Saturday NovcmborJ. 1010. IIIR DAILY flEWB. OFFICER BLUFFS HUNS 7 000 nnm ASTOaTOXICATIOH WITH EMPW REVOLVER mm mm .i a KUtuu7 ImBc HB i'rMjt35m "aafefearJSBaTefefi WHO I A cnptnlu with hi i0fi arm ( Belgians sltnifr, and a German olllccrs holinet In IiIh hnversack, one of Depend on us Danseroui Condition the wounded landed at Soulhamp. aaaL '' iaf ilDT V. if ?JaH The kaflfiHleV EaEaiSB rjPIIH for Bread! Which Produce Many Well Ion, had nu interesting alory to Known DUeac. toll of a Hucccnsful piece of blulT "Oh, I'm a fraud; oughtn't to ho Since shortly after the German invasion, the Belgians HCWTOGUARD AGAINST hero at nil. Tlierc'B nothing the have depended for food entirely on the "Commission matter with mo but a bullet for Relief in Belgium". Their own store of food, THIS TROUBLE through my arm. And, anyhow. even if not destroyed ot pillaged, would last only SL'LmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmJammli'm'. MaHaaflLasaasssB logically, 1 suppose I ought to he OMmMB ,, wt irtaeBaTsTiBaaaw'' three weeks they have had no chance to raimore dead, of a prisoner with the Huns. and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply thecal FRUlT.ATlVnS" - The Wonderful Wo took a trench northwest of Medicine IH Protect You ii...i,... i. . ) Backed by the Fruit '""-"i") you koow, anu our Autointoxication mentis self-poison, chaps hurried un to the second wu J' continuous or partial lino without orders. No doubt Belgian Rditf Fund 'nufficicnt ct,on of or constipation,bow.:lJ. they thought they'd cleared the "Hilly" and Art Spencer, professional bicycle riders enroulo tho Instead of the refuse-matter passing front line. I tried hard to get to their home in Newark, N. J Art Spencer, former Canadian so generously contributed in the British Empire and the United (luly from tho body, It Is absorbed by out after them, hut it was an and American champion, has had considerable luck since Jumping States, the neutral Belgian Relief Commission has imported , .i. As a result, A A aW awkward place, with a high, slial-ing to the pro-anks. enough wheat, dour and other foods to feed the whole nation Siin are overworked, In their efforts to hit of parados: and you'd so far. The great majority of the 7,000,000 Belgian left m rid thi! Wood of tliis poisoning;. the country hare been able to pay for their da3y ajowance of , tlx blood in this often hnrdly believe how important an empty revolver. 'Now do be MINERAL ACT I ,:.itn.., way bread but a steadily growing number have no money left. Loss of left caroful Mister Uoche,' I said to' NASTL'IITIUM. IIU9 causes Indication, Appetite your arm is till you try a FRACTION, BELL1S and Disturbed Stomach. It may produce Job like that without it. My el tho ofllcer. 'I'm a conscientious KIlACTIOK, GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FllAC-TION. Unless we are willing to let these hundreds el tnooaaadi of t i.M.t.uCk and Sleeplessness. COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE women, children and old man starve, they mutt be fed at the mayirrito the Kidneys and bring on bow was broken, you see. objector when I'm nt home, and I FRACTION, MARIGOLD FRACTION, LILAC expense of the Belgian Relief Fund. To make this possible I'ain In the Hack, Kheumatistn, Gout, "My orderly was with mo. He'd halo killing like the devil' (I don't FRACTION,FRACTION, FERN COXCOMB,FRACTION,BFOONIA PINE APPLE FIUC-TIDN, someone must contribute neatly $3,000,000 a 1 and Khcumatle Pains. It is the chief got pipped through tho shoulder know for the life of me what made MINERAL CLAIMS altuate In the month all this winter I ui 1-ciema and keeps the whole me tell him that.) 