The Daily News V . V VOL. Vlf- KO- 5 MUNCH IIUI'KFIT, I). C, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENTS IpMIAff MASEHUHS ACROSS FRONTIER KIMPOLUNG SAVED - SIX HUNDRED PRISONERS TAKEN - AVIATORS ARE BUSY REGAIN GERMANS i -t . ui, - - SIR WILFRID AMPLIFIES ALLIES LOSE - .t ... ITALIANS GET REASONS FOR DECLINING UPPER HAND IN VERY HEAVILY TWO AUSTRIAN Sir Wilfrid Laurier, in a telegram TRANSYLVANIA ON WEST FRONT to The Sun, answering a AEROPLANES telegram sent him by request of tho executive committee of the jlul Valley Drive Continues and Ground Covered With Dead After Athens. Vancouver Centre Liberal Asso Numerous Air Encounters Over Enemy Driven Across the Futile Attack British Make ciation, makes his position quite Italian Fronts Stations Frontier Small Gains Air Raid on German The Allies are encamped on ejear with regard to the National Bombed Big Guns In Macedonia. Batteries. the grounds of the Zcppeion (upper Service Commission, which the At DouaumonL picture which Is the Greek Borden-Rogers political machine tSpecuu to Ttw Dily New.) (Special to The Duly Xt. Exhibition Building. It adjoins is endeavoring to use for cam. .(Special to The Daily news.) Petrograd, November 2.- Tlio London, Nov. 2, There I tho King's Palace (lower picture) . paign purposes. , Rome, Nov. 2. On tho Carso Rumanians and Russians seem to heavy shelling being carried on The executive committee con Plateau and the Gorizia front have at last gained the upper by the Hermans around Lesars, BOWSER GETS FIFTH demned in strong terms the miserable there hi intense artillery activity. on the Transylvanian front innuendo with which the An Italian aeroplane squadron hand flueudecourt and at the Schwa- and are continuing their drive PLACE IN VANCOUVER Tory press has been attempting yesterday was engaged in numerous hen redoubt, which w!Ts recently OCAL FISHERMAN against the Auatrians and Germans to injure Sir Wilfrid by attacking encounters with the enemy in tho Jiul Valley. captured from the enemy. KILLED IN ACTION (Ept-riij. to The Daily .lews.) him personally for refusing and brought down two Austrian The Hritish bombarded the Smith of the Torberg pass, Vancouver, November 2. Tho to have anything to do with tho machines. herc Yon Falkcnhayn has been enemy trenches with good results Harry Haines, who left here British Columbia election returns sclieme of the Borden-Rogers ma Fourteen Caproni machines, driving to capture tho important and also repelled a German counter-attack. ith the 102nd, writes a most in- aro now complete, showing 37 chine to hide their plans under escorted by one of the new very railroad centre of Kimpolung, Liberals elected and 10 Conservatives. the tloak of patriotism, and by fast Nieuport aeroplane chasers. A fleet of Allied aeroplanes erestlng letter from the trenches. use of the National effectively bombarded the rail the Rumanians have chased the The soldiers' votes taken Service Commission. made n raid on the German positions, He the boys are veterans says road stations at Nabreslna, Dolt-gitligno Austro-Uciinans across the border, In Britain and France give V, J. taking six hundred prisoners. bombarding their batteries. now and, at the time of writing. Bowser fifth place in the list of The committee asked The Sun and Scoppo. All the The attack was carried jout with One hostile machine was brought ad just returned to billets' after Vancouver members. to obtain a statement from Sir Italian aeroplanes returned to the utmost brilliance and the down in a damaged condition and 6 days in the trenches. Tho boys Prohibition carried by a ma Wilfrid, and, acordingly, the-fol- camp despite a violent enemy bat one Hritish aeroplane has failed tery fire. Russians and Rumanians are now ere in England only six weeks jority of 5,833 and will become lowing telegram was sent him: to return to headquarters. Verdun Front. facing the enemy with much inoro beforo being sent to the rront effective on July 1st, 1917, while Vancouver, October 27. French Success. Paris, Nov. 2. Tho fighting on confidence. and three days after they reached Woman Suffrage goes into effect Sir Wilfrid Laurier, Ottawa: Paris, Nov. 2. On the northern the Verdun front is confined to In the Predeal Pass sector, the the front they found themselves on January 1st. The Sun has been requested by section of the Somme front, the heavy artillery engagements news is not so favorable. The within forty yards of tho German the Vancouver Centre Liberal As French have made small gains, sociation which ore