tfUff DAIL1 I1WJ 1 Local News Notes The Roast Beef of Old England DR. PRICE S Arcado Cafe, Third Avenuo. Two piece dance orchestra open THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING Cream for engagements. Phono Bluo INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 278. 58 t DOMINION OF CANADA debenture stock Baking powder S. D. Raymond, of tho customs service at Dutcdalc, is a visitor IN SUMS OK $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. in thtTclty. Purm, Hmmtthfut, Dpendmkim Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. CARBONVOID for sale by Lip-sett Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free & Cunningham, and Parkin. of exchange at any chartered Bank In Canada) at the rate of five per cent per annum from the date of purchase. Made from Cream of Tartar Ward Electric Co. tf. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment C O A L Favorito Ladysmilh made under any future war loan issue' in Canada other than an issue of Wellington lump and nut, best results. Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Phono 15. P. n.C. Co. tf. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. CONTAINS NO ALUM A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog. Tho Lipsett-Cunningham Company nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. have added a very smart For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Made in Canada auto truck to their delivery equipment. DEPARTMENT OCTOBER OF FINANCE,7lh, 191. OTTAWA, The school children of the city will give a grand concert in the r' A CURIOUS CASE Westholmo Theatre on November FOR RENT 14th in aid of tho orphans of A curious case is Interesting Belgium. the doctors at a military Hospital Modern roomed bouse close In near London. A man who has The city council met in the 3rd Avenue, 3 bedrooms. 6 roomed flat Snd Are. Modern. been stricken dumb has been made treasurer's office last evening on S roomed colli re Mo. 1031 Btti to speak under nn anaesthetic, but account of the coolness of the Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec 7. Cot li ire partly furnished close in efforts to induce speech as tho chamber upstairs owing to a fault ind Avenue, 6 rooms and bath. ether ceases to have efTect have In the heating arrangements. Colli ye Mo. 871 Summit Ave. 4 large rooms. Bath. so far failed. The doctors, too, Furnished cottage No. 137 8th Ave., ore somewhat puzzled as to Call the Pony Express for wood EM Near school in section 6. cut In stove lengths or 4 feel. 5 roomed flat opposite school In whether the man has any recollection Section 6. Bath. Best household coal and general of talking during the ex-periment, McMordle Apts. 3 rooms and bath. transfer. Piano moving our i roomed cottare No. 09 9 lb Ave. E. for on "coming round" S roomed cottare No. HO 8th Ave. E. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone once ho replied to the doctor's Cottare at corner Oreen and Seventh n. V. tf. 301, Rogers. Ave. 6 rooms. Near school. continued questions by knocking If Vour Houae Is vacant List It with him down I Ue. We can All It for You. Exchange. John Dybhavn has been advised WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE by the Norwegian Consul General H. G. HELQERSON, LTD LIQUOR ACT, 1910. at Montreal that he has been appointed tSectlon 41.) Acting Vice .Consul for NOTICE Is toT one pcki" 001,1 Doni1 w$a?$ hereby given that, on the Wflw sotz- Norway in the absence of Captain first day of December next, application will be made to the Superintendent ot Provincial Brandt, who is on active service. rolice ror renewal of the hotel UNION TRANSFER COT licence to sell liquor byretail In the hotel P. Burns & Company and Friz-zcU'8 known as the Tine Tree Hotel, situate at Discovery, In the Province or British Columbia. Market arc doing their bit 8olloiU your Hauling and Dated this 10th day of October, 1016. in helping to celebrate "National Coal Orders CLARENCE MARMADUKE SANDS, ' Fish Day." Their windows contain Nov. 18. Apjjllcant. displays of cured and fresh