MB DA ILI MWJ Wednesday, Novombor 8. ioif, I Local News Notes J A pure, Mrs. Friitcll left for tho south Cream of Tartar today, - - , , Baking Powder Jack Judge has gone south on THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING a vuculluit. INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR V. J. Alder arrived from Victoria DOMINION this forenoon. OF CANADA, DEBENTURE STOCK Made Canada in IN SUMS OF $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. The Anglican Church solo of wgrk, December 7th. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April nnd 1st October by cheque (free There were four cars of fish,on of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent Sixty Years the Standard the train for the east today. per annum from the date of purchase. ... Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and accrued interest, ps the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment Chief Gammon returned from made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Ocean Falls on the I'rlnco Gcorgo, Treasury Bills or other like short date security. DrPrices . . . Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes only. William Noble, tho well known' A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized mining man, is in town from bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. CREAM Anyox, ... For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, OTTAWA. Baking Powder CARBONVOID for sale by Lip. OCTOBER 7th. 1916. sett & Cunningham, and Parkin- Ward Electrio Co. tf. Contains No Alum COAL Favorite Ladysmith Wellington lump and nut, best results. Perfectly leavens and makes the Phone 15. P. R.C. Co. If. food more delicious and wholesome. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Mosclcy returned from the south this fore,- noon and left for llazelton on tho train. ... FISH SPECIMENS TO UNION TRANSFER CO'Y. ADVERTISE PRINCE RUPERT The ladies of the Catholic Church will hold a sale of work George Tessier, master of the and whist drive on December Solicits your Hauling and 14th. 1C2. staunch Ashing schooner Karl F Coal Orders has been doing some big stunts H. N. Boss, who has been In Prompt attention in fishing lately to advertise the town for a few days, left for tho and careful delivery staple industry of Prince Rupert. south this morning accompanied given" to all Ho landed at the government by Mrs. Doss.. "c'l orders, either large wharf recently a shark weighing E. F. Duby, who has been hero or small. about eight hundred pounds, and eWceriei in looking over tho ground for J. S. an assortment of black cod, ling' Emerson, who proposes to build BEST QUALITY COAL cod and a dozen other specimens a sawmill here, left for tho south and CLOSE PRICE8 of fish food to be found in payable this morning. " numbers in these waters. The PHONE 67. shark was landed at the government Ed. llinman, Junr.. who has in ice and warf, packed been looking over mining prop shipped to Edmonton, where it erties in this district, was among Sheet Metal Work will be frozen and exhibited under the south-going passengers on government auspices throughout the Prince Rupert today. Now is the time to have tho Kast. Along with it will go ... your heating plant put in the specimens of halibut, cod, NEW WELLINGTON COAL, DENTI3TRY STEEN & LONGWILL "The Daly News" shape for the winter; roofs herring, salmon and so forth that phone UG. We have just re and skylights seen to. CROWN AND BRUMS WOft were frozen hero for exhibition ceived a shipment of 500 tons CLASSIFIED ADS. In such cases consult a A SPEOIALTV 'SANITARY AND HEATING purposes. Lump Coal. We arc prepared to practical man If you want DR. J. S. BROWN ENQINEERS results. Sucli ah exhibit should help to put in your winter's coal for you DKNTIST C. 0. Rowe open the eyes of those eastern OIBe i 1011111 Block, Third Aau Agents for WANTED. chaps to the fact that the Prince Call the Pony Express for wood Phone 4S4 McCLARY FURNACES