Daily News I'Iunck iiupeht, n. c Wednesday, November 8, 101a. PRICE FIVE CENTS CLti SE FDD N PRESIDENT Al CONTEST LINER ARABIA SUBMARINED - FURNESS LINER .MISSING - MORE FRENCH GAINS SSkably close contest r LINER ARABIA FRENCH TAKE IN PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION LATEST VICTIM TWO VILLAGES RESULT DEPENDS ON CALIFORNIA AND NEW MEXICO, WHICH OF SUBMARINES AND PRISONERS HAVE SIXTEEN ELECTORAL VOTES HUGHES REPORTED LEADING THIS MORNING BIG MAJORITIES AGAINST PROHIBITION Passengers All Saved Furness Germans Claim to Have Destroyed Liner Missing The Greeks Munitions Rumanians Gaining Removed Breechblocks on Dobrudja But Not .Special w Th Dally News. From Guns. In Transylvania. York, Nov. 8. At six ,ew J 4 tt o'clock litis morning, the electoral (Special to Tbe Diilj Newt.) (Special to TIm Dtny Newt.) MAP ILLUSTRATING RUMANIA'S PLIGHT vol? Hood al 2C3 for Hughes and 1 Vulcan Pass, which was recently stormed by the Germans. Paris, Nov. 8. Tho Peninsular Paris, Nov, .8 The French 252 for Wilson, ami the definite -? Itolhenthurui Pas, where the Itumanian resistance has considerably and Oriental liner Arab, carrying have captured German positions results depend on the thirteen ; weakened and the enemy has made advances in the last four hundred and fifty passengers over a front of flvo kilometres, voles from California and New few days. The enemy has been through the Torzburg l'ass and has been submarined. It is believed including the village of Ablain-court the and village Mexico's three, "i.e winner requires seemed to be likely to capture Kimpolung, but the Rumanians returned that all have been saved. and cemetery Pressoir. Five hundred of 260 votes to bo elected I to the offensive and drove them back. Kimpolung is marked Furness Liner Missing. 3 . i i The Predeal l'ass where the Teutons have advanced for Halifax, N. SM Nov. 8There is prisoners were taken. Hughes is sligntly leading In Berlin some distance towards Huzeu. (51 The Oituz Pass. (0 Where great anxiety for tho safety of Report. both of the above states, but Berlin, 8 German avia the Rumanians claim success. (7 Where the Russians and the the Furness-Withy liner llappa- Nov. there is considerable doubt existing havo Allied Rumanians have abandoned the Tchernavoda ltridgc on the Do. hanock, which sailed from Halifax tors destroyed a large as to the final outcome, as ammunitions depot at Ceresy on brudja front. for London twenty-two days the returns from many of the the Somme front. Austrian troops ago. the vessel is equipped witn italcs are still Incomplete. It is havo carried heights FIFTY BOSTON PEOPLE BERT FLEVY1N EXPECTS wireless but nothing has been important anticipated that Hughes will at Karl Babba, taking one hundred heard from her since she left carry California and that bo is DROWNED LIKE RATS TO RETURN TO CANADA this coast. Hussion prisoners, certain to be elected by a small Rumanian Front. Greek Situation. majority. Wilson requires to (Spi-cta! to Tbf Dally Jtewi.) John Flewln, of Port Simpson, London, Nov. 8. Tho Rumanians London, Nov. 8, The Entente carry both California and New CHARLES EVANS HUGHES 8. Fifty falling back before tho Hoslon, Mass., Nov. ho has been in the city for the Allies have de'manded'the restora nre Mexico to be elected. Who was reported this morning ere drowned when a car of the superior forces of Yon Falken- past few days, has two sons at lion of the breechblocks which Uughes carried Connecticut, to be leading tn tho presidential Western Klectric Company plung hayn in Transylvania, the Teutons Ihe front. Walter Flewin is still are missing from tbe guns on the Delaware, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, campaign by a small majority. from tho elevated railway which delivering-smashing blows. in the trenches and, to the Greek destroyers are now .Viine, .Massachusetts, Michigan, through an open drawbridge into up On tho Dobrudja front, where ew Hampshire, New Jersey, New SHERIFF IDENTIFIES the North Channel of the harbor lesent, has escaped vflhout a French are reported to have taken the- Ilinnanians are now on the Turk, Pennsylvania, Hhode Island, MOB RING-LEADERS here last night. Twelve were cratch. His Brother, Bert, was over the guns, munitions