The Daily News wi. vir. no. 258 'HINCtt IlUPKHT, D, C, SATUIlDAY, NOVEMBER. 4, 1916. PRICE FIVE CENTS AMSPERATES MM till SYLVJHA GERMANS GAINING IN NORTH DRIVEN OUT IN WEST THROUGH BRIZEU VALLEY TRANSYLVANIA BREWSTER HIS RESPONSIBILITIES REALISES FRENCH STILL SITUATION IS ADVANCING ON Vancouver Liberals gave a great reception to 11, C. Brewster, the STILL CRITICAL premier-elect, in the Vancouver VERDUN FRONT otel on Tuesday evening. After the six Vancouver candidates had Gaining Slowly In North Important Positions are Taken Germans haken hands with the thousand But Driven Back In West Three German Aeroplanes guests, a high class musical program Down British Russians and Italians Brought was rendered and short Are Advancing. Gain on Somme. peeches were made by the five successful Liberals and by "Pat" (Special to The Dally Hewa.) (Special to Tbe Daily Stwi.) Ilucharcst. Nov. 4. Violent onnelly, who just missed being Paris, Nov. 4. After occupying elected. said he lighting continues to mark the Mr. Donnelly Fort Vaux, the French made further as satisfied with the result. He Austro-German attempts to penetrate advances into the territory recognized that individual aspira- the Germans and the llumanian plains south occupied by ons must be subordinate to the control of of Kronstadt and Hcrmannstadt. gained important commanding clfare of the community. This positions. In a series Rumanians are slowly yielding The portsmanlikc remark evoked THE RESULT OF A SINGLE FRENCH SMASH AGAINST VERDUN LINES. The shaded area of aerial encounters this the of superior over , to pressure great applause. includes the w hole gain made by tho German since the beginning of their Verdun offensive. The of artillery and infantry. front yesterday the enemy lost forces enemy Premier - elect -Drewster was darker shaded area indicates the area regained by the French in one smashing blow delivered recently. three aeroplanes. given a great reception, and said As the dot-and-dash line shows the German frontier after the first eight day9 of their of Somme Front. Rumanians have advanced The that it was evident that the elections fensive it is evident that the French gained back on the east of the Mouse practically the whole London, Nov. 4. The British, the Bwcu Valley and have In had resulted in the people ground they lost after those first eight days. driven the Invaders beyond the on the northern section of the being properly represented. He Somme front, have made further i frontier ami have captured Mount BORDEN WILL ASK FOR praised the attitude of Mr. Donnelly, DONALD D. BROKE WILL D. LLOYD GEORGE gains, capturing a German trench Taturumio. FURTHER EXTENSION The Au9tro.Ocrmans have extended and said that the Interests ADRIFT IN SOUND SIT AT SIR SAM'S FEET? at Gueudecourt. The German of the country were bigger than trenches in the Arras region were their lines in the Rothen-thurm (Special w The Dally .Vv. the Interests of nny individual. also raided by British storming Pass and hnvo secured The barge Donald I)., of tho Toronto, Nov. 4.- Hon. A. E If David Lloyd George, British With the honor conferred fast parties night. three hundred and fifty prisoners. Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Kemp, the Federal minister, has Minister for War, will sit learn- pon us," said me rremicr-eieci, In Macedonia. Gallclan Front. at tho feet of General Sir Company, which left hero recently ingly goes responsibility, and we ex informed Toronto Conservatives Along the Struma, where the Petrograd, Nov, 4. East of n low of the tug Dola, bound for Sam Hughes, Minister of Militia pect your support as long as we that he came direct from a meet Allied forces have been steadily Kovel and southeast of Lembcrg Vancouver, has broken adrift in for Canada, he will "increase the o right and no longer." ing to f tho cabinet where it had nibbling at the Bulgarian and nevere battles arc raging. Thp Queen Charlotte. Sound, off Cape etliciency of his department-ntty Mr. Brewster went on to say German defences, several enemy been decided lo seek an extension Russians have re-occupied portions cent." Calvert. The Prince John, north per that theiiew government was con patrols were ambushed and prisoners of the trenches which they bound, rescued the crew of six f the life of the present parlia Honorary Colonel James L fronted with two very unpopular secured. recently