(TUB DAIL1 WJ Loca News Notes j Investigation Proves r t that various disease germs have their breeding-place In the waste Two piece dance orchestra open products of the bod. Don't, thert. let your bowels dog and throw these harmful germs back on the blood. Take no chances with serious for engagements, J'hone Hlne illness. Keep your bowels free, end the bile regulated with 278. D8 THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING BEECHAM'S PILLS There were three enrs of fish INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR on the enstbound trnln till fore noou. DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE STOCK Pronpj'y 1 relieve constipation. Indigestion, biliousness ami : headache. They arc compounded from drugs of vegetable IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE orltfn-harmless and llablngloji returned THEREOF. not hablt-formlng. The experience of three Captain generations show that Beecham'a Pills prevent disease and are home on the Prince Hupert this Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. A Great Aid to Health morning. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and 1st October by cheque (free of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent Worth Guinea a Boa II. Itrlerly, one of the hoys who per annum from the date of purchase. f'Z!ni mrnihm"'Tlhr Tlmm.I.Caoxl IWtkim,d U.8.St.AnwriM,Il.l.n., LsMMblra,U bosn.13 Bathed.iiHiHT enlisted from here, has been killed Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and In action, accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment made under any future war loan Issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security. A, G. Garde left for the Interior Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. this morning lo look over some A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recog. UNION TRANSFER COX mining properties. nized bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications ' for this stock which bear their (tamp. BhhhhhhmBhmBhhhhhhhhhhhhb For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. Solicits your Hauling and sBhhhhhk" BhhBBhhhhhhhhhhhI CARBONVOID for sale by Lip- Coal Orders sett & Cunningham, and Parkin- DEPARTMENT OCTOBF.R OF FINANCE,7th. 191S. OTTAWA, Ward Electric Co. tf. Prompt attention The Ladies' Aid of the Metho and careful delivery dist Church will hold a sale of given to all work on December Oth. orders, either large or small. COAL Favorite Ladysmith Wellington lump and nut, best re- BEST QUALITY COAL lults. Phone 15. P. It. C. Co. tf. and CLOSE PRICES imsWAbw mm Stuart J. Martin, of Hazelton, PHONE 67. I who has been in town for a few IIS I l'aulino Frederick in "The Mo-tnent days, left for homo this morning. Before" t tho Wcstholme or Theatre tonight. Tho lied Cross Society wishes to extend its thanks to W. P. Sheet Metal Work PAULINE FREDERICK AT Lynch for a donation of $10 to its WESTHOLME THEATRE funds. Now is the time lo have your healing plant put in l'auliiic Frederick, in "The Moment Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Carss, who shape for tho winter; roofs Before," is the big attraction havo been visiting with Mr. and and skylights seen to. at the Wcstholme Theatre Mrs. It. F. Green In Victoria, re In such consult cases tonight. This powerful drama turned homo this morning. practical man If you want results. written by Israel ungwill, the Save coupons with groceries only, good for one package Oold Bond Soap. ?;HBR famous English novelist, is wonderfully P. II. Showier, of the II. S. Wal C. 0. Rowe reproduced on. the screen. lace Company, who has been Practical sheet metal man. It is lull of color and action and south buying spring goods, re Opposite Board of Trade Miss Frederick makes tho most turned to the cit this morning. Rooms 322 2nd Avenue of her part as Madge, the gipsy PHONE 840. girl who is forced to marry John A. C. Gillan, who has been re ; Estimates Furnished Free. the Uipsy, whom she hates and siding in Vancouver for somo despises, while she is later given time, arrived from the south this an opportunity to marry the licit morning and left for Burns lake. to a dukedom. It is au intensely Prince Rupert Feed Co. dramatic tale, the elements of of C.theN W.International Parker, managing Press,editor who DENTISTRY STEEN & L0NGW1LL "The Daily News"! which have been faithfully and has been in town for tho past few CROWN AND BRIDGE WORE vividly preserved, and indeed en CLASSIFIED