BAILT HEWB. Mom '-The White Flour SUNNY ALBERTA LOOKS The Daily News GOOD TO R -B. BENNETT Pinch" have you felt FALL AND THE LKADINQ NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA it? With the advancing WINTER From Pago One.) Published Dally and Weakly (Continued price of wheat "the seven-cent Quaranteod Largest Circulation loaf is doomed" say the unlnTluciiced. Mr, Alklna soon SCHEDULES HEAD OFFICE bakers. In its place we have realltcd that conspiring In public Dally New Hulldlnjr, 3rd Ave, Prince llupert, H.f!. Telephone 98. the eight-cent loaf in many was an unprofitable pastime and For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVKIITI8INO 60 cents per Inch. Contract cities only the sixteencent got busy in other directions, with Friday at 0 a. in. For Anyox 'every WoSnffiayWnTO loaf. A loaf of white flour tho result that ho brought home 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT rates on application, For Ketchikan, Wrnngoll, Juneau bread is not a complete tho bacon. About a year ago 'ho urday at 12 noon. For Vancouvei"and WnUnu7 8aU ration. However wholesome which' helped every Wednesday at 0 a. in. oulh knight, EDITION October 1010. became a DAILY Monday; 30, and pure, it does not supply the Other day ho PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE and only For some', Smlttiere, Prince Qeorge, Jaepsr Idmonton, Sssksteon .., all the proteids the human becamo Lieutenant-Governor of peg, connecting, there lor all points In Eastern Canada ... Wl"nl-and NATIONAL SERVICE own, way, so why should they body needs. In Shredded his Southern Stats laavaa Prince Rupart ever w.dn..d.. . ,,Ur" Manitoba, which crowns day at 11130 a. m. Mlaad train ''"" The present struggle has expect the leader of tho Opposition Wheat Biscuit-you have all every Friday at 6 a. m. his reward. Agency All Ocean career and completes Steamship Lines. opened lip the vvny for national to step forward now to the body-building nutriment Aiklns conspired while For Information nnd reservations apnl'v in Sir James organization along lines hilh assist in the husbanding of a in the whole wheat grain City Ticket Office, 52G Third Avenue. the conspiring was good and then PHONE 260 erla undreamt of. Not only plan which evidently (he government prepared in n digestible form. dropped it. Ho has no kick com. has Ilritain done wonders in thought would bo dis It is always the same price, placing five million mwi In the tasteful to many of tho people. always the same high quality. ing. Eat it for breakfast with But It. B. Bennett, who is neither field within n very short space H is up to the government milk or cream or with fruits. a knight nor a Lieutenant- of tirrio but all the industries to conduct tho affairs of the bearing upon tho war havo been country, and, so long as they Made in, Canada Governor, but only a recruiting CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY director, with no salary, no gold to n certain extent nationalized, havo conducted these affairs braid and no whilo satin pants, " while every man has been listed honestly and to the best advantage, Lowest Rntes o all Eastern Points may well gird at an ungrateful via Steamer according to his capabilities they have had the . THE MAILS to Vancouver and the government which overlooks his CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY and experience, in order that loyal support of tho Opposition. Meals and Berth manifest talents. Ho may well Included on Steamer there may bo no wastage of None has been ,morc For the East. gird, I repeat. In fact thcro is Princess for Qranby A Alice Maqutnna Arm Wednesday and box Friday 11 cfTort or energy unapplied or zealous than Sir Wilfrid Laurier Saturday, p.m. applied in a wrong direction. in efforts to promote recruiting closes 0:30 a. in. and Friday 3 no belter, stronger girder in tho Princess bophla Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. House of Commons than It. B., Southbound Tho railways are entirely controlled and, to this moment, a. m. Princess Maqulnna Sunday 6 p. m. by the government and the aged statesman is doing all , From the East. when girding is tho right thing to Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, October 23rd. do, but this is apparently a case methods are being employed that his strength will permit to Trains arrive Tuesday and where girding is bad play. It. B. J. I. PETERS, General Agent which would have mado the his Thursday, 5:30 persuade fellow countrymen p. m. Street Third Corner Fourth and Avenue, Trince still hopes, but not much. N Rupert. B.C. hair of tho old time Conservative to enlist for overseas service. Fop the South. doubt his idea is to stand right fathers stand on end. To Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at to the last straw and then them, present day methods It is to be hoped that the 7 p. m. up sink his teeth in his persecutors. would appear to bo the rankest government will make a careful Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails Like the man who was kicked Socialism, which was about the analysis of the reasons for at 0 a. m. down stairs thrco times, II. B. is worst state of affairs they the falling off in recruiting, Friday, 7 a. m. Boat sails at beginning to suspect that they could imagine. as, by doing so, they will gathcr 9 a. m. don't want him in there. This is 8 1 r Robert Borden now a wealth of information which Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. DrPRICE'S not as hard luck as II.H. imagines, breaks the news, ever so gently, should do them a world of Sunday, Boat sails C p. in. because the Borden government'? that there is to be a system of good, For Anyox. Ilelshazzaring is ill sight of its national registration adopted Hcverting to the question of Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. CREAM finish. But It. B. naturally feels in Canada, as recruits are not national service along industrial into his present line of lifo by soro about it his conceit is niore coming along fast enough, in lines, this is