THE DAILY {NEW “What Shall It Be” Question This store is prepared to answer it ere mre The occasion may be what it will; it is our duty to be ready te supply you, and we can do it too, With pleasure to you be- cause of the size of display; with profit to you because of our ability to sell close. When the gift question pre- sents itself let us show you how easily we can match your ideas. meee mmr Heintzman Pianos EASY TERMS C. B. WARK Jeweller ; A local representative is wanted ‘ for aterritory tributary to Prince § Rupert to sell the hardy non-irri- gated nursery stock grown by the Oregon Nursery Company, Oren- co, Oregon, Liberal terms. Party must come well recommended. pmeeomeermermes ADDRESS rere meres PUVVUCVUCUCCCCCCCCCCe Pubadae tp te Oregon Nursery Company 3 Orenco - Oregon ‘ 4 WPARPPPAPADAPPLDOEPLD PPPS PPL S CAAAAK t FRED. STORK —General Hardware— Builders’ Hardware Oxford Stoves » Tinware 4 + @ | Valves & Pipes Graniteware SECOND - AVENUE 9-0-6 — 6-0-6 46 Olive Oil Beaumarchand A Pure Olive Oil Watch the Window The Pioneer Druggist PHONE : ; ; 82 C. H. ORME l a PHENIX THEATRE (Under New Management) ABAwBue TO-NIGHT Complete Change of Programme Latest Pictures - Best Music GET THE HABIT EVERYBODY COME ABABAB Children 10c Adults 15¢ FOR SALE Two Box Bali Alleys, 42 feet long; Wail case and counter, chairs, card tables, ete, #200 takes the outfit for quick sale. Apply H. E. ROSS, Empress Hotel Pool Room Third Avenue - Prince Rupert PLP ALI L LAL AS COAL NOTICE Stikine Land Distriet— District of Cassiar notice that Christian A. Tervo of Stikine, n ‘ake . C., oveu mn euakamne ofew, intends to for pertmiaaton to purchase the following ae, Commencing at @ post planted about thiee- Glacier Rite quarcers of a mile north east from and on the east bank of Stikine River and on the south side of the mouth of a little creek, thenee 40 chains, t north 40 chains, tne ment and containing 160 acres more east we 40 chains, thence south 40 chains to point Di Feb. 10,1911, CHRISTIAN A. TERVO Pub. April 7. next ment at 5.5. Take the fast light-draught steamer “‘Iniander.’’ H. B. Rochester Sunday Observance Quiet warnings have been cir- lculated by Chief Vickers among the proprietors of billiard saloons and bowling alleys that they had better keep their premises closed on Sundays. Social and Personal Mrs. Kergin accompanied by her daughter Miss H. Kergin, left this morning on an extended visit to friends in the Okanagan Valley. Mr. and Mrs. .W. M. have been in Seattle for the past month, returned to the city on Wednesday. Rev. Mr. Gurd of Claxton who has been visiting in returned home yesterday. He Deserves It Tonight Earl Grey’s Ritles give a farewell concert to Color Ser- geant George Leek who is leaving} Glenworth bound for Montreal week to represent the regi- the Coronation. friends of the soldiers are invited Pantorium Pioneer Cleaners, ’Phone 4 Steamer Bulletin The official bulletin on the Skee- na River steamers reads: Kitselas, May 5.—8 am.., cloudy, calm, mild, water one foot three inches below zero, rising. Operator by Hole in the Wall en route down river. Omineca at Camp 17 en route up river. Distributor route down river. Conveyor route down river. Port Simpson in Canyon re- pairing. Agent by McHugh’s en EXCURSION To Port Simpson SUNDAY, MAY 7 At 9 a.m., on the S.S, TOPAZ RETURN TRIP ROCHESTER & MONROE, Agents Reilly's Bakery Lunch SE a coeoremmrnparicetnsen ; mcimerneeaninei, Cansermerenbsniaibes bnnibausies MANA gag Plai B ed Sandwiches en Cold Meat 7 H Rice Cream............ Cheese CT Sa a aren ee Ne s BSL AVON’ Bi 55 vise dacecces Potato or Cabbage Soups, changed dally. were Oyster Stew Fish Balls ( Lobster Sal Salmon Salad Chipped Beef Gehae hens R Pork and Beans,....... ee Eggs, any styl Se eee EO ghivkiy iia xe WORT odie can cca Breakfast Foods. . Vorrid Ot cece, ” } Tea, Coffice, A008 visi ii 's4 Menu Cake s.5. shes tdel Venere ‘ Chocolate, Jelly Roll, White, Plain COOKIOS) 3: ots +s «0 08s cameteen Plain, Fruit, Gin oughnuts..... Drop Cakes, ; 32:3. cxpepeiae Lady Fingers........ Macarons......... Hot Corn Bread............ > Graham Gems.............. Hot Buns... < cece. sana Plain or Baking Powder Bread and Butter ee Pried Mae. ... x. < ican oa MAMGIGO ss. ics ss teddies ‘ Chipped Beef..... q Peanut Butter............ 10 PIMRfasek ls ties este : Sliced Apple, Lemon, Custard, Pump- is CHELAN 3). 3 kik doe cokes i Charlotte Russe.... Jellies, ali flavors........... Rainbow Jelly.............. Marmalade .......... seh ane MR in cis er iisl denies: ‘riday only) |... | ete cist NOTE:—No order Less than 10 “‘Tnlander” Classified For Hazelton SUNDAY, MAY 7th ems ess LAKE STORM TWO WRECKS Passengers and Crew Escape in Lifeboats LAKE ONTARIO WIND SWEPT Steamers Aletha and Gienwor- th Ashore. Aletha Badly Wrecked with Burst Steam- pipes—Glenworth May Lose Wheat Cargo. (Canadian Press Dispatch) Ogdensburg, N. Y., May 5.— Two vessels were wrecked in a wind storm which swept lake Ontario today. The steamer Ale- tha met with serious disaster. She struck submerged rocks near King- ston, and shortly afterwards her steam pipes burst disabling the machinery and flooding the engine room with steam. The passengers and crew were forced to take to the lifeboats. After a battle with wind and wave they reached shore safely. At the same time the steamer with a cargo of wheat ran fast All| aground, and it is doubtful is she can be got off. Her plates are| badly stove, and there is serious| ! risk of damage to her cargo. The tan button Queen Quality shoes have arrived and will beat anything in B. C. for $5.50. Birth—On Wednesday, May 3, at Chicago, to Mrs. I. Director, a son. Going Out’ of Business month and can be had at cost until that date. 100-102 WEATHER DOWN BELOW Prince Rupert in Sunshine. Rain at Point Grey all along the coast except at Prince Rupert where the sun is shining and the skies are clear. Sea is} smooth everywhere along the coast | today. ! Shipping movements reported | are: Tatoosh out S. S. Watson; 8.25 a.m. In schooner Luzlo 9.25 a.m. Triangle: Alameda passed southbound 6,39 p.m., U. S. rev- enue cutter Manning passed at § p.m. northbound. Chicago 8.30 p.m. position not stated. City Smithy to be Built A civic blacksmith’s shop has become necessary and on the recommendation of Superintendent of Works McNeil, one will be constructed at the City Yard, Market Place. The building will cost $100. Some snaps are being offered at Scott, Froud & Co.'s tomorrow (Saturday). We have a few pairs left in some lines to clear below cost. LAND PURCHASE NOTICE Skeena Land Dis triet-—District of Queen Char! otet Take notice that Catherine Harrison, of Calgary Alberta, occupation spinster, intends to apply, ioe parenionon to purchase the following deaatibad nds: Commencing at a post planted about 6 1-2 miles west and half a mile south from the mouth of Hanley Creek, where it empties into Naden Harbor, Graham Island, thence 40 chains south thence 40 chains eart, thence 40 chains north, thence 40 chains west to point of commencement and containing 160 acres more or less. Dated March 17, 1911. CATHERINE HARRISON Pub Apr. 7, Numa Demers, Agent Skeena Land District--District of Coast Range 6 ‘Take notice that George Levick of Prince Kupert B. C., occupation clerk, intends to apply for peresen to purchase the following described Commencing at a tt planted on shore of Lakelse Lake about 60 chains north east from outlet of said jake (Lakelse River!, thence 