una dau.1 nwj FOR RENT Local News Notes James Hatch, of Telkwa, Is Modrn roomed bout cloe in 3rd Avenue, I bedrooms. spending a few days in town. 6 roomed flat Ind Ave. Modern. ( roomed cotur No. loit tut Ave., E. near drydoek. See. 7. Ths Roast Beef of Old KngUiU THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING Col tire pertly furnished doe in Arcade Cafe, Third Avenue. INVESTMENT. MAY PURCHASE AT PAR tod Avenue, rooms tod bam. Coture No. B7I summit Are, 4 Urre rooms. Bath, Two piece dance orchestra open DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK rurnltbed coture No. 117 Its Are., for engagements. Phone Blue lu E Near acbool lo ectloa 6. It bean the 58 IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. t roomed nit opposite school In 278. Section . Bith. Seal of Parity Mc Morale Apt. 1 roomi tod bath, CARSOfrVOfD for sale by Lip. AH brer the world the Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. 4 roomed coture No. 10? th Are, E. Sunlight stands Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free sett & Cunningham, and Parkin. name I roomed coture No. I to IU)Are.E, Coture it corner Oreen and Seventh for parity hi Soap. Our of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent Electric Co. tf. Ward from the date of purchase. annum Are. rooms. Near ichooL. $5,060 guarantee of per If Veur Moute la vacant List It with Purity is something Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and Us. Wi can fill It for Ton. There will be a special program more than an advertisement. accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment wt warn rail INSURANCC of Irish musio by the West- It marks the made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of H. Q. HELQCMON, LTD holme orchestra tonight. high standard we have Treasury Bills or other like short date security. set for ourselves to give Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. Several large flocks of wild you the best laundry A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized soap it is possible to " bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications swans passed over the city last produce at any price. for this stock which bear their stamp. night on their way south. For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. UNION TRANSFER COT. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE. OTTAWA. COAL Favorite "Ladysmith Sunlight OCTOBER 7th. im. Wellington lump and nut, best results. Solicits Hauling and your Phone 15. P.R.CCo. tf. Coal Orders Soap P. II. Showier, of the H. 8. Wal Prompt attention lace Company, has gone south and careful delivery to bur spring and summer lines. BILL" HUNTER BONDS given to all The Alice Arm Mining and De HIS COPPER PROPERTY orders,,either large velopment Company has just been or small. incorporated. It is capitalized at 'Bill" Hunter has bonded his 1500,000. high grade copper property in BEST QUALITY COAL the Hunter Basin, receiving a 'and CLOSE PRICES Mrs. and Miss Barnsley re substantial cash Old turned last evening from Victoria payment. PHONE 57. where they have been spending Bill'" is one of the pioneers of the past few weeks. mining in this district and it is eighteen years since he staked AJei M. Maneoo. S.A. W. K. wuilama, B.A LLB At the hospital on Saturday, the claims which have now been WILLIAM HANSON Archibald Prevost, an Indian boy bonded. "Bill" is not so young as Barristers, Solicitors, Etc 14 years of age whose parents he once was and the deal must onct to lou live at Mellakatla, died of pneumonia. give him great satisfaction. Years BOS III ago he worked with the famous Helreraon Block Prince Buaert. B. a Lucky" Baldwin and in his C. C. Ketchum, who is well oung days he did a lot of pros known as a tug owner along the pecting in Nevada. waterfront, left last evening on Sheet Metal Werk the Princess Maquinna, en route GREAT IRISH DRAMA AT for Chicago. WE8THOLME THEATRE Now is the time to have your heating plant put in Joseph N, McPhee, an old timer shape for the winter; roofs in the city, has been admitted to Miss Marie Doro, famed for her and skylights seen to. tne nospital suuerlng Iroin a beauty and skill as an artist