JUS DAJLLt Thursday, November 0, l98i Local Neios Notes , CARBONVOID for sale by Llp-sctl & Cunningham, and Parkin-Ward far ri,Uaskrat.WoWes,Waits Weasel, Mhik.Lru. rcr,I liht r,a4 other iv Bearer collect 1 la rut avctloa Electric Co. If. votin pirns direct nhobfri tartest Ship tie Werli slh.g esetaimrr ra ROITB AMEtKil Raw rCS THOSE WHO, FROM TIME TO TIME, HAVE FUNDS REQUIRING safe Pur lloase with an cnblemlr.hed reliable- rmpontlbla rep station axhtioa for"mora than a third of a century." a Ion auo- Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Baintcr have INVESTMENT, MAY PURCHASE AT PAR cmfulrrartlofetidlnIr8hlpPni'roniPt.8ATISPACTOKY JK mm- i I ANU IKOFITAW.R returns. Write I or"Cot ! frstmr returned from a hunting trip to iaoourrMuiaarcnraianiarKi report ana prir u yumimoq. DOMINION OF CANADA DEBENTURE Vrl fw lr-NOW-fr PRBB the Hocstall River. STOCK A.B.SHUBERT,Inc. K"Mt IN SUMS OP $500 OR ANY MULTIPLE THEREOF. O O A L Favorite Ladysm llh Wellington lump and nut, best'ro-sults. Principal repayable 1st October, 1919. IF RETURNED SOLDIERS' CONCERT Phone 15. P.R.C. Co. tf. Interest payable half-yearly, 1st April and,lit October by cheque (free UNION TRANSFER C0 WAS GREAT SUCCESS of exchange at any chartered Bank in Canada) at the rate of five per cent Mrs. Eraser and daughter, of per annum from the date of purchase. (Continued From rage One.) Lome Creek, were in the city yes Holders of this stock will have the privilege of surrendering at par and Solicits your Hauling and Alice Arm. accrued interest, as the equivalent of cash, in payment of any allotment Coal Orders wondering why tho something or terday en route for made under any future war loan issue in Canada other than an issue of Treasury Bills or other like short date security other they could not have strawberry A. M. Tyson, Inspector of In Proceeds of this stock are for war purposes'only.t Prompt attention Jam. Speaking of Jam, dian agencies, has returned to the1 A commission of one-quarter of one per cent will be allowed to recognized and careful delivery Sergt. Neville described how the city nfter visiting outlying agencies. bond and stock brokers on allotments made in respect of applications for this stock which bear their stamp. given to all first hand grenade was made from For application forms apply to the Deputy Minister of Finance, Ottawa. old filled with orders, either large an jam can pieces The ladles of tho Catholic DEPARTMENT Of FINANCE. OTTAWA, or small. of stone and glass and then went OCTOBKR 7th. 1916. on to describe the latest-model, Church will hold a salo of work invented by a sergeant of tho 42nd and whist drive on December BEST QUALITY COAL which contains 14th. 102. Highlanders, a and CLOSE PRICES new high explosive and is effective William Lane, of Sptller River, PHONE 57. at 300 yards. The first was the Ferestry Battalion has Joined called tho "Tommy Tickler," bo- and will leavo for the south cause its coat was a Tickler's jam can. Tho piece went with a swing shortly. Sheet Metal Work which was delightful, the boys Alex. McKcjiztc, a well known breaking out spontaneously into old timer of Prince Rupert, has Now is the time to have songs of the trenches, their own your heating plant put in gone to Bruce County, Ontario, to particular ditty being "We're the shape for the winter; roofs try a spell of farming. and skylights seen to. boys from the west of Canada, and In such cases consult a a province they call is. o. ana The brass casing of a French practical man If you want winding up with a trench version six-inch shell did duty for a results. of "Tipperary." Pte. Clif. Breth-our warning gong in tho trenches at C. 0. Rowe gave a demonstration of the the returned soldiers' concert last "Trench Tango" and Pte. Jack Practical sheet metal man. night. Bradbury seemed to be playing Opposite Doard of Trade his accompaniment with his back Tho Alice Arm property men Rooms 322 2nd Avenue against the pillar at the side of tioned In the News of Tuesday as H PHONE 940. the stage. containing 30 per cent, antimony Estimates Furnished Free. "with" "oh'THK After Sergt. Neville had ex is that of Gus Carlson, Harry fscpons groceries eBHcB rxx for one package Gold Bond Soap. 2p$$$$$HM plained tho advantages of the Mann's claims showing galena Lec-Enflcld rifle, which is now and high-grade copper. Prince Feed Co. Rupert used by all the British troops, the Call the Pony Express for wood company lined up for the "Gen eral Salute," Bugler Hinckley