Hit A!LT KEVVB, Ralurdny N mil)!- idle MEMBERS ELECTED GILLETTS LYE The Daily News EATS DIRT The following is a complete list FALL AND THE LEADING NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA WINTER PulUil Dally and Weolcly of tho members cloclcd to tho Guaranteed Largeet Circulation Legislature of British Columbia, SCHEDULES showing tlio total voles polled In HEAD OFFICE Vancouver and Victoria and tho S. S. PRINCE nrnBAr Uaily New llittldliiK. 3nl Ave, Prince llupcrt, ll.O. Telephono OS majorities lu the outsido constituencies: For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Friday at 9 a. m. For Anyox 'every Ve?lrZ ViV " ntAMPinNl DMl'LAY ApVLilTlSlNO 80 cents tneli. Ooutracl pr R. R. DDItinr BIII.P.. ' '"li lllltrlil w i it ii w n w L rt I ij rin r ntniMc.itKin. Albcrnl Brewster (L), 38. For Knlfthlknn. Wrnticnll .limnni, ..Y urdny at 12 n6hV"T'oV' VnneouVrnnd Atlln Moblcy (L), 50. Pwnts every Wcdnosday nl 9 n. m. outh DAILY EDITION Saturday, Nov. 4, 101C. Cariboo Yorston (L 243. PAS8ENQER TRAIN SERVICE Chilliwack Barrow (L), 180. For Smlthars, Prince Qeorge, Jaspar Edmonton, Saskatoon i I peg, connecting there for all points In Eastarn Canada .1 Wl""u MERELY WIND den is premier and that Sir Columbia Buckham (L), 200. and Southern Staleel Uavaa Prince Rupart every w.dZ.,hV Stewart (L), 20. day at 1H30 a. m. Mlted train every Friday at B Ull,f Windermere, t li c special Sam Hughes is the Minister of Comox Agency All Ocean a. Loudon correspondent of the Militia, that is if they read the jGiUETTCOWANYUMHt Cowichan Hay ward (G), 131. F'or information and reservations 8toamshlp Lines.npnl'v in Canadian Tory press, has Daily Mirros, os at least look Cronbrook King (L), 224. City Ticket Office, E20 Third Avenue. PHONE broken out again. This guntlo- at tho pictures, but they aro Delta Mackcnzio (C), 58. 260 iiihn has ,not been much in cvl not interested in Canada's domestic Dcwdney Oliver (L), 137. tl'enco since tho outbreak of politics. Esquimau iMcCurdy (L), 2. war, lml ho evidently thinks The same circles aro naming THE MAILS Fcrnio Fisher (L), 70. Hint tho situation in Ottawa is Sir Itobcrt ttorden as permanent Fort George Ross (C, 0. worthy of Some comment. According high commissioner. Sir For the East. Grand Forks -Thompson (L), CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY t o Windermere, or Itobcrt has roserved this billet Wednesday and Saturday, box 250. "'Merely Wind," as The Sun for some time past, as something closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 Greenwood McLean (L), 280. Lowest Rates lo all Eastern Points calls him on occasion, business to go back and sit down a. m. Islands Jackson (L), 4. via Steamer to Vancouver and the CANADIAN PACIFIC circles in London are intensely on, and evidently Windermere From the East. Kamloops Anderson (L), 553. Meala and Berth Included RAILWAY on Steamer iulurested in the forthcoming has been deputed to break Trains arrive Tuesday and Kaslo Keen (L), 81. developments in Ottawa, and tho nows gently that the sitting Thursday, G:30 p. m. Lillooet McDonald (C), 30. Princess Nlaqulnna for Q ran by A Alice Arm Friday 11 p.m. that the matter is also being down is approaching rapidly. For the 8outh. Nnnaimo Sloan (L), 550. Princess Alice Southbound Saturday 6 p. m. widely discussed in financial The fact of the matter is that Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at Nelson Rose (C), 101. Prinoess Nlaqulnna Southbound 8unday C p, m. and military circles. He does the situation in Ottawa is P. m. Newcastle Williams (S), 120. Princess Alice for Alaska Monday, November 6th. not say if it is In "honorary" critical from a Tory standpoint. Wednesday, 7 a. in. Boat Bails New Westminster Whiteside J I. PETERS, General Agent military circles, but it must bo Sir Itobert's troubles at 0 a. m. (L), 184. