SUB DAILY Thursday, Nvcmbor g m I Local News Notes 1 K, J. Conwny, of the Ornnliy Company, is In the city. Two picco dance orchestra open THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING for engagements. IMioiio Uluc INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 278. 68 CARBONVOID for (tale; by Lip-sett DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK & Cunningham, and Parkin. IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. Ward Electric Co. tf. . . Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. J. H. King, of Vnndorhoof, appears Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange nt any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent latest list in the casualty per annum from the date of purchase. among the wounded. Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering nt par and accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment COAL Favorite Ladysmith made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Wellington lump and nut, best results. Treasury Bills or other like short date security. Phone 15. P. II. C. Co. tf. Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized bond and stock brokers allotments in on made respect of applications Mr. and Mrs. McAhdrews aro for this stock which bear their stamp. in town from Trnmville. Mr. Mc-Andrews For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. is in chargo of the power DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA. house at the llochcr Do IJoulo OCTOBER 7th, 116. mine. H. N. Uoss, who has been In Ilazclton for some time, is in the city, accompanied by Mrs. Uoss. They will spend the wintor in Victoria. Sergt. Stokes, of Vancouver, arrived in the city yesterday to recruit for the 230 Battalion (Foresters). Ho has his headquarter in the Red Cross rooms on Third Avenue. 188 Call the Pony Express for wood m The Pinch-Back. The smartest cut in stove lengths or i feet. Best household coal and general young men's overcoat of the season. transfer. Piano moving our mm Tailored in fine imported coatings. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone VW X iX"A WiXi tVO( -VM VM MV 4 V 4 V0V0VOVi VAVAVV EXCLUSIVE AGENTS 301, It. W. Rogers. tf. uurvswVjirianixMv'i'r vfi in iiuiyififii'i 'i i S. A, Morley, of Vancouver, arrived Bryant Company, Limited from tho south yesterday Bare eouDon with groceries only. 1 .f"OrsiH mod ror one Dackare Oold Bond Soao. nnd proceeded to Prince George on the train. Mr. Morley will lake over the management of the Royal Bank at Prince George. II. Davies, of tho C. P. R. slnfT, UNION TRANSFER COX has received word that his broth or, who was in the motor trans port service, has been injured Solicits your Hauling and Mr. Davies has two more brothers Coal Orders at the front, and lost another at DENTISTRY News" Feslubert STEEN& LONG WILL "The Daily Prompt attention CROWN AND BRIDGE WORE CLASSIFIED ADS. and careful delivery DOUBLE FEATURE AT SPEOtALTY SANITARY AND HEATING given to all WE8THOLME THEATRE DR. J. S. BROWN ENGINEERS orders, either large DENTIST OIBe Smith Atenue for WANTED. i Bloek, Third Agents or small. Tonight there is a big doublo Phone 4S4 McCLARY FURNACES WANTED To buy a second hand set feature show at the Westholmo kucyclopt-dla Brtunnlca, Americanus or BEST QUALITY COAL when, for tonight only, Mary Ful- PLUMBING National. Apply Box III. Diiij .v and CLOSE PRICES er is presented in "Tho Huntress and WANTED Capable girl at once, Apply Mr. W. E. William, m Borden Street, PHONE 57. of Men," a great five-act society Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS or phone Black Its. tt: ..Appearing in the great circus comedy,drama, in which Miss (Late London, Eng., Conservatoire Phono B, 834 Second Avenue. WANTED Empty coal U aad IsmUm serial, "Peg O The Ring", at the Fuller plays thcpart of the butterfly. PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE or Music) COTTELL Night phones 570 cans, ft cenu each, nupert stsrln lr-work. Westholme Theatre tonight. . . . Tito old butler nf "The and Hlue 270 Taken ror Sheet Metal Work Million Dollar Mystery" plays a VIOLIN.Pupil PIANO, VIOLIN CELLO and The right work, at tho right COOK AND WAITKES3 WANTED AV0T IJ7. ITS AN ILL WIND' prominent part in this feature HARMONY, time, and at the right prlco. HOTEL. It is spendidly staged and tho Puplla Prepared EXAMINATIONS ror Examination LOST Now is the time to have One afternoon"during tho great acting leaves nothing to be do- Aaaoelated Board, Vancouver, Center LOST Watch, gold-niled. 17 Jewel t'r-Initials your heating plant put in Royal College or Music, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 33 V. L. J, on case Return w shape for the winter; roofs push (the Liverpool Post relates) sired. New ofllce. and skylights seen to. a young Liverpool journalist, now Tonight nnd tomorrow, tho TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. FOR SALE In such cases consult a an artillery signaller, was sltel second episode of "Peg 0 The practical man If you want Ring" is screened. With such BKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP FOU SALE-CHEAP Single comb U.'JJ' results. tcring with a comrade from in COAST, RANGE THREE Transfer and Storage brown leghorn bens and pullet. stars as Grace Cuuard, Frairci r tenso fire in a small trench they BEST LUMP & NUT COAL to II. Strlethorst, Spiller Hirer Rowe C. 0. Ford and Eddie Polo in tho lead TAKE notice