Mi. ftAILT HEW The Daily News T NO ALUM THE MAILS THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA FALL AND WINTER Published Dailr and Weeklr For the East. Guaranteed Largest Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES HEAD OFFIGK closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 8. 8. PRINrr nenanii Daily News nnlldlng, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, 0,0. Telephone 08. a. in. the.East. For, Ocean Tails, Vancouver, Victoria an,i TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVKItTISlNO 60 cents per Inch. Contract From Friday at V n. in. For Anyox every Wednesday a?1! rates on application. Trains arrive Tuesday and 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT M,,,n8ht. Thursday, 5:30 p. m. For Ketchikan, Wrangcll, Juneau nnd urday nt 12 noon. For Vancouver and I AJ Lr' 8al-ovcry DAILY EDITION Thursday ,Oct. 20, 1DIC. For the South. Wednesday at 0 a. m. outh Tuesday, 5 p. in. Uoat sails at PA88ENQER TRAIN SERVICE For SmKhsrs, Prince Oeorae, jasper Bdmonten, Sssksteoi. 7 p. m. connecting there for all Wl"'" pg, points In tsstsrn Caned, iV WESTERN FRONT that things have gone badly Wednesday, 7 a. m. BorI sails and Southern States leavee Prince Rupert evsrr Wsdn... Ifa with the dsfet 11 ISO a. m. Mlsed train ever "4 Developments on the western Rumanians since they at y a. in. Prldsy el S a. m , front nre becoming steadily crossed tho Danube but they "BiW Friday, 7 a. m. lioat sails at For Agency Information All Ocean and reservations Steamship Lines.annl'v in more interesting, with tho aro not losing many men, pre 0 a. m. City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE fcrring to withdraw 260 rather French assuming the Saturday, Doat sails 0 p. m. aggressive than to faco disaster. Nothing in no uncertain fashion in situated than Canada in that she Sunday, Doat sails 0 p. in. further has been said of tho docs not have a largo alien population. For Anyox. front of Verdun and the fie: presence of tho Grand Duko on Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. mans planning n big new that front, but, if ho is in com CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY counter - ((Tfensivo on the mand, tho Allies havo nothing QEORQE W. NICKERSON Tho Danes and Norwegians still Homme portion of this front to fear in tho way of a Lowest Rates ' perma suffer at the hands of the German RETURNS ON A VISIT to all Eastern Points Tho continual nibbling of the nent setback, Nicholas is a via Steamer to Vancouver and the submarines. The patienco French and Uritish both north past-mastcr in strategy and of CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY V. Nickcrsou, of one Ocorgo Copenhagen nnd Uhrisliania is nnd south 'of tho fortune has tho leader who got tho Hus Meals and Berth included on Steamer great but there is a limit whicl the most prominent business men been a source of worry and sians out of their early difll Princess Maqulnna for Granby A Alice Arm Friday 11 surely has been reached. p. m been who has of Prince great loss to tho enemy, and cullies will havo no serious Rupert, Princess bop h la Southbound Saturday 8 p. m. tho Kaiser has evidently made troubles fn the Rumanian sit making Winnipeg his headquarters Princess Maqulnna Southbound 8unday 6 p. m. Dowser and Company do not up his mind to revert to his old uation. for somo months as the Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, October 23rd. seem to caro if tho soldiers' vote tactics of attacking, on, the assumption It becomes more apparent western representative of the is never counted. It is a case J. I. General PETERS, that offense is the every day that the western Agent of banging on to offlco on the Aylmcr Packing Company and Coiner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince best of defence. The Rupert. means front is the point of greatest B.C. slightest pretext whatever and the Dominion Canncrs, Limited, Germans recently tried an offensive importance and it is there that typically Dowserian. is being welcomed back to this on tho southern portion the final struggle will bo fought of the Somme front, and out. Tho Allies on all fronts city by a host of friends. . it ended in disaster. They arc aro working together magnificently, The following is from the Speaking of conditions on the quarterly bulletin of the Commission now to turn their attention to their team-work, if wo prairies, Mr. Nickerson says business of Conservation in deal tho northern section around may use the term, being splendid. is fairly good all round, with ing civic improvements: Uapaume, to which plnco they though some of the farmers lost Dr.PRICE'S "Prince Rupert: there is per aro rushing reinforcements of With disaster facing them their crops. Wheat prices aro haps no city in Canada that is artillery and infantry. at Verdun and a vindictive and ruling high and there is a general so much in need of a Civic Im. Right on top of the announcement determined foe to meet on the belief that two dollar wheat is CREAM proyement League as tho new city of this new move Somme, tho Germans will have coining shortly. of Princo Rupert, but no definite comes the welcome news that no men to spare for reinforcements Mr. Nickerson, who has always Baking Powder steps have yet been taken to form the French, have broken