The Daily News ? mXII0- 353' I'MNCH RUPERT, B. C, MONDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1916. PRICK FIVE CENTS issssss;;;; ANOTHER FRENCH GAIN AT VERDUN - BRITAIN REPLIES TO BLACK LIST NOTE SATISFACTORY HUN WAR PARTY FRENCH FORCE GREAT BRITAIN Nrv. . A ARRANGEMENT IS DENOUNCED :. HERAT I r l Tv raw USE GRENADES STANDS FIRM ON WITH KING UNO BY SOCIALIST KA3T0RI1 (OALoMIKf EFFECTIVELY THE BLACK LIST Allied Ministers and Greek King Bernstein 8ays War It Crippling .v Another Advance Made In Douau- Reply Sent to Wilson's Note-Submarine arce The Germans are Nation BrlUIn Has Four i ioieA' jt!" mont Region Kaiser's Train Situation Acute-Big Still Gaining in Thousand Munitions Bombed by Aviator Norwegian Rail Order Plaoed by Dobrudja. Plants Busy. Situation. the French. .'. JARTA (Special to Tbe Dally News.) (Special lo The Diiy Newi.) PRBnJA ki:n.v (Special to "rue Dauy 5ewi.) (Special to Tbe Dally News.) feSX?: LAMA Athens Oct. 30. King wn mo naguc, uci. ju, r.awarui Paris, Oct. 30. Tho French Washington, Oct. 30, Great ttantine "i Greece, after a lengthy Bernstein, one of the Socialist forces in the region of Verdun Britain's note in reply to the iCHAL last night captured, by use of American representations against members in tho in audience on Saturday with the lteichstag, a CephfclemMij hand grenades, a quarry held by the commercial black-list has British ministers, an speecli in the house, denounces IS. and Russian . . the Germans to the northwest of been received today. It is understood Entente diplomat informs the as-1 the Prussian war party, declaring CORINTH Fort Douaumont. A brisk artillery that tho British government nciated nress. has conio to a I that its tactics aro dishonorable duel continues in the region reiterates its contention of complete understanding with the and that the war loans have crip- around the fori. the right to make such a list, but Allies. The minister states that pled the nation. On the Somme front bad wea offers to apply methods which will arrangements should La . ther still hinders infantry opera. relieve American firms doing the new British Munitions Output. matters much satis. tions and the fighting last night business under certain circum make more London, Oct. 30; Three and a CSJ was confined to an intermittent stances. factory for M. Venizelos and for the Allies, half million men are now at work artillery bombardment. The situation arising out of Greek Railroad Strike. in lhe "unl"on plants of Great THE GREEK SITUATION Kaiser's Train Bombed. the recent raid by German Bub-marines The employees on the Greek Hrilaln and they are turning out The map shows the location of Larissa, to which city King A bomb dropped by one of the off the Atlantic coast recently railways declared a general strike as much in four day as would Constantino was supposed to have gone to assemble troops to take Entente aviators killed the engi has reached an acute stage. the field against the Allies, and Tatoi, the summer home of the neer driving the train of Emperor French Rail Order. , on Friday, their request for increased have been produced in a year be King, where he was residing when the Allies took matters into Wilhelm, who was recently re Baltimore, October 36, The pay having been refused fore the war. Four thousand their own hands in Athens and Piraeus. The map shows Piraeus, ported to be on the Somme front French government has placed an by the government. plants are at work day and night. Dobrudja Front. 8teamer Aflre. Athens, Palras, Saloniki and the Island of Corfu, which are now near Bapaume superintending the order with' an American firm for held by the Allies, and also the Allied battlefronts in Albania and bringing up of German reinforce.... fifty thousand tons of sleet rails Petrograd, Oct. 30, An Austro-German Halifax, Oct. 30. Tho British ? - Macedonia. mcnts. at a price of 955 per ton. force has launched a steamer East Point is afire but Norwegian Situation. Senator's Denial. stries of violent attacks against under tho flames are now con SUNNY ALBERTA LOOKS done aspiring yet, although he London, Oct. 30. The situation Washington, Oct. 30, An em (he Russian and Humanian positions trol begins to see what a Sisyphean