A& bKVLl HEWS Tuesday, Nov, ,l,c,. " essaaaaBBBaai 1916. NOTES AND COMMENTS The Daily News WHEN BUYINGYEAST INSIST ON HAVING Tho Bowser press in Vancouver THE :ADINC NEWSPAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA order to THIS PACKAGE and Victoria, In Published Dally WWlf Guaranteed Largsst Circulation creato tho Impression that M, A. Macdonald is seriously Involved 11 MAD OFFICE in tho byolectlon scandal, keeps Daily News UulldlnKt 3rd Ave, Prince llupcrl, II.C. Telephone 88. 1 repeating that tho sonlor member lilANHII.M DISI'LAY ADVERTISING AO cents pi r lli.th r.ontracl for Vancouver has been left out ruloa Mi nuiHcaii(n. of tho cabinet. Browster refuses to bo drawn and simply .states DAILY EDITION jr 'Tuesday, Nov. 14, 1910. that ho shall announce his cabinet nt the proper time "KULTUR" Unfortunately, alongside, or That Cardiff peace meeting Professor Mucnslcrburg, n rather within, the growth of Heems to have ended In war M mm It f ri m.v.J I r,, j j r f it Oernmn-AmerJcan, recently de the. German nation, there was Those who organized the meeting scribed "kultur" as the sub n steadily growing desire for DECLINE SUBSTITUTES showed themselves to bo poor servience of individual inter ti wider sphere of national action. Judges of the public mind nt the wash ests to those of the state, and Germany's thinkers were -madamo l'eaco will JoerfocUy , its effort to dofeat Germany, ho present Juncture, went on to show that the eno accepted by the civilized world but that time is quite correct, but his inference come In good time, mies of Germany in Europe are as the greatest of the age; Germany's that this is on a par has not arrived yet. ! 9 ""common th,np; for the today struggling to attain to manufactures were in saleslady to with German "kultur" is far mcnt.on LUX to help her make a sale. So wid the slago of "kultur" necessary demand throughout the world; from being true, Tho British President Wilson is now described spread is the reputation of these dainty, little satiny to the defeating of Germany, Germany's ships plowed every as the most hated man soap wafers that almost rvorv r.i: pcoplo are united In order to knows about LUX. Ho draws particular attention sea, and Germany's commercial-political in Germany, yet ho is supposed If you don'Must M a pick" overthrow a growth which has age to-day. It shows the modern to-nfTairs in Great llritain, tho agents had their to have secured most of the washed silks, way to perfectly eaten Into tho very heart of .woollens, aces, lawns, crepe-oV homo of individualism, as n tentacles thrust into every Germany, and which threatened hyphenated vote. What would chines, etc., without rabbin. striking instance of a rapid cornfcr of the globe. The growing Berlin havo said had Hughes beiui to swallow up tho whole of growth of "kultur" at tho present sense of power was a Prussian elected? Europe, but, when that as bean lime. growth, foreign to the accomplished, the individualism In of German submarines, spite It is readily granted that nature of the Germans of tho of the British people will the Duke of Devonshire has made llritain has given more scope south. The Prussian ruled the EUX again come to the top. As a his safely across the Atlantic to the individual than any other nation. What was originally way result of their recent experience, of and is Governor-General European nation and that the a thirst for "kultur" gradually now they may bo more closely Canada. He should a "rights" of the individual have became a thirst for conquest. prove banded together, but it will be worthy successor to tho Duke off been held in almost sacred Germany, viewed from without, with no dreams of conquest, esteem; It is also true that was one of tho greatest forces Connaughl. Won't Shrink Woollens but that truth and liberty may individualism is today being in the world: viewed from within, have Britiih MU$, prevail. Sir Richard is supposed to f 1 f by made subservient to the state. a force sent from Heaven mailed tho certificates of the sol- V Ills? LBVBR BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO The state is, or has been, it to rule the world. liers' vote on November 0th, and V 4 br H aJ swot grave danger, and the individ What Mucnstcrburg describes THE