elsewhere and the situation taken a very keen interest in the one. Tho need in Prince Ilunert through at several places on is gradually resolving itself growth of the fishing industry is due to the fact that tho city the Verdun front, and the probability Into a wearing down campaign. here, is pleased that Prince Rupert has some specially difficult prob Sixty 1hm Standard is that tho new French The Allies do not seem has retained its hold on a lems to solve owing to the undulating move has given Wilhelm cause to care whether they ever take large share of the' halibut business, and rocky nature of its to think furiously, though ho is Uapaume or Peronne, so long silo and the isolated position of though he deplores the fact Adds to the likely to proceed with his plans as their methods take continual that the American houses located the city from other centres of heafJthfulness of the food on the Somme in the hope that toll of the enemy at the rate here are still unable to ship their population. This makes it peculiarly tho Allies will have to concentrate of a thousand or two at a time. fish in bond to Seattle by steam desirable that the citizens their forcesvthere ,and by Time is with the Allies and er. lie finds a general improve should tram themselves to understand CONTAINS NO ALUM doing so may weaken the attack against the Teutons and every menl in the business tone of their local problems and to around Verdun. day sees another nail in the Prince Ilupert and is intensely take a watchful interest in the de Just as the Somme offensive coffin of Prussian militarism. gratified to find that the drydock velopment of tho city." was inaugurated to relieve the shows signs of activity. He still Made in Canada French drive on Verdun, so has notes And comments has a warm spot in his heart for j.the new French attack been Don't Send Money the coast city, though business -developed along with a big Australia takes a . referendum in a Letter forces him to return to the 'general offensive at all other on Compulsory Service an Saturday prairies at the beginning of the points with a view to relieving and there is little doubt as WHEN you to send magazines,tubs month. szwmwytT-jrjTirTaa the situation on the Dobrudja to bow it will go. There will be goods out of and Transjivanian fronts. a big majority in favor of com town, or pay small Half-price for graniteware and There is no.denying the fact pulsion. Australia is differently accounts at a distance, do not other kitchen goods these lines place the actual cash in the envelope.Thousands of dollars to bo discontinued 'Wallace's. Si are lost every year through fire, robbery or mis-direction. The Daily ntvs delivered lj FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Use the Bank Money Orders, carrier, 50 cents per month- issued by this bank. They are Eayable in Canada and the States in any sum up T10 SECOND AVI to fifty dollars. FIRE ALARM SYSTEM 'Aarpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Their protection is wall worth tbeif i Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing TaoMe small cost. THE IJNK OF jmourr no. i. Iron Pipe Pipe Fining Rlflea and Shotguna Sea 11-lth SL and Ird Ave. Rope Valves British North Ammunition America S IS tfe SL and Ird Ave. fumpi Hoae Paint Sax 14 SUt SL and Ird Are. Stoves end 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. oi is Junction of 1st. Ind anj Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.SS4e. Ird Aves. Sai is 1st Are., between lib and "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" PWNCE RUPERT BRANCI ta 8ts. (Knot Hotel.) at 17 1st Ave.,and 7U St. Cen Sunlight W.J.SMITH ERS,Manager tral Hotel.) FRED STORK'S HARDWARE circuit no. s. BABTS Sea SI Ird Are. and Ird SL (Post Office.) OWNSOAP Bei SS ird Ave. and AleBrMe St Soap ws n isi are. ana sicunae UL prrrrrrrnrrn.. .jj. - , rJJ; r rrrxxx,s j j j j j j Nei SS tnd Ave. and tnd SL Sei te tnd Ave. and SL I mmmmmmHmmmmmmmmmmH sea 170. T. P. The inducements offered with common Tickets 2W SSbi outouir no. a soaps cannot make up for the punty ot Sunlight Soap. It costs US more to ma" Set S1 lib Ave. and ruitun si. pure soap. But it costs YOU less to uie to and from Norway, Sweden, Don-mark, Sea - -dordru and Tsjbr Sis. it,for Sunlight for itself in the dothci r Inland, Italy and Resale. Bes S4 Ttb e. and Fulton St. pays aaiLiNaa from niw vors Sei SBfib Ave. and Ctnoui A it saves. It docs not wear and rub tne "Oscar II." . . . , ., hoy. 81. Bei ST Its At a. auJ Ufjuse ri fabrics as common soaps do. "Krlstlsniafjord" ...... Hov. llth. Sai aa -r.to Ate. and Ttxuniwti SI "Stockholm" ,., Dee. Jnd. SS.0CO tr' . -HeHif Olov" Hoy. JJrd. OIROUIT NO. 4. 0 Crura. pmriiy with tv0 Hot Your Reservetloas ataee Early. Bei 41- lb ats. and Unuitrsofl IbbbbDIhPRJSbbm rot Oenertl Rites. Illustrated rolderi tad I Tbe purity and fajrsuce of D PL ffl Information Apply to f Sea 42 lib Art. sod Mi una ek Baby's Own Soap liave made it H OVSHMVN HANSON I a universal fa'orile. Its um is H Bes 43 I in Ave, and Orcso 81 f Soi 44-U Ave and Utstl at. Insurant and Steamship Aaoatj, I beneficial to any akin. I Bea 4 7Ui Ave..and Kfesrli. Prlace Rupert, a. a I Albert Soaps UmlUd,Montreal. B Bes 141 Ttb Ave. sod Yiunt El. Advertise In The Daily News. kVMQLES ALE OlSTfllBUTOR b. - f.Q. DAWSON prince RUpenT,