between Norway and Germany phatic denial has been made by on both banks of tho Iliver Returned Canadians. BENNETT GOOD TO R.B. task it is rolling his stone up over the-submarine campaign is I Senator Lodges to the statement lUstritsa In the region of Dorna Ottawa, Oct. 30, Approximate- acute. that President Wilson eliminated Witra and have compelled the twelve thousand sol-Russian hill all the time and never getting iy Canadian, Ottawa, Oct. 19. The latest the postscript from his second advanced posts to aban- tijer8 have returned to the Do- anywhere. When It. B. blew into MORE ELECTION RETURNS news of It. B. Bennett, M. P., was note to Germany on the sinking flan the- positions on two of the minion from Europe. About four the Green Chamber away back in of the Lusitania only when members adjoining heights. thousand of these have been dis. that Premier Borden had made 1911 he had an idea that all he with the exceptions of Van- threatened to of his cabinet charged as being unfit for further him recruiting director for Alberta, had to do was to make a couple couver and Victoria, the soldiers' AID. JOHN DYBHAVN active service. thus throwing a sop to the of his two - hundred - and - fifty- votes have all been counted In resign. AND MISS FAGERLE WED Calgary statesman and staving off words - a - minute speeches and London The following are the MERCANTILE CAPTAINS the day whan he should be given they would take him into the!returns, additional to those pub FRANK DOWLINQ HAS AGAIN BEEN WOUNDED At the Presbyterian. Manse on AS PRISONERS OF WAR full Cabinet rank. The chances Cabinet right away on his merits.huhed on Saturday. There are Saturday evening, Miss Olca Fa- are that It. B. will serve for that Ln. B. did this as many as half I nu changes except in majorities, W. bowling, superintendent gerle who has been a resident (Sporta! to Ttw Dally News.) Cabinet Job as long as Jacob did a dozen times, cutting loose withlgome 0f which are increased and F., has Government Telegraphs, of of this city for about six years, I.omlnn del .TO. A German for Ilachael. Meanwhile, R. B.'s tho tumble-weed of his rhetoric j0 t h e r s decreased by small received a wire from Ottawa in as quietly married to Alderman Lnicial note announces that, in Partner, Sir James Lougheed, and also using the vox humanalamount8. The Slocan member forming him that his son Frank Mn Dybhavn. one of Prince Ru-L,nfrmlfv with nrHela 100 of carries about a11 tne nonors tho stop to the fullest extant, but it now holds his seat by the narrow to hospital has been admitted rerrs mo! ..rnminnni iim Lk. i i , Borden government can hand out had no appreciable effect. It majority of one vote suffering from a gunshot wound. The Lan to ono flrm of ,awyers caused a stir in the galleries, the North Vancouver Hanes (L), ceremony was performed by naval authorities have de- This is the second occasion on Kv 11 is t,1,s ,ast thought, perhaps, pcoplo not being accustomed to Dr. 382, Hugh It. Grant, with Mr. cided to regard as prisoners of which Frank has been wounded. and Mrs. Olof Hanson as wit- war nil captains of merchant ves- wWd has turned It. B.'s longing such celeritous verbiage as It. B.I Omineca Manson (L), 185. This time ho has lost a finger. "esses. After the ceremony, the UeU cantured from tho French. PC9 10 Aineria, wncre i.cau effects, but so far as the Cabinet Prince Rupert Pattullo (L), edding party adjourned to the iiritui,. Russians and Italians. c" Mlchener is full of that hope as concerned, It. B. might as no. TRADE8 AND LABOR SMOKER home of Mr. and Mrs C, G. It. deferred which makelh the heart well havo been talking to a row Hevelstoke Dr. Sutherland (L) Anderson, where a small gather- AUSTRALIA VOTING and tho Conservative party f Stoughton bottles, Premier 282. Tho Trades and Labor Council 'if of friends had assembled to AGAINST COMPULSION In the local House is as sick of Borden being the Stoughtonlst Richmond McGeer (L), 252 held an enjoyable smoker in the to honor to tho occasion. After Leader Michoner as Leader Mich bottle of the lot. Rossland Willson (L), 88. Railwaymen's Hall on Saturday a substantial dinner had been (Special to me Daily news.) ener is of the Conservative party. In vain did It. B. use