WANTED Delivery boy, Arply L 0&f0kfif &4sfS 0040 J 0i0 O&s Practical sheet metal man. Rupert fisheries possess all the cut in stove lengths or 4 feet. Bakery. Opposito Board of Trade natural elements for a friendly Best household coal and general PLUMBING WANTED Two loggers, rigger bm Rooms 322 2nd Avenue rivalry with the old-established transfer. Piano moving our and men. Apply Williams k Msnsun. PHONI 340. Canadian fisheries on the Atlantic. specialty. Prices moderate. Phone Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS WANTED To buy a second nsnl Encyclopedia Brltannlca, AmerlcanM or Estimates Furnished Free. 301. II. W. Rogers. tf. (Late London, Eng., Conservatoire I'hone 5, 834 Second Avenue. NallonaL Apply Boi III. DslyJ; of Muale) H. O. CREW POSSESSES Night phones 57G , PUPIL OP LANSDOWNE OOTTILL WANTED Capable girl at once. Apply INTERESTING' RELIC SPECIAL FEATURES AT ruplla Taken for and Wuo 270 Mrs. W. E. Williams, tJ Borden Street, Prince Rupert Feed Co. THE SOLDIERS' CONCERT VIOLIN, PIANO, VI0LINCELLO and Tho right work, at tho right or phone Black til. HARMONY. time, and at the right price. tisoline WANTED Empty coal oil and Tho boys who have returned EXAMINATIONS cans, ft cents each. Rupert Marine Iron-works. from the front havo many little Under the auspices of tho Re Pupil Prepared for (lamination HAY, GRAIN, FEED, SEED8 Aaaoelatod Board, Vancouver, cntr souvenirs which they arc not in turned Soldiers' Association, thero Royal Oollego of Muelo, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 33 WANTED Woman for Hotel work. AppU AND FERTILIZERS the habit of displaying much In Hotel Central. "i will he an unique concert in the TERMS PHONE BLUE 278 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. public, H. O. Crew possesses one LOST WI HANDLI Weslholmo Theatre this evening. of the most remarkable of these Bulbs, and Take Orders for in tho of "deathshead" Tho hoys have been rehearsing SKEIN A LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OP LOST Watch, gold-filled. tT Return Jewel CW shaps a COAST, RANGE THREE Transfer and Storage Initials f. L. i. on case. Nursery Stock. finger ring which was taken from for the event and there will bo News omce. J BEST LUMP A NUT COAL Chicken Feed A Specialty. tho finger ofa dead ofllcer of the? some surprises, in tho way of TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph FOR 8ALE Dcale, acting as agent for the Empire Kaiser' Deathshead Hussars. On mimic warfare. Thero will bo Pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of Swanson NO LONG WAITS FOR SALE CHEAP Single comb nj Mall Ordtr Promptly AtUnOod To. joining this famous regiment,. representation of trench warfare Bey, D. C, occupation logger. Intend to MO SHORT WEIGHTS brown leghorn hens and pullets. o-B.C. apply ror permission to lease the following to II. Strlethorst. Spllter River T P. O. Stoi 833. 90S Third At. each ofllcer Is given ono of those by tho man who havo actually described lands: When You Order from Us. m'V rings, which are made of metal taken part in it. The proceeds Commencing at a post planted on the machinery, PRINCE RUPERT, B. O. south ahore of the lagoon at the end of FOR SALE Carload...mining taken from captured from j itt ewlitmlt Dtrs guns will bo devoted to a fund for tho the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one eluding 17 inacnme urn... w the French years ago, Tho, ring taking care of returned soldiers and one half miles in a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. drill.steel. sleam flttlngs, etc rrorn the N.W. corner or T. L. m6, SOS, it.) Dally News has a grinning skull as a centre who havo not been able to obtain thence (Section 1 1 6001'., south to chains, thence NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the AKERBERG, THOMSON pieco .which is Hanked on cither work and tho object needs no west 40 chains, thence north to chains first day ot December next, application will more or