rue DAIL JTBWJ For Emergencies Local News Notes When you have a bilious attack, Men's and Women's fine shoes or when you feel illness coming on promptly move the Wallace's. 248 bowels, start the liver working Pacific and B. C. Milk $5.25 and put your entire digestive per BBSjr, ..rMv .SMHHHHB system in good shape with a case. Fuller &. McMcckin. 251. dose or two of the time-tested CARBONVOID for sale by Lip DFFTHAMV sett & Cunningham, anil Parkin Ward Electric Co. tf. PILL) Sergt. Jimmy .Neville is back in You will welcome the quick town from flivcrs Inlet, where he relief and often ward off a fpent the summer. severe illness. Beecham's Pills are carefully compounded from J 15 cents each 12 patterns vegetable products mild, china cups and saucers -new lot harmless, and not habit-forming. jjust received Wallace's. 219.' Buy a box" now. You don't know when you may need COAL Favorite Ladysmith i MISS IRENE HUMBLE Beecham's Pills. A reliable The Canadian girl who wrote Wellington lump and nut, Lest results. family remedy that always "We're From Canada," a patriotic Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. marching song, which the author Should Be I Wa - nfriilin-. . In... hnva'- nnrl crlrla' herself sang before the Canadian Leckie boots. Most comfortable Club in New York recently, with at Hand lasts and splendid wearers Wallace's. great success, and which has been SU of Amy Mlk:l bi tlx WmU. 248. adopted as the marching and anrywto. l boiM.zs I mi fighting song of more than one .. fcflBlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRW BlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRlRBkJ Wr9W 1RP mmmm : W W Word has reached town that unit of the Canadian Overseas l 1 i .' i , t ti l Jack Tate, one of the first to enlist Forces. Miss Humble is a Toronto Trr" rrtTrnc:"----a!!":':: FOR RENT here for overseas service, has girl. been wounded. PREMIER MARTIN 5 rooms. 1)1111, lltft lad Are. It I Middy Dance, Frlday,October 6 rooms Green and 7th, Sec. 6 fit NAMES HIS CABINET 4 rooms, J09 Bth Are, E.....I 6 27th, in Ilallwaymen's Hall under 4 rooms, US 7th Are, E.....I 8 auspices of Ladies Auxiliary of 5 rooms, bath, 871 Summit. . .1 18 Regina, Oct. 20, William Melville Borden SL....8Z0 St. Andrew's Society. Tickets 50 6 rooms, bath, Martin, M. P. for Regina, 8 room Cat, opposite school. . .110 cents. Refreshments served. 8 rooms, bath, 701 Sth Are, W. MS upon invitation of the lieutenant-governor, 3 room MeMordie Apts, bath..I If Thomas Deasy, Indian agent at has accepted the responsibility Chicken ranch. Lareen Harbor, new Massett, who has been in town of forming a new B-room house, .furnished, .houaaa government for Saskatchewan. for a few days on his way home and runa for 700 chickens, 116 Mr. Martin again His Honor saw from Skidegatc, left for the Is craa partly cleared land $18. lands on the John Sunday night. last evening and submitted his We hare one of the beat double cabinet slate, which was duly ap corners In aectlon 6, on 4th Are, A request for more light from proved as follows: for aale at 81,200, on term. residents on Bacon St. and Tenth Premier and Minister of Education 3i H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD Avenue was before the council Hon. W. M. Martin. in last night. It was referred to the President of the Council and committee for report. Minister of Railways Hon. J. A. i tSSfSOnS Save coupons wluT groceries onIy?,'BB Calder. Q good for one package Cold Bond Soap. j.&&J& pj Hp Hocks from the city hall blast UNION TRANSFER COT. smashed the railing in the rear Attorney-General and Provin cial Secretary Hon. W. F. A. of Judge Carss' office yesterday Turgeon. afternoon, while they also spattered Solicits your Hauling and Minister of Agriculture Hon. the roof of Parkin-Ward's Coal Orders W. R. Motherwell. store. Minister of Public Works Prompt attention Call the Pony Express for wood Hon. A. P. McNab. and careful delivery cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. Minister of Telephones Hon. LIQUOR ACT, 1910. given to all Best household coal and general Geo. Bell. DENTISTRY (Section 41.) "The Daily News" orders, either large Minister of Municipal AfTairs- transfer. Piano moving o u r NOTICE Is hereby glren that, on tbe or small. