The Daily News r (L vir. no. I"' PRINCE RUPERT, D. C, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 15, 1010. PRICE FIVE CENT!" flf E IHWSAND GERMANS TAKER (HtSOHE THE BRITISH DRIVE CONTINUES WILSON PROTESTS AGAINST DEPORTATIONS BRITISH DRIVE WASHINGTON IS ENORMOUS CROWD SAM CHARGES AT BELGIAN CONCERT ON THE SOMME STIRRED OVER BORDEN WITH At tho school children's concert PROGRESSING DEPORTATIONS in tho Wcstholmo Theatre IS last evening the building wns DECEIVING HIM filled to overflowing and there FIe Thousand Prisoners Taken Protest to Chancellor French must have been over a hundred Blames Cabinet Ministers for and Further Gains Made-Artillery War Minister In Athens people turned away at the doors. Intriguing Against Him Bombard-ment Austrlans Claim I'.von standing room was at a Reminds Premier of ' at Verdun. Successes. premium. HI Loyalty. After the Weslholmc orchestra tdil lo The lullj flews.) (Special to Ttw Dally flewi.) bad played tho opening overture, (Special to The Dally Newa.) London. Nov. 15, The British Washington, Nov. 15, The Principal Brady apologized for Ottawa, Nov. 15. The retiring drive along the Ancro IUvcr is United Stales has entered a protest TRAYLVANIrM TiL. the limited accommodation. There Minister of Militia, in a final .letter still In progress, and It Is evident being over two hundred cttldren against the deportation of to the Premier, charges t the Ibat the big forward movement taking part, it was found impossible Belgian civilians to Germany to members of the cabinet with which has been taking shape for to get room for them in the bo forced to labor in Oerman factories. carrying on petty intrigues some time has begun. The advance wings and behind the stage, so against him, and charges Sir is a concentrated effort to Washington representatives that they overflowed into tho Robert Borden with having never take Transloy and Beauiencourl at Berlin have been directed auditorium. lie remarked that it been frank and loyal to Iiim, ex- has already been captured and the to tako the matter up personally r was the first occasion on which cepting when they were In trouble of taken is now the children o f the various number prisoners with Chancellor Von Bethmann- in the early Opposition days. Sir five thousand. The British have schools in Prince Rupert had Hollwcgg. Sam Hughes asserts that . the also made a further advance im. come together lo perform a great Greek Situation, Premier has rewarded his loyalty mediately to the southeast of Christian act, in helping to alleviate London, Nov. 15. The French by preferring those who had been the distress and suffering Dapaume. Minister of War, General Roques, untrue to their leader in the early While the British are develop-in; of two million and a half starving has arrived In Athens and has days. thetr thrust in the northern Belgian children. Sir Sam also that the says had with a conference King Constantino, RST lection of the Sommo front; tho regarding the Allied demand KXRAIOVAl The first item in the program Premier deceived him by saying . French are making an effort to was a Tableau Vivant Ln four that ho had not discussed the for tho establishment of a MAP SHOWING THE RUMANIAN advance to the southward of SITUATION parts. The first depicted Belgium question of appointing a sub- zone over which the Allies shall The accompanying may shows the Transylvanian front where Peronne. in distress, with the ragged little militia council with anyone, when have full control, in order to avert the Rumanians have thrust the enemy back farther west, notably Verdun Front. ones clinging to their poverty he had already taken the matter a collision between the Royalist at Vulcan (Szurduk) Pass, where they had splendid victories In the Pans. Nov. 15. The enemy stricken mothers. It was in up with Sir Oeorge Perley, who is and. YcnUcllsl armies. Jiul Valley. Tho nost desperatoWlghtlner u going on in the Alt Iwt flight bombarded the-Frcnrh tensely realistic,wtho little folks how head of the Canadian Mlllfia'-Department Rumanian Front. valley, in which sector the invaders were tho other day driven positions in tho region of Pres-toire playing their