ADS. days, left for Winnipeg on today's A SPEOIALTV SANITARY AND HEATINQ HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEEDS hanced, lu this unique screen train. DR. J. S. BROWN ENGINEERS AND FERTILIZERS ottering. There is a splendid DENTIST musical program and a good Daeei Smith Block, Thlra Aisaw Agents for WANTED. Call tho Pony Express for wood Plteae as4 WE HANDLE comedy us well, making up a very cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. McCLARY FURNACES WANTED To buy a second Amertcanui hand Kt or Encyclopedia Brttannlca, Bulbs, and Take Orders for fine show. Best household coal and general PLUMBING National. Apply Box III. Darty Heat Nursery Stock. transfer. Piano moving our and WANTED Capable girl at once. APPf NOTES AND COMMENTS Mrs. W. E. Williams. Ms Borden Simt, Prices specialty. moderate. Phone Chicken Feed A Harry A. Harvey Specialty. SHEET METAL WORKS or phone Black III. 301, It. W. Itogers. tf. (Lata London, Eng., Conservatoire Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. The Germans evacuated Fort WANTED Empty coal oil and gswUM Mail Orders Promptly Attended To. of Husk) t cents each. Rupert Marias Iroa-works. Night phones 576 cans, Vaux according to a pre-arranged The Board of Trade last night PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE COTTELL and Ulue 210 P. O. Bci 333. 60S Third Ave. plan. The French had a good decided to havo the Pupils Taken for secretary VIOLIM. PIANO. VIOUNCELLO and The right work, at tho right COOK AND WAITRESS WANTED- -SAVOY PRINCE B. O. deal to do with the of the III. RUPERT, making write to the Norwegian interests HARMONY. time, and at the' right pries. HOTEL, German plan. in the south who are having ships EXAMINATIONS LOST loor Tlno is again In trouble, built Pupils Prepared for Eliminations the on' coast, putting before Associated Board, Vancouver, Center LOST Watch, gold-niled. IT Jewel Vtf thanks to his writing compromising them the possibilities of this port Royal College of Music, London, Eng. PHONE 83 P. O. BOX 38 Initials F. L. I. on cue. Return DsW letters to Der Kaiser. He as a shipbuilding centre. TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. News ofiice. , . ,, - AKERBERG, THOMSON is working hard for admission to FOR SALE a nice quiet residence in Crete or W. J. Thomas has received a wl COMPANY EEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP FOn SALE CHEAP Slngl comb vUU some equally secluded spot. letter from J. V. Collins, former COAST, RANGE THREE Transfer and Storage brown leghorn hens and pullets. " Agente for r- Norway is still the victim of ly a boat builder on tho water? BEST LUMP & NUT COAL lo II. Strlethorst, SplUer " "FRISCO IMPERIAL," "PALMER," B. a . J10' TAKE notice that I, Francla Joseph "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND the Kaiser's spleen. Tho wires front and now on active service. ' Beale, acting as agent for tbe Empire house. "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. between Christiania and Berlin A picture of the Alice B. in Tlje pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., or Swanson NO LONG WAITS FOn Urbor KENT view.Seven-roomed Apply Tbomu McClymont PHONE 625. must bo getting pretty hot these Daily News reminded Pie. Collins Day, O. C, occupation logger, Intend to NO SHORT WEIGHTS machinery, to-eluding apply for permission to lease tbe follow FOIl SALE Carload mluiug days. - that he owed "Cap' a letter. He Ing described Unas: When You Order from Us. IT machine drills. lunltt,l That Jlul Valley must be pretty is well and enjoys n soldier's lifo. Commencing at a post planted on tbe drill-steel, s learn-n tungs, etc. w' LIQUOR ACT, 1910. soutb snore of the lagoon at the end of Dally News. - long. The Rumanians have been the East Arm or Mussel Inlet, about one and one half mllei in a westerly direction FOn SALE Team of horses. At tho Board of Trade meeting LIQUOR ACT, 1910. chasing the Teutons through it Rupert (Section 4.) from the N.W, corner of T. L. H816. SOS. Apply P. O. Boa 101, Prince - NOTICE It hereby given that, on tbe for the past three days and they last evening the question of re 116001'.. thence south SO chains, thence NOTICE Is t hereby Section given 41.) that, on tbe nrit day of December next, application will west 40 thence chains, north to chains l.e made to tba Superintendent of Pro don't seem to bo through yet. viving the monthly luncheons was more or less to shore line, thence follow first day of' Doef mber