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. so, as the active officers are began when he allowed Sir Sam Friday, 7 arm. Boat sails at North Okanagan Macdonald, not supposed to discuss politics, and Bob Rogers to force their a. m. (L, 312. or have any for that matter. way into the cabinet and theso Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. North Vancouver Hanes (L), two havo bcoji a constant Sunday, Boat sails G p. in. 382. Windermere, unfortunately, source of worry to him ever For Anyox. Omlncca Manson (L), 185. -gives tho show away when he since How to drop Sam, and Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. Prince Rupert Patluilo (L, Sunlight Soap says, in boosting Sir Thomas Bob is the problem, and it is 10. White as the coming premior, evidently considered a Job beyond proportion would work out Rcvclsloke Dr. Sutherland (L that the Finance Minister's the powers of Sir Robert, beautifully. Tho Tories would 282. cuts labor strongth, "outsido of his financial though the premier has shown still rule, but the Liberals Richmond McGecr (L), 252. Monday's clean in half. ability, is that he hus never in the past few days a wonderful would havo enough members Rossland Willson (L), 88. .been ultra-Conservative in politics, amount of backbone In cancelling in the cabinet to warrant some Saanich Paulino (L), 299. The Sunlight way is so easy lie is one man who can the recall of the late of the blame for tho misdeeds Simllkameen Shatford (C , just note. First you soap merge Interests hero which head of the Canadian Medical of the government falling an 129. the garment ; then roll it up must be merged if Canada is Forces, - their heads.. If tho Tories want Slocan Hunter (C), 1. to soak. After a while you not to lose out." This is puro-ly A general election is not to to play party politics, they South Okanagan Jones C, rinse it thoroughly and the political clap-trap of the be thought of, even Bob Rogers would be much better to come 142. dirt drops out like magic. usual Tory order. London is opposed to that extreme out into tho open in Canada South Vancouver Weart (L), instead of having such gentleman Why scrub, and rub, and financial interests are not a measure as being disastrous, 108. wear and tear the clothes bit interested as to whether hut drastic changes must bo as Windermere playing Trail Scoflcld (C), 141. Canada has a Tory, Liberal or made, and the Tory solution is tho game for them from a few Yale Walters (L), 19G. when the gentle strength of Sunlight Soap will do the .Coalition government and there in a coalition government, thousand miles away. Victoria. ' work with never a hurt to is probably not a London business which Bob also declares as out II C. Brewster (L.) D088 MINERAL ACT fabric or hands. man, who is attending of tho question, though Bob is Aid. Geo. Bell (L.) 3902 strictly to business, who could John Hart (L.) 3000 clearly speaking for himself in Certificate of Improvements Try it once tell you whether Sir Thomas this connection. Probably the NOTIOI II. C. Hall (L.).... 3274 this Sunlight is ultra-Conservative or ultra-anythlng invitation to Sir Wilfrid Lau-rier Basin Mineral Claim, iltuate In the Vancouver. way. Skeena Mining Division or Casslar District. else. A good many to appoint five members Where located: About four mllea from M. A. Macdonald (L.) 9022 At all grocers prominent London business out of twelve on tho National the beach on the south aide of -Alice Arm W. Mcintosh (L;) 8040 ' tt the bead of a branch of Lime Creek. men could not tell off-hand Service commission was the TAKE NOTICE that I, Oeorre n. Naden. Ralph 8mith (L.) 8031 whether Canada lias at the first step in the direction of rree Miner's