parts remarkably in London, and the sections of Blaches Paris, Nov. 15. The Austrian some miles north of Salatruk. Tho shaded sections show tho ap- well. Miss Margaret McColl, claim that they have cleared the proximate Rumanian gains, Tho troops which invaded Moldavia .1 ii a La Maisonette. Tho attack wearing over ner aress a uroau SUPREME COURT OPENS vigorously replied to by the right bank of the Danube of Itu have apparently been driven out through the Carpathian passes scarf of Belgian colors, recited French rnanians and have advanced near as indicated by the arrows on the map. Only Scrap of The intermittent batteries, An n Papier." Tho first case heard this morn Orsovo and at the junction of the cannonade is also going on econd picture showed the Allied ing before Mr. Justice Morrison in the regions around Douaumont Austrian-Rumanian and Serbian' ATTEMPT TO OUST JUDGE PAYS TRIBUTE soldiers to the rescue of gallant in tho Supreme Court was Jliat of ind Fort Vaux. frontiers.Tho Austro - Germans have AUSTRALIAN PREMIER TO LATE CAPT. CARSS little Belgium, the cadets repre Lauchy J. Mackay v. The Canadian senting the troops of France, Fish and Cold Storage Company, A BATTERED TRAVELLER pushed back tho Rumanians in Russia and Britain. The third Limited. Mr. Mackay claims tho Alt Vnlley in Transylvania and (Special to The Pally news. In opening the sitting of the howed Red Cross nurses' aiding damages for personal injury received have captured Bumbeshis and London, Nov. 15. The attempt Supremo Couct this morning, Mr. A battered empty suitcase ar io suffering and tho fourth the at the plant of tho com forced the Rumanian left wing at of tho discontented section of the Justice Morrison made feeling Grand March of the Allies, with rived on the train last night from pany. The following Jury was Winnipeg. It Is evidently in pur Drago Slavels to give way. Labor party lo overthrow Premier j reference to tho great loss tho bar tho soldiers marching round in sworn in: Alex. Finnie, ((foreman), suit of the hat which passed Tho Russians have been com Hughes, of Australia, has caused tas sustained in the cutting oil, protection of the helpless women James Hunter, Walter to retire from tho Gycngyo through the city some timo ago. pelled a split in the party and tho Pre on the threshold of uut promis and little ones. Harper, Harry Atkins, Alex. Clap- Mountains to tho Rumanian fron It has Journeyed throughout the mier has been obliged to recon ed to be a brilliant career, of Cap This striking series was suc perton, Alfred Kyte, A. W. Mc eastern and middle western states tier. struct his ministry. He will carry tain Carss. "Those individual ceeded by tho singing of tho Belgian Lean and Thomas Bramley. It is and the prairies of Canada and osscs tend to give us a slight National Anthem by tho expected that tho case will con DOUBLE FEATURE SHOW on his government with tho as likely bo sent south from idea of the appalling sacrifices children of King Edward School, clude this afternoon. here AT WtoT HOLME THEATRE sistance of the Liberals until a which have been mado by so many under the leadership of Miss E. general election is held. oung Canadians, from all walks Eason, who was garbed in tho RED CROSS 8ALE The little tots who performed There are two features at the of life, and all professions, saiu red, yellow and black of Belgium. o splendidly at tho Belgian con Westholme Theatre tonight and DORREEN ROAD IS lis Lordship, "and they have been The next item was a remarkably Mrs. II. E. McMillan and Mrs. cert last night were trained by tomorrow, Francis Ford and NEARLY COMPLETED made, not for any glory, profit pretty scene in which tho little Clancy will have charge of tho Miss Tallander. Their work re- Grace Cunard being screened in but in the defenco Street School or notoriety, tots from Borden Red Cross Sale in the rooms on nected great credit upon their tho fourth episode of "Peg (V The M. J. Hobin, who has Just paid of liberty nnd justice. Captain representing little Belgian orphans Third Avenue on Friday, when all teacher. Ring," tho llncst serial produced visit to Dorrecn, where there Carss had a groat future in store