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone Hon. George Langiey. CROWN AND BRIDOS WORK nrst day of December next, application will CLASSIFIED ADS. be made to tbe Superintendent Of Provincial A SPECIALTY Treasurer Hon Charles A. 301, It. W. Rogers. tf. Police for renewal of tbe hotel BEST QUALITY.COAL m. Dunning. DR. J. S. BROWN licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel The report of the fire depart While in the old cabinet there DENTIST known as tbe Northern Hotel, situate at and CLOSE PRICES Port Simpson, In tbe Province of BrIUsb WANTED. OfBcs I Snlte Black, Third Aieaua ment for showed September no were seven members, in the new Columbia. Phone 464 Dated tbla 7 th day or October, 1918. WANTED Good general or nursery bouie PHONE 57. fires and a cost of $772.80. An there are eight. In the old cabi ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant. maid. Apply Mrs. C H. Onne, Hi 4tt additional hydrant has been put net, Hon. George Bell held two Avenue West. in on Borden Street and connec portfolios, telephones and pro WANTED Capable girl at onc- Applf tion made with school there. Mrs. W. E. Williams. V B rdeti Suwl, the, vincial treasurer. STEEN & LONGWILL LADIES WANTED Or phoue Black 188. f This latter portfolio is now You are especially Invited to The Board of Trade has decided WANTED Nicely rurnisbf i bruit tlsue Experienced Bridge taken by Hon. Charles A. Dunning. SANITARY AND HEATING Inspect the busy kitchen of in. Write particular t" H- 1 WW or men, to 'hold a fish luncheon in the tl" Track men. Tracklayers and Mr. Dunning is the local ENGINEERS The Arcade phone J7. General Construction Laborers Central Hotel on Tuesday, Oct. to join the 239th Battalion, manager of the Saskatchewan Co WANTED Empty coal oU and rtMl"" 31st, "Fish Day" throughout the Cafe cans. 8 cents each. Rupert Msrine lroa-works. Overseas Railway operative Elevator Company and Agents for g: Construction Corps. Dominion. The arrangements are (Next to k'lllaa Conrectlonery) Drafts leaving is English by birth, having been McCLARY FURNACES couL Vancouver, in the hands of O. II, Nelson, J. BEST OF THE MARKET YOUNG WOMAN wants position si B. C for Valcartier, P. Q, bom In Leicestershire, the son boarding bouse or small hotel preferred. weekly. O. Stccn and G. A. McNicholl It BEST OF COOKING B" Rupert PLUMBING In or out or Prince Be attested and forward of Samuel and Katherine Dunning. BEST OF SERVICE U- and Is expected that T. II.Johnson of and 117, Dally News. to Vancouver, He was- educated in the ransportation will be arranged the Cold Storage jCompany will be SHEET METAL WORKS Killas of Georgalas WANTED Household goods of SusUW. at once. public schools and came to Sas mechanics tools, offcast suits, boots, etc. Send all communications the speaker. katchewan in 1903, taking up Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. Proprietors Highest prices paid. Phone Red to: Officer commanding, Night phones 576 PHONE 456 PHONE 456 Will call any time. 8JhirdArt'"- 239th Battalion, C.E.F. farming at Beaverdale, Sask Half-price for graniteware and i75 Cordova Bt., W. and Blue 270 WANTED To buy some good fttrnlturt where he still is interested in Vancouver, B. C. other kitchen goods these lines The right work, at the right for four rooms. Apply pnone to be discontinued Wallace's. farming. He organized the Sas time, and at the right price. LOST katchewan Co-operative Elevator Alex M. Hanson. B.A. t0ST Vest contsinlng money snd . Company in 1911 and has been Pacific and B. C. Milk $5.25 jsvatory si per In a local hotel W. E. WUllama. B.A- L.L.P probably WILLIAM8 MANSON case. Fuller & McMeekin. 