i9lft. "Beans Is Beans" RED CROSS WORK The Daily News and the cost is soaring THE LEADING NCWSrAPER IN NORTHERN BRITISH COLUMBIA skyward with pork, beef, Tho lied Cross Society extends Pablished Dally and Weekly eggs and other foods until Its hearty thanks to alt thoso who Uusrantosd Largsst Circulation the cost of living represents contributed to tho rallies and to on increase of from 30 to 50 all who sent homo cooking to tho HKAD OFFICE cent. While meats and sale last Friday, and to Mrs. Dailr News Uulldlng, 3rd Ave, Prince liupert. I.0. Telephone 08. per vegetables ore beyond the Howling and Mrs. Homer for taking l!teas;i. TRANSIKNT DISPLAY ADVKKTI8INO 50 cents per Inch Contract reach of many millions of charge Tho sum of f33.70 rates on application. families, Shredded Wheat was realized. m Biscuit continues to sell at Tho picture, donated by Sheriff DAILY EDITION Wednesday, Nov. 15, 1010. the same old price and re Shirley, was won by V, Limey, tains the same high nutritive with ticket No. 13; the fruit dish, i bp i av -va. SIR 8AM RESIGNS colonels was a sign of grave quality. Shredded donated by Mrs. Georgo Wilson, wheat biscuit contains all In requesting the resignation weakness in a military lender. was won by Mrs. McMoekln, with the rich body-building nutriment Hi- of Liculanant-Gcncral Sir Bam While ho did his beat to build ticket No. 13, and tho bedroom in the whole wheat Hughes, Premier Dordcn has up a Canadian army, he also slippers, dojinted by Mrs. J. Carroll, grain, including the bran IV performed his greatest feat built up an army of non-lighting coat, which is so useful in were won by Mrs, H. K. McMillan wash. since taking ofllcc in 1011. colonels which became a keeping the bowels healthy with ticket No. 11. Tho Premier Uordcn has been con nuisance both in Canada and and active. Eat it for any four prlio hens donated by Geo. slnntly charged with weakness in London. His friendship for meal with milk or cream Wilson wcro held over until this J.ts no "ncommon thing; for the as a leader, and the formation John Wesley Allison has been or in combination with fruits. week. mention LUX to he p her make a sale.salcsltdy So fft of his first cabinet betrayed un dealt with so fully that it need Made in Canada The following sent homo cooking: spread is the reputation of these dainty, little ? mistakable signs of weakness not be referred to again. Mrs. Iiesner, Mrs. G. L. soap wafers that almost every Canadian J! r Not only did he pander, for Though the request for his there was a game of checkers on. Munro, Mrs. 11. K. McMillan, Mrs. n,je knows to-day.about It LUX.shows If the you modern doMurt get aTc" political purposes, to an clement resignation came about through The appointment of McCurdy to Mcintosh, Mrs. Dohcrty, Mrs. washed silks, .woollens, aces, lawns,way to crewS amongst the French-Canadians a sharp difTcrence of opinion the militia department was tho Patmore, Mrs, Kvans, Mrs. Naden, chines, etc., without rubbin. which was, and is, flagrantly between himself and Iho Premier, first move and that has bceji followed Mrs. Winsby, Mrs. Scheinman, anti-British, but ho allowed it is simply the climax up by other important Mrs. Smith (Digby), Mrs. David two men to enter the to an impossible situation. As changes In London. son, Mrs. A. M. Manson, Mrs. cabinet whose room would have a matter of fact, it may bo Kergin, Mrs. Ivanson, Mrs. W. S. been preferable to their company, taken as a prelude to an important There seems to bo nothing left Fisher, Mrs. Eggert, Mrs. Ilix, MUX so far as the welfare of political movement. for Sir Sam to do but to take n Mrs. Stephens, Mrs. Allison, Mrs. the country and the comfort of The government could not command in Sir Sam's Own Kilties Harper, Mrs. Carmichael, Mrs, the Premier was concerned. come to the country with any and proceed to tho front. Hill, Mrs. Parker, Mrs. Conway. One was Sir Sam Hughes and hope of success, so long as Sir Mrs. Fuller, Mrs. de Gex, Mrs. Now that the elections are over. the other the Hon. Robert Sam remained in its ranks, Gutstcin, Mrs. Lindsay, Mrs. J. II. Won't Shrink Woollens President Wilson may tako a Rogers. while it may be that Sir Robert McMullin, Mrs. Morrow, Mrs. slightly different view of the submarine If Sir Robert Borden was at Borden feels that, with Hughes Storrings, Mrs. Morrison, Mrs. V l)C LBVBR BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO situation. Ho knows fault in admitting Sir Sam to a back number, the Opposition now McNichol. 