especially, violent, in Teuton, who occupy the Rumanian trenches. Ho declares that iff LjIRGE sawmill may to ask you to amplify capturing two German trenches tho neighborhood of Fort Douau-mont. villages of Ilachevitza and artillery and In the air, we have if you think advisable your rea lite' tit, have penetrated the Rumanian In the Les Boeufs region. At the Germans badly beaten. He BE OPERATED HERE sons for refusing to act on the positions and have cap-t Sailly Saillisel the enemy attacked ays the British and French avia National Service commission be letter he would naturally have j ten cannutii and seventeen vigorously but failed to make any tors are very daring and aero J. S. Emerson, who arrived frojn yond what appears in your correspondence gono at once to Sir Thomas Tait, iacnine guns. impression on tho French de planes are flying over the German the south yesterday, accompanied with Mr. Borden. but Sir Thomas Tail had already The Russians have again assumed fences. The Germans were obliged trenches nil tho tinw Tho Ger by K. F. Duby, of the Brunette ersonally, I assume that you be resigned. His resignation. Sir the offensive on the Gall-tian to retire, sustaining tremendous mans aro content to flro shrapnel Sawmills on the Fraser River, has came weary of seeing Canada's Wilfrid points out, was not based front, losses, according to tho large at them and the aviators carry made up his mind that Prince greatest, most patriotic and so much upon the interference of number of dead covering tho bat is to be the centre of tbe noblest task withheld from (her Macedonian Front. out a few "stunts" just to show Rupert the government with the selection London, Nov. 2. The British, tlefleld after tho encounter. them that they don't mind it in shing industry and that a saw people and committed to a party of a secretary as it was upon tho in the Struma region, Jiavo captured tho least. mill at this point would be a good maciuno for sordid party ends. 8UDI)0siUon that interference was a village from the Dulgar-lans, SPLENDID PATRIOTISM Harrrstates that Stewart Shep- business proposition and an as e wm oo giau 10 communicate 'indicative of what may be anticl-and while tho Serbians have repelled OF THREE YOUNG GIRLS pard, one f tho fishermen who set to tho community, tbe rail publish if you desire, the paled ln connection with tho fu- an enemy attack In tho enlisted from hero, has been road company included. After fullest statement you care to ture organization and work of na In writing to Mrs. W. T. Ker Cerna district and have captured killed but that all tho other lunch yesterday, he visited Seal make. tional service.' German and Bulgarian prisoners. gin, in connection with tho knit halibut" men are all right. He Cove, along with Georgo A. Mc- F. C. WADE. Sir Wilfrid, in short, says to ting of socks for the boys at tho to look Sir Wilfrid's Nicholl and E. F. Duby, Reply. says that tne Doys greauy appreciate the prime minister, that the na FRED HARDY LISTED front, Mrs. Sandilands, of Queen the receipt of copies of over a site which had been recom Sir Wilfrid replied as follows: tional registration plan looks to AMONG THE WOUNDED Charlotte City, draws attention The Daily News and that they sit mended to him. Today, he will Ottawa, October 2. him like a political affair, and that to the magnificent work done by calmly reading tho news from ngain go over tho ground and F. C. Wade, Tho Sun: if a man like Sir Thomas Tait Mr. o. Hardy, who has two three French-Canadian girls at Prince Rupert whilo tho shells fly havo a look around the harbor You have it just right. If the cannot stay in it because it smells- Ws Queen Charlotte during the past best man that COUld be found to Ln an active service, received overhead. generally. slrnnclv nf nnrlv nnlillcs. then 4 telegram from Ottawa yeslcr year. Juliette Girard, aged 16, Mr. Emerson's intention is to head and direct national service gjr Wilfrid would rather not bo day staling that bis son Fred had knitted 27 pairs of socks in five NOT AFRAID TO FIGHT, put in a mill which will cut about round himself so much hampered Ued up with it, but continue 'un-and Wn admitted to tho Military months; Bertha Girard, aged 14, SAYS PRESIDENT WILSON 75,000 feet per day. Besides do- interfered with that he found trammeled' in his elforts to stim- Hospital at Wur;uereux, Franco, knitted 11 pairs in threo mouths, oting his attention to the needs hls usefulness gone, my accept- ualo recruiting. on and Theoleno Girard, aged 11, News.) tho local fishing and