lost on the Stokhod river men but was unablo to get a lino ment. Hughes told the audience all about things in the province. The Deutschland. ml have driven the enemy back aboard the barge, owing to tho it al Trinity Methodist Church On the question of patronage New London. Nov. 4 Captain it jeveral places. heavy sea. The Dola ts supposed MISS LOIS KINKADE AND last night. Lloyd George," said stand. Mr. Brewster took a decided Koenig, of the German submarine Berlin announces that the Rus-nans 16 bo quito safe, having beenat GEO. W. NICKERSON WED brother Jim, has got to get rid the He said that a section of Deutschland, which is loading made seven attacks against this Alert Day for coal at the time of of a great deal of the old red tape press was quoting him on rubber and hospital supplies th Austrian positions but were the mishap. There is a possibil At 11:10 this morning, Missjjn tho administration of his de- matter, and hoped he would live here, states that the German armored repelled on each occasion. ity that the Donald D. may bo Lois Margaret Kinkade, daughter partnient. We have none left In there sister n lo his statement tluit submarine U 57, a Italian Front. carried out to sea if the present of Mrs. Ella Kinkade, 512 Tatlowjour country. The present Mln- would bo no patronage. This, nr ship of the U 53, will convoy tho rtonie. Nov. 4. From Gorizia high wind holds. The Prince Street, was united ui marriage ister of Militia has put red tape gued Mr Drewster, wa9 an indi Deutschland across the Atlantic to the Adriatic the Italians have John with the rescued men on with Mr. George W. Nickerson, of where it belongs. I remember an cation that this section was fear on her return Journey. maintained their previous gains board will arrive hero this even this city. The ceremony was per- occasion when I was in his office ng the loss of the pap-fed Bow and have had further successes. i ffi.i 1 1 ing. formed by Rev. Father McGraw at Ottawa. He summoned a sub. SOCIAL EVENING sir covernmcni. mis utwuu They have gained additional n tho presence of a gathering of ordinate to his desk,, and said to also expected him lo establish a points of vantage and have cap-lured .... i SURPLUS OFFICERS friends of the bride and bridegroom, him: 'I told you seven months The young folks of the Metho rnn nn government so as iu lliirty.flvo hundred more both of whom are old and a half ago to have repairs dist Church gave a most enjoy- how partisanship. no prisoners. (Special to Tbe Dally Newt.) timers of Prince Rupert and de made to a drillshed In Vancouver,I ablo entertainment in the church Mr. Brewster was very definite London, November 4. General servedly popular with ail. The British Columbia. What about rooms on Thursday evening, hen COLONEL in reiterating his intention to MORFITT MAY Steele has been appointed president brido wore a travelling costume it?' Joseph Roberts presided over a SUCCEED R. B. BENNETT abolish patronage. of a Canadian service board and.tho happy couple left inv "I Will Deal With Them.' large attendance, which included "If the abolition of patronage for the purpose of locating sur mediately for the depot where The official began to explain. many of the men from tho dry- Special to The Dally flews.) Is going to split the Liberal party plus Canadian senior officers. they entrained for Winnipeg, Tho Financo Department, he said, dock. The musical program In- Calgary. Nov. 4. Lieut.-Gol then I am gojng to ask others where they will spend the winter had held it up, and ho produced I eluded a pianoforte solo by Miss Morfltt has been,instructed to ro-turn outsido the Liberal party, to There has been considerable There was a largo gathering of some correspondence over two nuby Dimmick: vocal solos by to Canada from overseas stand behind me. Hut we are not trouble because of tho fact that friends at tho train to wish thent inches thick. The Minister took Miss Deatrico Killen and Miss ervlce. It 8 understood that he going to split the party. I have there are in England more Canadian all good luck and a long and tho correspondence and threw it iTallender; a reading by Joseph being brought back for the tho greatest confidence In the Drigadiers, etc., than tTien happy journey through life. Mr. into tho flro. 