20 chains north, thence about 60 chains east to Lakelse Lake, thence meanderiag said lake shore in a weet- erly direction to point of commencement; con- ng 80 acres, more or less. Post matked G. L. Dated Febo ti 1911 GEORGE LEVICK Pub. March 4, Skeena Land District—Distriet of Cogst Take potiee that Mrs. L. C. Putnam of St Pees Minne, opmpeton. married mamas a or n ee following ‘described lanier nn *@ Purchase Commencing ats post planted at the southwest corner of Lot No, 1733 marked Mrs. L, C, Putnam's hort vorner, thence west 40 chains, thence south 60 chains thence east 40 chains, thence north 80 chains to post of commencement, con taining 220 acres more oj lous. Dated March. 20 il. MRS. 1, ©, PUTNAM » April 16, Geo. RK, Putuam Agen rate to a nominal price of a cent a word per insertion. Here is our Classified Advertising Column for today re SS SS aaa Lost and Found FOUND~—A small sum of money on 2nd Avenue. For Rent Rooming House, 2nd Avre., near McBrirle. May 8-1mo also 2 rooms furnished, Dunsmuir, between 6th Frout Offices in Alder Block. Apply W. J, Alder 96-108 Help Wanted Waiter wanted at Central Hotel. 100-tf Cook—At Ives Hotel, Massett, Graham Island 97-08 Albert. Houses Wanted HOUSES WANTED—Furnished or unfurnish- ed, 2 to 6 rooms, If location and Price suit me I will rent them myself and pay rent in ad- vance, no waiting, no listing. Phone me today Black 69—Unele Jerry. 72-tf WANTED-~—Three, four or tive room house, fur- nished, modern cenveniences, close in. Call ‘phone 151. 85-tf Board Wanted WANTED—Room and board in private family. X.M., Optimist Office. l4 Fire Insurance OUR SPECIALTY—Fire Insurance. We repre- sent eleven s Fire Insurance Companies. We want your business, large and small, Let us quote vou rates. The Mack Realty and Insurarce Company, cor 3rd Ave. and Fulten St. [>_——— | Weather watchers in Prince Ru-| pert will be interested to know| that it is raining at Point Grey, | and cloudy with threatening rain! THE British Union and National Fire insurance Company of London, England, with capital of $2,500,000.00. See us for rates. The Mack Realty and 'nsurance Company. 70-tf Situations Wanted A_ clussified advertisement is a tireless work- hunter—and seldom fails By experienced man and wife as cook and helper in mining camp or country hotel. Apply H. L. T., Optirnist. 85-97 Boarders Wanted Home cooked meals and nicely furnished rooms for three persons. Apply Mrs. James, Scott Bldg., 3rd Ave., between #th and 9th Sts. 85-tf Mr. Wm. Lawson is selling out | Private Board by the week or month. Home his stock on 3rd Ave. All goods | must be sold by the 10th of the} —_______—- ord cooking a specialty. Miss E. M. Gleeson : 9-t Ave., between 7th and 8th Sts., phone 171. Money to Loan A classified advertisement will find you the mon- ey with which to put your plan into effect. Real Estate A classified advertisement is a real estate sales- man, and does not often count enough “to count”’ in the net result. For Sale Gasoline Engine, 3 horse-power, cheap. Apply at Keeley’s Drug Store. 96-101 Household Goods. Rooms to be let. Apply Mrs. Evijen, 7th Ave. and Taylor St. near Summit. 95 Nice little home on brow overlooking harbor, close in, only $1860; cash $750. W. J, Alder 96-106 Office Wanted Wanted to hire, smal! space in office. Apply to P.O. Box 757. 