Novcmbcf i, 10 H Wfdncs 1 11 H DA1H AKWS. NATIONAL FISH DAY 11 LONG YEARS CELEBRATION YESTERDAY 2,000,000! ICC (Continued from Iago two. I by the Introduction to tliesn Belgians wnlorn of fish not found hero at DR. PRICE S Depend on us Made Him Feel f riiii-a-lives" present. This oppllcd particularly Us If Walking On Air to the haddock, which Is plentl. Cream for Bread! ful in the Atlantic but not found ,Tor ov. r two years, I was troubled here. Ho described the haddock Baking powder Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians ns of the one finest of Latk fish ej from ... Drowstnets, Cmiifli I hare depended for food entirely,on,the'"Commission jlliltandlhadachtt. One day saw every standpoint, and one which lent Itself to a much for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, greater Ae rou foci like walking air." riety of treatment In the va of Pur; Healthful, DepQistSmMm even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only packing and way three weeks they have had no chance to raise more hor 1 preparing than L In a Terr any a box. and the ruthless Germans refuse,to supply,them I and o other fish. Ho thought to fed t-"er, that hu spawn InTeaoJsrrtlte,relish everything brought into the Pacific would Made from Cream of Tartar Backed by the and the Headache are gono I fit, recommend this pltatant develop splendidly, Just as the entircV 1 fruit mdicine to all my friends M. shad had dono In the south, when Belgian Relief fund ' DAN McLEAN. introduced by the United States CONTAINS WO ALUM jOc. a box, 6 for 2J0, trial iUe, 25c. government. Today, carloads of It all dealers or sent postpaid by Fruit-i-tircs shad are being shipped across so generously contributed in the British Fnsjwa sad lb United Litcd, Ottawa. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported the continent from the Pacific. Made enough wheat, flour and other foods to feed the whole nation scatters In conclusion, he urged the in Canada so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgians left in Coughing serai tradesmen and the members of the country have been able to pay for their daily sJUwance of Stop it the Trades and Labor Council to bread but a steadily growing number hsTS rw money left. Coughing Increases the. adopt "Service' as their watchword Unlets we are willing to let these hundreds of thousand, of IrriUtioo of tb alreadj Inflamed for next year. He felt certain MINERAL ACT women, children and old men starve, ther must;be fed at the mncnous membranes that the result would be nasturtium, mis fraction, bellis expenae of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this psssiUa and It moreover apt to carry FRACTION, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRACTION, someone must contribute Beany f 3,000,000 a i dUease toothers. beneficial to the whole community COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE month all this wsnterl Mathten'eSTrnpofTerand and to the Dominion of Canada. FRACTION, MARJOOLD FRACTION, MLAC Cod Urer Oil promptly tbankl Mops FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE Nopeople under the AIEed Flags st as wefl alia so i coughing, ana euon, Mayor McCafTery, seconded by FRACTION, COXCOMB, BEOONIA FRACTION, to Hi tonic properties,effects generously at we Canadians! No cause has era been more a permanent cure. .Mr O. A. Woodland, mnvprt n MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the deserving of help! In the name of Justice and Humaasry for W t ri t Queen Cbtrlotte Dlitrlct, located st or near IDC wvouniui jvjimmi 1 1 j hearty vote of thanks to Mr. Ikrria Day. Queen Charlotte Island, Prorlnee the sake of our own self-reaped Ut a ghre al we can to Mathien's of Tar of Syrup or UrllUh Columbia, and lawfully bcld by help our martyred Allies I Johnston and Sod 1,1 rer OU is specially for his able address; to Ikeda Mines Limited. doe permanent to its Tanf great vslua and bronchial as a the hotel management for the TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnla, 5od Protiacul yaw Cmmittcea,aubtcnptSaa at weekly,la IM oasklf as Is aas)laaap east as Lasal g as healer. solicitor for Ikeds Mines Limited, rree sumptuous luncheon; to the Hoard Sold everywhere,Jjc Urja miners' certificate No. 70314 B, intend Central Executive Committee. M St fttar SL, afrtraal bottle. of Trade for planning the function The Health sfter the eiplritlon of ility days rrom and to the tbe date hereof to apply on behalf of the $2.50 Feeds A Belgian Family A Month. gentlemen and Bath J. L MATH1EU CO. many Beauty tald Company to tbe Mlnlnr Recorder for SSxrbraafca. TX. who had attended. s certificate of Improvement! for tbe pur- Is assured when lifebuoy pue of obtaining s Crown Grant to tbe fm md fmmt ad( ytm i n ijm, W In putting the vole, Mr. G. V, Soap Is used. It keeps the above claims. Nickerson skin clean and AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action pointed out how much radiantly under Seetinn st or tbe Mineral Act mut unity of purpose had accomplished glowing with health. be commenced before tbe lituance of ouch 5 in bringing the fishing industry Iif ebnoy is an honest soap certificate of Improvements. CANADIAN WOMEN Dated tbls Hat day of May. A. D. 1916. cake and smell Saltation Army. to Prince Hupert. Every man, unwrap a JOHN A. NACINNES, SHOULD KNOW'THIB it. A mild carbolic odor is Solicitor for Ikeds Mines Limited. woman and child had benefitted there that means an utterly CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Mc Public meetings, sold Grocer. Tbe Government Balletln Tuesday, Your by from the fact that this city is healthy skin. But, the and a.30S tellstha story-IT COSTS THE SAME. rhurniay Saturday at 8 p. m Jundsys at 7:30 pm. handling fifty per cent, of the odor vanishes immediately