MAILS that Bowser will resign when ual must be shown that, in order as the subservience of they arrive. Of course Micro may to retain.his individualism, the individual to the state, be German sub Fop tho East. a recount, or a ho must Join his fellows in a rapidly became the subservience Wednesday and Saturday, box marine may get them. In the FALL AND great effort to overthrow German the WINTER of rest of tho world closes 9:30 a. m. and Friday 3 event of the latter happening, militarism which seeks to to Germany. From the state a. m. would Bowser still remain in swallow up tndiviuual and being greater than the individual, SCHEDULES power? From th East. state together. it grew to be a dream Trains arrive and There is no denying the fact that Germany was greater than Tuesday LIQUOR ACT, 1910. S. 8. PRINCE QEORQE Thursday, 5:30 p. m. (Section 41.) For .Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle every that German "kultur" in its any other slate, and that all For th South. NOTICE Is hereby given that, on the Friday at 9 a. m. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midnight. early stages was looked upon other states must, in tho very first day or December neit, application will 8. S. PRINCE RUPERT Tuesday, 5 p. in. Boat sails at be made to the Superintendent of Pro For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway every Saturday as something good in itself. nature of become subservient things, 7 p. m. vincial Police for renewal of tbe hotel nt 1 2 noon. For Vancouver and all points south The banding the licence to sell liquor by retail In the hotel together of to Germany. every Wednesday at 9 a. m. Wednesday, 7 a. m. Boat sails known a tbe Northern Hotel, situate at pcpples of Germany Into a concrete German "kultur1 is a material Port Simpson, In the Province or Prltlsb PASSENGER TRAIN 8ERVICE at 0 a. m. Columbia. For Smllhere, Prince Oaorge, Jasptr, Edmonton, Saslatoon ant Winnipeg, nation was a splendid growth, backed up by connecting there for all points In Casttrn Canada and tltt Eutsrs Friday, 7 a. in. Boat sails at Dated this 7th day or October, 191 1. thing. As a result of this cohesion, sheer force. Along with the ERNEST WOOD RICHARDS, Applicant. an4 Southern Stalest laavta Prince Ruptrt every Wednesday and attur-day 9 a. m. at 1130 a. m. Mlisd train every Friday at B a. m. the German, people became materialistic teaching of the Saturday, Boat sails 0 p. m. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. one of the greatest commercial German thinkers, has grown up For information and reservations apply to Sunday, Boat sails 6 m. p. and industrial factors the militarist doctrine of Von WANTED City Ticket Office, 520 Third Avenue. PHONE 2M For Anyox. in the world. In their "kultur" Bernhardi and bis' like. The Wednesday, box closes 10 p. m. Experienced Bridge men. the Germans found themselves Prussians preached the doctrine Track men, Tracklayers and ! as a nation and the growth of of German supremacy to MINERAL ACT General Construction Laborers to Join the 23'Jtli Battalion, CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY their system has been one of such good purpose that the Overseas Hallway NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION. BELUS thexmost amazing things Qf the whole nation became absorbed Construction Corps. BLUE BELL FRACTION, FRACTION, GENTIAN. Drafts leaving Vancouver, Lowest Rates to all Eastern Points past forty years. If one could with the idea of world conquest. COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE B. C, for Valcarlier, P. Q., via Steamer to Vancouver and tha MARIGOLD LILAC FRACTION. FRACTION, stop here, it would be great When weekly. a Muensterburg says that FRACTION. FERN FRACTION, PINE APPLE Be attested and forward CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY thing for Germany and for thr Britain is making the individual FRACTION. COXCOMB. BFOONIA FRACTION. papers to Vancouver, and Meals and Berth included on Steamer MINERAL CLAIMS Situate In the will be transportation arranged world. subservient to the state in Queen Charlotte District, located at or near at once. Iked Bay, Queen Charlotte Island, Province Send all communications Princess Maqulnna for Qranby A Alice Arm Friday 11 p. of British Columbia, and lawfully held by to: Officer commanding, Princess Sophia Southbciind Saturday 6 p. m. Ikeda Mlnea Limited. 