rriM October 20, ofl. IMA DAILY rtKWB. THE WAR I TVS TRFATCCT l . SffiLE F ROM R 2,000,0001 Tmlny n ninn wlm ctitiM oMnln Belgians lUifin UN UlUUULb pormlMlon from tho rnllllary ou-thoritlcs, nnd who was toscP(I Depend on us Fell ireicfied Until He Started of ample leisure nnd abundant for Bread! patience, nnd who did not mind ToTake'fmlt-a-tives" dodging shells nnd bullets, might 551 C'iiMrui!1 Sr.,was Moktbbal.A mIscrab, wnlk underground across Kuropc Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians t'For tsa frora ycars Rheumatic and Stomach from the North Sea to the Alps. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission lie would follow a zig-zag for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, 'j!j lion I took I suffered food, felt from wretched Kheu course o f approximately 750 even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only jiec.v. miles, this being the length of three weeks they have had no chance to rail more Lk,ml j.mU.and my han J awollen. the origlnnl flrst-llno trenches and the ruthless Germans refute to supply them! A fn a.I advised "Fruit-atlvcs"and constructed hy tho Allies, and from tli: outset, they did me pood. which are still practically Intact. Backed by the first bor, tfelt I was getting ' j ri;; ,1 I can truthfully say that Opposlto to this gigantic ditch, "i'ruU a-tives" ij tho only mediclno and running more or less parallel Belgian Relief Fund IhathMi 'mo". LOUIS LAimiK. to it at vnrylng distances, is an box, C for$2.60, trial size, 25c. COc. a other similar semi-sublerrniieut contributed in British and the United all dcalera orient postpaid by Fruit-.lir so generously the Empire At I. .tit.-J, Ottawa. passage, representing the Herman NOW IT'S A FC UR LEGGED RACE States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported first-lino trenches; and be A gytnkana was hedl at Kastbouriie. England, in aid of tho enough wheat. Bout and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. far. The majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in to great hind each of these recreation funds of tho Summerdown Convalescent Hos meetings, Tuesday, opposition Military Pohlic the country haye been able to pay for their daily allowance of 7hitr-rlay and Saturday at 8 p. m ditches again are others, and pital. There were various sports including a four legged race bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. Pnndays at 7;30 p.m. still others extending back Jn which was one leg more than usual to most Canadians present. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds of thousands of some instances for many miles. women, children and old men starve, they must be fed at the Moreover, each of these 750- ever before been accomplished by expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible mile-long ditches the first, second, human agency. BABY'S someone must contribute nearly $3,000,000 a month srery month all this winter I and third-line trenches on Tho digging of the Panama OWN cither side, together with the "alternatives" Canal has been generally regarded No people under the Allied Flags are as well able to ceotribote as they are called as the biggest thing of the generously as we Canadians! No cause has ever been more deserving of help I In the name of Justice and Humanity lor JSk are connected ono with another kind yet undertaken, necessitating, the take of our own self-respect 1st tsi ghre si we caa to TheWhisky hy a perfect labyrinth of com as it did, the excavation of help our martyred Allies I oQuality munication trenches, represent Just over 250 million cubic yards fejj Send jew abscnptioas weekly,ssoatkly m la kaas mm ka Laaal a ing many thousands of miles tif of earth and rock. Hut it is estimated Proviaclal Committees,at ! taa g digging and tunnelling. that not less than 1,000 Central Executive Committee, 59 St Peter St, Mentreal before bottling f Kntirc nations have tolled for million cubic yards have been $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. long months In order to scar the excavnted for our and the fier-man GUARANTEED BY THE KfBlBaif GOVERNMENT of CANADA MMH face of Europe with these Im trenches. mense ditches. Taken collectively A similar excavation would be Tbe purity and faprance of in III nothing like them or even re sufllcient to mako four twin parallel Baby's Own Soap have made it a universal favorite. Its use is sVttt t-aaai -"- motely approaching them has tunnels through the centre beneficial to acy akin. 4-4-ij of the earth, each 14ft. in diameter Albert Soaps Limited,Montreal. CANADIAN WOMEN and 8,000 miles long, capable