NEWS. t..i... i A& DAILY ""'""way. KwpiiiIm , a ,98 Tru- .k ...ill ....... In. ti anpiilllM A Hot, Nourishing Meal man s goat win " The Daily News ono that will put vim and oiTcnco. FALL AND THE LEADIN4 NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITUII COLUMBIA energy into the worn-out Bliacklcton will WINTER 1'rnesl PablUhad Dally i Weekly sir Quar-anteed Largest Circulation body and fortify it against probably bo bonio In lime to do SCHEDULES exposure Shredded Wheat hia sliaro in defeating tho uer 11 HAD OFFICE Biscuit (heated in the oven mans, Tho North Boa will seem 8. S. PRINCE QEORQE Dally News Dulldlng, 3rd Ave, Prince luporl, H.O. Teh-phono 08. to restore crispness) with hot to bo a Jitllo overcrowded after For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Friday at 0 a. m. For Anyox every AlAU'ff TllANSIKNT DISPLAY ADVKIITI8INO 50 cento wr Inch, liontracl milk supplies all the strength the Antarctic. 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT rate nn application. needed for half-day's work. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and a soldiers unlay at 12 noon. For Vancouver and all rUuVsSih Also delicious with bananas Bomo of Constantino's ovory Wednesday at 0 a, m. DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 8, 10 1C. or other fruits. Made in seem to bo heartily sick of this PA88ENQER TRAIN SERVICE atrlct neutrality business, and tho rof Smlthara, "Tinea Oaerga, Jasper, Kdmenton, tatkateon and wi..t Canada. pao, connecting thara for all polnta In Eastern Canada and tha rT i SCOTT RECRUITINQ Allied headquarters at Saloniki and Eoutharn Stataai leavee Prince Rupert evtrv Waanstda, and a! to bo extended to tako day at 11(30 a. m. Mlttd train atary Friday at B a. m. will rcquiro In dealing with tho latest The powers at Ottawa havo Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. dinnppcnrnnce of John T. Scott, decided to transport all fuITl in tho new Greek recruits who aro For information and reservations apply to tlio mysterious figure in the Joining Oencral Sarrall. City Ticket Office, 62G Third Avenue. PHONE 260 strength hallnliuns to Kngland Vancouver bycleclion, the Journal says, "Mr. Drowsier will for winter training. This is People aro beginning to won not be suspected of being a just as it should bo. While der whero all tho Austrian re party to any such actions as they are at it, they might also inforccmcnts aro coming from. were pursued perhaps on his draft several of tho part battalions Borne havo been sent into Transylvania, behalf." The Journal knows together to mako coin, whilo others havo been CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY very well that thero Is no "perhaps" sent to tho Trentino where a new about it and htat no plete battalions, so that as Austrian offensive has begun. It Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points many men as possiblo be via Steamer to Vancouver and the may has bo that large a army such action could possibly bo THE MAILS may CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY necessary on behalf of Mr. got ready for tho spring campaign. been held in reserve by tho Ger Meals and Berth Included on Stearrrr Drowsier. .On whoso behalf the Tho militia department For the East. mans, but they can't keep on treacherous work was done remains has allowed so many new battalions Wednesday and Saturday, box ending reinforcements to such Princess Maqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p. m. to be seen, and Mr. to spring up that many closes 0:30 a. m. and Friday 3 widely scnaraicu irunis inucii- Princess Sophia Southbctind Saturday 6 p. m. Drowsier has given his word, have remained in this country m. itcly. The spring campaign on Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. which is as good as the bond for months after they should From the East. II fronts will bo almost solely a of any man, that ho will have have been overseas, because Trains arrive Tuesday and test of man power and tho Allies J I. PETERS, General Aeent tho matter sifted to the very they could not get recruits in Thursday, 5:30 p. m. hould bo vastly superior. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue, Prince Rupert. B.C. bottom. fast enough. It should be timo For the South. The Liberal leader, and every enough to form new battalions Tuesday, 5 p. m. Boat sails at SUN AND TIDE rfght-minded member of the when the earlier units are up P. m. abaJI Liberal party, and of every to full strength. Wednesday, 7 a. m. Doat sails Thursday, November 0th. other party, will not be satis-fled There has been a vast t 0 a. m. Sun rises 8:18 a, m. until tho whole miserable amount of money squandered Friday, 7 a. m. Doat sails at Sun sets 5:2 p, in. Sunlight Soap business is cleared up, no matter in recruiting, which might havo a. m. High water ...0:47a.m. III. 10.5 who is implicated in the been saved had recruiting been Saturday, Doat sails 0 p. m. Low water ...C:39a.m. lit. 7.3 crime. If, as is hinted by tho conducted along businesslike Sunday, Doat sails 6 p. in. igh water .. 12:30 p. m.-lit. 21.8 cuts Monday's labor clean Tory press, one prominent Liberal lines. It may bo that the National For Anyox. ov water ...7:20 p.m. lit. J.l in half. politician is implicated, Service Doard will make Wednesday, box closes 10 p. in. Captain McGce, M. M. S. A. there is all the more reason big improvements in this direction, The Sunlight way is so easy why Mr. Brewster should do though recent recruiting NOTES AND COMMENTS The Daily rtt.vs uclivcrnl just note. First you soap his get to the root of reports show that there is still carrier, 50 cents per month. the garment ; then roll it up the matter. So far as the law a lot of overlapping. For instance, Tho United Slates now con to soak. After a while you is concerned, tho new premier five officers of "Sir trols one-flfth of tho commerce of Bank Mail And rinse it thoroughly and the the entire world. America has By like dirt out magic. of this province Inows no Sam's Own," the New Druns-wick drops done its bit by carrying nn tho Liberals and no Conservatives. Kilties, have been scattered world's business whilo the nations Save A Trip to Town Why scrub, and rub, and Mr. Drewster is out to give throughout the Dominion and tear the clothes wear of Kuropo havo been trying to Dritish Columbia really representative to enroll McLeans for service the of throtllo each oilier, Dy so doing the benefit of those when gentle strength government for the in this battalion. If tho battalion FR will do the live of America has helped herself con out town, Sunlight Soap .first timo for and it is commander, or the of years, have work with hurt to slderably, but she has also done we arranged a never a .his duty to clear tho name of ficers, are paying the cost of much towards keeping up tho plan by which you can do fabric or hands. Vancouver and the province this expensive form of recruiting strength of the belligerents. your banking by mail quite from the stigma which has attached out of their own pockets, as satisfactorily as if you Try it once to it politically, That this is their own affair and stood here at our counters. this Sunlight It is reported that the people of ho will do his duty fearlessly laudable in its way, but if the Come in and let us explain way. i- Cleveland, Ohio, are eating goat the people know, and, if Scott people of the Dominion aro the plan or write for the At all grocerM llesh as a result of the very high has escaped, no man will bo paying the expenses of these information. price of beef. To get a Cleveland more disappointed than Mr. officers from Fredcricton to the THE BANK OF Drewster, and no man will Pacific coast, while recruits LIQUOR ACT, 