Certificate No. SsOvtB. in J. W. deB. Farris (L.) 7819 tend, sixty days from itbe date hereof, to present moment a Liberal or the proposed combination. A apply to the Mining; Recorder for a Certificate W. J. BowBep (C.) 7525 a Conservative government. coalition government with the of Improvements, for the purpose of J. S. Cowpcr (L.) 7007 obtaining; a Crown Orsnt of the above They know that Sir floberl Bor two parties divided in tho same claim. And further take notice that action. Engineering exports represent nnder section 8S, must be commenced be fore the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. inp tho city of Glasgow have come to the United Stales to study Dated Ibis 84th.day or March. A.D. 1916. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE OEonnr. n. naden. railway systems and bridges. 710 8ECOND AVE LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS FIRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery HOTEL Wire Oable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle IS NOW OPEN TO QUESTS otnourr no. i. Iron Pip Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns One or the largest Hot Springs in Soi itstn St. and ird Ave. Rope Valves Ammunition America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature Bos IS etn 8t. and Ird Ave. Pumps Hoss -Paint of water, 180 d. Fahr. Boa 14 41d St. and Ird Ave. Soi 1 Junction of 1st. loo and Stoves and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated lrot Bxoollont Trout Fishing In Lakslao Srd Aves. Lake. gtei IS .1st Ave., between gin and WE 8ELL NOTHING BUT THE BE8T" Phone Oonnoctlona with Tarraaa. nth Sts. (Knoi Hotel.) The Royal Standard Test RATES i S2A0 par day. Bo 17 1st Ave. and lib St. (Ceo tralHoMU For further particulars, apply to 4. BRUOE JOHNSTONE, Manager. Here's where we lest the otRourr no. i. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE SWu.M Ird Ave- and .Ird Rt choicest samples of Canada's (fost ooice.) six million acre wheat crop. Soi as Ird Ave. and McBride St. We them into flour in the BEST Boa 4 it l Ave. and McBride OU grind WANTED Bos as nd Ave. and tod at little trull you see on the left of Bos tod Ave. and atb St the picture. Then comes the Boi Z7 O. ,T. P. Experienced Bridge men. If Tickets Track men, Tracklayers and oiaouir no. a. supreme test-bread-baking. General Construction Laborers the bread is perfect in every Bos si in Ave. and ruitoo &t to join the 230th Battalion, Overseas Railway Bos 82 -iJorden and Taylor 8ta. way we pronounce the wheat to and from Norway, IwtdM. DM Boa 84 Tin Ave. and Fulton St. mrk, Finland, Italy and Russia. Construction Corps. A I and the flour-ROYAL Drafts leaving Bos SB U) Ave. and Comox Ave. SAILINGS FROM NKWV YORK Vancouver, STANDARD. "Oscar II." Nov. 9th. U. a, for Valcartier, P. Q.. r Boa rt 8 tn Ave.and,Dodge I I. "KrlMisnHfJortl" , Not. Ilia. weekly. os ss 4 in Ave. and Tnompsoo St. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Stockholm" Bo attested and forward Dc. nd. "Iltllls; Olov" Nor. 13rd. papers to Vancouver, and OIROUIT NO. . iVancouverMilliigsGrain CaLtd! MYAl STANMS5 Bos 41 4 U 'Ave. and Enuneraon BTSTSTSTEa?fip'??'MBTSTj Hava Your Raasrvatlona mad Early. transportation will be arranged For Rates, Illustrated Folders and at once. t'L .Vancouver.New Weitmlnster.panaimo.victoria Qeneral Information Apply to Send all communications Boa 42 Ui Ave. and McBride at. to: Olllcor commanding, Sos 43 Itn Ave. and Orean-BL OVBHAVN HANSON 230th Battalion, C.E.F. ibos 44 tn Ave and Basil bl Insuranea and Staamahlp Agenay, 175 Cordova St., VV. Boa 48 TUi Ava. and EAeela. Prlnea Rupart. B. O. Vancouver, n, C, boi 141 Tin Ave. and Tiung Bl. News. Advertise In The Daily EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q. DAWSON PRINCE RUPERT,