SHOULD KNOW THIS Tube "CANADA FIRST"Milk It the DEST Milk of accommodating four sold by Your Grocer. The Government Bulletin trains; whilo the concrete used Nt.305 tells the story IT COSTS THE SAME. This approximately twenty million Superior jShip your FREE ctiueua nisi MooocT-msiST cubic yards would construct a If yea wantwhlrrdereim.chlll"Ca.J.F!nt'Evaiorttl then whip with I teb cieam. wall 8ft. thick, 12ft. high, and FURS Tub AYLMKR CONDENSED MILK CO..Ltd. COFFEE more than 1,000 miles long. Ex. AvkMsa.ont.,Canada to JOHN HALLAM LIMITED 1 lies c is TORONTO 1910. LIQUOR ACT, (Section 4.) As its neme Implies Is a blend of four special coffees. NOTICE It hereby given that, on the nnt day or December next, arpllcatlon will It has a splendid body and will produce a rich, strong, and be made to the Superintendent of Provincial rolice for renewal of the hotel Invigorating cup of coffee. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel known a the fine Tree Hotel, dilute it Discovery, In the rrovlnce of British Co. lumbta. AT ALL GOOD GROCERS Paled this tOlh day or October. 191 1. CLAHENCE MAnMADUKE SANDS, $0.45 per lb. Nov. 19. Applicant. ThreerhlyR)rces WM. BRAID & CO., DIRECT IMPORTERS VANCOUVER - B.C, 7JTHE OINERTJINllENTl Stawart Moblsr, LU., Wholsaale Distributors, Prince Rupert. M FISMKRSiairS KNOINt t CvlB 1-1 In. by T In, 12-1S 3 Moras Pewar. Cyl 3 S-4 In. by S 1-2 In- 2S Hora Powr. Ramsay's Cl B 1-2 In. by S In. 28-38 Mora Powar. Have you ever noted how an audience For Further Information Empire Cream Sodas Apply to yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? W. E. WILLISCROFT On the other hand, have you noted how an audienco Prince Rupert, B. C. will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when In 2-lb. Tina the speaker reveals enthusiasm? Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating housewife LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Insists upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Soda Biscuits. HOTEL deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. 13 NOW OPElt TO QUESTS - They are made In B: C. and your grocer gets his supply One of the largest Hot Sprint to This applies to the written word also particularly frequently and which means America, circumference 100 feet-Temperature quickly, Insuring freshness, cr'pness. of Water. 110 L Fahr. to advertisements. When the manufacturer really Eictllant Treut Flahlns In Lakalse believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. Uks. Phona Conaacttona with Tarraca. inevitably find expression In Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by RATES i S2.S0 par day. will be contagious his audience tho RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. For J. BRUCE further JOHNSTONE,particulars, Managar.apply to readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, . O. Cfttgkiig scatters serai To be convincing an advertisement must convey an unmistakable Step it impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your irrlution Coaghlnr of tbe tacrcaaes already the ta will only do when the article flamed mocuooa membranes Gasoline or Distillate and dlsraaa is moreover to others.apt to carry advertised has inherent worth. aUthlea's Syrup oTar and e guaranten in o., .,.. or .... .. nn aanl!na or distillate and Cod Ufer Oil prompUv store Thus we have: bS, r7?nifree y mtor 'rout CAttBON trouble!. A seven ounce coughtag,to Its tonic sod properties,soon, thanks effects Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: of Yr""nvoia is equivalent to 60 gallons oi gaaoiuiB.will tava you a permanent ear. and irive from The wonderful popularity Three mighty forces, close-linked. to 600 ml. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, Of Mathleu's B p of Tar yarbonvoid Is dry powder you sad Cod Liver Oi Is specially JuatUropln tho a : "GO" in Gasoline : tank. Will re. 4m to ru greet valae as a "ive all carbon from cylinders. permanent long and bron. If),i art J'lmf q It! nW,i Itlt irr jur mJetrtUht raM srita tht Aivtrtitlnf Diparimml im AWS companies In the world us it. THE ALLIES OHDtSUKD chlal Bold healer. larga ( ikit ntwipaptr, J If yu art JUf m pnviatial ar iutUiu II wU it mill ftt everywber, -V n UTOMVI lln.i. nnlor 250.000 C8HCns. run ottlea. JSC fta It hvt tht etnas t$tUUmtt if a fW aJvtrtUlat 'a A Iht if tkiit Kuaranteedoryour money refunded. Mailed anywhere on receipt of 11.61 will it furuUktJ, willful fit it iHtfatUa, hy tht Sttrtttry 1 Camaditm 4. UJiATSUEO CO,rraa Prin AukUHiu, Rum SO), lumtJta BalUimf, TinaH, Vrif Cl Hnlv hv Geo. L. Clayton, - PrIncc RuperU B,c' "MS I 0G I