rf5 fcAILT HBWR Thumdny. N - tli!i I n a m The Daily News THE MAILS FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPrjt IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER For the East. Pabtlshed Daily tad Week) Quarar.teod Largeet Circulation Wednesday and Saturday, box SCHEDULES closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 HEAD OFFICE a. m. S. 8. PRINCE QEORQE Dally New llutldintr, 3rd Ave, Prince Ilupert, U.G. Telephone 08. From the East. iui n..iin uwuii V'nll.una, v..f umuuvcr. ...VlClONil. nn.l B-i... best woodsineu in tho country TRANSIENT DISPLAY A DVKnTIB WO 50 cent per Inch. Contract Triln a a arrive-- - Tuesday and locked his door, when a launch raten n application. Thursday, 5:30 p. m. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway reached his landing. A military For the South. nrday at 12 noon. For Vancouver and all points rvoi-v Jifc olllcer was on the launch, looking every Wednosday at 0 a. m. DAILY EDITION Thursday, Nov. 2, 1010. Tuesday. 6 D. m. Boat sails at PA8SENQER TRAIN SERVICE for recruits. Tho woodsman For Smiths., Frlnc Osorfs, Jaspsr tdmonton, 7 p. m. tukitoon n u,, . asked no questions further p, tonn.et.ln9 thtrs for til point In' EasWrn c.n.da ih. Boat sails THE SILENT WOMAN trenches.'' If ever women deserve than to obtain a passage Wednesday. 7 a. m. nd Eouth.rn SlatMl Itavsa Print Rup.rl .ry W.dni.d., ,,luf d.T at 11(30 a. m. Mlitd train avar rrldiy it 5 Far away, on n Utile Island the thanks of those high outside. here arc you go at 0 a. m. Boat sails at Agency All Ocean Steamship a.Lines. Friday. 7 m. a. in the mid-Pacific, a Land of in authority, it is the women ing?" asked tho olllcer. "Where For Information and reservations apply to work do of Charlotte 0 a, m. City Ticket Office, 52G Third Avenue. heroic women ore at Queen City. Every do you suppose?' was the PHONE 260 Boat sails 0 m. ing more than their sharo to one of tli em has been working reply. "I'm Just going to have Saturday, p. Boat Balls 0 m. Hiipporl the British llag and for over a year knitting, and a crack at those Germans," Sunday, p. llin IrnlUuUnru of their "ooU knitting. Box after box of and he is in the ofllcer's company For Anyox. box closes 10 rn dicr boys" and forbears. Wher socks is going out and there now. All of tho small Wednosday, p. . over they go, on land or eca, are no contractors to receive towns are depleted. The preemptions MINERAL ACT they are everlastingly knitting, commissions from the output are deserted. It has CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY knitting, to provide footwear of the most necessary clothing. been all outgo of men and nivermoutb Fractional mineral rllm, for the "Canucks at the front." Queen Charlotte City is but tho "Good and situated la ItM Sketiu Mlolnr Pulsion of Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points money; via Steamer Cmlir District. to Vancouver and With their little satchels full at the south end of Graham Island, Silent Women still ply their Where located! At Ue nai or Alice CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the of wool, and the two knitting in this province. Visiting knitting needles," and all are Arm.boo mineral adjolnlnr claims.tbe Rlrermouth and Carl Meals and Berth Included on Steamer needles, they sit and converse, the place, at slated times, working for the common cause TAKE NOTICE that I. O. R. Waden, Tree Princess for Qranby A Alice Arm Maqulnna wherever they may be, until the ladies were always seen the of Miners' Certificate No. (4,0MB. acting as Friday 11 p. m. safety an Empire, atent for Carrie Pratt, Free Miners Cer Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. each night finds a new pair of with their work, and it was which means tho Peace of the tificate No. tl.tlTB. Intend, titty days socks for shipment to the lied remarkable to- view the number World. Vancouver Sun. rrora the date fccreof, to apply to tbe Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. Mlnlnc Recorder for a Certificate of Im Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, Novomber 6th. Cross society in the .neighborhood. of articles of apparel they provements, for Um purpose or ontaining Once each week they all make from the strings of wool Crown Orant of tbe above claim. J I. PETERS, General Agent FORTNIGHTLY CLUB And further take notice that action. meet at the house of a member they use, A number of the ELECTS NEW OFFICERS under section SS, mutt be commenced before Co. ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. of tho society, where the hostess men contribute a stated sum the lssue( of such Certificate of Improvements. provides "afternoon tea" monthly to the Red Cross fund, The annual reorganization Dated this ttrd day of December. A. d. for the male visitors, and a which they have been doing for 1911. Apr. I. meeting of the Fortnightly Club collection is taken up. Dances, the past two years. It is safe was held in the Presbyterian Hall concerts, rallies and every other to assert that Graham Island MINERAL "ACT last evening, when tho following means of raising funds are also sent the largest quota of Soap Sunlight officers were elected: President, resorted to. During the two soldiers to the front, of any Notice to Delinquent Partner. D. C. Mcllae; Vice-Pres., D. M. To O. W. Etaiwell Charles Nlcholeen. years of the war this small part of Canada, considering the McCorkindale; Secretary, Douglas TAEE NOTICE that wbereas I bave done band of devoted women sent population at the commencement and caused to be done assessment work cuts labor Monday's clean Frank Stork; Treasurer, Moore; on tbe Wolf Mineral claim, situated at the hundreds of woollen of the of pairs war. Deserted preemptions in half. Executive, Mrs. McMillan, Miss bead of Alice Ann, Observatory Inlet, In socks to the soldiers in France. may be seen on all the Sktena mining division of Skeena dis They have raised $1,000 in sides. From one a mother and McLeod; Messrs. Hudson, Duncan trict, assessment work for tbe years 1113, The Sunlight way is so easy and Hume; Entertainment Com. 14, and if IS, and bave paid for said hard cash and each contributed her son went to Europo at the work and recording same, tbe sum of just note. First you soap mittee, Miss Scott, Messrs. Woodland 1)07.to. Unless yon pay me the sum of the then roll it to the social events from their beginning of the war the one garment ; up and Smithersi Refreshments, 1131.80. for rour share of tbe said as own purses. All money subscribed for the ranks, the other as. a sessment work, together with tbe cost of to soak. After a while you Mrs. Smithers and Darton; Pro I snail, at tbe expiration this advertisement, rinse it and the goes to the fled Cross nurse. A pretty little cottage date thoroughly of ninety (tO) days from tbe society the expenses are paid stands on a neck, of cleared gram, Messrs. Grant, Williams, hereof apply to tbe mlnlnt recorder at dirt drops out like magic. 11. F. Mcllae, and Miss McClena-ghen; rrlnce Rupert, B. C in have your inter by those who, in give the land. Out from the turn, cottage mineral claim vested In Welcome committee, Mrs. est l be Wolf Why scrub, and rub, and entertainments." These "Silent went a young pre-emptor, leav me. In pursuance or the provision or we P. Stephens and Messrs. G. H. mineral act. wear and tear the clothes Women'' have ino newspaper to ing his wife and child, "to keep Naden and T. McClymont. Dated at Prince Rupert, B. C., this Ittb when the gentle strength of bring before the public the the home fires burning." He day or February, 1916. After the election of officers, m. J. E. STARE Sunlight Soap will do the many acts of patriotism .and died In Ypres; the widow and a number of short speeches were work with never a hurt to charity performed. Communi child are now with relatives, MINERAL ACT delivered, L. lloltby speaking on fabric or hands. cation with the outer world Is in some" other place. Two "Wliat we may expect from the by a fortnightly mail steamer. brothers closed the door of Certificate of Improvements it extension of the franchise to Try once In other settlements ,the women their shack, on a pre-emption NOTICE this Sunlight women; James .Mitchell on "The Basin Mineral Claim, situate In the