Prompt attention fish of great variety, all tastefully MINERAL ACT 0wf and careful de- ' displayed. livery given to all Certificate of Improvements William Keith is now in England DENTISTRY STEEN& LONG WILL "The Daily News" orders, either large NOTIOE with the Forestry Battalion OSTOMm AND BRIMS WORE or small. Sliver Bow Mineral Claim, situate In the CLASSIFIED ADS. Skeena Mining Division of Casstar District and is enjoying camp life thor SPECIALTY 8ANITARY ANU HEATING Where located: At the bead of a branch oughly. Mrs. Keith has received DR. J. 8. BROWN ENGINEERS BEST QUALITY COAL or Lime Creek about rour miles from the a photo of her husband, taken DENTIST beach on the south side or Alice Arm. and CLOSE PRICES TALE NOTICE that I, George R. Naden, before boarding the boat at Hali OSUl Smith Block, Thlr ArHM Agents for WANTED. Free Miner's Certificate No. S40KB, acting PhOfl 4S4 McCLARY FURNACES WA.NTED DEUVEnY BOY. Xttmllesi fax, lie looks inch sol PHONE 57. s agent or Thos. MeRostle, Free Miner's every a Grocery Co., Ltd., phone II. 4H FUia Certificate No. 6999 IB, and James L Hatch, dier. Avenue, East. Free Miner's Certificate No. 87tttB, Intend, PLUMBING sixty days from the date hereof, to and WANTED Capable flrl at once. Apply Ale i M. Hanson, flJL, MARIE DORO AT THE Harry A, Harvey Borden BWI. apply to the Mining Recorder for Certiorate Mrs. W. E, Williams, IIS MT. I. Williams. B.A,- LL P SHEET METAL WORKS " or Improvements, ror the purpose of WE8THOLME or phoue Black III. THEATRE (Lata London, trig., Conaarvatolra WILLIAMS A MANSON btalnlng a Crown Grant ot the above Phono 834 claim. of Music) 5, Second Avenue. WANTED Empty coal oil and iwom Barristers, Solicitors, Etc. PUPIL OP LANSOOWNE COTTELL Night phones 570 cana, S cents each. Rupert aUrU And further take notice that action. Thero was a crowded house at ONEV TO LOAN under section (I, must be commenced be Pupils Taken for and Dluo 270 works. Box 1181 fore the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. the Wcstliolme Theatre last night. VI0U.1, PIANO, VIOUCELLO and furniturs The right work, at tho right WANTED To buy soma rood tvigerson Block Prince Ruaert. B. C. when Marie Doro made her first IIARMONV. lor rour rooms. Apply phona sit. time, and at tho right prlco. Dated this S4th day or March. A.D. 1916. EXAMmATIO.IS appearance as a I.asky star, and GEOROE R. NADEN. Pupils Praparod for Eaamlnatlona LOST all must have been charmed by Aaaoclatad Board, Vantour, Otntar u Royal Oollaga of Huale, London, Kna. LOST Watrb. told-nlled, 17 Jewel tU ! A Dollar In Time, the work of this bright little act Return DsiW Sheet Metal Work Initials F. L. i. on case. ress. As Norah Flynn, an Irish TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 N'ewa ofllce. . Saves Nine ,m4t nurse girl, Miss Doro is splendid. PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. FOR SALE is the time to have Now in the closing particularly scenes SEEINA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP your heating plant put in VISIT to The Bank of COAST, RANGE THREE FOII SALE CHEAP Single comb ui where she is shown taking fare, wriw shape for the winter; roofs A British North America TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph brown leghorn hens and pullets, and skylights seen to. for the purpose of well of her little charges, whose Beale, actlnr as atenl for the Empire Transfer and Storage to II. SUIethorst, Splller J'": Pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of Swanson B. C mother she has from dis In such cases consult a depositing part of your saved Uay, B. C, occupation lorrer, intend to BEST LUMP A NUT COAL bouse. BWd'' practical man If you want earnings, becomes a pleasant aster. A feature of this drama is apply for permission to lease the follow-Inr Fon RENT Seven-roomed TbomM McQyM barborvlew.JApply results. and profitable habit,when once the acting of two remarkably Commenclnr described lands at a s post planted on the NO LONG WAITS Foil SALE carload wining machinery. In-eluding clever children, who, Miss south