and submarine offensive, ground has been gained. Vermont and Wisconsin. (Special to Tbe Dally news.) rescued, but all who were inside rather severely wounded some fittings in the dockwards The states aYo still Berlin claims that the Germans following the car were drowned like rats in Seattle, Nov. 8. The deputy months ago, but is now out of near Piraeus. m doubt: Nebraska, Nevada, Ore-ton, thirty-five- feet of water . have taken a thousand prisoners sheriff and citizens of Everett, ospital and expects to be sent Revolutionary Scrap. South Dakota and West Virginia. in yesterday's fighting in Transylvania, have identified the The motorman states that he Katerina, Nov. 8. Two soldiers Washington, ome. ueri received wirieen but Vienna admits that received no warning that the have been killed and five wounded leaders of tho I. W. W. gang who Soldiers for Hughes. hrapnel wounds and has lost the tho loss of Dedul Mountain. be rawbridgo was there encounter between the fired crowd of Kverett citi open, in an Tho rm a of his left the drum Sunk Without Warning. Austin, Texas, Nov. 8, earing ear, and he from tho deck of tho steamer ing no lights showing, forces of Venizelos and Greek soldiers' vote wont to Hughes, but zens approached the bridge at full having been fractured, while his Washington, Nov. 8,-Tho had no lloyalist troops. Verona recently. They they were not strong enough to peed. There were many women right hand has been crippled. This American consul a t Cardiff, difficulty in selecting from the disturb Ihe Democratic majority and children inside the car. oung soldier was seven months JAMES NEVILLE WILL Wales, is submitting afudavits in the 280 men held by tho Seattle po from tho captain and members of state. n the trenches before ho received EXPLAIN HAND GRENADES who led tn tho shoot lieu tho men Later. TENNIS CLUB HELD scratch, but his troubles came tho crew of tho steamer Lanao, New York, Nov. 8, It Is reported ing. FIRST ANNUAL BALL 11 of a heap, as, while returning Sergt. James Neville, who has fating that the vessel, was tor that Hughes has carried California, AGRICULTURAL ASSOCN. from a daring exploit carried out taken an acuvo part in the prc-by pedoed without warning. which means that ho Is ELECTS ITS DIRECTORS Last evening in tho Railway a company of thirty western paralon8 j0r the lleturned Sol- certain to bo .. .. .i n i he buried to th KELLY'S APPEAL DISMISSED elected. men s nan, me uruico uuien Canadians, was dier9 Concert tonight, brought Prohibition. Tho Northern 1). C Agricultural Tennis Club held their first an neck as the result of tho explosion wlth hjm from the fronl an unique (Special to Tbe Dally Newi.) The majority in favor of statewide Association held its adjourned nual ball. In spite of the in of a "Jack Johnson." He was un- mement0 j tho form of a hand Ottawa, Nov. 8. The Supremo prohibition in Michigan is nminnl meeting In tho city hall clement weather, about a hundred able to move and remained a ,,,, Th,, i.-id ia ma(e of 12,000 and there is a small ma. last evening, when A. J-. Prud couples were present, and dancing prisoner, buried in clay, until a woml aml js a ntUo less than a Court has dismissed Contractor iurity in fav0r of prohibition in hommo presided over an attend was kept up until an early hour detachment of Winnipegers cameh,, Looked at closely, one Kellys appeal for a new trial. the state of Nebraska. ance of twenty-seven members this morning. At twelve, supper along and pulled him out. They, jiscover8 utile wooden plugs in- DUMBA DEAD San Francisco went wet by two iTmfnr tho new bylaws, which was served in tho upstairs rooms in turn, were shelled and several LerteU aji over n9 surface, and vote b one and thero is a big were adopted nt tho fprmer meet which were artistically decorated killed and most of tho others Lacn piug covers a bullet or pieco (Special to The Dally Hwa.) majority In California against inc. nine directors wcro elected, with lfags and bunting, and danc wounded. Ultimately, Bert found L. ,, u is nothinc more or Geneva, Switzerland, Nov. 8. Prohibition. Missouri went wet Ihey selecting a president, sccre ng was agin resumed. himself alone again and it took ,e8S. tian a n,iniaturo shrapnel Despatches from Vienna announce "i an overwhelming majority. inrv mul treasurer ironi mcir t.