RSSe i epee Aas 2 -_—_ The Daily News Formerly The Prince Rupert Optimist Published by the Prince Rupert Publishing Company, Limited DAILY AND WEEKLY SUBSCRIPTION RATES—DAaIxy, 50c per month, or $5.00 per year, in advance, WEEKLY, $2.00 per year. OuTsipe CANADA— Daily, $3.00 per year; Weekly, | $2.50 per year, strictly in advance. TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVERTISING —50 cents per inch. on application. Contract rates | HEAD OFFICE Daily News Building, Third Ave., Prince Rupert, B. C. Telephone 98. BRANCH OFFICES AND AGENCIES New York—National Newspaper Bureau, 219 East 23rd St., New York City. SEATTLE—Puget Sound News Co. romos ENGLAND—The Clougher Syndicate, Grand Trunk Building, Trafalgar quare. | } ‘The newspaper, with the law, should assume the accused innocent | until proven guilty; should be the friend, not the enemy of the general public; the defender, not the invader of private life and | the assailant of personal character. It should be, as it were, a ; keeper of the public conscience,’’—Henry Watterson. siege SIGNIFICANCE OF THE CAMMORRA Datty EDITION. Fripay, May 5 —————— THE Every few days the newspaper readers are treated to an item of | news about the tria! of the Cammorrists in Italy. It is probable they will continue to be so regaled for a year more at least. The Cammorrists | are on trial for a crime committed in 1906, and most of them have been in custody since that time. Some folk whose opinions are not to be) sneered at think the trial will drag on until the Judge and jury and most of the prisoners die of old age. It is a matter to be deferred as long as possible, this trial of the Caimiivoriists, according to popular opinion in Italy. The phenomena of the Cammorra is a matter ot | interest to young communities where law and order enforcement may conflict with the interest of local authorities. For the Cammorra| is the outcome of conditions, created largely by those who are hired | to preserve iaw and order. The Cammorra, unlike its kindred societies the Black Hand | and the Mafia, is a vast secret society comprising all ranks of society | in Italy. In some of its sections none but those of noble birth are! admitted. These are the Raffles, the Arsene Lupins of Southern Italy, the Smart Set of crime. Their speciality is the extortion of blackmail from gambling dens and the like though they do not stop} at deeds of violence. Their operations are winked at by the author- ities. Last year, indeed, the Government selected Gennaro Cardinale, a Naples lawyer and an attache of the Cammorrists, to study Italian schools in America. The Cammorra is stronger than the Governmeat, and holds the police and local authorities in fear. Even the visitor in Naples who loses his watch or pocket book soon iearns that it is of no avail to look to the police to recover his valuables. Instead he goes to the local agent of .the Cammorra who for a suitable fee returns the lost or stolen article. Within its ranks the Cammorra has its own ethical code. The “barratollo’’—the procee:'s from the gaming houses—and the ‘‘sbruffo”’ —-the proceeds of robbery and extortion—are apportioned every week or two among its members, after a portion has been deducted for social purposes and legal expenses. That the civic police of Naples were in league with the Cammor- | rists is beyond doubt. Not until the carabinieri, the military police from the north, came on the scene was a genuine effort made to arrest any of the leaders. Since their arrest, it has taken nearly five years to) bring them to trial, and how long the trial will last no one can safely) prophecy. That they are a band of desperate characters goes without saying. | The fierce impotent hate which prompted one of the prisoners to| take out his glass eye and hurl it at the Judge is not merely a humorous | incident; it is an indication of the’wild ferocity of the caged men. Thriving upon the license’ accorded them, the Cammorrists of | Italy have initiated an era of Anarchism. Anarchism as a philosophic | doctrine among professors is a singularly easy and ideal condition to} argue for. But as a condition of existence for masses