November 7, 10 10. inn Daily fifiwu. FfllDAY RED CROSS SALE p 90BDE8HIL REALIZED SUM OF $43.10 2,000,0001 The had very weathir r.mdi-llm BT BEDICIHE on Friday w.m very mueli Belgians against Iho success of the Kni Cross Halo nti, Mrs. Mi-ciymunl Depend on us m,M Owe Heallli Anil mid Mrs. A. M. Mansou an? to he To "Frull-a-llves" congratulated upon the plenditl for Bread! Strength result achieved, tlie proceed rnriT A T1VES", tho marvellous amounting to $13.10. The , i,.from fruit Juices Jim extends its thanks to society Since shortly after the German inTaslon, the Belgians T : .-'.'ro vMMOtShmaa, Litrr, Uimo u.. have depended for food entirely on the "Commission TroubUi lhan ladle for their work and also Skin to "r'iLt A ,dnn for Relief in Belgium". Their own More of food, Miss 'ttuf mcditint. In severe case McCJenaghen for a 95 gold r Sciatica, Lumbago, even if not destroyed or pillaged, would last only ri;,, piece, won by J. Vcnahles; to the L in Ui0 IPuro I,IooJ' Neu' two children of Constable Adainn three weeks they have had no chance to rais more , rfii-mie Headaches, Chronic and the ruthless Germans refuse to supply,them I for two rabliils FsY,,!.- and Indigestion, "Fruit-., won by Mm, Jar-vis given unusually effective McLcod, and to Sheriff Shirley Backed by the (U cleansimr, healing for a beautiful war plefm-e, !,irill!,.i,,rs"on tones eliminating-orpins,up and Invljor. which has not yet been drawn fur. Belgian felief fund tt,., tin! w'inio system. The Indian dish was won by Mi ?. r0c. t, Ci for$2X0, trial site, 25c. I). O. Stewart. The folliwuig u jit ll.l.'.il'-rx or sent postpaid by Fruit-itiv.jl. thanked for donations: Mi so generously contributed Ln the British Empire tad tfae United 'Itod.OtUwa. States, the neutral Belgian Relief Cotnnnssaon has imported Ditiiinlck, Mrs. Dohorty, Mi. I ui enough wheat. Dour and other foods to feed the whole nation Salvation Army. tain, Mrs. Homier, Mrs. Kilpntrn-i; so far. The great majority of the 7,000.000 Belgians left m Mrs. 1). O. Stewart, Mis. : I.. the country have been able to pay for their da3y alowance of Monroe, Mrs. btead but a steadily growing number hay do moaey left. ihlie meetings, Tuesday, Clancy, Mrs. Naden. Ihnrooav and Saturday at 8 p. m Mrs. W. S. Fisher, Mrs. J Unless we sre willing to let these hundreds el thousands of Mrs. Mcintosh, Mrs. Jenu-. Mis, women, children and old moo starve, they must be fed at the Uli Nelson, Mrs. Morrow. Mi-. expense of the Belgian ReGef Fund. To make this possible someone must contribute nearly 93,000,000 a i Congalng scatters fptm Knott, Mrs. Cade, Mrs. Woodland, month all this winter I Mrs. II. 8. Parker, Mrs. Morrissoy, it No people under the Allied Flap an as wefl akie to easstrsWe Stop Mrs. G. il. Munro, Mrs. Irwin, generously as we Canadians I No cause has erer beea nacre Coughing increases the Mrs. Sin no It, Mrs. Harper, Mrs. DUCHESS OF DEVONSHIRE AND LADY ANNE CAVENDISH deserving of help I In the name el Justice and Huoiaasly- for irritai.oa of the already In do flex, Mrs. J. A. Lindsay, Mrs. the sake of our own self-respect let a five al sre cea to The Duke and Duchess who will take the flamed tnnencras membranes of Devonshire, up help our martyred Allies I and Is moreover apt to carry William Millar, Mrs. Lord, Mrs. great charge recently relinquished by T. H. II. the Duke and Duch. disease to others. Humble. Mrs. Kggcrt, Mrs. H. Send your lubacriptioo. weekly, pioatUy la as laaaft seas ks Least m Mathiea'a Syrup of Tar and W. ess of Connaught, are expected soon to win the hearts of Canadians Provisos Committee. ta tlie Cod Liver Oil promptly store Kctgin, Mrs. II. F. Mrs. cov iilns;, and soon, (banks Mcllae, Canada's new Vicereine will be a worthy successor to her Central Executive Committee;, M St Pttjr Si, Mawtraal tu u tonic properties,effects Homer, Mrs. G, W. Kerr, Mrs. Iloyal predecessor, for she is able to claim the first place in the r Feeds A A Month. permanent core. & $2.50 Belgian Family a Lh . 