing at a p st planted about four mil * | and one mile in a northerly directian from the ands ee deeds eae Fire freee oe icnmoutte south and two miles wost of the mouth of the) eaid Lava Lake trail, thence north ® chains Commencing at # post at the ow i We uae s oe ae ee . ana ot Tiel River and marked J. Mel. N. E. Cornes, | thence weet % chains. thence south ® chaina. west corner of Lot “ re art a con The Mack Realty and | No. 45, theneo south 30 chains, thesce west 86 | thence east chains to point of commencement, | more or jess, thence 4 I US QuOcS YOU Fates. at A aah Fl Be. chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east &¢ mtaining 640 acres. thence west 50 cha . cS nsurance Company, cor ard Ave. anc “| chains to poi t of commencement: ontaining 640 | Date Feb. 8. 1911 BOLCOM McDONALD | 45 chains more or THE British Union and National Fire Insurance | acres, more Or less Pub. Mar. 10 Joseph Belway, Agent | containing 140 acres a Company of London, England, with capital | ae cane i911 3 os HN a py oD Dated March 31, 191 I of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates The Mack | Pu e». 26. Clarance McDowell, Agont Pub. April 15 es | Realty and Insurance Company. 70-tf | Skeena Land Distriet—District of Coast Range V 84 _ — | Take notice that Edith Alice Crowther of socerses: _ | , Net i See iz Ikleg, Yorkshire, Engiand, occupation spineter, Skeens sand I ¥ heuer Situations Wanted Queen C) arlotte on Land District District 0! | intends to apply 4 yamiee nm ic purchase the Take notioe tha 1 a ; Se ena following deseribed lan ote Take notice that I, John McLeod of Van « Cx mmencing at a post planted at the south east 5 . (lieeteacinaatanitieiiageesensse-iecesanlonstnses st _ oceupatio . broker, intend to appl for perm anor corner of surveyed fot 3091, Range Coast Die to prospect for coal and petroleum on the following trict, thence north along the easterly limit of the mata A classified advertisement is a tireless work~- | deser.b d lands said jot 35 chains more or lew to the southerly an east hunter—and seldom fails emacs ot a post piss ted te r — south | limit of Lot 3985, Range 5, const district, thente whe « . and two west of the mouth oi te leo er and st along the southerly limit of the last mentioned ther By experienced man and woete oer, one noe marked J. MeL. S. E. Corner, No. 46, thence n_rtt toe on chales 2 i. : thence in @ south mnee em ; T. “uaeeaee ar country hotel, ae y7 |: 80 chains, thence west S50 chains, the oe « math ~~ erly direction 35 chains parallel to the said unt of | ++ UB ° . cyains, t ence east 0 chai point of com: | sasterly limit of lot 3991, thence in a west j= — mencement: containing 640 acres, more a. . erly direction @0 chains more or~ lew to fy Dated Feb. 23, i9 JOHN M'LEOD | the { commencement containing 210 acres Pub. Mar : B Pub. Fet Clarance MeDowell, A the point of commen n ntai 2 u ‘eb. noe } owell, Agent > le Ry oarders Wanted more or leas - se | EDITH ALICE CROWTHER pple pooebenteadeldbeseckalibebinstite Dated March 8, 1911. Stikine Land Distr om Home ecoked meals ana nicely furnished rooms | Pub. Mareh 26 Take notice that Chri | for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, tt | Queen Cha:lotte Islands Lend District —District of | BK. C, aeeupation eux | Bidg., 3rd Ave., between 8th and vth Sts. &85-tf Skeena | for parmbaion to purchmne j ; Take notice that I, John \i L f commencement, containing 640 acres : sn Gasoline Engine, 3 horse-power, cheap, Apply > Nein and 80 t at Keeley’s Drug Store. 96-101 eb i911 JOSEPH BELWAY Let No ms : weet corher thence * Household Goods. posse: 30 be let. Apply Mrs. LAND PURCHASE NOTICI j Mar. 1 80 chains, thence sort Evjen, 7th Ave, and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 JA) tCHASE NOTICE j 80 chains to po*t of | Nice little home on brow overlooking harbor,¢ $20 acres more or lew | in, only $1850; cash $750. W. J. Alder 96-106 } Skeena Land District District of Coast Dated Mareh 20, 1911 r hat 1, William A eres f Van ‘ub, Ap 16, 2 Well built 14 foot rowing boat. Locker contain- — upatior o ork ; tends to a: is Fm, Agee 16 ing full equipment consisting of one pair of purchase the following desert Bo ‘¥ spoonblade oars, two pairs spoonblade sculis, Skeena Land District —District of Queen Chactrolt ; Coast Ranre La one pair ash oars, two pairs rowlocks, ma Take notice that Catherine Harrison, of Calgare Y icing at @ post