of people under | ‘present economic systems it proves a failure. It is a truth that before we get a New Jerusalem, we need some new Jews. To administer the! law ‘without fear or favor’’ is the only safeguard for communities) yet awhile. It is for her laxity in this regard in times past, that Italy is now reaping a harvest of terrorism and crime. Society must be remodelled from within, without letting down | the barriers of government until a new generation arrives. | ply for permission to lease the j | scribed foreshore | j te ee House of Good Values —We have just received a shipment of — New Tailor Made Waists, Irish Linen Waists “Royal Purple” Shoes for the Ladies “Traveller” and “Palace” Shoes for the Men We carry a large stock of Ladies’ and Men’s Footwear of all descriptions. SOLE AGENCY FOR ‘‘BUTTERICK’’ PATTERNS, The House of Good Values JABOUR BROS. Third Ave. e Daily News | Pub. March 18. THE DAILY NEWS MUSINGS ——===BY MACK: : Produce. \ Reed WHOLESALE H.H. Morton - 3rd Ave. “It is a globular shaped ball set on a pedestal all made of brass and copper and plated with nickel.” contemporary describing | the new steriliser at the Hospital. | The advantage of having @| “globular shaped ball’ 1s greater) than you might at first appreciate. | No three-cornered, rectangular. or | octagonal shaped balls need apply. | FOR SALE Lots 5 and 6, Block 28, Section 1, $2000, 25 per cent, cash, balance 1, 2, 3 years, 7 per cent, GEO. W. MORROW 1076 Nelson St., Vancouver, B.C. says a Nearly every game that has grown popular on the surface of} the “globular shaped ball” on| which we live is played with a ball | of some material. Up to the |'present they have all had a marked tendency towards the “globular.” | But as there’ evidently are some inew styles and shapes knot king fabout, the public must be or its }guard against the substi- tution of triangular }awkwardly shaped balls which the junscrupulous might attempt to | palm off, \ oe F % ROCHESTER & * \ MONROE ae) eines wa COAL “wa | a) base and other ' ls ° particularly unsatisfactory rth | type of ball is that designed in the Northern Produce Coy. | re ee eee. Do not be led into the purchase of a WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Seid for our Weekly Price List PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN SHIPPING ORDERS grain shaped bail. It will prove jerratic. An oblong ball }makes good, and the cylindrical style while not so bad one way is awkward the other. Do not, confuse the genuine ‘‘globular ball” with the Masked Ball, the Fancy Dress Ball, or the Infant's Baw. They have no relation whatever. MACK. never i Phone 151 - Phone 151 however, Pe rs ere ey shay ed Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET /HINTS TO INVESTORS, NO. 1 You can- tell what sections of the city are developing fastest by looking through ads. Wherever there is real estate activity—there must be tate advertising. And the more real estate advertising, the more Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms the real estate A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING real es- ROOM IN CONNECTION RATES 50 CENTS AND UP real estate “activity.” BATES FREE TO GUESTS | " ROBT. ASHLAND PROBLEMS After Diaz, what? EY Problem for the guesser He'll be, like as not, Merely his successor. —Toronto Star P.O. BOX 37 After Borden, who? Problem for the Tory. He'll be certain to Be shorn of all bis glory. -Prince Rupert Daily News Letters to the Editor Help! Help! Help! Dear Sir: Who is the dead one that earned the “‘epitaphic sentiments?” What the |adjectivic sentiments? What relation is an auto to a wheelbarrow? Why the geographical reference to Scotland and Italy? Also, what, oh what are otel BESNER & BESNER, [PRopRIETORS The New Knox Hotel is runon the European plan. First-class service. All the Latest Modern Improvements. BEDS S0c UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT LAND LEASE NOTICE are aforemen tioned Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 56! \Who is Mike? Take notice that I Severin A. Tallander of Por- | cher Island, occupation ship master, intend to ap- following de- Cormmencing at a post planted at the N.W. cor- ner of lot 1202, (hence west to low water mark, thence south along low water mark 25 chains more or less, thence east to S.W. corner of lot ‘frau- | 1802, thence north along high water mark (being ae ‘ the \westerly boundary of lot 1302) 25 chains more lines?”’ or less to point of commencement and containing ° Many a time I had to all foreshore in front of lot 1302. i have R : : leap high in the cold wet atmos- | SEVERIN ALEXANDER TALLENDE Dated March 9, 1911. |phere to grasp the drift of some I grasy ————— =| of your contemporary’s utterances jand at last they have put one over INSERT YOUR LAND PURCHASE | that beats me. NOTICES IN THE NEWS It worries me. Won't some one, for the love of | Mike, and the honor of his name, |come across with an explanation, | 4 <2 ‘ jnow, while the explaining is good. ..Grand Hotel.. MUTT, - WORKINGMAN’S HOME ENS a - Spring Beds, clean White Sheets 25c¢ Busiest When Quietest Rooms 50c No cases in the police court BEST IN TOWN FOR THE MONEY | for the past few days. The fact J. GOODMAN, Proprietor ‘than : may be taken as an indication that the police are not idle, but that they are watchful. A well behaved city is always a com; pliment to the force. ---CASH... $337.50 and $43.75 payable October 30th, 1911 and $43.75 payable October 30th, 1912 will secure either of these lots Lots 13-1 Block 8 Section 7 The Weather Weather conditions along the coast as reported by wireless con- tinue fairly favorable. Prince Ru- pert in glorious sunshine for the few days, fairly puts “Cloudy” and ‘‘Over- past frequent We are agents for the old reliable|cosi’’ note from Phoenix, Liverpoo) and London and Glube and British America Fire Insur- ance Companies, srorenerse rr If you ‘Keep Boarders’ at all, why not keep enough boarders to stations to shame, 50c PER MON G. R. NADEN COMPANY Limited, Prince Rupert, B.C, make it PAY? A small campaign of clagsified advertising in The Daily News will keep you busy. Secand Ave., the! the down below! a ASOLO +oteet OP PL ALP ASD A LAL AA ANI oe Yes: Some Good Printing Costs Too Much, Ty, It’s the same as with other good prices’’ for high But it’s not always justifiable nowadays the standard So that, than its nounced, more others you than at class and things. high class even usually, the doom of as to printing, high grade wor): is still, you can pay more tor shop is one of the ‘others.’ things, 0! not For is higher the worth; this service, is commonplace is ee Ae The temptation to charge ‘‘stiff always in all natural artisanship pro not apt to cost it at some places , Bie | “If a Man Deceives You Once, Shame on Him. If he Deceives You Twice, Shame on \,,»' LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Dstriet —Distriet of Queen Charlotte Take notice that George Frizzell of Prince Rupert, B. C., oceupation butcher, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deseribed ands ' Commencing at a post planted about erven miles west and two miles south of the mouth of Stanley Creek where it empties into Naden or, Graham Island, thence 80 chains south, th » 80 chains weet, thence 80 chains north, thence 80 chans east to point of commencement and containing 640 acres more orless. Dated March 17, 1911 Pub. April 7 Numa Demers, Agent | Queen Chartotte Islands Land District ~District of | Skeena Take notice that I, J. G. McNab of Pringe)Ru- sert, occupation general agent, intend to apply ‘or permission to prospect for coal and petroleum | on the following described lands: | Commencing at a post planted at the so” h-east corner of Section 8, Townsh p 2 Graham Island, and marked J. G. MeN., 8. KB. Corner, thenee west 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence south 50 chains to polat of commencement. J. G. MeNAB Dated Mareh 8, 1911. Pub. March 25. Wilson Gowing, Agent | obtuse-angled equilateral parallelo- | | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Hange V | ‘Take notice that Jack Bedford of Keighley, Yorkshire, England, occupation over-looker, in- tends to apely for permission to purchrse the | following described lands: | Commencing at a post planted at a point in the easterly