cut In stove lengths or 4 feet. HAY, GRAIN, "FEED, SEEDS and general Best household coal playing the salute and the boys AND FERTILIZERS standing at the salute while the transfer. Piano moving our audience stood and sang the specially. Prices moderate. Phone WE HANDLE National Anthem, bringing to a 301, R. W. Rogers. tf, P0000000000 Bulbs, and Take Orders for close of the finest one perform Nursery Stock. ances ever staged in the city. Andrew's The Sans Society of England will and give St.a DENTISTRY STEEN & L0NGW1LL "Ik Daily News" The highest credit is due to the Chicken Feed A Specialty. Hall in the Mclntyre on smoker CROWN AND BRIDOE WO soldiers and to those who so ably CLASSIFIED ADS. Friday evening. There will be a A SPECIALTY SANITARY AND HEATING all Ordara Pram pt If Attenaed To. assisted them in out carrying number of visitors present and a DR. J. 8. BROWN ENGINEERS 00000000000000000000 " P. O. Box 333. SOS Third Ave. their program. The management oily evening is anticipated. DENTIST of the Wcstholme Theatre regret Daeei Baa It h Block. Thin Aveau Agents for WANTED. PRINCE RUPERT, B. C. exceedingly that they were unable All members of Sons of England Phoaa S4 McCLARY FURNACES WANTED Delivery boy. Apply t tu to screen tho war pictures, which and St. Andrew's Society turn up Bakery. had bean specially reserved for to welcome our visitors at smoker PLUMBING WANTED Two logger, rirting snd boon men. Apply Williams It minus. j WANTED this occasion, owing to the fact as arranged. Friday 8 sharp. Mc and Harry A. Harvey SHEET METAL WORKS WANTED To buy a second bind "I that the flags draping the ceiling lntyre Hall. Returned soldiers Encyclopedia Brltannlca. Amerlcsnui or Experienced Bridge men. penetrated the rays from the cordially invited. (Lata London,of Muale)Eng., Conetrvalolre Phono 5, 834 Second Avenue. National. Apply Bos III. DstlJ Track Tracklayers and Night phones 570 General men,Construction Laborers operating machine and deflected PUPIL OF LANSDOWNE COTTELL WANTED Capable girl or mothers belp, Mrs. Briggs and baby arrived and Tilue 270 II. Orme. I" at once. Apply Mrs. C. to join the 239th Bat. them from the screen. Pupils Taken for talion, Overseas Railway from Hamilton, Out., on the de VIOLIN. PIANO, VIOUNCELLO and The right work, at the right Fourth Ave., West. Phone I " Construction Corps. HARMONY. time, and at the right price. wort. bouse general layed train from the east thi WANTED Girl for Drafts leaving Vancouver, Mr. and Mrs. C. A. G. Arm EXAMINATIONS I. Apply Mrs. Dtvldjon. EmiurrJou Ll' B. C., for Valcartier, P. Q morning. Mrs. Briggs will visit Pupils Prepared for Eiamlnatlons Fifth Avenue. f- weekly. strong and family returned early Associated Board, Vancouver, Center with her father and Mr Be attested and forward this morning from the east. Mrs. mother, Royal College of Muale, London, Eng. PHONE 93 P. O. BOX 38 WANTED Empty coal oil snd r"M papers to Vancouver, and and Mrs. George Hardy, while her cans. 6 cents each. Rupert Msrln transportation will be arranged Armstrong and the children have TERMS PHONE BLUE 273 PACIFIC CARTAGE, LTD. works. T." at husband is on active service over once. been in Marquette, Mich, for some ApplJ Send all communications seas. WANTED Woman for Hotel work. to: Olllcer commanding, time and Mr. Armstrong met them L Hotel Central. !!. SEEENA LAND DISTRICT DISTRICT OF 239th Battalion, 0. E. F. Transfer and Storage in Winnipeg. Mrs. Armstrong RANGE THREE COAST, 175 Cordova St., VV. E. II. Maynard, one of the first LOST Vancouver, B. C, found the eastern climato trying contingent from hero who was BEST LUMP A NUT COAL 17 Jewel TAKE notice that I, Francis Joseph LOST Watch, gold-filled. EllJ"-Initials after the milder weather on the sent home as unfit for servico as Deale, acting as agent for tbe Empire V. U J. on case. Mun coast and Is delighted to bo back a result of wounds, has joined tho Pulp and Taper Mills, Ltd., of Swanson NO LONG WAITS News cilice. . Day, B. C, occupation logger. Intend to again in Prince Rupert. NO SHORT WEIGHT8 FOR SALE AKERBERG, THOMSON Forestry Battalion and will spend apply for permission to lease the following a month recruiting In this dis described lands: When You Order from Us. comb whiw j Commencing at a post planted on tho Fon SALE CHEAP Single COMPANY NEW HAZELTON TO trict before proceeding to head south shore of the lagoon at the end of brown leghorn neu and pullets. f-J n HAVE ELECTRIC LIGHT quarters. the East Arm of Mussel