'Hut I shall bo Queen Charlotte District, located at or near cause outside the trench. jMvby thoconstant ulwwrp-tion While I Iked Bay. Queen Charlotte Island, Province No people under the AEed Flags are as wefl able ta syslm un.t'.' blood of this refuso matter. squatted there I heard a scuflling bound to give you six bullets if or BrltUli Columbia, and lawfully held by generously as we Canadians! No cans has tm mU. Ikcda Mines Limited. deserving of help I In the of Justice and Hisuaestj for you budge one inch, and they're nante 'Fruil-c th-es"witt always cure Auto-inlcxuatwn underground, just round the other TAkt NOTICE that I. John A. Maclnnls, the sake of self-respect" let al our own aa sjtve w cm to or sclf-poisonlnp clumsy big brutes these service si lienor for Itertt Mines as side of tho traverse I was leaning Limited. Tree help martyred Allies I " acts gently on bowels, miners' certificate No. 70354 B. Intend our Fruit a-tives" Took look bullets; they make a devil of a on. a round the other after the expiration or sixty from days kidneys and skin, strengthens the Setxl ywn Mibtcriphoos weekly, aeatUy as Si aw tsBf teas Sa Laaal at and tones tho nervous system. side, and found a Iloche ofllcer hole at close quarters; worse the date hereof to apply on behalf of the Pieviacaal Ccnniitteca,as U die bowels up said company to the Mlnlrir Recorder for 50c a bos, 6 for (2.60, trial sixe, 25c. tho first I'd seen just appearing than two or three rifle bullets.' a certificate of Improvements for the purpose Central Executive Committee, 50 St Pater ft, Mawtreal At all dealers or sent postpaid on at tho mouth of a dug-out, feeling " 'We're not moving,' said the of obtaining a Crown Orant to the Feeds A A Month. above culms. $2.50 Belgian Family receiplof price by FruiUt-tires Limited, Uoche. He seemed a bit sulky, I his out. I could tho way see spikes AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action OtUws. of helmets behind him. So there thought. So we sat and wailed. under Section St of the Mineral Act must be commenced before the Issuance of nucb it was. My revolver was empty. My orderly had gone, and nothing certificate or Improvements. Coughing scatters gong My orderly had lost his rifle seemed to happen. I felt fop my Dated this JOHN 3 1 St day A. MACINNES,of May, A. D. 1016. Step it away outside the trench. Awkward pipe willi my left hand; but it was Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. .wasn't it? no go. That arm was out of tho CANADIAN WOMEN Coughing Increase) ths business. 'Got anything to SHOULD KNOW THI6 of I Irritation of the already Inflamed "Well, course, pointed my HIGHEST PRICES PAID FOR mncuou membranes revolver at the Uoche ofllcer. One smoke?" I said to the Uoche, and CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk and la morrorer apt to carry as he moved I saw the risk, and SECOND HAND GOODS sold by Your Crocer. The Government Bulletin disease to others. does that instinctively, I suppose. No.305 tellsthe story IT COSTS THE SAME. Mathiea'a Syrup of Tar and And to my surprise he said in told him pretty sharply to put OF ALL KINDS couching,Cod Llrer Oil and promptly soon, thanks atone Knglish 'Don't ahootl' I said down the rifle he carried. 'Over BOUGHT AND SOLD If rouwantwhlpplcrnm.chin'CMWIFinlEvapocated cAiia raoBucr-lHSlST to it tonic properties,eflecta this Ibto whip as with fccih cream. way, please gently now, along I'd shoot the lot of 'em if ono Tmb AYLMKR CONBBNSKD MILK CCLtd. a permanent cure. HARD TIMES SATISFIED WITH A the careful 1' I told him. The wonderful popularity of 'cm moved. 'You sit perfectly ground; SMALL PROFIT ATLMC.OUT CANADA of Mathiea'a Byrup of Tar And I flrst-rate so got a weapon. and Cod Liver Oil it tpecUUy still. Sit right down where you Try S28 3rd Ave, Or Phona Rad 263 doe to ha great Taloe aa a are, Mister Uoche, and I'll lake Seems incredible I shouldn't have permanent lung and bronchial thought of that before, doesn't healer. you to England, but if you move Sold it? That's why I I ought, bottles.erery where,35c large you'll get six service bullets, and say my men will come along and bury logically, to be dead. Q J L. MATBICII CO.Frwp, in- dug-out.' 