fUB DAILY RKWJ PAULINE FREDERICK AT Sixty Ymts Hm StwHlanl WESTHOLME THEATRE DJt Local News iVoesj Tonight nt tho Westholmo W. A. Willlscroft arrived from Thcalre, the second installment So 3nbea.tora Telkwa last, night. of "Peg O'.The Hing" will bo repeated. ... It is great, the circus Two piece dance orchestra open scenes Irelng splendid. The great THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING CREAM for engagements, 1'hono Dluo -Barber net" Is played; there arc INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR 278. 58 clowns and acrobats galore and BAKING Chief Gammon was amongst the picture winds up with a fierce Dominion of Canada debenture stock the south.going passengers this fight. IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. The big feature for tonight and POWDfR morning. ... tomorrow is Pauline Frederick. In Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. "Jim" Hampton is tho recipient "The Moment Beore," n five-act Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five Made frtui ortam tf tartar of hearty congratulations this reproduction of Israel Zangwill's per annum from the date of purchase. per cent ittbi9i frtm grafts morning. stirring drama. It is a strong Holders of this stock will have the privilege t of surrendering at par and ... play in which this famous actress accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of nny allotment NO ALUM CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. is given,ample opportunity to display made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of selt & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward her 'Tho Moment Treasury Bills or other like short date security. powers. Proceeds of this stock for are war purposes only. Electric Co. tf. . '. . Before' is a great personal A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized triumph for Miss Frcdorick, while bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications Stuart J. Martin, the well known UNION TRANSFER COT. she Is supported by n strong for this stock which bear their stamp. mining man of Ilazelton, nrrived For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. caste. Both as a strikingly beautiful in the city last evening. Solicits 'and DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE, OTTAWA, youp Hauling gipsy girl or as a duchess, OCTOBER 7th, 1916. Coal Orders Mr. and Mrs, Herbert Woods this Famous Players' star Is and bady returned last evening magnificent. With two such fea Prompt attention from a visit to Montreal. tures nnd a splendid musical pro and careful delivery gram, this show Is something not given to all Q. L. Thompson, of the Itocher to be missed. orders, either large De Doule Copper Company, left ' or small. for the south this morning. RICH PLACER STRUCK IN KIANSON CREEK DI8TRICT COAL Favorite Lady smith BEST QUALITY COAL Wellington lump and nut, best results. CL08E )Continued from Page ono.) and PRICES Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. bad and they had to sink an air PHONE 57. Thompson Kirby, of the Merchants shaft. Shortly after that they Dank 'staff in Victoria, re-turned struck tho if pay and it .looks as from Princo George last they are bound to take out as ! Sheet Metal Work 1 evening. . much gold as was taken out of the other parts of tho creek forty George It. Nadnn has returned Now is the time to have from Alice Arm district. He reports years ago. Four healing plant put in that there is already a heavy They have taken out $1,800 in shape for the winter; roofs twenty-two days, nnd Bill is go snowfall in the hills, and skylights seen to. Ing south quite confident that lie In such cases consult a James Smith, of the G. T. P. will return to find that his part practical man If you want iwliu results. staff, left for Santa Anna, Cal., ncr has piled up a little fortune "with" groceries "onlyKB) this morning where he will spend in his absence. Mr. Steele says WQPP good for one package Oold Bond Soap. ?HBy C. 0. Rowe the next two months. that there is n big mining future Practical sheet metal man. before the Manson Creek country Opposite Board of Trade Ed. Hinman, Junr.i who tins just as soon as the Thomas Vail Rooms 322 2nd Avenue been looking over some mining road is built, as there are largo