something Baking powder hurt than his If he prospects. the line simply following of fact recruiting all over the Dominion which contains vast possibilities were taken into the Cabinet this is at a standstill. Sir for tho future. There is least resistance. Just in the month it would be only to go out Robert's intimation includes a vast amount of latent talent same way, men have, at the again with the rest of his colleagues Sixty Yi thm Standard the statement that it is desirable and misapplied energy in Canada, present juncture, been pilch next summer not long that the men and women as there is In every country forked into loading companies t enough in to warm his feet but of Canada may serve the which has followed tho go-as-you-please and battalions because they Adds to the II. B. considers his pride more nation in those capacities in policy of conducting happened to think that they than long tenure of office. Ho'd healthlulness of the food which their services may be of affairs. There are were fitted for the position, and like to try how it feels. He'd like most value. This is just as it men selling shoes and ribbons had tho necessary friends at to back to Calgary and ought to be,' and the government who are capable of leading their court. If a system of national go say: 'There, I did it." A harmfess CONTAINS NO ALUM should have adopted fellows; there are men filling registration leads to a greater atqbition in which ho is thwarted some such scheme long ere pulpits, and emptying churches equality of opportunity, it will Continued on Pege Three this. Nor was it necessary to who should be selling ribbons; work wonders for the Dominion , ask for tho co-operation of Sir there are men plowing the and the Empire. Leaders Prlnee Rupart Land District District of Made in Canada Wilfrid Laurier in making the. prairies who should be sitting will be discovered where least Ooaat, Range S. declaration. The government in cabinets, and there are men expected, and men. all round TAKE NOTICE that the radOe Mills, has never asked the assistance sitting in our legislatures will tend to fall into their Limited, of Vancouver, B. C, occupation pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply or co-operation of the Opposition whose abilities are better suited proper places in the sphere of for permission to purchase the following in their conduct of military to driving a team. The average things. The scheme presents described lands: commencing at a post planted at tbe southeast corner or Lot t operations, but have does untold possibilities. man not know his on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence blundered along blindly in their capabilities, but has stumbled west 40 chains, thence south to chains, MINERAL ACT thence east to shore, thence northeasterly along sbora to point or commencement, containing 6S acres, more or less. Rivermouth Fractional mineral claim. PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, altuated In the Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Mark Smaby agent. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Caitlar District. Dated May 13th. A. D. ttU. Aug. II Where located: At the bead or A!lc 111 Arm. adjoining the Rivermouth and Carl-boo mineral elalma. 710 SECOND AVE TAKE NOTICE that I, O. R. Naden. Free Miners' Certificate No. ta.OttB. artinr as FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware 8hlp'Chandlery agent for Carrie Prstt, Free Mlnera' Certificate Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taokle No. SJ.917B., intend, slity dart from the date rereof, to apply to the JIROUIT NO. 1. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Riflea and Shotguns Mining Recorder tor a Certificate of Im i 11 Ith Bt. and trd Ave. provements, for the purpose of obtaining Rope Valves Ammunition Boi IS eth St. and Ird Ave. a Crown Grant of the above claim. Box id Ith 8L and Ird Ave. Pumps Hose Paint And ffirther take notice that action, Soi 15 Junction or 1st, Ind and 'assssjaifiCy under aectton 85, muit be commenced before Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Irorv ira Avea. the liiue or such Certificate of Improvements. "WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" tH Bts. (Kim i Hotel.) The Roya! Standard Test Dated this IJrd da; of December. A. D. Boi 17 1st Ave. and 7 lb St. (Cm Apr. t. tral UoteL) oiRourr no. t. Here! where we lest the FRED STORK'S HARDWARE BABTS -OWNSOAP Boi 82 Ird Ave. and Ird St. choicest samples of Canada' (Post Office.) six million acre wheat crop. Bos S rd Ave, aud Mcbrt.u 81. Boi 84-- 1st Ave. and McPrtde 01. We grind them into(lour in the BEST Boi tod Ave. and Ind St little mill you tee on the left of Boi Id tod Are. and lib St Bos 870. T. f. the picture. Then comet the Tickets testbread-baking. If oiRouir no. s. supreme the bread it perfect in Boi St.- ith Ave. and Fulton at every Bos .sa--Borden and Taylor Sts. way we pronounce the wheat to and from Norway, Sweden. Dan-mark, LLLLHBflHBBBBBBBBBBBBfe"BLLl Finland, Italy and Hum la. Boi 84 7th Ava. and Fulton SL A I and the flour-ROYAL SAILINQS PROM NIW YORK oi 86 9th Ave. and Comoi Ave. "Oscar II." Kov. th. Boi 87 atb Ave. and Dodge PL STANDARD. "Krlitlanlarjord" Nov, IS lb. Bos 8S atb Ave. and Thompson St. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Stockholm" Dec. Jnd. "Helllr Olov" Nor, Jrd. emeu IT NO. 4. IVancouver Grain CaLtf' HOYAL STANDARD Have Your Resermione mad brly. Bos 41 ith Ava. and bnmeraon Millings v. For Ratea. Illustrated Folders and Tlic put'.y a:.J f.t. of PL i Vancouver.Kw Wen minster,Nenelma.VUtoria. .Oenerai Information Apply to Baby'e Own op hive taails it Bos 41 Ith Ave. and McBrlde Bt. Boi 4S Ith Ava. and Orean SL OVBHAVN HANSON n universal ltd use is Boa 44 eiu Ave and Bull Bt beneficial to itln Inauranea and Staamahlp Amoi. on? 4H.t Boa 48 7th Ava. and Bfeeru. Prince Rupert, B. O. Albert Soaps Limited,Montreal. Boi 141 71b Ave. and Yiung 81. I Advertise In The Daily News. EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWOM . - Dn.Nrr RUPERT, B- 0