'After a long time, my orderly r UmkfMlK, P.Q. you your got back with three men and a 8at Down Like Lambs. corporal, and then I ordered the "They sat down like lambs. I Hoches to march out, without managed to whisper to my orderly, round tho edge of the traverse, their weapons. There were twenty two of 'cm altogether. I thought Ehreelhtylbrces Salvation Army. to get forward somehow, and empty revolver rather a my was bring some men; and first of all good joke, I told the Uoche so Public ineetirtKa, Tuesday, to find me a rifle and bayonet, Thursday and Saturday at 8 p. m nr a bomb, or a tooth-pick, or ofllcer about it; but he only yCIose Linke Sundays at 7:30 p. m. scowled and growled; and after some blessed thing better than that ho was sulkier than ever, so wo liau no more talk. scots-man. Ramsay's fetrXitt? THE ENGINEyRtflNEMENllj Have you ever noted how an audience Empire Cream Sodas FiBHEftauwra knoinb yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? t Cyl. B 1-2 In. by 7 In, 12-1B Nora Fowar. On the other hand, have you noted how an audience cl. 8 8-4 In, by B 1-2 In, 26 will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when 4 1-2 In. a In, 28-38 at In 2-lb. Tina Oyl by Horaa Fewer. the speaker reveals enthusiasm? Have attained their enviable reputation by their auperlor For Further Information Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To Quality and uniformity. The moat discriminating housewife Apply to impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Insists upon "Ramaaya Empire" when buying Soda Biscuits. WW. E. WILLISCROFT deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast, Prince. B. C. They are made In B. O. nnd your grocer geta hla aupply Rupert, This applies to the written word also particularly frequently and qulokly, Insuring freahneea, which meana to advertisements. When the manufacturer really erlspneaa, MINERAL ACT believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost Prove It by buying a tin with your next order. rurermoutn rrsctloiial mineral clalB, inevitably find expression in Advertising. And en situated In tne Skeens Mlnlnt Dtrlslon of Manufactured by Casslar District. thusiasm will be contagious his audience the Wber located: At tne bead of Alice RAMSAY BROS. & CO., LTD. Arm,boo mineral adjoining;claims.tbe Rtrermoutn and Carl readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, TAKE NOTICE tnal I, 0. It Maden. Free "lean forward and listen intently." Vanoouver, B. O. Minora terllncat Mo. ,0tR, a-int a stent for Carrlo Prait. Free Miners' Cor To be convincing an advertisement tlncate No. S,St?D. Intend, slity dayr from tbe date cereof. to apply to tbe ' ' unmistakable must an I"" Mlnlnr Recorder for a Certificate of Im convey provements, for tbe purpose ot obtalnlnt impression of enthusiasm. This it s Crown Orant of the above claim. Let Us Save You Money on your And furtner take notice tnal action, will only do when 'the article under section 8 , must be commenced be Gasoline or Distillate proveuMiils.fore tbe Issue of surb Certificate or Im advertised has inherent worth. :Dated Ibis tSrd day of December. A, D, We iruaranti or? i-ont. on irasoline or distillate and ISIS, Apr: S Thus we have: upkeep and free any motor from CARUON troubles. A seven ounce Frlnee Rupert Land District District ef box of CarhnnvnM f ,..tun in un rllons of casoltnc. Lvery box Sincerity Enthusiasm Advertising: of rv.i"7. i"""'"" " . will save you Oeaat, .Range 8. tin in ,uull,uli Kaoline and give from Three mighty forces, close-linked. 00 to 600 ad. Carbonvoid puts the ditional miles, TAKE NOTICE mat tne I'acine Mills, UrbonvoidU a dry powdur you Limited, ot Vancouver, II. C occupation I'M drop In tho : "GO" in Gasoline : tank, Will re. pulp and paper makers. Intend to apply from cylinders. for permission to purchase tbe rollowins If m art Ji a Ueal talk evar year tJvertiiimt prtiltmu mUk f AdwrtUUf Drfiartmnml Tvtl6.,."?t companies in Ui world use it, THE ALLIES pUUEUED described lands h Cominencln st a post f IAi's utwifiaptr. J ym art iit prtvimcUl er uatitutl tWaaaa U aveaU h fr N J IWE 2)M,0(W CAUTON.' I'revious order 250,000 cartenj. Fully planted al tbe southeast corner of Lot t yea fe havt the aatil mJ iutUUtuo a fd aivrlitiut afJ- A litt a lku rantoeuryourmowyrefun on the west shore ot Cousins Inlet, thence mill be mmltktd, wilktut fit er hUcatl, iy thi Snlarj CeaaaVaa west o chains, thence south so chains, thence east to shore, thence northeasterly rV AutUHtn, Rm 10, LunuUm BmilMai. Tmamt. For Sale Only by along snore to point of commencement. Geo. Frince RupcrU B,a containinj ei acres, more pr leas. L. Clayton, - PACIFIC MILLS LIMITED, I at I Mark Boitby. stent. Dated May 13th, A. D. tOIS, Aug. II