PHONK 840. properties, in the north, returned bodies of low grade ores which ' Estimates Furnished Free. to town this morning. will pay handsomely if mined by up-to-date methods. J. S. Emerson, who has been The Steele and Mullan property looking over this district with a is about 185 miles northeast of Prince Rupert Feed Co. view left for to Vancouver establishing this a morning.sawmill, rhcurnalism,ilazelton, n n Mr.d, crippled Steele had will a DENTISTRY STEEN & LONGWILL "The Daily News" trying time coming out, tho trip Call the Pony Express for wood CROWN AND BRIDOt WORK CLASSIFIED ADS. HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS occupying sixteen days. That ho A SPEOIALTT SANITARY AND HEATING , cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. AND wilt return to the north a new DR. J. 8. BROWN ENGINEERS FERTILIZERS Best household coal and general man and to find that Lost Creek DENTIST transfer. Piano moving our OtSasi Smith Bleck, Third Avenue Agents for WANTED. (VI HANDLE is delivering tho goods will bo tho specialty. Prices moderate. Phone McCLARY FURNACES WANTED To buy a second hind stt hope of Bill's friends in many Bulbs, and Take Orders for 301, II. W. Rogers; tf. Encyclopedia Brltannica. Amerlcuai of Nursery Slock. .... Prince Rupert and throughout tho PLUMBING National. Apply Boa III, Dally Tho halibut schooner Tyee north. and WANTED Capable girl at once. Apply Chicken Feed A Specialty. Mrs. W. E. Williams, 9ti Borden Street, brought in 80,000 pounds of fish CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT Harry A. Harveg SHEET METAL WORKS or phone Black tSS. tf- SUII Orders Promptly AltuttM To. this morning . Her fare went to (Lata London, Ing-, Conservatoire Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. WANTED Empty coal oil and rua"M ATTENTION VOTERS of the Cold Storage Company, along Music) Night phones 570 cans. S cents esch. Rupert Mirlns Ironworks. Persons who hold lots under srreementi. PUPIL OP LANSDOWNI COTTELL t. O. Boa '833. 80S Third Ave. with tho 2,000 pounds brought in or assignment ot agreement must make Pupils Taken for and Dlue 270 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. by the Trio yesterday, at 1 1 cents a declaration giving particulars of their VIOUN, PIANO, VI01XNCELLO and The rlflht work, at the right COOK AND WAITRESS WANTED SAVOJ title, before the last day of November. 1ST. - I HARMONY. time, and at the right HOTEL. price. s per pound. Any person neglecting to take such de ' claratlon will not be entered on tbe voters' EXAMINATIONS LOST list. Pupils Prepared for Examinations Judge Young has received n It Is Impossible for me to ascertain the Aaaoclatad Beard, Vancouver, Center LOST Watch, gold-niled. 17 Jewel Una, Rsral Oollags ef Music, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 Daily splendid enlargement of n photo names of agreement holders unless they Initials r. U J. on case. Return come In personally. News omce. of his son Alec, taken on the day It will greatly facilitate matters If per TERMS PHONE BLUE 273 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. p sons wishing to make declaration bring FOR SALE he got his air pilot's license. He their agreements, ao that I may Inspect is in his aviator's garb and is them and thus prevent errors. SKEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF FOn SALE CliEAr Single eomh wbitt i an beside Reference to old voters' lists satisfies COAST, RANGE THREE Transfer and Storage brown leghorn hens and pullets. " standing an" eight cylinder me that only a small proportion of agree' to II. StrlethorsL Splller Wrer V 0, aeroplane. ment holders have registered In past BEST LUMP A NUT COAL B. C. ""'i' TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph ... years. This, I believe, has happened be Beile, acting as agent for the Empire modern. cause people wrongly think their names FOIt FiEN T Seven-roomed house, John Hanson, of tho halibut will be Inserted without any action on Pulp and Taper Mills. Ltd., or Swanson NO LONG WAITS AMI Uvl ..,llWi ' Thomis" yeaymont.- Bay, D. C, occupation logger. Intend to schooner Dorccn, loft for Seattle their part. I therefore call special at NO SHORT WEIGHTS Including apply for permission to lease the follow FOn SALE Carload mining machinery. tention to the necessity of agreement this morning, accompanied by holders making declarations. Ing 'described Unas: When You Order from Us. 17 machine drills. 