t&t DAILY 11KWS, Wednesday, NVVCrnDcr , Old I -TLm The Bread Problem is ? The Daily News not n problem in the home THE MAILS where Shredded Whear is FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN KORTHRRN BRITISH COLUMBIA , WINTER P.tllhed Daily J Weekly known. The whole wheat For the East. Guaranteed Utrestrt Circulation grain is the real staff of life, Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES and you have it in Shredded closes 0:30 a. m. und Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE Wheat Biscuit prepared in a. m, S. 3. PRINCE nrnnnr DallyNewA Building, 3rd Ave, Prince Rupert, B.C. Telephone 98. a digestible form. It contains From the East. For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Viclorla an,i kih TRANSIENT DISPLAY ADVKHTIBING 50 cents per Inch. Hontracl more real bodybuilding Trains arrive Tuosday and rates on application. material than meat or Thursday, '5:30 p. m. eggs, is more easily digested, For the South. WflsTfff-Taxrjrn'-- and costs much less. The every Wednesday at 0 a. m. lh DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. I, 1010. Tuesday, 5 p. in. Boat sails at PASSENGER TRAIN food for the up-and-coming SERVICE 7 m. For Smlthers, Print Oeerge, Jasper, tdmonten, Saik.u,- . p. man who does things with peg, connecting ir.tr for all point In' eastern Canada . lMU PATRONAGE patronage committee, within hand or brain for the kiddies Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails and Kouthtrn States) lea Prince Rup.rt t.err Wm , .! i"u, Conservative In that need well-balanced at 0 a. m. dr at 11i30 a. m. Mlied train tier Friday at B a. m. The press tlio party, the members of a Agency All Ocean the south seems to be worrying which took what they could for food for study or play Friday, 7 a. m. Boat sails at For Information and reservations Steamship Lines.annl'v to considerably as to how II. C. -for the housewife who must 9 a, m. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue. phone and handed themselves out the 260 Brewster, the jiew premier of save nersen irem Kiicncn Saturday, Boat sails 6 p. ni. British Columbia, Is going to crumbs where they thought drudgery. Delicious for Sunday, Boat satis 0 p. m. mnko out In trying to live up they would be most effective. breakfast or any meal, with For Anyoi. to his promise to do nway with Tho system lent itself to the milk or cream. Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. the patronago system. Patron-ago most ilagranl abuses, costing Made in Canada. MINERAL ACT l has reigned so long in the province and the country CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Canada, and, In the last few many thousands of dollars Fractional mineral claim, years has become such a powerful more than it should under an further gains so they can't be getting situated RlTermoutn lo the Skeena Mining DlTlsloo of Lowest Rates to all Eastern Point thing, that many seem honest contract system. In things all their own way. Caislar District. via Steamer to Vancouver and the . Where located i At too bead of Alice CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY to feci that It will be impossL Britain, there is no such thing Arm, adjoining the Blvermoutn and Carl Meals and Berth More serious than tho setback boo mineral claims. Included on Steamer bio to root it out. Of one thing as a patronage list and tenderers TAKE NOTICE that I. 0. R. Naden, Free in Itumania is the fact that tho Princess Maqulnna for Q ran by A Alice Arm Friday 11 wo may be very certain, Mr. for supplies submit Miner' Certificate No. 9I.096B. acting p.m. Brewster was thoroughly sincere samples and prices, without Russians are not making any treat for Carrie Pratt, Free Miner' Cer Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. tlflcate No. 91,91TB, Intend, sixty day in his promise, and we tho names of the firms being headway in Oalicia. Everything from tbe date fcereof, to apply to tbe Princess Maqulnna 8outhbound Sunday 6 p. m. may rest assured thai ho will made known to tho parties oinls to a shortage of big guns Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Implements, Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, November 6th. for