nest, application will vlnclal rollce for renewal tbe hotel be mado to the Superintendent of Pro J.L.HICKEY or discussed and tho following com. ing shore line In an easterly direction to vlnclal Police for renewal of tbe hotel licence to tell liquor by retail In tbe bote) point of commencement. known as the Northern Hotel, situate at NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT mitteo was apointed: Messrs. II FRANCIS JOSEPH licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe botel I'ort Simpson, In tbe Province of Brltltb 8. Wallace, L, M. de flex, I), fl, October 18 lb. 10 it. BEALE, Applicant,I.tt known as tbe Pine Tree Hotel, situate at CONTRACTOR BUILDER Discovery, In tbe Province of British Columbia. Columbia. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT on the Dated this 7tb day of October, 1914 Hath day of October, It It, tbe Coutlnen Stewart, G. A. McNicholl, G. A. ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant tal Trust Company Limited, carrying on Woodland, and J. O. SUon. Dated this I Oth day of October, 1014. Store and Olllce FUlurM. business at Prince Rupert, In the Province CLAIIENCE MAIIMADUKE SANDS, and of British Columbia, assigned to Clare U FOR RENT Nov. to, Applicant. Sash, Door Molding-Oak Peterson, of tbe laid city of l'rliite Hu CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT nnd Hard Woods BABY'S pert. In trust for tbe benefit of Us credl lei M. Manaon. fl.A. B.A UUtt kinds. tor, all Its real and personal property, ATTENTION VOTERS W. K. Wlllltms, OWNSOAP credits and effects which may be seized Pcisona who bold lota under aareemrnts. Modem 4 roomed house close In WILLIAMS A MANSON We SpeclalUs In m'nfl or sold and studied under execution or or assignment of agreement must make Ird Avenue, I bedrooms, Barristers, Solicitors, Etc and nttlno storm windows, tbe Execution Act or attachment. a declaration giving particulars of their a roomed flat nd Ave. Modern. AND FL'ltTIIEil that a weellug of tbe tine, brrore the last day or November. I roomed cottage No. 1014 Oth HONEY TO LOAN any size. creditors of the Assignor will be held at Any person neglecting lo take such declaration Ave., E, Near drrdock. Sec 7, Bos flit and Sheet Olai nd the fcfllte of William u Mlnson, Solid will not be entered on tbe voters' Cottage partly furnished close In llelgersoo Block Prlnre Iluperl. B. C Plate lors, sum strict, Frlnca Rupert, H. C. Us I. ud Avenue, I rooms and bath. Glazing. ui Friday, tbe tenth day of November, at II Is Impossible for me to ascertain tbe Cottage No. ST I Summit Ave. 4 t'l Fraser nd6thjj; tbe hour of three o'clock in the afternoon. names of agreement holders unless they large rooms. Bath. Corner AND n'llTHEU that on and after tbe come In personally, Furnished cottsge No. 137 sth Ave. i Oth day of November tbe Assignee will ir will greatly facilitate matters If per E., Near school In aectlon . ' PHONE GREEN 269 distribute tbe assets of the Assignor sons wishing to make declaration bring t roomed fur opposite school in Stuart J. Martin p. O. BOX " sutougst tbe persons entitled thereto bav their agreements, so thai I may Imped Section 8. Bsth. lug regard only to tbe claims of which l hem and thus prevent errors. McMordie Apts. a rooms and bath. 4 he lias Iheu received notice, and tbal be Reference to old voters' lists satisfies 4 roomed cottage No. too Oth Ave. E, ASSAYtrf will not be liable for the aald assets or me thai only a small proportion or agree, t roomed collage No. 140 lib Ave. E, any pari thereof lo any person or Cotuge at corner Oreen UNDERTAKERS persons and men! boldera have (registered in Seventh itjf and fgrance put B. O. B. I Ttc of HAZELTON p'.it of whose claim notice duly verllled shall years. Tbls, I believe, lias happened be. Are, a rooms. Near school. Baby's Owa Soap have mad it not have been received by htm at tbe cause people wrongly think their names If Your House la vacant List It with univrisal fa cr'lr. Its use Is last above-mentioned date. will be Inserted without any action on Us. We can fill It for you. ticKcflcUl tottiy akin, DATED at I'rluce Rupert, 0. C, tbl their part. I therefore call special at-tentlon WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay Albert tu.f LUaited,Montreal. Tin uay of October, a. d. tele. to the necessity of agreement H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD WILLIAM 4 M.VoX hulders miking declarations, Omco In the North. Hollcltora for tba Assignee, FRED PETERS, City Clerk.