building once after his resignation would October 23rd, suffering from (Special to The Dally of "TlmsR wlm nm Inr-li! in he - Buusiioi wound In tho arm. knitted 10 pairs in four months Buffalo, N o v. 2. President trades, ho will produco lumber for have amounted to countenancing critical enquire why the opposl-a ed and his brothers wero well Tho girls wero not nt school-last Wilson, In addressing a hugo the world's markets. Tho mill, situation which has become in- tion wa3 askeJ to co.0perate in nown in athletic circles in the year, therefore they devoted all gathering here last night, declared with the hands employed in get tolerable. mm mnif..p nii.1 nnl n&l-nH in 'ty. being active members of tho tho tlmo they could to knitting that tho United States is ting out tho tiniber, will employ WILFRID LAURIER. co-operate generally with the Sons of England football team for the boys at tho front. Such not afraid or disinclined to fight about threo hundred men in this Tho Toronto World, Independ- government in tho conduct of the 11 i to bo hoped that he makes devotion to a patriotic duty by for tho objects for which It was vicinity and such a payroll would in-conservative, .comments on war, and they may wonder why it speedy and complete recovery. theso young girls is worthy of the founded. bo a big asset to Prince Rupert tbe situation as follows: is necessary to put more Conservatives Jut the night beforo the wire highest praise and their example W. P. Ilinton will come to the "Sir Thomas Tait, as director- than Liberals on a "frived, his father received a let-lef might bo followed by many others MISS HUMBLE MET coast from Winnipeg to confer general of national service, trans non-partisan committee." from him saying that ho was with great advantage to them SERQT. ROBERT CAMERON with Mr. Emerson in regard to a miucu to tne government a re. H. and eipresslng thanks for selvos and to our soldier boys. site. commendation that a parliamen the receipt of copies of Tho Daily FOOTBALL Miss Humble, formerly of tho tary committee to bo chosen from WESTHOLMF, which ho and tho other boys nursing staff in Princo Rupert J. O. HALSEY HAS BEEN all political parties be appointed '"ed forward to eagerly. A drydock eleven defeated Hospital and now In charge of a GIVEN HIS MAJORITY to stimulate recruiting and na OPXRA HOUSE team representing Prince Rupert division of tho Canadian Hospital tional service by an appeal to the mi Picture and BmI Hutle. NEW WELLINGTON COAL, by two goals to ono at Recreation at Hamsgato Hospital, England Mrs. Youngman. has received a men of Canada to enlist, and to THURSDAY AND FRIDAY ,,"no HO. We have Just ro- Park yesterday aftorxioon. has written to Mrs. W. O. llumtle letter from her husband, who has tho manufacturers to so reorgan. Orc Ounvd m rMl PoM fliv.l" U- 811 niriAllI nt r.OA Inn. of this city, telling of her trans returned to tho trenches after ire their plants as to release men. In the tnd Episode of , U'"P Coal, Wo aro prepared to L08T for from a French to a Canadian short spell in hospital. Charley for servico at tho front. Tho re "PEG O' THE RING" Hlln 'r winter's coal for you. Cameo, set in pearls, between hospital. Ono of tho first patients says that J, C. Halsey has been commendation was in due course. THURSDAY (TODAY) ONLY n, Street nnu Jiesuer Miss Humble met at Ramsgalo given his majority an tho field transmitted by the leader of tho I M MARY FULLER Apartments yesterday. 5 reward. was Sergeant "Hob Cameron and that tho luto Adair Carss was government i to tho leader of the In Orttl Comedy.Prm LONDON CAFE FlndeMileaso return to uoom iu who loft hero with tho first con promoted captain at tho same opposition. The request was "THE HUNTRESS OF MEN" AND GRILL Smith Block. tlugout. "Bob" has boon in hos tlmo. ' wurley Is not feeling ex made that tho opposition leader Five tcu. Third Avenue pital for several months suffering actly fit yet and fears that ho may naiuo five of twelve members to FRIDAY AND SATURDAY Nothing but the IJest There- was Just nu small hall from n badly shattered arm. Miss havo to return to tho base hos servo upon the proposed parllu PAULINE FREDERICK STRICTLY UNION HOUSE but schooner l this morning, tho Htimblo has taken charge of tho pital for a slight operation. 11 mentury committee, IX Boyrn rnn American vessel Trio with 2,000 dressing of Mr. Cameron's arm also mentions having met Jack "Sir. Wilfrid's reply points out "THE MOMENT BEFORC" i -.. pounds. so ho Is iu good hands. Dowllng recently. that upon receipt of the premier