AKERBERG, THOMSON after use. ctatDit aiat rtoCT ihsisi coast fishing business. He called COMPANY I f yea wint whlppticrtim.chlirXJ FfcatTETtpoand , -then whip aa with (ceah cream. for the same unity in dealing LIFEBUOY Sol Agents for the Tm AYLMKR CONDBNSKD MILK CO-Ltb, with the northern salmon industry, Avuaaa.Oht caaiaoa PALMER OAS ENQINE COMPANY which is centred in Vancou-i HEALTHY PHONE 525 1 ver and Victoria and none of the' benefits of it experienced by SOAP Prince Hupert, which is the centre of a largo part of it. He -s The Whisky urged the people of this city to r show their confidence and interest ttztrlttitf in the fishing industry by investing THE ENGINERFJFINEMENTa Aged In Wood their capital in it. He Or 8 Year before bottling had had four years experience of FISMCRSSairS engine CUARANTFXD it and it was the only thing Three MjghtyForees BY THE t Crl S 1.2 In. by 7 la, 12-1S COYTRNMENT of CANADA which had given a return. A most . Horse Power. enjoyable and educative function S Cyl 3 3- In. by S 1-2 In, 25 closed with the singing of the Moras Power. kit National Anthem. 4 CyL 1-2 Horaa S In, 26-38 yiose Lmwexy Fop Further Information i Apply to BfcaW LJr 'J irjaMseBB W. E. WILLISCROFT Ramsay's Prince Rupert, B. C. NAVIQABLE WATERS PROTECTION ACT. Have you ever noted how an audience Empire Cream Sodas I Tbe Oraod R. S.Trunk C. Chapter Paclflc 118.Railway Company yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? cereby (Ives ooUcs Uut It baa under Section 1 of tbe ssld Act deposited wlib noted how audience On the other hand, have you an tbe Minister or rubllc Works st Ottawa snd In tbe omca of tbe District HegUtrar will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when or the Land Rerlitry orace. Dlitrlct of In S-lb. Tina I'rluce Ilupert at rrlnce Rupert, a description the speaker reveals enthusiasm? or tbe site and plans of ware-bouae Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior proposed to be built In Prince Rupert To of truth. Harbor st Prince Rupert. British Co Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression quality and uniformity. The moet discriminating housewife lumbia. In front of waterfront Block "0" Insists upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Sods sccvrdlnr to registered plsn of tbe town-site impart belief in anything, a man must believe it or the said city or Prince Rupert deposited Biscuits. in tbe aroretsld Land Registry deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. omce ss No. fits. They are made In B. O. and your grocer gets his supply A.1D TAKE NOTICE tbst sfter tbe at- This applies to the written word also particularly frequently snd quickly, Insuring freshness, which means pirstion of one montb from tbe date of c'lpnas. tbe Orat publication or tbls notice, tbe to advertisements. When the manufacturer really Grand Trunk rsclflc Railway Company will under Section 7 of tbe said Act apply to believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. tbe Minister of Public Works st bis omce In tbe City of Ottawa for approval of inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by aid site snd plans, snd for lesve to construct tbe said warehouse. will be contagious his audience the RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. day Dated of Msy st Wlnnlper.A. tl8.Manitoba, this tttb readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, THE OnAJID TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. "lean forward and listen intently." Vancouver, B. O. II. It. HANSARD. Solicitor. To be convincing an advertisement CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT r, must convey an unmistakable MUNICIPAL VOTERS TAKE NOTICE Tbe rollowlnt classes or voters should impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your be careful to take the neceiaary steps to retlater, otherwise their names will not will only do when the article appear on the list. Gasoline or Distillate These steps are: advertised has inherent worth. (t) llouaeholders, namely, men who have paid Road Tss sod sre otherwise We guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline or distillate and qualified, mutt, during October, make tbe Thus we have: upxeep and frA . ninunM trntihl- A seven ounce uecurstion required. , " 'j hivmj i will unmiin tni ni r of Carl tToid " 'valent to W gallons of gasoline.will Everv box (I) Persons holding Trsde Licences Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: aava vou niuat slao Ola Declarations during October, l.n Kolino und give from U) Persons holding land under Agree Three forces, close-linked. mighty the J00 to coo ad. Carbonvoid puts ditional miles, ments for Sale must slso file Declarations, nvomiaa dry powder you bowing pertlculsrs of Agreements, before Justdronin the :"GO" in Gasoline: tans, win re-from toe ena or November. 2v?Uearbon cylinders. () The City Clerk. In order to con If)tm art dinf a It I iairfaatt talk tftr ymr ittrUiiat pr Jests SfUS t AJptrMmg Drptrtmml iHlvtitPj? the world use it. THE ALLIES pilDEUED venlence voters, will attend everv Wed f fill ajdSr. yaa"are aWa a prwvimcUl er usJUasI llaj it wli kl mill fr CAUTONS, Previous order 250,000 cartons. nesdsy and Frldsy evening during this A IM tf titti xwantccd receipt ofH.oO yaa Is Aat IA ohmI aaj auiiUmt iJ aJptrtUimf ro. or your money refunded. M ailed anywhere on monih, rrom T o'clock until 9;JO o'clock. " iu use DecisrsUous. will h furnhktd. wiihta I nsl r Hi(aH. If ta Sitrttarj a CsaWiaa (I) Voters will ereatlv racllltata mat Pftu Autitia. Bum SO), LumttUn BulUtat. Tf. Vnp !alA Orilv htf lers ir those voting on Road Tax bring Geo. L. Rupert B,c their receipts with them, and those claim, Clayton, -?tlnce ing to vote on Agreements bring their I I nirtimeou wim them. r. PETERS, city Clerk.