of In such cases consult a paralytic stroke. It has affected the stage and screen, makes her practical man If you want, his left side. debut as a Lasky star at the West results. holme tonight in "The Heart of C. 0. Rowe Dockerill and Jefferson are Nora Flynn." It is a delightful DENTISTRY STEEN& LONG WILL "Tbe Daily News" Practical sheet metal man. building a sleigh road in to their Irish drama, in which Miss Doro Opposite Board of Trade mining property on the Telkwa plays the part of a nurse who is a ano SFEOUU.TY amooa. WOKS SANITARY AND HEATINQ CLASSIFIED ADS. River and expect to start shipping instrumental I n shaping the Rooms 322 2nd Avenue DR. J. 8. BROWN ENOINEERS re this winter. course of events in a domestic PHONK S40. dkti it Estimates Furnished Free. complication. The play is splen OSUei Sattk MM, Tfelr Aveeme Agents for WANTED. The storm of Saturday night didly staged, as are all Lasky McCLARY FURNACES WANTED DELIVERY Bi'T UlUU'Mm brought down a number of trees rtftt Grocery Co, Ltd, pbuue 1 4IJ productions, and the cast includes near McBride, playing havoo with Avenue, Last. ,51, Elliott Dexter, Lola May, Ernest PLUMBING the O, T. P. Telegraph service. WANTED Capable ir! at once. Apply Prince Rupert Feed Ce. Joy, Charles West and others, A. and torte The wires are still down today; Harry Harvey Mra. W. E. Williams. Ill An Eclair Weekly, showing the SHEET METAL WORKS or phone Black III. (Late London, Enf., Conservatoire Major S. P. McMordie, D. 8. O., latest from the seat of war, com of Blade) Phone 5, 834 Second Avenue. WANTED Empty coil oil and nwH PUPIL OP LAMSDOWNS COTTELL Night phones 576 cans, t cenu each. Rupert Eirins Ironworks. ple'tes show well worth MAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEES of Prince Rupert, has been at a seeing ' Pupils Taken for and Dlue 270 AND FERTILIZERS tached to the Pioneer Training me same program win De re VIOLIN. PIANO, VIOLINCELLO and furaitun Ths right work, at ths right WANTED To buy some rood Depot in England, according to peated on Tuesday evening, and HARMONY. time, and at ths right price. for four rooms. Apply pbons III. WE HANDLE the latest official advices from on Wednesday Helen Holmes will PapM Prepared EXAMINATIONS for Examination LOST Bulbs, and Take Orders for the old country. be presented in another thrilling 'aeeoclated Board. Vaaoovnor, Ooator Stoyal Ootloso of Music, Londoa, Eag. LOST Weir u, rold-niled. 17 Jewel Nursery Stook. episode of "The Girl and the Rurn W "initials F. L. I. on case Call the Pony Express for wood Game." "TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 38 News omce. J Chicken Feed A, Specialty. cut in stove lengths or 4 feet Best household coaj and general SCOTT BACK PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. FOR SALE Stall Orders Promptly AtUrteetTo. SXEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP iransier. ijiano moving our COAST, HANOI THREE FOn SALE CHEAP Slnrle comb '""'.'n" TAKE notice mat I, Francis Joseph brown lerborn bens snd pulltu. P. O. Box S33. SOS Third Arc. specialty. Prices moderate: Phone John T. Scott is back in Van Beile, aetlnr as erent for the Empire Transfer asd Storage to li. Btrlethorst. SpWer Mer PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. 301, R. W. nogers. tf, couver and on Saturday appeared Pulp and Paper MlUi, Ltd or Swanson Bay, B. C occupation lotrer. Intend to BEST LUMP A NUT COAL ou". n-harbor in the police court on a charge of apply for peralitlon to lease tbe follow FOn HENT-Seven-roomed McOym The Salvation Army" will give view. Apply Tbomu described lands attempting to induce personation Ins i a splendid concert in the barracks Commencing' at a post planted on tbe NO LONG WAITS FOIl SALE Carload mlumr J LIQUOR ACT, 1910. at the Vancouver byelection in soutb shore of tbe laroon at tbe end of NO SHORT WEIGHTS machine drills, co umn WJ IT (Section 41.) on Monday, October 30th, at 8 p He tbe East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one cludinr etc. February. was not asked lo steam Btunn, NOTICE U hereby riven that, on tbe in, when ,the best of local talent and one half miles in a westerly direction When You Order from