boundary of timber limit 38329 and in jthe southerly limit of lot 3929, Ra 5 Coast | District, where the said limits intersect, thence jalong the southerly limit of lot 3989 storesaid | and the projection thereof in an easterly di-eetion | 80 chains more or lem to the westerly lin it of timber limit 82501, thence in a southerly dire tion along the last mentioned limit 11 chains more | or leas to the northerly limit of timber limit 36775, | thence in a westerly direction along the last men- tioned limit 60 chains more or less to the easterly limit of timber lirait 38329, thence in a northerly | direction 11 chains more or less to the point of | commencement. DaredMarch 8, 1911. JACK BEDFURD | Pub. March 25 | Skeena Land District—District of Coast Range 6 Take notice that I, Clara May ‘Little of Prince Rupert, B. C., occupation speaatels, intend to apply for permission to purchase the [cllowing | described lands Commencing at a post planted at the north | west corner of Lot 1735, Range 5, Coast District Ithence east 40 chains, thence north 25 chains ‘thence west 31 chain’ thence north 20 chains | thence west 10 chains, thence south 45 chains to point of commencement, containing 112 scres |}more or less. | Dated April 4, 1911. CLARA MAY LITTLE Pub. April 15, | Skeena Land District—-District of Coast Range 5 Take notice that Eldon 8. Detwiler of Berlin, Ont." oceupation doctor, intends te apply for | permission to purchase the following deacribed | fondu: | Commencing at a post planted at the soute | west corner 3. ii 1928, thence east 30 chains | more or leas, thence south 45 chains more or less, ; thence west 30 chains more or leas, thence north | 46 chains more or less to peint of commencement | containing 149 seres move or lees. | Dated Mareh 31,1911 ELDON 5. DETW ILER Pub. April 15° John Campbell, Agent Skeena Land District — District of Cassiar Take notice that | Andrew Cummings of Van- | couver, B.C., occupation cook, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following deserib ed lands Commencing at a post planted three and one half miles in an easterly direction from the point on Naas River where the Lava Lake trail begins near the trail, thence west #0 chains, thence south 80 chains, thence east 8) chains, thence north chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres. [ ANDREW CUMMINGS Jate Feb. 3, Mur. 10. Juseph Beiway, Agent 1911 Pub Stikine Land District-— District of Cassiar Take notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine B. C,, occupation customs officer, intends to apply for permixsion to purchase the following described lands: Commencing at a port planted about 18 chains north west of the customs warehouso at Stikine, B. C., thence west 20 chains, thence south 20 chains, thence east 20 chairs, thence north 20 chains to point of commencer i and containing 40 acres more or less. Dated Feb. 15, 1911. CHRISTIAN A. TERVO Pub. Apri T Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that 1, John McDonald of Prince Rupert, B.C., occupation hotelk intends to apply for permission to purchase the following ri Commencing at a post planted three and one- haif miles in an easterly direction from the point on Naas River where the Lava Lake trai! begins and one mile in a northerly direction from the said Lava Lake trail, thence south eighty chains, thence west 8) chains, thence north 8 chains, thence east 4° chains to point of commencement, containing 640 acres, Date Feb, 3, 1911 JOHN McDONALD Pub. Mareh 10. Joseph Belway, Agent - Skeena Land District-——Distriet of Coast Take notice that Glenn McArthur of Vancouver, B. C., occupation real estate agent intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands: Commeneng at a post planted 40 chains wast and 80 chains south of the southwest corner of Lot No. 1783 marked Glenn MecArthvr’s north- west corner, thence south 40 chains, thence east 80 chains, thenee ‘1 ehains, thence west 80 chains to po*t of commencement, containing $20 acres more or less, Dated March 20, 1911. GLENN McARTHUR Pub, April 16, T. D. Laird, Agent nevth Skeena Land District District of Coast Range 5, Coast District ‘Take notice that Wm. Leslie of Sapperton, B.C occupation Government Guard, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following describ- nda: umencing at a post planted 40 chains west and 120 chains south of the west corner of lot No 1783, range 5 coast district, marked Wm. Leslie N.W. corner, thence south 40 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 40 chains, thence west 80 , chains to post of commencement, containing 320 | acres more or less, } WM. LESLIE | T. D. Laird, Agent | Dated March 20th, 1911 Pub. April 29th, 191! Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Take notice that | Charles Morris of Prince Ru- pert, B.C., occupation laborer, intends to apply | for permission to purchase the following deserib- | ed lands: Commencing at 4 post planted three and one- half miles in an easterly direction from the point on Naas River whore the Lava Lake trail besins and one mile in a northerly direction from the | said Lava Lake trail, thence south 80 chains. thence east 80 chains, thence north 80 chains, » point of commencement, CHARLES MORRIS Joseph Belway, Agent | thence west #0 ch containing 640 ac Date Feb, 4, 1911, | Pub, Mar, 10, | Skeena Land District District of Coast. Take notice that I, Leslie BE. Walter, of Vaneou- ver, B.C., oceupation prospector, intends to ap- ply for permission to purchase the following dea- cribed lands: Commencing at a post planted and marked L. E. W.'s 8.E. corner and immediately adjoining | post marked W.A.'s N.W, corner; thence north 40 | chains, thence west 80 chains, thence south 40 chains, thence east BO chains, to point of eom- mencement, containing 420 acres, more or less. LESLIE bh, WALTER, Dated int eb., 19il Charles H, Allen, Agent Pub, Feb, 26, GEORGE FRIZZELL | LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land District District of Const Take notice that i ra. Job ley of Prince Rupert. B.C man, intends to apply for pe jon to purchase the following described lends Commencing aral 120 chains sou lot 1738, Coast Distriet, Range chains, thence east 40 chains, th chains, thence weet 40 chains more & point of commencement, containing 3 ed 40 chains east vuthweest ner of « south a 3, JOHN (Lottie) CORLEY Date Mar. 20, 191) Pub. Apr. 4 1911 Skeena Land Distriee—Distriet of Coast Range 6 Take notice that Mary Bel) Beaton of Vaneou wt, B. C,, occupation spinster, intends to apply for permission to purehase the following dewer| bed tae Commencing at a post planted at the north cast corner of Lot 3950, thenve about 40 chains to Lot 1723, thence 80 chains west \ Lot thence about $0 chains south to Lot 3961, t 40 chains east, thence 20 chains south to Lot 682, thence 20 chains east, thence 30 ot: north, thence 20 chains east to point of con meneement; containing 230 acres more or lene Post marked M. B. B,, 8.8. Corner Dated Feb.14, 1911. MARY RELL BEATON ub, March 4 District of Queen Charlotte Ishands Skeena Land Mistrict ened COAL NOTICH Queen Charlotte Ialands | Take notice that 1, Jo) occupation broker, inter to prospect for coal and described lands Commencing at 4 post ; south of the Thel River i. E. Corner, No thenee weet 50 chains thence cast 80 chains to ; containing 640 atres, more Dated Feb 22, 1911 Pub. Feb. 24. Quenn Charlotte Islands La Skoena Take notice that I, John M occupation broker, intend to prospect for coal and pe deseribed lands Commencing at 4 post north and one p went f-el River and marked J No, 24, thence south 80 « chains, inenee orin chains to point of cor acres, more or leas. Dated Feb. 26, 1911 ub. Feb. 28 Queen Charlotte lelands La Sheena Take notice that I, John M Take notice that Geo. H. Laux of Prince Aupert, +. C., oecupetion barber, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following Geseribed lands Commencing at a post planted about miles weet and one mile south from the mouth of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, thence south 50 chains, thence weet 40 chains, thence north 50 chains, thence east 40 chains Dated March 17, 1911 Pub. April 22. seven GEO, H. LAUX Numa Demers, Agent District of Const McAughey of Prince intends to apply for the following descrited Skeena Land District Take notice that Il, J. H Rupert, oceupation miner permission to purchase lands Commencing ata corner of lot 2249, t south 6 chains, th north 6 chains to » of commencement, taining 2) acres more o Date Feb. 14 1 H Pub. Feb. 26. 