planted and marked W Take notsee ° balanced lug sail, folding anchor, %0 feet rope, Alberta, occupation spinster, intends to apply, | A. northwest corner, and about l mile from Alex RKO, C008 backboard, rudder, tiller and yoke. Only boat for pe rmission to purchase the following described ander Buchan northern boundasy line: thence fer permission t« in town which owner can ure without loss of lands euath © dnalna, thenes enet UO halen tenes lends ad time looking for his gear or carrying it from his Commencing at a post planted about 6 1-2 north 4 chains, thence west 80 chains te peint of CORMREREINE St 8 a house. On view at Johnson's Boat House, Hays | Tiles west and half a mile south from the mouth | commencement, containing 640 acces more or tees, | Cet of lat 3985, as, 5 Creek, P. O. Box 98 O7-tf of Stanley Creek, where it emptiee into Nadon ' WILLIAM ANDERSON south 40 chaina, tt “ : ] Harbc Graham Island, thenee 44 eb s uth we eee north 40 chains t c chest DY pipe tr ph proretr su dh ine Caaing KOULD '! Dated Ist Feb, 1911 Charles B, Stark. Agent thence 40 chains east, thence 40 chains n | Pub. Feb. 25 ; ; wen’ | Dated Mareh 18 i Off Ww d thence 40 chains west to point of commencemen: | re Pub April 16, “etl Be ce ante and containing 160 acres more or less | 4 } Dated March 17, 1911 5 lenin: Ta strict a a a Skeena Land District —~Distr ‘ ee . CATHERINE HARRISON | —. _ 2 ‘o ot Prank fore Nee we oo Take notice that Alexande . Wanted to hire, small space in office. Apply to | Pub Apr. 7, Numa Demers, Agent | Ont., occupation bookkeeper, intends apply Yer, B. C,, occupation carpe om P.O. Box 767. 99-108 for permission to purchase the following described ~ Seema to purchas 4 lands ands =) Tay - Skeena Land District—-Distriet of Coast Range 5 | Commencing at & post planted about - Commencing at a post pla Tenders Wanted p, Take notice that George Laviek of Prince Rupert | misc werent ft" senna! thet seven | gcomumencing MP ie : - ©,, occupation clerk, intends to apply for | Stanley ¢ k whe - int Naden marked A. B., N. W. Corner enaders ante —- to purchase the following destribed } ar) G am poe i, the ae mie aoe — thence 50 oe eas ae ee: | thence 80 chains east, the 0 chulre north | 20rth, thence BO chains we . Tenders will be received by the undersigned up Commencing at a post planted on shore of | thence 80 chains west to point of eo anes coment | Mencement; cortaining 200 a e to Monday,May 8th,fur the excavation of a part | Lakelse Lake about 60 chains north east from outlet | and contaning 640 acres more o7 leas Dated Feb. 13, 1911 ALE NA 7 of the school grounds and for laying plank on the | 0! #aid lake (Lakelse River’, thence 20 chains | Dated March 17, 1911 FRANK LEVICK | Pub. March 4 same. Plans and specifications may be seen at | Porth, thence about 60 chains east to Lakelse | py), April 7 Numa Demers, Agen the City Engineer's Office. Lake, thence meandering said jake shore in a west- | Skeena Land Distriet—D C. H. SAWLE., | erly direction to point of commencement; con- Take notice that | Artt ee 96-100 See. School Board o woo more orles. Post matked G. L. Skeena Land District District of Coast couver, oseupation broke: Dated : . Tal i. th , ; , " ion to purchase the ay Dated Feb. 14, 1911. GEORGE LEVICK Take notice that I, Peter Reid, of Vancouver car nm to pure 0 : a is Pub. March 4. B.C., oceupation teamster, intends to apply for | @™% permission to purchase the following described Commencing at a post pla aay S. O. E. B. S. lands half miles in an easterly dir Skeena Land District---District of Coast Range 6 Commencing at @ post planted and marked P, | 0 Naas River where the 2 Take notice that William Franklin Carpenter | R.'s 8.W. corner and immediately adjoining poste | neces near the trail, thence of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation restaurant | marked J.M.'« N.E. corner B.'s 8.E. cor. | thence south 80 chains, the The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. $18, Sons of | keeper, intends to apply for permission to purchase | ner; thence north 80 chalns, t eust 4) chains, | thence north 80 chains to p England, mvets the first and third Tuesdays in | the following described land : thence south 80 chains, thence 40 vhains, to | Containing G40 acres more q UBER Pub. Feb. 24. larencs McDowell, Agent ' Pub. Apri! 16. Gov, R. Putnam Agen! Pub. Feb. 26. H. Allen, Agent | Dated Marsh 17, 1911, HUBET ors WA