-I Tho hall was gorgeously deco him twenty-four hours to crawl , 0n lno no80 is a Hafcty that Dr. C. E. Dutnba, formerly Maryland went wet by n majority numbers. Tho following were me rated with Hags of all descriptions back to his battalion, in which arrangCnient, which, when screw- Austrian Ambassador to tho ef 15,000. lirectors elected: Messrs. Ocorgo and presented a solid mass of time iio was occasionally sniped Lj down prevents tho bomb from United States, is dead. J. Frizzell, A. W. Edge, Rev. W. color. Tho Hags of tho Allies at by tho Germans, but, only ono xploin- lnla bcijlg nn absoluto ' "OTHER HALIBUT RECORD Collison, D. McD. Hunter, C. L were gracefully draped along tho bullet struck hint und from mat lu.CcssUy as tho boys have to Cullin, W. E. Fisiier, nen tcn, walls, and tho coiling was hidden ho had a wonderful escape, tho crawi over "no man's land" in tho LATEST ELECTION NEWS Yesterday afternoon the record M. Stephens and W. J. Klrk- in great masses of bunting o bullet hit his shoulder badge, was ,jarkncg9 carrying a number of Price made for halibut nbout noon natrick. D. C. Stuart was again brilliant colors. Tho gallery, diverted into his knapsack, and thpS(? i,ombs. Before being thrown New York, Nov. 8.- (0 ' beaten when John Dybbavn, appointed auditor. which was thronged with specta spent ItsclMn tho left sleeve or lho gcrew reieased and the p. m.) Wilson elected In ,0' the i.i . a i a.. n...it 'u I states where count Is cer- ltorvlg Fish Compauy, At the close of tho meeting, M tors, was beautifully decorated ins luiuc, mo uurso iiuuiiiK head Is wuighted so that, on Paid 13 U cents for 1,000 pounds M. Stephens, seconded ny a. vt with Hags, tho White Ensign be thero while cutting oft his coat ,amnn u Strikes on tho cap tain, but thero aro enough -""sin tn by the Margalico and Edge, moved a vote of thanks tn ing tho most prominent, and tho in tho hospital. Ho seems to have Thps0 iimocenl looking little uncertainties to switch lho r the gamo quantity In tho Do tho retiring president, A. J. Prud- orcliostra-box was hidden with enjoyed his adventure immensely ms8es lll play havoc for thirty result in favor of Hughes, mo Deborah had "G00 homme. for his untiring and suo gay colored Hags. Tho danco ter ond says ho would not havo miss- vr.1;1 nrounil nnd ono can i, final returns havo not yet P0 of gpring 8aiIU(m wiilch cessful effort in the'lnterests n initiated at two-thirty this morn ed It tor worlds. Ini?ln n ilmon hnaeh.ill nlavers come in from Kansas, Cal- ""W 11 ifornia nnd Minnesota and cents tho association. ing with nil Joining in the Nation holding up a whole trench party In thanking tho members, Mr al Anthem. Tho Westholmo or RED CROSS SALE ... nwmD., ...iii, lhm. the result largely depends Prudhommo snld that though he chostra provided tho muslo. At tho concert tonight, Mr. Ne- on theso three states. ifi .lm nNljn hn vvn Mrs. Howling and Mrs. Homer was reuniiK u' vlllo wj 8now now the first hand Geo.P.McColl not going to lrop all Interest in HALIBUT ARRIVALS will havo charge of the lied Cross Lnu,a,j08 wero Inaile out of Jam tho fair. Ho would do nil ho salo of homo cooking In tho cnns nnil wU, 0X)a(u u,0 evolu- Q R O O E R , could to make It ft greater success Tho American halibut schuun rooms in mo nan jjiock on rn- iim,rs nr ii,u ,i,.n,iK- imin uvnnnn""' ' LONDON CAFE u.im ever. He remarked upon er Seymour brought In 50,000 day aftornoon. Willi so many of L to tho ,alo8l form whlch , AND GRILL Moved Into the Hart Blk. tho harmony which had prevaile pounds this morning and tho lho Canadian boys wounded there Ijoscrlbed above. Third Avenue and lhanked nil citizens for th Pelrel 1,000. Up to noon thero is a steady demand for hospital Serves Nothing but the Best assistance given tho association had been no bidding, but it is ex. supplies and ladles nro invited to R, Shrubsall, brother of 4'IliU" STRICTLY UNION HOUSE NOW READY FOR BUSINESS A voto of thtuiks to D. 0. Ptunrt poet I'd that tho high prices of send In whntevec they ran in tliolShrubsnll, has been wound6d in BOXES FOR LADIES n.,.iiinr cloned the meeting yesterday will bo upheld. jwny of cakes, oto. the recent fighting.