251 general manager of the organiza MINERAL ACT Stuart J. Martin lugs of a working man. Liberal office call at Dally tion from then on. Finder JScwh Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. MINERAL ACT Certificate of Improvements ASSAY EH FOR SALE MONEY "TO LOAN Boa 1188 Rlrermouib Fractional mineral claim. BANK MANAGER DEAD NOTIOE situated In the Skeeoa Mining Division of Sllrer Bow Mineral Claim, situate In the HAZELTON B. C. FOR RENT-Seven-roomed llslgerson Block Prince Hubert, B. C. Casslar District. Skeena Mining Division or Caastar District harbor view. Apply Thomas McClynKint Where locatedi At tbe bead of Alice (Special to The Dally .lews.) Wbere located) At tbe bead or a branch mining MdUneiJ Arm, adjoining the Rlrermoutn and Carl or Lime Creek about four miles from the FOR SALE Carload Ions W boo mineral claims. Walkerton, Out., October 24, beach on tbe south side of Alice Arm. The oldest established Assay eluding 17 machine drills, oo eic Sheet Metal Work TAKE NOTICE that I, Q. H. Naden. Free Manager Taylor, of the Mer TAKE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, Office In the North. drill-steel, stesm-flttings, Miners' Certificate No. 91.096B. amine as Free Miner's Certificate No. S409CB, acting Dally News, cent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners' Car chants' Hanll of Canada, . has as srent for Thos. MeAoatle, Free Miner's iiqcale Mo. 8,17B, intend, sixty dayr Certificate No. euvttli. and James L. Union, passed away. Now is the time to have from tbe date hereof, to apply to tbe Free Miner's CertlQcate No. 87S6CI), intend, PHONE 93 P. O. BOX your beating plant put in Mining Recorder lor a Certificate or Im alxty days from the dste hereof, to proremems. for tbe purpose of obtaining The Wts to tbe CARTAGE, LTD. shape for the winter; roofs Daily delivered nj apply Mining Recorder for a Ceriifl PACIFIC a Crown, Grant of tbe above claim. cate or Improvements, for the purpose of and skylights seen to. And further take notice, that action, carrier, 50 cents per month. obtaining a Crown Orant of the above Prince Rupert Feed Co. In such cases consult a under aectlon 88, must be commenced be claim. N praotlcal man If you want fore tbe issue or surb Cert in caw of lm SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP And further lake notlro that action, Transfer and Storage prorements. COAST, RANGE THREE tinder aectlon 88, must be commenced before COAt results. Dated (bis 13rd day or December, A. D. the Issue or such Certificate of Improvement!. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS BEST LUMP & lUT 1018. 8. Apr. C. 0. Rowe TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph Beale, acting as agent lor tbe Empire Dated this 14th day of March, A.n. int AND FERTILIZERS LONG WAITS Prlnee Rupert Land District Oletrlct of OEORQE It NO Puip and Taper Mills, Ltd.. or Swanson NADEN. Practical sheet metal man. Ooeet. Hans a. WEIGHTS Ray. B, C, occupation logger. Intend to NO SHORT Opposite Board of Trade TAKE NOTICE that tbe Tactile Mills, apply for permission to lease the follow- WE HANDLE Order from Vt. Limited, or Vancourer, B. C occupation When You Rooms 322 2nd Avenue pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply ing described lands i HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR Bulbs, and Take Orders for Commencing at a post planted on the PHONE 840. for permission to purchase tbe following south snore of the lagoon at the end or SECOND HAND Nursery Stock. described lands i Commencing at a post GOODS the East Arm or Mussel Inlet, about one Estimates Furnished Free. planted at tbe southeast corner of Lot 880 ind one .half miles In a westerly direction OF ALL KINDS Chicken Feed A Specialty, on tbe west shore or Cousins Inlet, thence rrora tbe N,W. or T. L. UNDERTAKERS corner 4lt, lot, west 40 chains, thence south 80 chains, BOUGHT AND B. C. 116001'., thence south to chains, thence SOLD thence east to shore, tbence Mall northeasterly Orders Promptly Attended To. west 40 chains, tbence nortb 80 chains ADVERTISE IN along shore to point or commencement, more or less to shore line, tin-nee follow MARO TIMES SATISFIED WITH FUNERAL Ol'tQlOM containing 88 aerea, more or less. A ing shore line In an easterly direction to SMALL PROFIT P. O. Bos 883. SOS Third Are. AL8R8-8AT.6CTIO""B PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, Hilnt or commencement, NTI tD-OPW D The Daily News Mark 8maby sgenL .FRANCIS JOSEPH OEALE, Applicant, Try 128 3rd Are., Or Phons Red (61 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. .rrT-.PHOIC ' Dated May lltb, A. D. 1010. Aug. II October 18th 1016. j.jft