tbe purpose of obtaining do everything he possibly can passing upon the tenders. It or big gun ammunition on that a Crown Orant of the aboe claim. J I. General front. And further take nouee that action, PETERS, Agent to destroy tlio evil which has is asserted that. tho patronage under section 15, mast,be,commenced before Coiner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. made politics in Canada the system cannot be abolished tbe Issue of .sucb Certificate of Im- most corrupt of any of the Dominions. root and branch, no matter The Fish.luncheon in the Cen proementi. A. Dated tbis-gsrd day, cf December. D. how honest may be the intentions tral Hotel yesterday was a delight till. Apr. I. One of the first things done of Mr. Brewster. That to all lovers of fish and will probably be to place the remains to be seen,) but, in the omcthing of a revelation to MINERAL.ACT ' outside civil service entirely meantime, the new premier those who are not given to in Soap in Sunlight dulging flsh. under n commission, with each will leave no stone unturned Notioe to i Delinquent Partners. position to bo filled by competitive to bring about the desired Te.. Mf. aaivil.Ad Ofearlee Nicholson. Nicaragua has got into finan TAU NOTICE tbat whereat I bte done examination. Examinations change, and he can be greatly tnd caused to be done assessment work exist at present, but assisted by the public in.general. cial difficulties. This is not an on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, situated at tbe cut3 Monday's labor clean unusual with South bead of Alice Arm. Obtenratory Inlet. In in half. occurrence the system Is a farce, in so far He is no.longer the leader a tbe Skeena mining dlTltlon of Skeena district, as throwing open the service of a political party, but the American Slate and in the long assessment work for tbe year 1911, The Sunlight way is so easy it will 14, and 1911, and bare paid for said is concerned, as the apoint-ments premier of the province and, run likely prove beneficial work and recording tame, tbe turn of just note. First you soap are first made by political therefore, the guardian of the as the American bankers will 1307.50. Unless you pay me tbe turn of the garment; then roll it up it!1.50, for your share of tbe said as agents, and the appointees welfare of British Columbia bring about a belter system of sessment work, together wltb the cost of to soak. After a while you pass the examinations afterwards, and every person in it for the collecting revenue. this adrertlsement, I (ball, .at tbe eiplra-Hod rinse it thoroughly and the of ninety (90) day from tbe datt there being no competitive next five years. NATIONAL FISH DAY hereof apply to the mining recorder at di . drops out like magic. element. In Britain, not rrlnce Rupert. B. C, In bare your inter CELEBRATION YESTERDAY est In tbe Wolf mineral claim Tested in Why scrub, and rub, and only are the competitions NOTES AND COMMENTS me. In pursuance of the proruions or tne wear and tear the clothes mineral act purely competitive but the examiners (Continued From Page One.) Dated at Prtnec Rupert. B. C., ibis I9tb when the gentle strength of liave not the slightest The Gaumont Graphic at the day of February, 19 is. should be tho watchword of Prince cot. 1. E. STAR. Sunlight Soap will do the idea as to thd Identity, pf the Westholme Thcatro last night Ilupert for the 1017. This work with never a hurt to students whose papers they are presented Sir Sam Hughes on his year MINERAL ACT ity is dependent the fact that fabric or hands. on checking up, a number being big black charger, announcing used on each, and the papers hinr as the "Kitchener of Canada" it is here that rail and ocean Certificate of Improvements ' sent to London for checking but nobody cheered. meet, and it is at this point we NOTIOE this Try it Sunlight once must have the facilities for handl Battn Mineral Claim, situate In the purposes. Skeena Mining DlTltlon of Cattiar District. way The worst feature of the The news from the Rumanian ing our industry. He went on to Where located! About four miles from At all w tbe beach tbe south side of Alice Arm grocer that In the on Ashing patronage system is not, however, front