'UM1I)' Commencing at a post planted on the drill-steel. steam-nttloi, etc. W The Health Mrs, Hanson, John is returning FRED PETEItS. City Clerk. south shore of the lagoon at the end of Dally News. ; and Beauty Bath shortly to take his captain's certificate. the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one ind one hair miles In a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. FOP. SALE Team of horses, Mrs. Hanson will remain from the . .- .. r n. in prince nuperi la assured when Lifebuoy N.W. corner of T. L. 4816, 305, tSectlon 41.) Soap is used. It keeps the In' tho south for tho winter. AKERBERG, THOMSON 116001'., thence south 10 chains, thence NOTICE Is hereby given that, on tbe skin radiantly clean and ... west 40 chains, thence north 0 chalna nrst day of December neit, application will COMPANY more or less to shore line, thence follow- be mado to tbe Superintendent of rro glowing with health. J. I). Taylor, government radio . Ing shore line In an easterly direction to vlnelal rollce for renewal of the hotel J.L.HICKEY Agents fpr puint or Lifebuoy is an honest soap inspector, has returned from commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel FIUNCI3 JOSEPH a cake and smell "FRISCO IMPERIAL "PALMER," BEALE, Applicant. known as tbe Pine Tree Hotel, situate at CONTRACTOR A BUILDER unwrap Oranby after inspecting tho now "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND October 18tb 1918. j.f it. A mild Discovery, In the Province of British Co carbolic odor is CLAY" OAS ENGINES. wireless station built by the Mar. lumbia. there that means an utterly PHONE 525. r 00f Dated this tOth day of October, 1916, Store and Olllco FUturw. healthy skin. But, the conl Company for tho Qranby CLAHENCE MAItMADUk'E SANDS, Molding-Oak odor vanishes immediately Smelting Company and is ut pres FOR RENT Nov. 19. Applicant Sash, Door and Woods of all after use. nnd Hard ent Inspecting the Dlgby Island BABY'S Ales M. Maaaon. U.K. station. W, E. Williams, B.A., L.UB kinds. LIFEBUOY OWNAtSOAP Modern 6 roomed bouse close In WILLIAMS A MANSON Ws Speclallxe In making 3rd Avtuue, 1 bedrooms. windows, storm Barristers, Solicitors, Etc and fitting A roomed flat Snd Ave. Modern, HEALTHY A But Ult, SlmaiaU.a w t roomed cottage No. 1034 th MONEY TO LOAN any slxo. GOLD WATCH FREE Ave., E. Near drydock. See. 7. 80S till Plato and Sheet Olas and Cottage partly furnished close In Helgerson Block Prince ftupert. B. C ss -a a- IbUl Mnlktlamr4 ti.r.m nd Avenue, ( rooms and bath. Glazing. w Iruaa . asublUlMa Cottage No. 171 Summit Ave. 4 and Cthjtt. Fraser to Inaniaali ut large rooms. Bath. Corner wotU K all m ton Ik. Furnished cottage No. 917 8th Ave. E., Near school In ' PHONE GREEN 269 section , LIQUOR APT, 1810. hi fou tea U Mai riu 6 roomed flat opposite school in Stuart J. Martin p. O. BO Mto Mar,la aaflnaln.w U hi It Sectloo 0. Bath. (Section 49.) iutaoau, LaSlai' McMordie Apis, I rooms and bath. Lom NOTICE li hereby riven that, on Ibe fl-U1 AlbatU,Uwta, Ml a 4 roomed cottage No. 909 9 lb Ave. E, A88AYEH first dty of December next, application will Mik Ika vuak,vklah roomed cottage No. tlO IthArs. E. be mado to tbs Superintendent ot Pro III k. ,1m fiw Cottage at corner Oreen and Seventh UNDERTAKERS vlnelal i'ollce for renewal of tbs hotel UhaM WMM WUaka.a ffaaral,an U The rauriiv an t Ave. ft rooms. Near school. HAZELTON B. O. B. C. licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe bote! Wanawialiy.annlit -uk .4. Baby's Own "Soap il-tVi cane it If Your House la vacant List it with known a tbe Northern Hotel, iltuatt st 1m. alfar. w. I. tn . ... unlvei.al I. nt r. . ueu Ua. W can fill It far you. f UNERAL U4 Urn UutUajCi.il: about M abov Ki OU-ALRS-SATIIM0TI0N Port Simpson, In tbs Province ot Drltltb lm t talak Ika) alar to. ml fc, k. in, kat h4 toeueficUl to t 1 .jjio WE WRITE PIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay Columbia. ta Mat. la-tar ai 4,j ill k. iaw-Wll UAH 2 LIDIU. WkolJU H. G. ANTBBD-OPiN Dated tiile 7th day of October, Kit. Albert iiocpt UauteJ,Montreal. HELQER80N, LTD Office In the North. . ...vySM0NE EH.NE9T WOOD niCIIAllDS, Applicant. 111 IRU