1910. work harder to bring the truth aro hard to get here for tho (Section 4.) British North America to than the leader of coast it is disgraceful light new battalions, a NOTICE la hereby riven that, on the nra t day of December next, application will tho province. waste of public funds. TS YEARS IN BUSINESS. be made to the Superintendent ot Pro vlnclal Police for renewal of the hotel CAPITAL AND SURPLUS. S7.881.oee. licence to aell liquor by retail in the hotel PRINCE RUPERT BRANCH known aa the Northern Hotel, situate at Ifred stork's hardware! Port Columbia.Simpson, In the Trovince of BrltUh W.J.SMITIIERS,Manager Dated this 7th day or October, 1911. 1 ERNEST WOOD IUCHARDS, Applicant 710 SEOOtUs AVE MINERAL ACT FRE ALARM SYSTEM Carpenter' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery Certificate of Improvemente Wire Cable Steel Blocks Fishing Tackle JIROUIT NO. 1. NOTIOE Iron Pip Pipe Fittings t. Rifles and Shotguns Basin Mineral Claim, situate In the Baa 11- Ith St. and trd Ave Rope Valves Ammunition Skeena Mlnlnr Division or Casslar District Boi is eta St. and Ird Ave. Where located! About four miles from Sea 14 1th 8U and Ird Are. Pumps Hose Paint the beach on the south side or Alice Ann Soi 18 Junction of 1st. lud end Stove and Ransee Rubberold Roofing Corrugated I rot j tt the head of branch or Lime Creek. Ird Avea. TAKE NOTICE that I. Oeorre R. Naden, ajax ie 1st Are., between Itn and " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST" rree Miners Certificate No. 94094B, in tn Sts. (Kiwi Hotel.) The Royal Standard Test tend, sixty days from the date hereof, to Bo 17 1st Ave. and Ttb St. (Coo apply to the Mlninc Recorder for a Certtn- tral Hotel.) 151 cate of Improvements, for the purpose of the Herefi where we test obtaining a Crowu Oram of the ahova oirouit no. t. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE j claim. Soi ZM Ird Ave. and Ird St. 4 choicest samples of Canada's And further take notice that action, (foat Offlca.) six rollu'on sue wheat crop. under section St, mutt be commenced be Bos SS Ird Ave. and 8t. fore the Issue of such Certificate or Ira ei 24 1st Ave. and McBrtde Qt. We grind them into flour in the DES' provements. at asind Ave. and fnd St .little mill you see on the left of Dated this tth day or March, A.D. 19 18 es e tod Ave. and lib 81 the OEOROE R. NADEN. the picture. Then cornel as 7 O. T. P. tupreme tcit-bread-baking. If Tickets otRouir no. a. the btead it perfect in every LAKELSE HOT SPRINGS at ai -lib Ave. and ruitoa b.. the wheat aa S2"aorden and Taylor 8 Is. way we pronounce HOTEL Bos S4 Tib Ave. and rulton St. Al and the flour-ROYAL mrk, Finland, Italy and Rum la. Bes SS- tb Ave. and Comos Ave. ssilinos mom nkw vork 13 NOW OPEN TO QUESTS STANDARD. Boi S7 Ith Ave. and Dodge PL "lleiiir oiov" ....... .. Hot. tSrd. v. One or the largest Hot Bprlnrt la Bos SS ttb Ave. and Thompson 81. AT YOUR GROCER'S "Stockholm" Dec. Snd. America, circumference 300 feet-Temperature I "Frederick VIII ree. Ith. . STANDARD OIROUIT NO. CaLtd: ROYAL ........ or Water, 110 d.Tahr. VancouvcrMilliiig&GrQin Dee. ttb. "Berrensfjord" Bes 41 4th Ave. and Imniirioa Have Your ReeervaUona snaae Early. ficellent Treut Planing In Lakelea PL For Rates. Illustrated Folders and BBBBBBBBBBBBBBBVwJEbV ' 'WsBSfihflWBBBBBBBH Oenerel Information Apply to Lake. Bei 2- llh Ave. and McOrlde bL rhone Conneetlena with Tarreoe. Bos 48 lib Ave. and Orean St OVaUMVN HANSON RATES i aa-M par day. Bes 44 tb Ave and Basil 8L Insurance and Steamship AfMoy, Baa 48 .7th Ave. an4 Kbarta. For further to Boi 141 Ttb Ave. and Tiunr St. particulars, apply News. rrliit Nwetrt, at. O. The Daily M. .............., i. MICE JOHNSTONS. Manager. Advertise In jiii 1 1 iittttfftitttcttttrtcrcrrrttr rrrrrrrr T. EMPRESS COFFEE B- RUPERT. WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR F. Q, DAWSON , . PRINCE