HIE 0AILT NEWS, The Daily News WHEN INSIST BUYINGYEAST ON HAWING THE WIAIUO FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA THIS PACKAGE For the East. WINTER Polished Dailr WmU7 Guaranteed Larfleet Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE z 1 a. in. S. s. PRlNnr nrnnnr Daily News HullditiK, 3rd Ave, Prince Itupert, B.C. Telephone 88. From the East. For, Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Friday at 0 a. in. For Anyox 'every Wedn2suay8at" ?1,ne1v,,J TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVE11T13INO 60 cents per inch. Contract Trains arrlvo Tuesday and 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT rales on application. Thursday, 5:30 p. m. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway For the South. urday at 12 noon. For Vancouver and all po,nU n-.,, 8aU every Wednesday at 0 a. in. outh DAILY EDITION Tuesday, October 31, iOlrt. Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE Fof Smlthtrt, Print George, Jasper Idmoolon, 7 o m. ik.i0Mi psa, connecting lr.tr for all point In' Eastern Cansd ,i" "nU Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails end Couth SUU UfM Prince Rupert and .I'1"" PASSING IT ALONG to investigate this question, every W.4n.,d., day at 11 130 . m. Mlit train '"' at 0 a. m. every Friday at B a. m. The government proposes to which now reposes peacefully Agenoy All Ocean Steamship Lines. Friday, 7 n. m. Boat sails at deal with the high cost of liv in the archives of tho labor For information and reservations apply t0 DECLINE SUBSTITUTES 9 a. m. City Ticket Office, 528 Third Avenue PHONE ing question by unloading it department. That commission Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. 260 upon tlio municipalities. Thesb it will be rcinombered operated iiient which has squandered mil Sunday, Boat sails 0 p. rn. told, are to on tue (secret service model. For Anyox. authorities, we arc lions needlessly since the out bo empowered to conduct in It was in Victoria and out break of tho war. Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. vcstigatlons under oath into again before more than a dozen nil ''alleged' combines operating people knew anything about it. Dcrnstoril says that the sub MINERAL ACT CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY in Canada and to investigate The object of this secrecy, of marine raid on the Atlantio coast mineral tllverraoutb motional claim, the "alleged undue advance" course, was to avoid any embarrassing was carried out .with tho sole ob situated In the Skecna Mining DItIiIod of Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point in tho prices of foodstuffs. disclosures about ject of finding out if tho. United Caiaiar District. via Steamer to Vancouver and the Where located) At the Mad of Alice CANADIAN PACIFIC It Is also proposed, trusts and combines. Stales navy would rescue the sur Arm, adjolninr the HI vermouth and Carl- Meals and Berth Included RAILWAY on Steamer '.'when an undue advance in The only authority capable vivors. The Germans are evidently boo mineral claim. TAKE NOTICE that I, O. It Nadrn, Free prices has been established," of dealing with the high cost becoming very careful as Miners' Certincate No. l.0B. artlnr Princess Maqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p. m. to give municipalities the power of living in Canada ir the national to the lives of survivors. Doubtless rent for Carrie Pratt, Free Mlnera' Cer Princess Sophia Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. tincale No. 9I.VI7B. intend, slstr day to prosecute. Meanwhile government, and while the idea was to gel tho United from tbe date hereof, to apply to the Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. the government will appoint undoubtedly even that body Stales to form a precedent. Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certincate of Im Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, October 23rd. provements, for tbe purpose of obtalnlni another committee of the Minister cannot wholly maintain the Crown Oram of tbe above claim. The aviator who killed the en tbat J. I. PETERS, General Agent. And furtner take notice action. of Justice and the Minister equilibrium of prices it certainly gineer of tho Kaiser's train let under section It, muit be commenced before Co tier Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. of Labor, to conduct an investigation not only can refrain tbe lstue or aueb Certincate of Improvements, tho bomb go a few seconds too of its own. from multiplying the conditions soon. Better luck next time. Dated this 1 3rd day of December, A. D. All this, of course, means which make for the upward If II. Apr. I. nothing in the solution of the tendency but can deal It is surprising to And that the . problem. . It is merely an evasive with the trusts and mergers Australians are voting against MINERAL ACT substitute for decisive action which today have the people compulsory military servico since Sunlight Soap by the only power in Can of Canada by the throat. We only tlireo voted against the tak Notice to Delinquent Partners. ada competent to deal with tho repeat what we said the other ing of the referendum and the To O. W. Maxwell and Charla Nicholson. TAKE NOTICE that wberea I bare done .question. Municipalities cannot day, that no country in the others seemed to strongly favor and caused to be done assessment work cuts Monday's labor clean dissolve combines, which world is, or ever has been, as compulsion. on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, situated at tbe , bead of Allc Arm. Observatory Inlet, In in half. flourish under and trust-ridden Canada, and statutory as tbe Skeena mlnlnr dlTlslon of Skeena district, other privileges given to them this condition will continue as The Germans are to declare assessment work for tbe years tilt, The Sunlight way is so easy and and have for said 914, lilt, paid the of this long the nation's captains of Allied mercantile note. First by government nation. as government work and recording same, tbe sum of just you soap That, indeed, is why the is controlled by interests ships prisoners of war in future. 