1 Andrew Kennedy lanted at the southwest thence McAUGHEY Agent tice that I Bolecorr B.C., occupation laborer ply for permission to purchase the scribed lands cing ata post planted three and one in an easterly direction from the point m Naas Kiver where the Lava Lake trail begins and one mile in a northerty direction from the said Lava Lake trail, thence north # chains thence west & chains, thence south & chains, thence east chains to point of commencement containing 6#) acres Date Feb, 3 ; Pub. Mar, 1 Corr half m BOLCOM MeDONALD Josevh Belway, Agent Skeena Land Disirict——District of Coast Range V Take notice that Edith Alice « Ikieg, Yorkshire, England, oecupation intends to apply for permission to purchase fullowing described lands Commencing at a post planted at the south east corner of surveyed lot 3941, Range 5, Coast Dix trict, thence north along the easterly limit of the eaid lot 35 chains more or lees to the southerly limit of Lot 3985, Range 5, comst district, thence east along the coutheriy limit of the last mentioned lot 60 chains to a point, thenee in a south erly direction 35 chains parallel to the said easterly limit of lot 3991, thence in « weet erly direction 60 chains more or lem to the point of commencement containing 210 acres more or low. EDITH ALICE 1gii. CROWTHER Dated March 8, Pub. Merch 25 District of Cassiar Take notice that I, Perry Queenan of Prince Rupert, B. ¢ occupation prospectar, intend to apply for permission to purchase folowing cescribe ! lands: ommencing Skeens Land Distrist ' the t a post planted in the vicinity #ights of a mile south nra Creek, and being of Timber Limit No ce south 40 the easterly limit said Timber Limit No. 86241 15250 40 chains, thence east to the shore of » Bay, a distance of 40 chains more or lem, thence northerly along the shore of Goose Bay 40 chains more or lems, thence westerly 40 chains more or less to point of commencement, containing 160 acres more or lens. Dated Mareh 7, 1911 Pub. April 7 chains along / PERRY QUEENAN Skeena Land District District of Cassiar Tak tice that I Joseph Belway of Vancouver B.C., occeupation prospector, intends to apply for permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at @ post plant miles in 41 @astests = ‘ N River wh ‘eat BD enain . containing 640 , 1 JOSEPH BELWAY », Mar, 10 Skeena Land Distriet—Diutrict of Coast Take notice thay 1, William Anderson, of Van couver, B.C., occupation clerk, intends to apply Tor permission to purchase the follyewing deserib. ed lands Commencing ot « post planted and marked W A. northwest corner, and about | mile from Alex ander Buchan northern boundary line; thenve south #0 chains, thence east 8) chaine thence north 80 chains, thence west 80 cha‘na, to point of | commencement, containing 640 acres more or lens, | WILLIAM ANDERSON, Dated tei Peb. 1911 Chark . B, Stark, Agent Pub. Feb. 26. Skeena Land District —Distriet of Queen Charlotie Take notice that Frank Levick of Woodstock, | Ont., oecupation bookkeeper, intends to apply | for permission to purchase the following doomrtiinn | lands | Commencing at a post planted | miles west and two miles south ¢ | Stanley Cr where it enipries Harbor, Graham Isicnd, thence thence 40 chains east, thence thence 80 chaing west to point of commencement and contaning 640 acres more or leas, Dated Mareh 17, 1911, FRANK LEVICK Pub. April 7. Numa Demers, Agen about seven the thouth of into #) chains south Skeens Land District District of Coast Take notice that 1, Peter Reid, of Vancouver, K.U., oecupation teamster, intends to apply for vermission to purchase the following deseribed ands Commencing ata post planted and marked P, R's 8.W. corner and immediately adjoining posts marked J.M.'s N.E. corner and A.8.'s S.E. cor- ner; thence north #0 chalns, thence east 40 chains. thence south #0 chains, thence west 40 chains, 0 point of commencement, containing 420 acres snore oF oe said PETER