230th Battalion, C. E.F. TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnli, 175 Cordova St., W. Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE solicitor for Ikeda MInei Limited, Tree Vancouver, B. C, miners' certificate No. 70J54 B, intend after the expiration or sixty days from J I. PETERS, General Apent the data hereof to apply on behalf of the Rupert. B.C. Co net Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince said Company to the Mining Recorder for T10 SECOND AVI a certificate of Improvement! for the purpose FIRE ALARM SYSTEM of obtaining a Crown Crant to the Garpantars' Tool Builder' Hard war Ship Chandlery above claims. T Tsn r 1 ' rr i saaawsjsaasss.assissssiniaaan - - aa WIpo Cable) Steal Block Fishing Taokla AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action oiRourr no. i. under Section St of tbe Mineral Act must Iron Pipe Pipe Fitting Rifle and Shotgun be commenced before the Issuance of such as IS lib SL and ird Ave Hop Valves Ammunition certificate of Improvements. Bo i IS Clb St. and Ird Ave. Sunlight Soap Pumps Hot Paint Dated this a I it day of May, A. D. Il. Boi 14 Ith St. and Ird Ava. JOHN A. MAC1NNES. Boi IB Junction or 1st, lot and Stove and Ranges Rubbarold Roofing Corrugated Iron Solicitor for Ikeda Mines Limited. Ird Avas. Bi IS 1st Ave., between lib and "WE SELL NOTHINQ BUT THE BEST" NAVIOASLK WATER PROTECTION ACT. th Sta. (Knoi Hotel.) cuts Monday's labor clean R. S. a Ohapter IIS. Bo 17 1st Ava. and 7th St. Co in half. The Grand Trunk PaclQe Railway Company tral Hotel.) hereby sires notice that It has under Section 7 of the said Act deposited with OIROUIT NO. I. The Sunlight way Is so easy FRED STORK'S J HARDWARE the Minister of PubUe Works at Ottawa Boi ft Ird Ave. and Ird St -just note. First you soap and In tbe orace or the District Retistrar (Post omce.) it then roll up or the Land Registry omce, District of oa as trd Ava. and MctfrMe St. the garment ; Prince Rupert at Prlnca Rupert, a description Boi M 1st Ava. and aleurldr 01. to soak. After a while you rr-rrrffffffiffjfjjjj;jj of the site and plans or warehouse bVji Z-tnd Ava. and Ind St and the proposed to be built In Prince Rupert Boi zs ind Ava. and ttb 81 rinse it thoroughly Harbor at Prlnca Rupert, British Columbia, a S7 0. T. f. dirt drops out like magic. In front or waterfront Block "Q" Tickets aecordlnr to registered plan or tbe town-site OIROWir NO. B. scrub, and rub, and or the said city or Prlnca Rupert deposited Boi SI lib Ava. and rultuo 6.. Why clothes In the aforesaid Land tear the Registry Boi sa Borden and Taylor Bts. wear and to and from Norway, Sweden, Dan-mark, omce as No. fill. ot Italy oi S4 7tb Ava. and Fulton Si. when the gentle strength Finland, and Russia. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the aspiration AILINOS FROM NKW YORK Boi SB tlb Ava. and Cuidoj A do the of one month from tbe date or Sunlight Soap will -Hellif OloV Boi ST atb Ave. and Dodjie I I. hot. t Jrd. the firs I publication or this notice, tbe to "Stockholm" .......... Dee. ind. Qrand Trunk Paclfle Railway Company will Maw StSL Ath Ava. anil ThninnAAi. rif work with never a hurt "Frederick Bert ensf jonJ"VIII ................ Dee.Dec. Ith.th. under Section 7 or the said Act apply to OIROUIT NO. 4. fabric or hands. the Minister or Public Works at hi office Have Veur Reservattone mad I 4t lb Ava. and anuiirvui BaBanBriHP;eraaafl Early. In the City or Ottawa for approval of PL For Rates. Iliuitrttri rollers an1 Oenrral loformatlon Arplr to said site and plans, and for leave to con Baa 42- lib Ave. and MrlinJe f i Try it once struct the said warehouse. oi 4- lib Ave. and Oreen St this Sunlight gHC'iHHPjH DVBHAVN HANSON Dated at Winnipeg, Manitoba, this tttli Boi 44 6th Ave and bull SL Insurance and Stamshla Afaaay, day or May A. D. ttto. Baa 4B 7th v. and Ibtm. TH! Ay jap way. y4 II Prinee Rupert, Bk O. THE GRAND TRUNK COMPANY.PACIFIC RAILWAY Boi 141 7th Avt. and Ttung St, "tjV-TMisByjgta, At all grocer J II. II. HANSARD, Solicitor. Itw YwY k EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR k . F. Q. DAWSON i - PRINCE RUPERT.