99-108 Municipal Notice All citizens of Prince Rupert, B.C., are request- ed to observe the week commencing May $th,1911, as a time for giving special attention to cleaning up their outside premises. ERNEST A, WOODS, 100-101 City Clerk Tenders Wanted Tenders will be received by the undersigned up to Monday, May 8th,for the excavation of a part of the school grounds and for laying plank on the same. Plans and specifications may be seen at the City Engineer's Office. C. H. SAWLE, 96-100 Sec. School Board S. O. E. B.S. The Prince Rupert Lodge, No. 318, Sons of England, meets the first and third Tuesdays in each month in the Carpenters Hall, at « p.m. F, V) CLARK, See., P. O, Box 812, Prince Rupert COAL NOTICE Queen Charlotte Islands Land Distriet—~ District of Skeena Take notice that I, ohn MeL#od of Vancouver, | ceeupation broker, intend to apply for permission to prospect for coa! and petroleum on the following described lands: Commencing at a planted about two miles west of the mouth of the Tl-el River and marked MeL. N. W. Corner, No, 29, thence south 80 chains, thence east 80 chains, thence north 4 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of com- mencement; containing 640 acres, more or less. Dated Feb. 21, 2911 JOHN McLEOD Pub, Feb. 23, Clarence McDowell, Agent Queen Charlotte Idandolend District —District eona Take notice that |, John McLeod of Vancouver, cecupetton, ee, mene to apply sos, verse lanion to prospect for coal and petroleum on the followin, deseribed lands: . Commencing at «a post planted about two miles south and two miles west of the mouth of the Tl-el River, Graham Island, and marked J, Me.L. N. W. Corner, No. 84, thence south 80 chains, thence east 86 chains, thence north 86 chains, thence west 80 chains ta point of com- menecement; containing 640 acres, more or less. Dated Feb. 22, 1911 JOHN MeLBOD Pub. Feb. 24, Clarence McDowell, Agent Queen Charlotte lalands Land Distriet—District o Take notice that I, John MeLeod of Vancouver semen yaceet intend to apply for permission 08) OF Coal a jum degeribed lands: nd petr on the following Jommmencing at a post nted about v south and two miles west ora mouth of the Tet River and marked J. MeL, 8 W. Corner, No. 33, thenee north 80 chains, thence east 80 chains. thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 chains to point of commencement; containing 640 acres, more or Dated JOHN MecLEOD Feb. 22, 1911, Pub. Feb, 24, larenee McDowell, Agent and 7th Ave. Apply on premises.—Butier, 96-99 Boy Wanted. Apply at Optimist Office. 94-tf $75 per month. Apply Chief Steward, Prince | dvertisement One of the hest services the modern newspaper gives the public is in the classified rveeer en columns, There buyer and seller, employer and worker, landlord and tenant, and a host of others meet or mon ground, ‘To put this modern convenience in reach of everyone the News will | reduce Minimum charge of 25 cents. 1 com- its Watch it grow. WILL ALLOW | Apply McRae, shoemaker, Fulton St. 98-100 | N 0 WOMEN ‘ Nice furnished rooms for rent. Apply Drexel | Methodist Church Takes Dras-| | tic Attitude House with 4 rooms and bath, sewer connected; | | AFFECTS B.C. CHURCHES | Rules That the B. C. Conferen- | ce Were Correct in Refusing | to Admit Women Represent- atives Elected by the Quarter- ly Boards. ; (Canadian Press Dispatch) Toronto, May 5.—The Court of Appeals of the Methodist Chureh this morning considered the issue lraised by the B. C. where women elected as repre- | sentatives by the quarterly boards of the churches were refused ad- mission by the B. C. conference Conference, |The Court of Appeals ruled that | under no circumstances are womer |delegates to be permitted to at- jtend as representetives at the | National Conference, | SHOT MADMAN DEAD | William Corrigan, a Settler, Saved Woman (Canadian Press Dispatch) =| Nanton, Alberta, May 5.