Inlet, about one to II. Strlethorst. Splller River Agents for and one half miles In a westerly direction LIQUOR ACT, 1910. U. a "FRISCO IMPERIAL." "PALMER," from the N.W. corner of T. L. 4114ft. SOS. (Section 1.) rnactiioerr. "FISHERMAN," "FERRO" AND New Hazelton is about to get Rev. Leonard Dawson, the head ItftOOP., thence south SO chains, thrnce NOTICE Is hereby given thst, on the FOIl SALE Carload machine mining drills, column W "CLAY" OAS ENGINES. an electric light service. Local of St. George's School at Lyllon west 40 chains, thence north to chains first day ot December neit, application will drill-steel,eluding 17 stcam-nitlog, tic PHONE 526. more or less to shore line, thence following be made to the Superintendent of Provincial parties, headed by F. C, McKin is in tho city. This institution shore line In an easterly direction to Police for renewtl of the hotel Dally News. rion, propose to develop the water was founded by Mr.. Dawson six point Fit of AN commencement.CIS JOSEPH BEALE, Applicant. licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel r000000,M'0000 known as the Pine Tree Hotel, sltuste at CITY OF PRINCE RUPERT in Mission Creek at a point in teen years ago. Mr. Dawson has October Is lb, 1918. ;.6 Discovery, In the Province of British Columbia. New Hazelton known as the falls, about seventy boys from tho north J.L.HICKEY ATTENTION VOTERS Dated this 10th day or Octobor, 19i. Persons who bold lota under agreements, jiiMt south of flve-mlle. A sufll in his charge and has been north CLARENCE MARMADUk'E SANDS, BUILDER a or declaration assignment giving or agreement particular must of make their cient supply of power can bo had visiting tho parents of some of FOR RENT Nov. 19. Applicant. CONTRACTOR A title, before the last day of November, to light a good-sized town and them. Ales M. Hanson. A.A. Fixture. Any person neglecting to take such de-titration W. I. Williams, D.A- L.L.H Storo and Olllco will not be entered on the voters' also to supply sufficient energy MoIcllnK- Modern 6 roomed house close in WILLIAMS A MANSON Sanh, 111. for some Industrial LUMBERMEN WANTED enterprizes. of an 3rd Avenue, 3 bedrooms, Woods II la lmponible for me to ascertain tbe Barristers, Solicitors,, Eto. Oak and Hard namei of agreement holders unless they Tho development of this water o roomed flat tnd Ave. Modern, t Tho British requires lum ft roomed cottage No. I03t 9th MONET TO LOAN , kinds. come In personally. will bo welcomed all in army power by Ave., E. Near drydock. Sec. 7, Boi ISSI In mUnfl It will rreaily facilitate matters If We Specialise wlshlnr to make declaration bring persona tcresled in the welfare of the ber just as much as it requires Collate partly furnished close In lltirrrson Block Prior Rupert. B. C windows, nd Avenue, t rooms and bath. and fitting storm their agreements, so that 1 rosy Inspect community. Omineca Herald. munitions and there aro many Cottage No. S7I Summit Ave, 4 a1 them and thus prevent errors. men in Canada who can do their large rooms. Bath. any sin. Kererence to old voters' lists satisfies Ol.ss that small of share for the Empire by enlisting Furnished cottage No. 137 Sth Ave. Plate and Sheet me only proportion agree. When you think of shoos, think Near ' E., school In section ft. rnent ears. holders This, I bave believe,registered has happened In past be of Wallace's. 203 In the Forestry Battalions, Sergt t roomed flat opposite school In Stuart J. Martin Glazing.and CthJU; csuse people wrongly think their names Stokes is at the Red Cross rooms Seetlon ft. Bath. Corner Fraser MeNordie Apts. 3 rooms and bath. will be Inserted without any action on their part. I therefore call special at recruiting for a new Forestry 4 roomed cottage No. 109 9 tb Ave. E. A88AYEH PHONE GREEN 29 tuition to the necessity of agreement Ilattallou and blacksmiths, team t roomed cottage No. no Sth Ave. E. O. BOA C. UNDERTAKERS Cottage at corner Oreen and Seventh p. holdera making declsratlons. HAZELTON B. O. FIlED PETEns. City Clerk. J sters, chaffeurs, sawyers, fliers Ave. A rooms. Near school. If Vour House la vacant List It with IB. I edgemen, fellers, laborers am OIlrCOTOM AND IM- Us. We can nil it for You. FOR SUBSCRIBE FOR SATISFACTION UAn- I anyone having a knowledge of WE WRITE FIRE INSURANCE The oldest established Assay SUBSCRIBE OPEN DAY AND NIGHT I lumbering will bo welcomed to H. Q. HELQER30N, LTD North. I Office In the IND STREET PHONE 41 News The Daily News tho ranks, tf The Daily ; a