lesa to shore line, thence follow. be made to the Superintendent of Provincial sido by the crossbones. J.L.HICKEY COMPANY recommendation to tho pcoplo on Ing shore line In an easterly direction to rollce for renewal of the hotel whose behalf those boys have point of commencement. licence to sell liquor by retail In tbe hotel Agents for LUMBERMEN WANTED FRANCIS JOSEPH DEALE, Applicant. known as the I'lne Tree Hotel, situate at CONTRACTOR A BUILDER "FRISCO IMPERIAL," "PALMER, risked all. Tho concert should be October Hlb, 1BI. jje Discovery, In the Province or British Columbia. "FISHERMAN." "FIRRO" AND supported as a worthy cause "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. Tho Dritisli army requires lum Dated this 1 0il) day or October, IB 16. Btoro nn.l Olllco Fixture, while those who attend 'as PHONE S2S. her just much it arc CLARENCE MAIIMADUKE SANDS, and as as requires Sash. Door Molding surcd of a first-rate entertain Nov. it. Applicant. munitions and thero are many FOR RENT Oak and Unrd Wood of rnont. Ales M. Maoaon. U.K. CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT men in Canada who can do their W. E. Williams, U.A, L.L.B kinds. ATTENTION VOTERS share for the Empire by enlisting Modern o roomed bouse close In WILLIAMS A MANSON We Specialize In making Persons who bold loti under agreements, DR. CADE HAD ROUGH ftp aaslrnment at iffreemftnt mutt male. in the Forestry Battalions. Sergt. 3rd Avenue, 3 bedrooms. Barristers, Solicitors, Elo. and fitting storm windows, EXPERIENCE YESTERDAY .6 roomed flat IniT Ave. Modern, a declaration riving particular! of their Blokes is at' tho Red Cross ' size. rooms ft roomed cottage No. 103ft tin MONEY TO LOAN any title, before tbe Uit day of November, Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec 7. Boa 1MI and Glass Any person Deflecting to take auch de recruiting for a new "Forestry Pr.Tado had rather an exciting Plate and Sheei Collage partly furnished close In llelgrrson Block Prior Rupert. B. L rlaratlon will not be entered on tbe votera' Battalion and teamster, lut. blacksmiths, (uporienco yesterday nfternoon tnd Avenue, ft rooms and bath. Glazing. Cottage No. 871 Summit Ave. 6th 8t. It la Impossible lor me to aicertain. tbe chaffeurs, sawyers, filers, wlion hisaautomobile turned turtle large rooms. Bath. Corner Fraser and names of agreement bolder unleaa tbey edgemen, fellers, laborers and Furnished cottage No. 337 tth Ave. opintsito the Norfolk Rooms come In personally. an ' GREEN 269 It will greatly facilitate matten If per- anyone having a, knowledge of E., Near school in section ft. PHONE Fulton Street. Thero Is a sharp ft roomed Oat oppoalte school In Stuart J. Martin p. O. BOX aona wishing to make declaration bring lumbering will ho welcomed to Section 6. Bath. tbelr agreements, ao that I may Imped turn at this point and tho doctor's them and tbua prevent error!. the ranks. tf. McMordlo Apt!. 3 room! and bath. Reference to old votera' llata aatliflea car, in taking tho corner, skidded 4 roomed cottage No. tot tth Ave. E. ASSAYErt me that only email proportion of agree struck tho guard rail and Hopped ft roomed collage No. tto lib Ave. E. tiirnt holder! bave registered In paat Cottage at corner Oreen and Seventh HAZELTON B. O. B. C. UNDERTAKERS yeera. Tbla, I believe, baa happened be right over on its top. Passers-by Ave. a rooms. Near school. cauae people wrongly think their namea feared that he was seriously hurt If Your House I vacant List It with will be Inaerted without any action on U. W can fill It for You. M tbelr part. I therefore call ipeelal at ffYEAS"rl hut ho crawled nut none tho worso WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE Tho oldest established Assay .ALIRS-iT.rOT.ON DAT WO " trillion to the neceaalty of agreemepl The car will probably require H. Q. HELQERSON, LTD Office In the North, .NTE.D-0F.N bolder! making declaration!. lit f ND ITnan HIED PETERS, City Clerk. new top and mud-guards. 4n'