1307.10. Unless you pay me tbe sum of the garment ; then roll it up 1231.10, for your share of tbe said as is shifted their They are careful to quote the soak. After while to from subject being protected competition by sessment work, together with tbe cost of to a you shoulders. If it were possible a constantly growing tariff code article under which they do this advertisement. I shall, at tbe eiplra-tlon rinse it thoroughly and the of ninety (10) days rrom the date for them to deal effectively wall. Victoria Times. this. Under what code were they hereof apply to tbe mlnlnr recorder at dirt drops out like magic. with these tariff and other restrictions acting when they sank tho Lusi- Prince Rupert. B. C to bare your inter es(s In the Wolf mineral claim vested In Why scrub, and rub, and tania and murdered the captain of the NOTES on competition AND COMMENTS me, In pursuance of the provisions of tbe wear and tear the clothes government would take mighty the Brussels? mineral act. Dated at Prince Rupert. B. C., this I lib when the gentle strength of good care to keep the remedy There seems to be considerable lay of February, 1116. King Constantine has come to Sunlight Soap will do the ml. t. K. STARK out of their hands. excitement in the south as to the a complete understanding with work with never a hurt to .Having made the "alleged" appointment of the Brewster cab- the Entente ministers. Wo MINERAL ACT fabric or hands. combines as safe as the Dank irtet. The premier-elect is wisely may be certain that there is nothing of England, the government keeping his own counsel. The Certlflcato of Improvements about a "benevolent neutrality" Try it once will contribute directly towards whole matter may safely bo left NOTIOI this Sunlight tho solution of the problem by to the man who is to lead the in the agreement. Basin Mineral Claim, situate In the Way. Skeena Mlnlnr Division of Casslar District appointing a sub-committee of province. Where located! About four miles from The United States presidential At all tlie beach on tbe south aid,of AUce Arm grocers J the cabinet to conduct an in. election takes place on November tt the bead of a brancb of Urn Creek. vestigation of its own. We are The Minister of Finance has TAKE NOTICE tbat I. Georie R. Naden, 7th and, as usual in elections, not informed if this committee issued a call for economy all tree Miner's CerUflcat No. I1096B, In both sides claim to bo certain of tend, slity days from tbe date hereof, to will be so irreverent as to dis round. It will be a blessing, if spply to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certifl Tho is not victory. campaign of for the of turb the rctfort of the last body the economy begins in Ottawa, eate Improvements, purpose being fought along tho orthodox obtalnlnr a Crown Orant of tbe above appointed by the government particularly in the militia depart- claim. lines and he is rash party a man And farther take notice tbat action. who would attempt to name the a rider section II, must be commenced before tbe Issue of sucb Certificate of Inv new president, Teddy Roosevelt provements. has evidently made up his mind Dated tbls tltb day of March. A.D. lilt FRED STORK'S HARDWARE OEOROE R. NADEN. that the German vote is for Wilson, as he is working overtime calling down the "hyphenates," 710 SECONB AVE FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpentere Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery SUN AND TIDE Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Taekle CIRCUIT NO. 1. Wednesday, November 1st. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifles and Shotguns ax i it Ith 8t and Ird Ave. Sun rises 8:2 a. in. Rope Valves Ammunition Boa ia eth St. and Ird Ave. Sun sets 5:18 p. m. Boi 14 Ith 8k and Ird Ave. Pumpa Hose Paint High water . ..5:27 a.m. lit. 17.3 Box 15 Junction of tat, Ind and Stoves and,.Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated Iron Ird Avas. Low water ...11:0 a.m. lit. 9.C Baa ie tsl Ave., between lib and WE SELL NOTHING DOT THE BEST" I High water ...,5:5p.m. lit. 10.0 stb Sta. (Knox Hotel.) The Royal Standard Test e 11 1st Av. and Tib St. (Can Captain Mcfiee, M, M. 8. A. tral Hotel.) Here! where we test the ! FRED STORK'S HARDWARE BABY'S Sea at Ird OIROUIT At,KO.and S. Ird St choicest samples of Canada's (rpat Offlc.) six million acre wheat crop. V Bos 88 Srd Ave. and McBride Bt 0WNs9aS0AP Boi 24 lit ve. and McBride Bt. We grind them into flour in the DEST Baa SB Ind Av. and Ind St little mill you see on the left of Baa ft-tod A v. and tb St the picture. Then comes the Bos 7 O. T. P. Tickets outouir no. a. supreme test-bread-baling. If the bread is peifect ia every Baa at Ith Ave,and Fulton St Boi 82 tiorden and Taylor Bis. way we pronounce the wheat l and frem Norway, Sweden. Dn Bos 84 7th Ave. and Fulton St At and the flour-ROYAL mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. Boi as tb Ave. and Comot Ave. SAiunoa moat kiw york STANDARD. Bos 37 -nth Ave. and Dodte PI. "Oscar Nov. 9th. .II." "Crutisuurjord" ...... not, ttth, Sei SS Ave. and Thompson St. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Stockholm" .......... Dee. Ind. I CIRCUIT NO. 4. STANDASD "lieliir Olov" Nov. isrd. iVancouvcrMilliiig&Grain CaLtf EOVAL Baa 41 4th Ave. and bnmerson Hav Vour Reservations mad Early. For Rates. Illustrated Folders and Tlie purity au.1 f.-apance of ft General Information Apply to Bei 41- Ith Ave. and McBrlda St. Ubya Own Soap hire nude it Boi Ith Ave. and Green Bt universal fa orite. It use is OYBHAVN HANSON 1 Bca 4 6 th Ave and Basil Bt beneficial to air in. Insurance and Steamship Aaeney, amy 4. j Boa 41 7th Ave. aa Bfceru. Prince Rupert, B. O. ! Albert Soaps limited,Montreal. Bos 141 Ttb Av. end Ttunr St. News. Advertise In The Daily HHr w - 4 X EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON - PRINCE RUPERT,