yesterday was more encouraging, say progress tl tbe bead of a branch of Lime Creek. in the appointment of though it is question. industry is dependent to a large TAKE NOTICE tbtt I. George R. Naden. Miner's Certificate No. 94096B. In- civil servants, but in the distribution able"if the Odessa report that the extent upon the railroad com rrce tend, tlity day from tbe date hereof, to of government orders Allies had assumed the offensive panies, as flsh must be carried apply to tho Mining Recorder for a Certln rate of ImnroTemenU. for tbe purpose of for supplies. These have been on the Dobrudja is correct. How rapidly that it may reach the bbtalntot a Crown Orant of the above handled in each district by a ever, Berlin is silent in regard to eastern markets in prime condi claim. tion. He believed that the rail And further take notice that action under secUon 15, must be commenced be way company had as its motto fore tbe Issue of sucb Certificate of Im I Safety First." He thought it proTements. Dated this I4th day or March, ad. I9ia FRED STORK'S HARDWARE should be service first, as the GEOR0E R. NADEN. one included the other. In deal ing with the transportation prob 710 SECOND AVI lem, he pointed out that it costs FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpenters' 'Tools Builders Hardware.ShlpOttanaltery $2 per 100 pounds to land flsh Wtpo Gable Steel Blocks Fishing Taekte in Montreal, while it cost only 05 jinourr no. i. Iron'Pipe Pipe Fitting Rlflesumd cents to 100 ; Shotguns carry a pounds of Bei is lib St tnd trd at Rope Valve Ammunition copper tho same distance. There SexiS tth St. and-trd Are. ox 14 lib St and Ird at. Pumps Hose Paint was not t his difference in the Soi 16 Junction of lit. lots and Stoves and Ranges rtubberotd; Roofing Corrugated Iroi, gross rates, but flsh included Ird Ats. Sax IS 1(1 At., between lib and 1 WE SELL NOTHING BUT'THE BEST" boxes and ice and this was tho 9tb 8U. (Knox HoteL) The Royal Standard Test figure on tho net weight of tho ex 17 1st at, and 7th St (Cm tral Hotel.) flsh. He thought that the food Here's where we tett the of the people should be carried WROUIT NO. X. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE ox.Zz Ird At, tnd Ird St. 4 choicest samples of Canada's at a lower rate than such a com (Cost Office.) six million acre wheat crop. modity as copper which could not f iM -ird At, aud Mcttrlde St. Bex S4 lit at, and McBrlde at. We grind them into(lour in the BEST be termed a necessity of life teeesessse But 2S---tnd at, and tnd St little mill you tee on the left of When the time comes when tho Bex SB 9d4 At, and ttb SI the 7 O. P. the picture. Then come fishermen would be handling the ex T. If Tickets cheaper grades of flsh, it would OINOUir NO. S. C supreme test-bread-baling. It' the bread it perfect in every Bei SI - lib AT, sod Fultoo not pay them to ship east, as tho ex S2 - Borden tnd Taylor Sit. way we pronounce the wheat to nd from Finland,Norway,Italy Sweden,an Russia.Denmark, freight would amount to mo'ro ex S4 Jth At, and Fultoo St At and the flour-ROYAL SAIUae FSOM.NKW. YORK than the value of the flsh. Ho Bex 84 9 lb A to and Comox Ave, STANDARD. "Oscar II." not, 9th. Box .ST lib Are. tod Dodg I L 'lfrlstlanlafJol ...... Nov. igth. thought that the railway company Bei sa- ath-Ava. and Tbomptnn St AT YOUR GROCER'S "Stockholm" Dee. tnd. had its work to do in tho building "Helllr OIot" ......... Not, 13rd. OIRCUIT NO. A. Vancouver CaLtf HOVAL STANDARD Ht Your Rtrvtlon snad Karl. up of tho fishing industry. 41 1 4tb At, tod tmsierson Milliig&Gniin v. For Rates. Illustrated Folders and Haddocks. Vancouver.New Wrilrainiirraneimo.txioria General information Apply to Sex 41 - lib at, and McBrlde 8t lnnnT-i nan i fi Mr. Johnston said that the Box 48 ttb At, and Oreen 81 BBSBeMMBpMLLV DYSHAVN V HANSON 4 4 th at and government could do much to Hoi Basil St Insurance aid Steamship Aaaney, J Beat 4S 7th s. an Kateta. Print Rupert, a. 0. ward building up the Industry ex i nii la at, ana Tiung bi. News. Continued on Pte Three wwHrwwVww:AtJ Advertise In The Daily aUalVM AlAlaVjftJ K MAM WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR . . F. Q. DAWSON t PRINCE RUPERT. B- a