Pert ent ease Seeeaeetene rhea ee-meeninsitiirtienrersiiettion ersaminn esiinrnntae saitretene DIR FROM THE LOOM TO THE PURCHASER Ireland’s Best Linens Table Cloths................ from $1.15 Table Napkins........... per doz. 1.50 Tray. Clothes iis RK from .56 Carving Napkins........... from .90 Fish Napkins...... ..... per doz, Fringe Doyles........... per doz. Linen SHOAIB o ss ive ien 6 per pair ‘* Hemstitched.. sia Pillow Oovera....6. ese each Liren RUWON baie. chen per doz. es Hemstitched $8 3% Re SPONGY. ve cats o Baby Towels.............. nts Huckaback Towels........ Bath Towels. .............. each Bedspreads.................. v Toilet Covers. ...........045. ‘ Sideboard Covers............ Hemstitched Mats........... re Tray Cloths... ag Tea Cloths..... Le Toilet Covers. .. uy Sideboard Covers Embroid. Tea Cloths......... oe Toilet Covers...... aa Sideboard Cloths. . ag Tray Cloths....... Night Dress Cases........... Brush and Comb Cases...... Cushion Cases............... Toilet Sets, 4 pieces......... IG ORO ee ee oe ve PRINTED COTTON HANDKERCHIEFS Suitable for Children. 25c per doz. ADDRESS: Walpoles IRISH LINENS 44F Bedford Street, BELFAST, IRELAND Illustrated Catalogue on receipt of postcard toe Walpoles, 173 Huron St. Toronto 0 | | Gentlemen ’s, 231-2 ins. sq. ECT HEMSTITCHED LINEN CAMBRIC Prices per dozen Ladies’, 18 ins. square............ .73 Ladies’, 15 1-2 ins, aq............. Ladies’, 16 1-2 ins, eq............. 1.12 Ladies’, 17 1-2 ins. sq............. 1. 12 | Gentlemen’ 8 19 ins, Bq. ........... | Gentlemen’s, 201-2 ins. sq........ GOLDEN FLAX HEMSTITCHED Ladies’, AO AOE MOH i's secu Cove 1. 63 Ladies’, 15 1-2 ins, sq............. Ladies’, 17 1-2 ing, sq.....2....... SILVER SHEEN TRANSPARENT TOG (LETS ON 7s os 088 Gos ak 1.37 Lsees’ 518 Wise WO ee. es ea 1. 87 Ladies’, 15 1-2 ins, OG. ee eee ts 2.38 Gentlemen’s, 20 1-2 ins. sq........ 4.00 BORDERED LINEN CAMBRIC Ladies” Bike bs asd ves 8 vaya oe ve Gentiemen’s Size................, HAND EMBROIDERED INITIAL 13 ins, sq., 1-4 in, hem............ 1.6 i4 ins, sq., 3-8 in. hem............ 1.50 16 ins, sq., 1-2 in. hem............ 1.88 20 ins. sq., 1 in. hem,............. 2.50 EMBROIDERED SCALLOPED BORDERED Prices: each 26e., 38¢., 50c., 62c., GET IN NOW AND GET IN RIGHT SECTION ONE Lots Block 6-7-9-10 19 1-2-3-4-5-6 19 9-10 20 22 = 34 21- 84 1-2 27 W. Second Avenue The following properties will be sold en block, or separately and on easy terms. SECTION CNE For prices, terms and particulars, apply to S. BENSON, SECTION ONE 42-48 SECTION FIVE Block Lots 9 22 18 22-23 Lots 3-4 15-16 19-20 37-38 42 9-10 27 AGENT Atlantic Realty & Improvement Co., Ltd. Phone 214 Royal Bank of Canada HEAD OFFICE: MONTREAL, Capital, Surplus, Total Assets, $92,500,000 Savings Benk Department, $1 wi!l open an account. Branches throughout Canada and Banking Connections with all parts of the United States. Agents throughout the world. H. P. WILSON, Manager, Prince Rupert Branch. ESTABLISHED 1869, $6,200,000 $7,200,000 The Chris iansen-Brandt Co. Real Estate and Insurance We have some good buys in City Property. ur Farm Lands proposition along the G, T. P. are worth investigating. Come and see us or write us before buying elsewhere. MUSSALLEM t++1+eGood | Fresh Groceries _ at City Prices..... LET US HAVE YOUR NEXT ORDER WE WE SAVE PADD nr To Residents of Sections 5, 6, our goods are fresh, at prices not to be beaten in the city Telephone __ ‘RANDLE ONLY THE BEST, “YOU os US AND SEE WHY. -: -: = ze MUSSALLEM & (0, stan ou a nen & COMPANY MONEY. TRY 7 and 8--We deliver promptly, 7) OL ING ., MODERN SCIENTIFIC WAY OF CLEARING STUMPS The char-pit method of clearing land is still meeting with favor in the states to the south and especial- ly in Washington and Oregon. The plan is being very generally 5 {adopted and for the guidance of those who have not yet used it a circular has been issued by the Portland Commercial Club giving particulars of tests made near Chehalis, Washington, under the supervision of the Citizens’ Club. The method will be of interest to settlers in our own district who have to face the problem of stump- clearing: This method applies economical- ly to stumps above one foot in diameter—the smaller stumps can be removed quicker by pulling with horse and capstan, or donkey engine, where such power is avail- able. Preparing the Stumps In tests of char-pitting, all bark was removed from the stumps for a height of about two feet above the ground. Enough dry kindling wood was gathered from the ground The Char-Pit Method Clears Than Fifty Cents a Stump and Enriches the Land in the Process—Useful Informa- tion for Intending Settlers THE DAILY NEWS Big Stumps for Less hoes mye ee ee EMPLOYMENT OFFICE : : FRE For all kinds of help, cooks, waiters, dishwashers, hotel por- ters, all kinds of laborers or me- chanics, cail up Phone No. 178 or call at the Grand Hotel Free Employment Office Chis well-known gasolin MOORE LIGHT The Light that Rivals the Sun, Local business men recommend it. © light is sold exclusively by A. T. PARKIN & CO. Headquarters for cooks & waiters Mr. McCutcheon’s farm is about a mile from Mr, Dupertuis’ on the north side of the Chehalis river. Enough data has been obtained to fully establish these {acts con- Building Material, cerning the char-pit method of clearing logged off lands wherever soil conditions are favorable. Good for the Soil (¢ First: The economy of the method, which can be conducted without high priced labor and at seasons when other farm work is Hair-fibre Plaster, Coke, Blacksmith See Us for Prices. ROGERS & BLACK WHOLESALE DEALERS IN— Cement, Lime, Coal, Common Brick, Pressed Brick hingles, Lath, New Wellington Coal ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED Phone No. 116) not heavy, or can be done at all seasons in connection with other farm work. Second: The char-pit leaves the surface of the ground practically undisturbed, and pre- method Phone No. 200 P.O, FRANK D. KEELEY WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DRUGGIST Box 5 PRINCE RUPERT, B. C, pares highly fertilized seed beds bbb bh bb hd bbb hh bb hb hob for grains, root crops, fruit trees end grasses. Extensive investigations lead to that while nearly logged off the conclusion every tract ot presents some different features, a land a i i i i i i i a a a W. J. McCUTCHEON Carries complete stock of Drugs. Special attention paid to filling prescriptions. Theatre Biock Puone No. 79 Second Ave. sensible adaptation of the follow- ing three approved methods will]* accomplish their clearing at mini- and down logs to form a ring six to eight inches in thickness en- tirely around stumps was placed, it was closely covered with clods and thick flakes of clay about a foot wide, for igniting the kindling. While the kindling first stump was getting thoroughly | ignited, other stumps were sim-| ‘ larly prepared and the kindling | red. Making the Char-Pit After the kindling got thorough- | ly burning, the one foot opening | was also cevered with earth to drive the fire around the entire ring of kindling like a charcoal pit. When the rising smoke indi- cated that the kindling around the stump was well lighted, additional dirt was placed closely around the stump to keep all the heat inside the casing of earth. None of the heat escaping, the fire grows hotter from the burning stump and_ slowly the stump. Tall stumps will burn entirely off just above the earth casing, and such crowns can be readily burned up in log heaps. Burn to the Roots The beds of coal left where the crown burned off should be covered closely with