went through marching ladies are expected to bring along UlUiK in tho city, and King Bagot will has been considerable activity for him had ho beon spared, and drill, forming up at tho can. what they can in the way of home HUSINESS has nt once tho great live-act in Mlowed be presented this fall, reports that tho road would have distinguished himself elusion with each bearing a let cooking. These sales are of our removal to LARGER "Half A Rogue.' ABUSES ancielv drama. from Dorreen station in to the in his profession." ter of the words "Little Belgian grcaLasslstanco to the Red Cross in tho Hart Black, requires no In nctor "ur old customers the This great Fiddler Creek property will bo Orphans." Four little boys In Society in holping tho wounded appreciate Princo Rupert Increased stock troductlon to a completed in a few days. Ho do-scribes "Only a Scrap of Paper," tho khaki formeu the corners and the at th feront and our efforts must wo aro displaying Lause it audience. it as tho best road in this poem recited by Miss Margaret little girls formed themselves into bo untiring ns long as the war olTers a larger and Piekford. in her latest Mder Mnrv part of tho country. There Is to McColl during tho Belgian Tab intertwining waves in tho centre, lasts. scope for selection, while "The Eternal unnu, nur increased triumph, bo cxtensivo development work lean last night, was composed by Tho next featuro was tno re business facilities nt tho Majestic to " every will bo shown dono nt Fiddler, where 110 ore Mrs. Klower, of the city teaching production of a scene from King way is every day bringing This Is without doub l!ew night only. has been taken out. staff. It was a most appropriate Henry V. with Miss Katherlno WESTHOLME customers. Drop in and look greatest Mary Piekford play "v" tho composition and did great credit Plllsbury ns Princess Katherlno; our new stocks of tabli visiles. ever shown. MUTUAL PRIZE WINNERS to its author. Mrs, Klowcr's work Miss Madeleine Nelson ns The OPERA HOUSI McColl, Ilnrt Block. mt Muale. BOUND FOR LOS ANGELES has on occasion appeared in the Lady Alice, and Miss Margaret BmI PkturM m4 Kirn. SUN AND TIDE TONIGHT AND TOMORROW v WELLINGTON COAL, columns of The Daily News. Morgan as Princo Henry. Miss ,,U0Ie UO. We have Just re Thursday, November IClh. Miss Brenton and Miss Tulloch, Plllsbury and Miss Nelson did re QRACK CUNARO t a siiipment of 500 tons Sun rises ... two young ladles who may figure Miss Maud E. Pearson, who markably well as tho two maidens and , U"1P Coal, We ore nrnnnrml I. a.... 4:40 p. m in Mutual films in tho future, nr- conducts tho Canadian Travel of Franco, their pronunciation FRANCIS FORD run dci" In the 4th episode of Win your winter's coal for you. lllBh water ....: a. in. HI. 1. rived from Winnipeg last evening Bureau In tho Hotel Blltmor, In bolng particularly good, while "PEG O' THE RING'- I.nw water ..11:44 a.m. HI. 10.7 on their way to the Mutual Film New York, arrived from tho eas they brought out the quaint water ...5:30p.m. III. io.' Corporation headquarters in Los last evening and left for Victoria humor of the piece delightfully. KING BAQOT High IS 10NDONCAFE Captain McGeo, M. W. . a. Angelos. Those young ladles wore this morning. Miss Pearson ex Miss Morgan made a dashing "HALF A ROGUE" AND GRILL tho Manitoba prize-winners In n pects to conduct several parlie Princo Henry, while her elocution In flvo acts. Third Avenue Tho Illnll kpIhioI pupils who beauty contest Inaugurated by tho of tourists through northern was of a high order. It was NOTI In the Majeetla Theatre, tonight 8erv Marseillaise" will Mutual Company nnd they aro British Columbia Jioxt summer. charming scene throughout. only, MARY PIOKFORO In "The Nothing but the Best sang at v 'TRICTLY .nlendld etTect In the West now about lo take part in Mutuu Pupils of Borden Street School, Kternal Qrlnd," will be thown for UNION HOUSE H .. , .... tho benent of thoee who he not holme last "igl't. er iromru uy productions. They nro chaper Tho homo of Leckie Shoes, led by Mr. 0. R. Murray, then sang een It. BOXES FOR LADIES Miss MeClenashwi. oned by Mrs. Brenton. Wallaco'a. 108 (Continued on page three,)