1 , - 1 .. Uowness, Mrs. McMullin, Mrs. W. anks of society hostesses. of Mathiea'a Byrup of Tar 11. Williams, Mrs. Conway, Mrs. The elder daughter of the Marquess of Lansdownc, Oovernor-Oenrral a4 Cod Lire r Oil ia specially dot to its great ralue aa a I). II. Morrison, Mrs. Arnold, Mrs. of Canada from 1883 to 1888, she bears a remarkable permanent Tana; and brun-chlal Tite, Miss McClcnaghen, Lynch resemblance to her distinguished father. In 1892 she married the healer. fold everywhere,35c large Hros., and Knott's Hakery. In-eluded Hon. Victor Cavendish, and, when her husband succeeded his uncle bottles. in this amount is $2 hand, to the dukedom, she at once took up her position as hostess at the CANADIAN WOMEN J. U MAT1I1EO CO.rrp. ed to Sergt. Slokes at the Red numerous seats of the Devonshire family. She is a very capable SHOULD KNOW THIS Kkerbrk. TAJ. Cross rooms on Thursday by two organizer, and, since the outbreak of the war, her Grace lias "CANADA FIRST"Milk Is the BEST Milk Ptatwt fti. w ajl mimm OtMm at, sold by Your Crocer. The Covcrnment Bulletin Itelgians, Camiel Hessulc and fmm aarf 1 ' I worked unceasingly for the cause of war charities and has especially Nj.305 tells the story-IT COSTS THE SAME. Julius Strogier. Donations of interested herself in the nursing of the wounded. She is tspjsBsJSNB DVSSN B3s I money were received from Mrs. Bias raosacr-IHSIST nne of Queen Mary's closest friends. If yoa wanthlprcreara.chillMCaMJaF!rat,'Evaponteil Shockley. Mrs. Hal Peck, Mr. A. II. iben whip as with(rata cream. ThbAYLMKR CONDENSED MILK COmLts. Evans, and a friend. MINERAL ACT SUBSCRIBE FOR Atlmid.Ont4 CAHSOa A Kul Lav.r S:rjltUin , NASTURTIUM, IMS FnACTIO.f, BELLI 8 The Daily News I kh mACTIO.N. GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRAC GOLD WATCH FREE. TION COSMOS -FRACTION. THISTLE FRACTION. MARIGOLD FRACTION, ULAC A amftWjrwv i FRACTION. FERN FRACTION. PINE APPLE fj (iksa M Ikon, d FRACTION. COXCOMB. BFOONIA FRACTION. .MINERAL CLAIMS SltUSM IB the The Whisky Queen Charlotte District, located at or near U'VjIT VA .MtK m. Writ Hcda Bay, Queen Charlotte Uland, Province oQuality . or British Columbia, and lawrullr held bj M 1 j3n5B u 1 trw mm of ar iUv?3V3?hll ImWo hi. L.4 1..' Ikeda Mines Limited. AftdtnWood HD iT2XB2ii? hat ommtu. o TAKE NOTICE that I. John A. MacIanU, sUicltor ror Ikeda Minea Limited. Tree 8 Year with IM vatcK wkkll via to rra miners' certificate No. 703W B. Intend before bottling- flhin wmcW v after the expiration ot ility dajn rrom ThreeMighty forces CUARAXrTXD BY THE tJkdttli ra tftka a4. the date hereof to apply on hehair of the COVtRNMLVT-f CANADA last tBt. IUK Ml roW,.blHMl said Company to the Mininr Recorder ror m4 timw tkao. Ui luitU&;W atdk the m a certificate of Improvements for purpose I thlak ttiia aatar toa aael ta to ana, tot aa4 ft m 1m I I JM 1 1 a)a ,a aar aa4 ma a Pm WatHi. of obtalntnr a Crown Grant to the ,H to anMaaa-WllXjAH UOTD. tWnl, J.Uan Owl It I, .Co. rU tuj,Uwai.a. b"ve rutins. AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action under Section IS or the Mineral Act mutt be commenced before the Issuance of uch certificate of improvements. kv yij Dated this Stat day of May. A. D. ll. 3 JOHN A. MACINNES. Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. Ramsay's f tzvtitxtt THE t'GINEyRLTINEMENTm Have you ever noted how an audience 1 Empire Cream Sodas ag W fimttt riSHCRMaire bote oferot KNOINB J yawns in the face of an uninspired speaker? t Cl 12 In. by 7 In, 12-18 On the other hand, have you noted how an audience Horas Powar. will lean forward and grasp the chair arms when a oil 3 3-4 In. by 6 1-2 In, 28 'In 2-1 b. Tina Horse Power. the speaker reveals enthusiasm? 4 ClU- 1-2 In. by S In, 28-35 Have attained their enviable reputation by their superior Horas Pow sr. Enthusiasm is the buoyant expression of truth. To quality and uniformity. The most discriminating houae-lfo For Further Information impart belief in anything, a man must believe it Insists upon "Ramsays Empire" when buying Soda Apply to Biscuits. deeply himself. We call such a man an enthusiast. They are made In B. C. and your grocer gets hl supply W. E. WILLISCROFT This applies to the written word also particularly Prince Rupert, B. C. frequently and quickly, Insuring freshness, which means to advertisements. When the manufacturer really crlspnete. believes in his wares, his enthusiasm will almost MINERAL ACT Prove It by buying a tin with your noxt order. Rlvermoutti FrscUonal mineral rlaun. inevitably find expression in Advertising. And enthusiasm Manufactured by situated Casslar ibe ttkeena Mtulnt Dlvlilon of will be contagious his audience the LTD. Arm.Wbcre adjolnlof located;Ibe At Mvermoutb the bead snd of Carl Alice readers of the newspaper will, figuratively speaking, RAMSAY BROS. & CO., boo mineral claims. "lean forward and listen intently." TAk'E NOTICE that t, O. R. aden. free Vancouver, B. C. Miners' Certificate Mo. Sl.OteO. srtiuc aa 3 areut for Carrie Pratt, rree Miners' Cer To be convincing an advertisement tiOcato .No. 1 1,91 TO. Intend, slity dsy WAWWWF1, from tbe date fcrreof, to spply to tbe must convey an unmistakable Mlnlos Recorder for s Certificate of Im if provenients, for tbe purpose of obtslnlni impression of enthusiasm. This it Let Us Save You Money on your it a A Crown ii J further Grant ot uke tbe notice above that claim.action. will only do when the article under section ft, must be commenced be Gasoline or Distillate fore tba Issue of aurb CertlflcaU of liu advertised has inherent worth. provenients. Dated Ibis tlrd day of December. A. V, We or llstillate and I til. Apr. 1 Thus we have: guarantee to save you 25 per cent, on gasoline bSiC7rand frea ny motor from CAKUON troubles. J seven Kverv ounce box Sincerity --Enthusiasm- Advertising: is equivalent to 60 RHor. of Kol"n; save you frlncs Rupert Land District District ef ami Crlv frORl Coast, Hangs a. Three mighty forces, close-linked. inn '.'. rasoline I Carbonvoid puts the ditlonal milos. TALK MJTICE lb J I tba I'SClttC MUU, dry towder you Limited, of Vancouver, B, C, occupation lust dr. ,. i... .V: "GO in Gasoline : tank. Will re- pulp acd paper makers. Intend to sppiy vv an , ,irljon I : from cylinders. for permission to purchase tba follovans If jtm mr$ ding If I iuilutu Satt seer year dmrtitiuf pnUtm$ arssk tea Adnrtitlnt Difartmmt TUB MUIBKBU described lands t Comnienelnt si a post tf lib mttnpaptr. sj yu mrt dlmf m SreWaWaf ar msrtul Sasiaeas II WmU h are er x,' it. IN jV l thcwor.4 use ALUg planted at the southeast corner of Lot If yea le hsv lit ! mm J tthfmn tf a W aWMie areey. A Hit a ! - jwias iVllVi;UIIUCMi mvm on the west snore of Cousins Inlet, tbenct mill ht fmrnltkid. wilktut rest sr Httti: h At Sttriltrj tf CamadUn west 40 chains, thence south 10 chains, fress Rttm LtmUtm BmiUimf. Ttrtmlt. thence east to shore, thence northeasterly AttttimHtm, SOS. For Snlc ny Dy alone snore to point of commencement. D-a eontainiof si acres, more or less. (Geoa L. Clayton, - Prlnce Rupcrt' fACIFIC MILLS Mark Smaby.UNITED.Stent. I I Dsted May Ulh, A. D, till. Aut. It