'If any department, Roberts and musical selections Purposo of succeeding It. 1). Hon ihcinbers you hnve elected to sup is any room op need for, and, evi and Mrs. Nickerson hope to re Finance Department, or any I by Mr. Phim, a visitor in town. us uirector of recruiting in port i Wo are but tno direc dently, there is Jo bo a sorting out turn to Prince. Hupert in the other, tries to hold up any orderlxho various items wero much Alberta shareholders tors nnd you are the v'n wnnt vour criticism if we process adopted. General Steele spring. of mino,' declared the Minister, 'I enjoyed and heartily applauded. is ono of Canada's foremost sol will deal with them. In tho mean- Tho ladies supplied refreshments. SUN AND TIDE are wrong, nnd if wo are not go diers, and has seen active service NEW BRUNSWICK KILTIES time if my order is not carried! Sunday, November 5th. lug to hnvo Mr. Donnelly with us (s,,,. .... in South Africa as well as in the out within threo weeks thero will N. B. O. AGRICULTURAL ""e 8:10 a. Ill then wo will bo glad to have Mr, o.. present war. The Fredcricton Dally Gleaner bo another man to take your AMD INDUSTRIAL ASSN. ou" sew 5:10 n. in Dowser to criticise our acts. devotes best part of a page to place.' water ...3:29a.m. lit. O.C Dot tho day of tho silent vote General Meeting of High IMPROVED FACILITIES FOR tho description of a dinner given "Lloyd George," concludes tho Tho Annual water . .'.;Bn n. m. lit. 18.0 in the caucus and tho passing o tho Association will bo held at r'0w LOADING OIL REQUIRED by tho New Brunswick Kilties, to Honorary Colonel "Jim' Hughes, doors closed is water lit. 5.7 legislation behind ...4:20p.m. which Lieut. Percy F. Godenrath after his recital of General Sam the City Hall, Prince Rupert, on "'8u water ..10:12 lit. 18.0 forever gone," ho said. p.m. of tho of Princo is at Tuesday the 7th day of November closed with At tho monthly meeting formerly Hupert, Hughes, achievement, "has got to Monday, Drewster November Hh Mr. Sun ro to tho work de Hoard of Trade last evening, the tached. The Kilties wear the mako and is going to mako just nexl nl 8 ,n. stirring reference i...8:i2 u" a. peoplo in Uritis question of improving tho facill colors or tno McLeans or unuari such changes in his department." Business Election of officers '..5:8 volvlng iP I.rtiif . i p. tios for supplying halibut schoon ono of the most famous., branches Globe, for the year 1917. tho do, aier ...4:21 lit. 0. Columbia to look after a.m. All members of tho Association era with oil fuel was discussed of that famous family. 'I'll to tho "'ku water ..! ... m m .,,,i..n i tif those gono '"w t Mr. Woodland explained that de menu savored of the trenches, nt Christian Sciejice Society ser are asked to make a special effort wnter tho e who return. .5:10 lit. 5 front and "'Kb water p. in. AVo must make this n good Iny often occurred because of the least Lit namo, tho Haggis, whirl vices nro held every Sunday at 1 1 to attend this meeting. lit. 18 -11:0 p.m. inon," ho said fact that a customs oillcer had to was introduced with full High a. in. Sunday School at 12 noon. F, 8. WRIGHT, Secretary. '"Plain McCi,, m. M. S. A. nlaco for returned "and If wo don't look after! their bo on hand before a vessel started laud honors, being termed "tho Wednesday evening meeting nt 8 NEW RUSSIAN LOAN dependents we are not worthy o taking in fuel and it was not al tank", whilo thero wero "whlzr. o'clock. Hays Building, 215 2nd I tho protection they nro giving.' ways possible for an oillcer to bo bang" fritters; "trench muck Avenue. LONDON CAFE Klal to Tlu. Dally Newa.) (hero at tho moment required. An sauce; turkey with "hand greuado AND GMLL New York, Nov. 4,-A syndlcnt airut WELLINGTON COAL, endeavor will bo made to have ar dressing", and "shrapjiel" sauco, Tho Board of Trade last even. Third Avenue l imeu States has complotei phono 110. Wo have Just ro rangements made whereby a ves and so on. Tho ranks of th jug extended its congratulations Serves Nothing but the Best -iunn for the advancing to celved o shipment of 500 tons sol may start taking in oil iin Kilties are filling up rapidly and to George W. Nickerson, tho pres STRICTLY UNION HOUSE or tin, InUUon tlnUa n Ltimn Coal. We are prepared to mediately it lands at tho wharf the boys seem to bo very on ident, on tho occasion of his ap. BOXES FOR LADIES "Vfl a'" a half per cent. Interest put In your winter's coal for you and a clearance mado afterwards,ithusiastlo, proachiug wedding.