Us. drill-steel.New. . nrit day of December next, application will plead, hut it is a foregone con from tbe N.W. corner of T. L. 44116, SOS, Dally tie made to tbe Superintendent of Pro will assist. Admission 10 cents elusion that he will plead "not lltoop.. thence soutb to cbains, thence POn SALE-Team of horse.. IIMJ vincial rollce for renewal of the hotel west 40 cbains, thence north to cbains the proceeds to be devoted to the Apply r. u. " licence to aell liquor by retaU In the hotel guilty." Joseph Martin, K. C., more or less to shore line, thence follow. known a tbe Pine Tree Hotel, altuate at funds of the "Girl Guards." lnr shore line In an easterly direction to Discovery, in tbe Province of British Co counsel xor tcou, asked jor an point of commencement. LADIES lumbia, The Eclair Gazette did not ar adjournment for a week to pro FRANCIS JOSEPH BE ALE. Applicant. You are especially Invited to J.L.H1CKEY Dated thli 10th day of October, ISIS, October tstb, 1116. J.S6 the kitchen of Inspect busy CLARENCE MARMADUKE SANDS, rive for the Westholme Theatre vide time for putting in his de Nor, It. Applicant. this morning, but a fine Gaumont fonce. The Liberals show signs LIQUOR ACT, 1810. The Arcade CONTRACTOR BlMtPE- Graphic was sent instead. It fea of pleasure that Scott has re (Section 41.) Cafe Fixture, lures King George reviewing his turned to face the charges as they NOTICE Is hereby riven that, on th Store and OfTl.'. WANTED tint dav of December neit. annlleatlnn will (Neat to Xtllai ConrecUonery) Kan!i. Door determined are that this matter troops and the unveiling of the be made to tbe Superintendent of Pro BEST OF THE MARKET Hard W iod of a" Experienced Bridge men. Kitchener memorial cross. shall be cleared up. vincial police ror resewai of tbe hotel BEST OF COOKING Oak and Track men. Tracklayers and licence to aell liquor by retail la the. botel BEST OF SERVICE kinds. General Construction Laborers Rol Barnes returned known a tbe Northern Hotel, altuate at Special!" In from the We SUN AND TIDE Port Slmpaoi. In tbe Province of Vrlttib to Join the 239th Battalion, Kilias & Geergalas windows, Overseas Railway south last night. His rheumatism Columbia. and fitting storm Construction Corps. is and he is Dated thli 7 th day of October, 1916. Proprietors si". gone beginning Tuesday, October 31st. ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS. AoplleanL any Drafts leaving Vancouver, PHONE 46S PHONE 486 OI nd feel fit again. In Vancouver bun rises and Shwt O. C, for Valcartier, P. Q 8 a. in LAND ACT Plate weekly. met V. A. Cole, who had Just re Sun sets 5;26 p. m Glazing. Be attested and forward PMN4M RUPERT LAND DISTRICT DIS to Vancouver, and turned from London, England. High water ...4:26a.m. lit. 17 TRICT OP COAST, RANSE III. Corner Fraser andjthjti' ransportation will be TAKE NOTICE that Pacific win. i inn.. arranged Cole had some great Zeppeli Low water ...10:5a.m. Ht. 8. 7c9 at once. of Vancouver, BrltUb Columbia, occupation. PHONE GREEN Bend all communications raid stories to tell. High water ....4:2 p.m. lit. 20.3 v'f ". paixr uiiwi, mtena u apply Stuart J. Martin P. O. BOX to: onicer commanding, Low for permission to ,nuniuu k. ivuv.iy 239th Battalion, C.E.F. water ..10:59 p. in. lit. 4 described lands. Commenctnr at a post 175 Cordova St W. THE.CRADLE Captain McGee, M, M. S. A. p'm we norm oans or Koeya river A88AYEH Vancouver, B. C. about one-quarter of a mile up-itreaaJ from tbe abort of Flti-Hurb Sound thence UNDERTAKERS ; Born to Mr, nnd Mrs. Thorstein The Board of Trade will hold north twenty cbains, thence east twenty HAZELTON B. O. B. C. chains, thence soutb to river! hmir J. Davidson, formerly of Prince a fish luncheon in the Central along abore In a westerly direction to SUBSCRIBE FOR Huptrt and now of Smith Island, Hotel on Tuesday at 1 p. m, when ixjtut cuouueaceuieDi and Contllnlnf The oldest established Asssy BALfM-MTiar0T'0" a daughter, at the General Hospital T. II. Johnson will he the speaker forty Dated I Ht',une 10th,acres,H16.more or less. geDti Office In the North. .MTsfo-; ;0,t The Daily News .on Saturday, Tickets 50 cents. PACIFIC MILLS. LIMITED, 11T inu .--gaap ll "Mark Bmaby," ktmt.