additional earth and all roots that are exposed above ground should also be similarly covered with from four to inches of earth, and the fire follow roots to their ends below ploughing depth. The first day of the tests two men prepared and fired thirty-two large stumps. The second day they examined the thirty-two burn- ing stumps and added dirt to the banking where necessary, and pre- pared and fired twenty-six more stumps; the third day, twenty- four stumps; and the fourth day, eighteen stumps—a total of one hundred stumps. Every day they visited burning stumps and _ pre- pared and fired more stumps. Fifty Cents a Stump Data was computed on the pre- paring—firing and tending---of one hundred stumps kept burinng con- tinuously at an average cost of less than fifty cents per stump. only labor and five cents’ worth of matches being used. These one hundred stumps averaged 46 inches in diameter at the base, by actual measurement, | These tests on Mr, Dupertuis’ land were made on a shot clay soil, on the hill land of the south side of the Chehalis river, about ‘one mile from the Adna station on the Northern Pacific Railway. Did Even Better wood on destroys six will clear Reliable information of still low- The Daily News <2" 22" 50c PER MONTH | eived from Mr, J. W. McCutcheon, also of Anda who reports clearing | off two hundred stunips at a net cost of seventy dollars, an average where bark! had been removed. After kindling | |where economy dug near the stump with a farm} shovel, only leaving a small sapce, 'de- and donkey engine, jmust be cleared quickly, | occasionally mum cost and effort: Three Methods of Clearing First By char-pit method, | 1s} | ri | and not time the important factor. LINDSAY’ CARTAGE and| STORAGE G. T. P. Transfer Agents Oreers promptly filied, Prices reasonable. IFTICE—H. B. Rochester, Centre St. Phone 6, R. G. Hulbert, Vancouver. B.C. FOR SALE Section 1, Block 14 Section 6, Lot 8, Block 19, Lat 2i, D,Ap-30 Georgetown Sawmill Co. Ltd. Lumber and Mouldings A large stock of dry finish- ing lumber on hand. Boat lumber a specialty. Delivery made at short notice. Our prices are as low as any. Call on us before ordering. OFFICE: | Cor Centre St. and First Ave. Windsor Hotel FIRST AVENUE AT EIGHTH STREET By skilled use of pow- where land! Second: Where land to be cleared | with | Third: is second growth slashing, stumps four to fourteen inches in numbers, diameter in great can best be cleared with a good! Reilly’s Bakery Lunch | they Cor. 2nd Ave. and 6th Street Empress Theatre Basement | horse-power capstan with wire ca- bles, chokers, etc., which can be| | bought complete for two hundred jdollars. If larger stumps are} they pulled, owner met, can be and or the blown to pieces char-pitted, desire. as may If YOU store, and were lot of real buying opportunities to peo- ple, you’d want to TELL EVERY- were running a able to offer a Newly Furnished and Steam Heated Rooms A FIRST CLASS BAR AND DINING ROOM IN CONNECTION 50 CENTS AND UP TO GUESTS RATES BATHS FREE ROBT. ASHLAND P.O. BOX 37 Raa rs a MONROE ap “ Gorn F 8T.7-N 8 at mn tT Te BODY about them Well, that’s the way today’s Daily News woulda't you? most of advertisers feel, too! aimless “‘looking ar- “likely the Eliminate answering Rent ound” by some looking’ For ads. in Daily News W. L. BARKER Architect Second avenue and Third street Over Westenhaver Bros.’ Office. MUNRO & LAILEY Architects, Stork Building, Second Avenue. STUART & STEWART ACCOUNTANTS -:- AUDITORS Law-Butler Bullding Phone No. 280 Prince Rupert P.O, Box 351 C. V. BENNETT, B.A. of B.C., Ontario, Sas- | katchewan and Al- berta Bars. CARSS & BENNETT BARRISTERS, NOTARIES, Etc. Office— Exchange block, corner Third avenue and Sixth street. Prince Rupert, 5 ALFRED CARSS, of British Colurnbia and Manitoba Bars. | WM. 8. HALL, L.D.8., D. D.8. DENTIST. Crown and Bridge Work a Specialty. All dental operations skilfully treated. Gas and | loca! anasthe* cs administered for the pelniess ex- traction of teeth. Consultation free. Offices: Helgerson Block, Prince Rupert, ii-12 aaa ot HANDASYDE B& HURT AGENTS FOR STEEL, MACHINERY «AND CONTRACTORS SUPPLIES... P. O. Box 436 - Office 3rd and Fulton | P, 0. BOX 28 PRINCE RUPERT JOHN E. DAVEY TEACHER OF SINGING | LON., ENG, | | | | } | PUPIL OF WM. FOXON, BSQ., A.K.A.M,,” GEORGE LEEK MERCANTILE AGENCY COLLECTIONS AND REPORTS SIXTH STREET | Alex.M.Manson B.A.,, W.E.Williams,s.A,, L.L.D WILLIAMS & MANSON Barristers, Solicitors, ete. i only thirty-tive certs per stump. Box 285 Prince Rupert, B.C, PRINCE RUPERT | 1 E. EBY © Co. RFAL ESTATE Kitsumkalum Land For Sale KITSUMKALUM . . B. C OD Prince Rupert Lodge, 1.0.0.F. NO. 63 Meets in the Helgerson Block Every Tuesday Evening All members of the order in the city are requested to visit the lodge. G. 8S. JOHNSTONE, N.G. | H, MORTON, Secretary. | F. W. HART UNDERTAKER & EMBALMER STOCK COMPLETE Little’ $ _NEWS Agency : Periodicals :: TOBACCOS G.T.P, WHARF | Magazines CIGA RS Newspapers FRUITS “PRINCE RUPERT WAREHOUSING AND | FORWARDING COMPANY | First Ave. Near McBride | | Forwarding, Distributing and Shipping Agents, Storage of Baggage and House- | hold Goods a Specialty. | AT LOWEST RATES Since talieniiiadlitasimasiiidh |Douglas Sutherland, Mgr. | | P, O. Box 907 Phone 262 PPPPEPr ry rrr BOWLIN 4 Alleys, 7 “ables. BILLIARDS and POOL A good exer- Ladies every afternoon Newman Block, be- tween 6th and 7th Sts. TED MOKRKISON, Proprietor and Manager cise, A clean sport, F. M. DAVIS | Third Ave. - | Improvements, .. J AT DAYIS BOAT HOUSE General Machine Shop and Ship's Carpentering. Also agents for Fair- banks-Morse and Knox Gasoline Engines. Gasoline Engines and Ac cessories carried in stock. Launcher and Boats for Hire N.E. end of Wharf Electric Wiring Supplies A. T. Parkin & Co. Centre Street. ELECTRICAL FIXTURES ELECTRIC WIRING IN BOTH PRIVATE AND BUSINESS HOUSES Work performed by experts only, A first class job is guaranteed in every instance, A large stock of Chandeliers and Fittings carried, - Electrican Near Sixth H. W. Blakely New Knox Hotel BESNER & BES |The New Knox Hotel is runon the European plan, First-class service. NER, [Proprietors | BEDS Se UP FIRST AVENUE, PRINCE RUPERT $1 erent mermemereeetiet | Northern Produce Co’y. WHOLESALE PROVISIONS, FRUITS and VEGETABLES Send for our Weekly Price List PROMPT ATTENTION GIVEN SHIPPING ORDERS Phone 151 - Phone 151 , re eee eee All the Latest Modern | Se 191) The Bank of British North Ameria 75 Years in Business Capital and Keserve Over 57 300, Business Men’s Banking Money advanced to finay € you business. 3 Local and foreign I; and sold. Notes discounted promptly made, Letters of Credit, M and Telegraph Trai payable in all the leadi of the world, Prince Rupert Branch F. S. LONG, Manager, Universal Favorite Represents the Range constr FOR SALI The Thompson Hardy art O ee OE Fee a ee ee m™ Royal Hote Cor. Third Avenne and Sint Corley & Burgess, Prom cee ere PRINCE. RUPERT AN ANNEX Owned and Grand Trunk Pa the American and ! Excellently fur steam heat, ele modern convenic lutely first-class The equal to ar appointms« are coast, Rates: $1 to $3.50 per a Manage G. A. Sweet, UNION 5,5. COMPANY OF YR The new steel Pa “Camosit leavé Prince Rupert eve" at 9 a.m, for Vane arriving Monday alté ‘For Stewart City 0” | t night. ‘Northbound, leaves | ver Wednesd:} Steerage Fare lt he ‘*Camosun’’ is the on the run having W@" | heads and doubl suring safety of | i of collision or wr J. Hi, Rogers, Ticket from Vancouve! "HR SO eeeeoees 2 SONS rere ere oe Cee ene e wa oe 6 wae hue ere en cers ere eee Ce Cee eee EHO STO Se Ste etee