all his Saanlch Pauline (L), 299. evening S. D. Macdonald presided disposed of. tho ovenlntr was London. Oct. 30 The first ro- In tho circumstances, It. B. Bcn- oratorical styles, Including Chi Similkamccn Shatford (G),and addresses wero delivered by Pent m song and sentiment. Aid. turns in tho balloting on Com- nett as a new leader looks about nook Wind, Camp Meeting Extra 129. Messrs. Roberts, W. E. Thomp and Mrs. Dybhavn, who aro ro-Lulsory Military Service In Aus- as good to tho Conservative party and Westminster Heavy. Merit Slocan Hunter (C), 1. son, A. O. Morso and Aid. George living the heartiest conKratula- tralia show 723,000 against and in Alberta as tho Conservative remained unrecognized. Premier South Okanagan Jones (C),l Casey, Solos were rendered by tions of n are.0 clrci0 of friends, 037,000 for it. Tho complete ro- party In Alberta looks to It. B. Borden continued to sit like, a 142. Messrs. II. Harvey, A. Clapperton, M take up their residence at turns havo not yet come in. Bonnctt. It's Hobson's choice bump on a log. Ho didn't seem South Vancouver Weart (L), Georgo Waddell, J. Murray, and J5 Third Avcnuo. Oh to bo nothing, nothing at Ot to know that a man named It. H.1 108. W. Derry, the. accompaniments NEW ROBLIN TRIAL tawa, or a.llttlo bettor than noth Bennett was allvo, which was frail Scofield (CV, 141. being played by W. Vaughan Da- Ing at Edmonton. It. B. will passing strange, because ho ap- Yale Walters (L), 190. Ivies. An opportunity was given WESTHOLME (Sprciti to Tbe Daily Mew probably decido In favor of the parcntly knew all about Mr. Loug- Victoria Results. to all present to have their names Winnipeg, Oct. 30, A new trial latter. Wherever ho looks for a heed and Just where to look for Til0 following aro the final ro placed on the municipal voters' t rietutM OPERA tnd HOUSl Btt Mutle. has been ordered of Messrs Rob-1 general election in tho Dominion hint wheu he wanted to knight sujta jn tno Victoria election, list. MONDAY AMD TUtSPSV lliii Howde-n and Caldwell on a for in his bolovcd Alberta the him. Truly, as Job says or was Whlch came to hand later than MARIE DORO chargo of conspiracy to defraud JOalgary statesman sees himself it Jeremiah one shall be taken NEW' WCLLHMTON COAL, '? uwl Irish riy nmvinrn of Manitobai on the losing side. There no and the other left and the onoj8U,iain0(i phone 118. We have Just re- I VHV jnuiMi- - ne Heart five of Nora Flynn" 'aut Caesar aut nullus" about it that was left was .It. U, Bonnott. u o Brewster (L.) 5088celvcd a shipment of 500 tons tcu. " ..I I phui ,, U,M Proflr,mm BEET SUGAR INDUSTRY It's nullus for It. B. Bennct what When H. B. woko up to this Aid. Gn. Bell (L.) .... ....3962 1 Lump Coal, we arc preparcu w f,..,,,. UONT Kln' Oeor"QRAPHIO rtviewinr ever way he looks at it, but tho fact ho ceased to asplro and bogan jonn nart (l,) 3600 Iput in your winter's coal for you. n. The Canadian Beet Sugar Com. Alberta leadership sizes up better to conspire. He conspired with j, c, najj (L.).. 3274 SKV ii'iicr .ln,,Mimortil,h "mr Crow. of the pnny, Limited, has Just been in- bocause it's nullus plus the po Jam Alklmi, gave dinner parties non, A. Stewart (C.) 3129 U''0N"V corporated, with headquarters In sltion of leader which It, B. sigh and sought to inflame tho Pressing j lay ward (C.) 279 LONDON CAFE MtLEK ONLY Vancouver, with tho object of for at Ottawa, but can't get. Oallery with mysterious hints of Leonard Tait (C). ...2773 AM QMLL TM THUSiOAV OIRU AND THI OASSK growing sugar beets in tho Bulk- It-is now five years since K. B Insurgency. Tho gentlomen of am nilwdrth (C.).........2fl5l. . . Third Avenue ONLY ... . - - " rutLlR I, THI MUNTRISS ley Valley and In tho Peace Iliver Bennett'struck Ottawa and began tne press promised to mat an..i nr. R. iinii it. ii74 Serve Nothing but th Beet THURSDAY OF MCN"AND fRiOAV district, and also of refining sug- to aspire. As a matter of fact tho "copy' His Insurgency was a. J, Morley (I.) 1184 STMCTLV U4 HtWfS ar. Tho roinpany is modostly ho began to aspire from the first worth, but otherwise remained ii,ii 8mith H.-D.) 474 0 TMl RINO- cnuitallicd nt tlO.000. Icrack out of the box. He isn tuontlnueu on Pago two' I). Pounard fS.-D.) 452 BOXES FOR LABIIS