that I, Franels Joseph B. C Practloal sheet metal had made not far from their dug ing parts, this serial is proving Deale, acting as agent ror the Empire TOR IlENT Seven-roomed bouse, nde. man. Pulp and Paper Mill, Ltd., or Swanson NO LONG WAITS Thomas McClynio Opposite Board of Trade out. His companion expressed a a big attraction. Tho circus Day, is, C., occupation logger, intend to harbor view. Apply NO SHORT WEIGHTS 322 longing for a cup of tea. A stove scenes .are of the most realistic apply ror permission to leae the follow FOU SALE Carload miniug machinery, including Rooms 2nd Avenue Urfc Ing deicrtbed Unas drills, column i When You Order from Us. 17 machine PHONE 340. and water were at hand, but description. Commencing at a post planted on the drlll-tteel. teamntungs, ete. " louth ihore or the lagoon at the end or ' Estimates Furnished Free. neither had an emergency ration Dally New. the East Arm or Mussel inlet, about one of tea and sugar. Not ten seconds RED CROSS SALE tnd one hair mile In westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, .1910. Fon SALE Team of horse. II M after tho wish was uttered a from the N.w. corner or T. L. 4484s, SOS. (Section 41.) Apply P. O. Box PrlnceRuperL Friday's sale of homo cooking 116U OP,, thence south SO chain, thence NOTICE I hereby given that, on the ...... ,.4 " Hun strong shell dropped amid west 40 chains, thence north SO chain . first day of December will next, application Prince Feed Co. Rupert a heap of infantry rations some in aid of the funds of tho Red more or lea to shore line, thence follow be made to the Superintendent or Pro JJL.HICKEY ing shore line In an easterly direction to vlnclal Police ror renewal or the hotel 150 Cross Society will bo conducted yards away, and a badly bent point of commencement, licence, to sell liquor by retail In the hotel tin of lea and sugar landed at by Mrs. McCIymont and Mrs. A FRANCIS JOSEPH DEALE, Applicant known as the Pine Tree Hotel, sltuste at CONTRACTOR & BUILDER HAY, GRAIN, SEEDS October 19l. FEED, their feet. The contents wore in M. Mnnson, Our boys havo been istb, Discovery, In the Province or British Co AND FERTILIZERS tact, and they had their tea, lix. through heavy lighting recently lumbla.Dated this 10th day or October, 1910. Btoro and Ofllco Fixture. and tho casualty lists aro cvor CLArtENCE MArtMADUkE SANDS, Door and Molding. WE HANDLE Nov. to. Applicant Bash, CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT growing, so that tho demand for FOR RENT Oak nnd Hard Wno.1 of oil Bulbs, and Take Orders for ei M. UaoeuQ, fl.A. hospital supplies is still increns ' Stock. ATTENTION W. K. Williams, U.A.. L.L.H kinds. Nursery VOTERS Person who bold lots under agreement, Ing. Ladies aro invited to bring Modern 0 roomed house close In WILLIAM8 A MANSON We Speolallzo In making Chicken Feed A 8peolalty. or assignment or agreement mutt make what they can in tho way of cakos 3rd Avenue. 3 bedroom. Barristers, Solicitors, Etc and fitting ttorm windows, a declaration giving particular of their A roomed rut Snd Ave. Modern, title, before the last day or November etc., as a largo supply can always t roomed cotuge No. 10SS 9th MONEY TO LOAN any slxo. Mall Ordora Promptly Attended To. Any person neglecting to lake such de bo disposed of. Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec 7. Pot till and Sheet Glass and claration will not be entered on the voters' Collage partly furnished close In llolgerson Block Prince Rupert. B. C Plate P. O. OI SS3. SOS Third Ave. Hit, Snd Avenue, t room and baib. Glazing. It U Impossible for me to ascertain the Tho Daily iNtvs itolivhrotl Itr CotUge No. S7I Summit Ave, 4 ...... ...... Fraser and Cth 8U. PRINCE, RUPERT, B. 0. name or agreement holders unlesa they large room. Bath. Oorner roiue in personally. carrier, 00 touts prr iinntlh. Furnished cottage No. J37 stn Ave. It will greatly facilitate matleri If per. E Near school In ectlon o. ' PHONE GREEN 269 aunt wishing to make declaration briny ft roomed rut opposite school in Stuart J. Martin p. O. BO LIQUOR ACT, 1810. their arreement, to that I may liupect Section 6. Uatb. (Section -41.) tunn ana thus prevent error. AKERBERG, THOMSON McMordle ApU, S room and Lath. NOTICE It hereby flvn that, on ttia Iteference to old voter' list satune 4 roomed cottage No. SOS lh Ave. E- ASSAY tH first day of December next, application will me Ibat only a mall proportion of a tree- roomed cottage No. tto ith Ave, E I wade to the Superintendent of Pro menl bolder liave reentered In put COMPANY ColUge at corner Oreen and Seventh UNDERTAKERS vlnclal I'olice for renewal of tlia hotel year. Tblt, 1. believe, baa luppeued be Ave, o room. Near icbool, HAZELTON B. C. B. C. licence to tell liquor by retail to too hotel cause peuple wrongly think their namea Areni ror ir Vour House la vacant List It with known a tho northern Hotel, iltuau at will be Inserted without any action on "IMPERIAL," "PALMER," "FISHERMAN," Us. We can fill It for Vou. FUNERAL I'ort Simpson, In the Province of British their part. I therefore call peell attention "PERRO" AND "CLAY" WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay SAL-IRS-MTIil-WTIO" Columbia. to the nereitlty or arreement OAS ENOINES. M f H. G. ANTE.D-OP.N lilted tola Tilt day of October, 19U, holder maklur deelsraiiana, PHONE 525. HELQERSON, LTD Office In tho North. TH END EltNEST wood niCIIARDS. Applicant. rilED PETEllS. City Clerk, 11