REID, Jated let Feb, 19 Charles H. Allen, Pub. Feb, 26, » Agen keena Land Distriet-—Distriet of Coast Range V | Take notice that Charles I’, Otter of Prince Sugert, B, C,, gareann iene surveyor, intends to apply for permimion to purchase the follo described lands: : ate Commencing at 4 post planted at the north east corner of surveyed lot 3984, Range 6, Coast Din trict, thence in an easterly direction elong the southerly limit of surveyed lot 3091 and the pro- jection thereof 40 chains to a point, theres south parallel to the easterly limit of surveyed lot 8084 aforesaid 60 chains more or leas to the northerly limit of a timber limit (No, 42563), thence west | 40 chains more or less to a point in the pro eetion southerly of the easterly limit of surveyed loc 8954, thence in a northerly direction along the projection of the said limit and along the said imit 60 chains more or less to point of commence- ment, cortaining 240 acres more or leas Dated March 8, 1911, CHARLES P, OTTER Pub. Mareh 26, thence | Naden | | 40 chains north, | oceupation broker, intend + ; prospect for coal and petr deeecribed lands Commer cing at a post 5 south of the mouth of the |J, MeL. &. E Correr, N chains, thence north 80 « | chains, thenge south & Mencement; containing 64 | Vaeted Feb. £2, 1911 | Pub. Feb. 24 ke Take Rotice that 1, J socupation broker, int © promwet fore al 65 deceribed lands j Queen} Charlotte Lalands La | | con- | chains, chains t acres, more Of lem Date |. Pet 911 Pub Fe... 26 Queer Charlotte Idands La 3. E. Cor wot 5 and twe « marked J. MeL. BU ehainy, thene cvsing, t ence oust Mefirement’ containing ted Feb. 25, i911 "ub. Pet, 25. Queen Charlotte islan es i Sb@ena Take notice that 1, Job occupation Licker, satend ¢ to prowect or coal a d petr ¢ scribed | ods Commencing outh and iwo Tie’ Kiver and marke No. 95, thener north chaim, Urence sout m o int of o a re, Mere oF ice. Dated F.b. 23, 1.11 Pub. Feb. 24 atap«a a tiles we sarlotie Idands La keer Queen ( north & { commenc 1 . thence point , more or i Clare LAND PURCHAS! Skeera Land District — Distr Take notice that Cather Aih—ta, occupation spinster for permission to purchase th lands Commencing at a miles west and half a mile sou of Stanley Creek, where it Harbor, Graham Isdand, t! thence 40 chains eart, thence thence 49 chains and containing 160 acres more Dated Mareh 17, 1911 CATHE!I Pub Apr. 7. Nu post | ent to 7 | Skeena Land District District Take notice that George Lavics B. ©., oeeupation clerk, inter | permission to purehase the fo | lande Cummencing at a post | Lakelse Lake about 60 chains nor ; of said iake (Lakelee River’, north, thence about 60 chal | Lake, theace meandering said lake | erly direction to point of con | talning 80 acres, more orles. | 8S. W. Corner. | Dated Feb. 14, 1911, Gk | Pub. Mareh 4, Skeena Land District — District | Take notice that William fra of Prince Rupert, B. C., occu; keeper, intends to apply for perm: | the following deseribed land | Commencing at a post planted « corner of surveyed Lat 1712, the south, thence about 35 cha thence 20 chains north, th thence about 26 chaina north to about §0 chains east to south ea 3065, thence about 35 chains nor'! thence about 55 chains east to por! ment; containing 480 acres, mere oF Dated Feb. 15, 1911. Pub, March 4. WILLIAM FRANKLIN | plar District of Que Islands out Take notice that J, H, Murphy of ‘* 3, ©, oecupation commercial trav: to apply for perWi sion to purchase | deseribed lands: Commencing at a post planted miles west and one mile routh from of Stanly Creek, Naden Harbor, (h« chains, thence west 40 chains, the chains, thence cast 40 ¢ ins. Dated Mareh 17, 1911, J. i Pub, April 22. Numa | Skeena Land District Skeena Land Diatriet-——District Take notice that Mra, L, C. Put Paul, Minnesota, occupation mar intonds to apply for permiasion to )\ following deseribed lands: Commencing ats post planted at ( corner of Lat No 1783 marked Mrs. | t northeast corner, thence west 40 hw’ south 80 chains thence east 40 chalr® north 80 chains to post of commence” talning 420 acres more or less. puTNy Dated March 20 1911, MRS, Le CO age Pob. April 15, Geo, RK, Puc