—-Yes terday afternoon a demented Ital- jian was shot and killed by Wil liam Corrigan, a settler here. Cor |rigan gave himself up immediately |He stated that the Italian had | got violently insane, and hac jattacked a woman living near. [he affair took place at a ranch about sixteen miles east of here. WILL RESIDE HERE IN. J. Helmers, Contractor for Concrete Work Mr. N. J. Helmers of the John json, Carey & Helmers Company, St. Paul, Minzi., is in the city. Mr. Helmer's firm have the con- jtract for a large quantity of | concrete work for the railway and ihe will reside in Prince Rupert i =| havirg leased Mr. Schreiber’s house at the comer of Sixth avenue and | McBride street. Police Court Parade Three notables made their bow before Magistrate Carss this morn ing on a charge of drunk and disorderly, Their names were John! Mosko, Angus McLean, and Frank Lockwood. All found the nec- essary five ard costs. inl Wf 2) We did not Skeena Land Distr: Take notice that |. Mra to apply for perminsiny Commeneing Stay and 120 chains south £ lot 1783, Coant |intmict, t., chains, thence east 4) chainn, hence wert 4 eng a MRS. Date Mar, 20, 191) Skeena Land District Taks notice that Mar ver, B. C., oeeupation sp fermlesion to purchase 1) arm island, | east eorner o north to Lot 1725, thence nd, oecupation overlooker, in- | Skeena Land Mistrict Take notice that Ges, | permission to purchaw miles weet and one + chaina, thence east 40 c} Skeena Land Dist Take notice that | Rupert, oecupation + permission to purchase Commencing at a pos north 6 chains to taining @ acres more or \« 1 Skeena Land Distr Take notice that | i ply for permission to 7 Commencing at a post half miles in an easter on Naas Kiver where and one mile in a no said Lava Lake trail thence weet &) chains thence east chains to containing 640 acres Skeena Land Distr Take notice that | fcr permission to pur Commenc! ng at a poet north west corner, and commencement, contair Dated let Feb, 1911 Skeena Land District , Take notice that Frank lor permimion to miles weet and two r thence 80 chaine thence 80 chains weet ¢ and contaning 640 acree om Skeena Land Distr Take neAice that |, Pet Commencing ata fr R.'s 8.W. corner and in marked J.M.'s NLE ner; thence north &) cha thener south # chains, the Dated let Feb. 1911 keena Land District Take notice that Commencing at a put 5 corner of surveyed jot 5 southerty limit of survey« jection thereof 40 ¢ projection of the sab limit 60 chains more Dated March 4, 19 for permission to purchas Commencing at a post | corner of Lot 3983, thence south 40 chaina, north 40 chains to place o! « Dated March 14, 1911 Skeena Land District Take notice that Alexander pormmanion to purchase t . Commencing at a post pl from the south west corner }eouth, thence 80 chains « thence 50 chains w Dated Feb. 13, 1911 Skeena Land District Take notice that I Arth couver, ccoupation broke vermission to purchase Commencing at a post piar half miles in an easterly « on Naas River wh mences near the trail, the: | thence south 80 chains | therce north 80 chains to p | containing 640 acres more | Date Feb. &, 1911 Skeena Land District Take notice that Jancouver, B.C., oecupati vermiasion to pur Commencing a post plante: 5.E. corner, and adjoining | N.E. corner and P.R.'s 38.1 mencement, containing 640 Dated lst Feb., 1911 Skeena Land District notice that Fred W kalum, occupation farmer, | wrmission to purchase the east corner o' A. MeLaod «| 20 chains south, thence 10 che chains north, thence 10 ehain commencement containing 20 act 10, 1911. FRIEDR! ; re Skeena Land District Take notice that I, Lionel K n to purchase the fo! 40 chains, thence thence east 40 chains, thence | ovint of commencement. dated Murch 24, 1911 Skoena Lund Distriet Take notice that Hubert Rupert, B. C., oeeupation agent. | for permission (o purehase the fo! half a mile south o! Stanley Creek whe Harbor, Graham Island, the thence norts 40 chains, the thence south 40 chains to pont of and containing 160 acres