are doing llUle for the relief in the woods: both enlisted Skeena Mining Division of Casstar District. way. Advantages of Education;" Mc of the "Boys in Khaki." and one is recovering from Where located: About four miles from At all w Murray on "Some Reasons for the beach on tbe south side Of Alice Arm grocera They do not appear to understand seven wounds. A former cap tt tbe bead of a branch of Lime Creek. the lligh Cost of Living," and I) that a good pair of tain in the British army heard TAKE NOTICE that I. George R. Naden. M. McCorkindale on "The Jusll. rrre Miner's certificate no. obob, in woollen socks is appreciated, Die call at his home on Massett tend, sixty days from tbe date hereof, to flcation for Trades Unions." Miss and may save a man, next wln--ter, Inlet. Away be went and is apply to the Mining Recorder for Certin Irwin was the soloist for th rate of Improvements, for the purpose of from frostbite, which now sleeping beneath a wooden obtaining a Crown Orant of tbe above evening. means a "man short in the cross in France. One of the claim. And further take notice that action under aection 8t, must be commenced be- akHBeBjBaHBaaBaajH fore tbe Issue or such Certificate of Im iFRED provements.Dated this t4th day or Msrcn. A n. itie STORK'S HARDWARE OEOROE R. NADEN. 1 ajutaaaasaa 710 SECOND AVE I FIRE ALARM SY8TEM Carpenters' Tools Builder' Hardware) Ship Chandlery Wire Cable Steel Block Fishing Taokle JIROUIT NO. 1. Iron Pipe Pipe Fittings Rifle and Shotgun Bex 11 IU St. and trd Ave Hope Valvee Ammunition v- kaHtakaKr- ox IS etb St. and trd Ave. Box 1 81b 81 and trd Ave. Pumpe Hose Paint Box IB Junction of 1st. tnd and 8tovea and Rangoa Rubberold Rooflnfl Corrugated Iror. trd Ares. Bex 16 1st Ave., between lib and WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" atb Sts. (Knox Hotel.) The Royal Standard Test Bos 17 1st Ave. and 7th si. (Cen trsl Howl.: Here't where we test tne CIRCUIT no. a FRED STORK'S HARDWARE HHHHHH Baa 2- trd Ave. and trd St. J choicest samples of Canada's (Post Office.) six million acre wheat crop. Bos S3 trd Ave. aud McBrl.ie St. We grind them into (lour in the BEST Bi 4 -1st Ave. and Mc&rlde 01. Thomas Thauburn, of Brampton Bx 2S--tnd Ave. and tnd 81 little mill you ace on the left of Newly elected president of the Boa te tod Ave. and stb si. the Then the Ontario Curling Association. Bet 7 O. T. P. picture. comet Tickets ontouir NO. a. upreme test-bread-baling. If Prince Rupert Land District District f the bread is perfect ia every Boa SI IUj Ave. and Fulton St. Ooaat, Range . Box S2- Borilen and Taylor Sts. way we pronounce the wheat to and from Norway, Sweden, Dn Box 84 7tb Ave. and, Fulton 81. A I and the flour-ROYAL mark, Finland, Italy and Russia. TAKE NOTICE that the Pacific Mills, Bea 88- 9th Ave. and Comot Ave. SAILIira FROM NEW YORK Limited, of Vancouver, D. C, occupation STANDARD. aud Box sy stb Ate. Dodge 1 1 "Oscar II." Nov. th. pulp asd paper makers, Intend to apply SS tb Ave. and Box IbutiiFttm s. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Krlttlanlafjord" ...... Nov, ISth. ror permission to purchase tbe rollowlnt "Stockholm' .,, Dee. tnd. described lands i Commencing at a post CIRCUIT NO. 4. STANDAW "Hellir Olov" Nov. isrd. punted at the southeast corner of t.ot tat Bag 41 4tb Ave. and I.nurern'-o Vancouver Millings Grain CaLtf ROYAL v. Have Veur Retervatlona made Early, on the west shore of Cousins Inlet, thence PL ror Rates. Illustrated Folders and " " -"'ri-nln'Tr rr"' j ,,,1 General Information Apply to west 40 chains, thence south to chains, Bea 42-ltb Ave. and MtBnde 3t thence east to sbcre, thence northeasterly Boa 48 I tli Ate. and Oretn Bt sVW"&M"-EsTWJ - :-3-jMaJpBJEflBJ. kswEBHb OYBHAVN HANSON alont shore to point of commencement. Boa 44 etb Ave and Basu 81. Insurance and Steamship Afeney, containing OS acres, more or less. Boa 48 7Ul Ave. era Bkerle. rrleee Rupert, B. O. fACIFlC MILLS LIMITED, Bex 141 7th Ave. and Ttong Bt. Mark Smaby. agent. Advertie In The Daily News. Dated May Mtn. A. D. 1910. Aug. 1 EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR P. Q. DAWSON i - PRINCE RUPERT, B-