shore of the laroon at the end of ears, C. 0. Rowe you have acquired it. witjr NO SHORT WEIGHTS IT machine drills, column the East Arm or Mussel Inlet, about one 'r" Doro, form the central group in bne When You Order from Us. drill-steel, steam-flttmn, The dollar and bait miles in a westerly direction ' to Practical sheet metal man. you use open Daily News. the closing stages. A flaumont rrom the It.W. corner of T. L. 44844, SOS, Opposite Board of Trade an account in the Savings I1600P., thence south fO chains, thence FOR SALE Team or horses. Ill M,lk (Iraphlc, showing tho King in re west 40 chains, thence north to chains Prince RWrt Rooms 322 2nd Avenue Department turn saves, Apply P. O. Box III. viewing troops; Sam Hughes in more or less to shore line, thence follow the habit of others, as saving Ins; shore line In an easterly direction to rnvnm wv. s tho and the LADIES 4 specting Canadians, point of commencement. grows. Estimates Furnished Free. J FaANCIS I You especially Invited to J.L.HICKEY unveiling of the Kitchener Me JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. are THE BANK OF October Hill, 1916. jj Inspect tho busy kitchen of mortal, completes a very fine Britfefc North Algeria show, in which tho music is one LIQUOR ACT, 1910. The Arcade CONTRACTOR & BUILDER of tho most pleasing features. (Section 41.) Prbce Rupert Feed Co. 79 YEARS IN BUSINESS. NOTICE la hereby riven Milt, nn tha Cafe Storo nnd Ollicc Fixture. CAPITAL AMD SUUPLUS, S7.88l.000. I (Next to Klllas Confectionery) Molding. The first day ot December next, application will Sash, Door and Dally nt.vs uclucrol bj PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH ue maae to the superintendent or Provincial BEST OF THE MARKET Hard Voml of ,u and Oak irarrbT, 50 cents per hhuiDi. Police for renewal or the hotel BEST OF COOKING HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel BEST OF SERVICE kinds. AND FERTILIZERS known as the Northern Hotel, situate at In making Port Simpson. In tha Province or British Wo Specialize Killas & Georgalas windows, Columbia. and fitting storm WANTED Dated this 7tb day or WE HANDLE A Lav.r October, It It. tlmsUu.a v Proprietors size. any ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Aopllcant. Bulbs,"and Take Orders for BOLD ' PHONE 468 PHONE 458 and Sheet Olais nd WATCH FREE. Experienced Bridge men. LAND AOT 4' Plato Nursery Stock. Track men, Tracklayers and Glazing. 1 llhtfanrH4 wwmh General PRINCE RUPERT LAND DISTRICT from muUUm4 i Construction Labor-! DISTRICT Chloken Feed A Specialty. Wttcha rm. W to M flTUf ww ers to Join the 230th Hat. OP OOAST, RANOE III. Corner Fraser and Sthjti. wK .4 m um u ! talion, Overseas Railway TAKE NOTICE that Paclne Mills, Limited, ; Construction Corps. of Vancouver, British Columbia, occupation, PHONE GREEN 269 Mail Order Promptly Attended To. Drafts leaving Vancouver, pulp and paper makers, Intend to apply BOA Writ. Stuart J. Martin p. O. n. C, for Valcartler, P. Q. ror permission to purchase the following P. O. Sea 3S. SOS Third Ave. i weekly. deacrlbed lands. CommenclDf at post '" , Omit, m Do attested and forward planted on the north bank or Koeyt river ASSAYEri PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. OauM Albvu. mc to Vancouver, and about one-quarter or a mile up-strewn ransporlallon will be arranged from the shore or Flli-llurh Sound j thence UNDERTAKERS at once. north twenty chains, thence east twenty HAZELTON B. O. B. C. Send all communications chains, thence south to river's bank, tbenct to: Olllcer commanding, alonr short. In a westerly direction to w . w mart m wi iw.,tiw4, FUNIRAL O'""1.0"." SUBSCRIBE FOR 239th Dattallon, (J.E.F. point or eommericement and containing The oldest established Assay t ui.k uii. to. xxm) u k. kM. but uui (40) forty ...I. Wdr u4 fl. . Wtm Vmuk. VaZ 175 Cordova Bt W. acres, more or less. wiu u tjraaw-wiixaaM a ixorix vfiLuIS Dated June 10th. tut. Vancouver, U. C, 8fl)1. Offlco In tho North. STRMT-rHOW IHO The Daily News W PACIFIC MILLS, LIMITED, ,,T I t by "Mark Bmaby" Atent. Wwt4t4t44