4 U lr all oW irmn more clearly than ever ho did Iho cabinet, he was still more will not have such strong what a very large proportion of at fault in allowing him to remain grounds for refusing the further the people of the United States there. It must be admitted extension of the life of WANTED think about it. that the Minister of parliament which Is certain to Militia performed a herculean bo asked for in January. Either Experienced Bridge men. FALL AND WINTER 'j Another "impregnable" German Track men, Tracklayers and task in getting together the way,- the absence of Sir Sam General Construction Laborers position on.the Sommo front has to Join tho 239th Uat-talion, first Canadian overseas contingent. from the councils of the government SCHEDULES fallen to the British. The Germans Overseas Railway Sam's most bitter opponents at Ottawa may be Construction Corps. must admit that he did taken as a "bull" factor for the must be beginning to realize Drafts leaving Vancouver, S. S. PRINCE QEORQE that, today, no position is impregnable H. C. for Valcartier, P. Q.t For Ocean Falls, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle every splendid service on that occasion Tories. There are real good and that the term is weekly.He attested and forward Friday at t a. m. For Anyox every Wednesday at Midnight. when the situation demanded grounds for the belief that it to Vancouver, nnd 8. 8. PRINCE RUPERT quick action. That is a purely political move, as merely comparative. ransportation will bo arranged For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway every Sat-urday at nt 12 noon. For Vancouver and all points south done, Sir Sam became even even the Tories of Ontario have Send all once.communications every Wednesday at 9 a. in. The feature of the Macedonian more Hughes-like than ever. been sick of the name Hughes In: Ofllcer commanding. PASSENGER TRAIN SERVICE campaign is the great work being 239lh Battalion, C. K.F. For Smlthsrt, Prince Qsorgs, Jaiptr, Edmonton, tsskstoon n winsl Sections of the Tory Press for many months past. It looks done by the Serbians. This gal 175 Cordova St., W. pg, connactlng thore for all point In Easltrn Canada and th Esstsrs llattercd him and he seemed to suspiciously like a last great Vancouver, B. C. and Eoutharn Stat, laavte Prince Hupsrt avr Wsdnttdsv and lttr lant nation has "come back" in tfy at 11:30 a. m. Mlitd train ovary Friday at 8 a. m. get the idea that he and the effort to save the government; Lines. Agency All Ocean Steamship great style and they will yet nave Hughes family were the great a case of jettisoning cargo in For information and reservations apply to the satisfaction of being largely driving force behind Canada in a storm. The next question City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue. PHONE 260 instrumental in driving tho in 5 FIRE ALAHM 8Y8TEM the war. It again must be admitted which faces tho Premier is vader from Serbia. that Sam is some driving what to do about Bob Rogers. force, but even his friends MINERAL ACT jiNourr no. i. fi It ttb St. aixl Ird A. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY will admit that he expended a NOTES AND COMMENTS Bo i 1S--lb SL aud rJ Ate. good' deal of time and energy NASTURTIUM. IRIS FRACTION, BEIXIS a Cat 1 lib St. and Ird Ave. FRACTION. GENTIAN, BLUE BELL FRACTION, Lowest Rates all Eastern Point iu to aud Boi IS Jroetloc of 1st. along lines which did not go Though Sir Sam's resignation COSMOS FRACTION, THISTLE lit AVIS via Steamer to Vancouver and the to the upbuilding of a strong has come as the result of a letter FRACTION,FRACTION. FERN MARIOOLD FRACTION.FRACTION,PINE APPLE LILAC Boi tn IS St.Isl(Kdoi Ave., Hotel tetwri-u MB aid CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Canadian army. The creation written on November 1st, it has FRACTION. COXCOMB. BFOONIA FRACTION, Bos 17 -III avi and 71b . too Meals and Berth Included on Steamer MINERAL CLAIMS situate In the of scores of non-combatant been apparent for some time that tral Hotel,i Queen Charlotte District, located at or near Ikeda Bay, Queen Charlotte island. Province OIROUIT NO. a. Princess Maqulnna for Oranby A AHco Arm Friday 11 p.m. of Drltlsn Columbia, and lawfully neld lkeda Mine Limited. bj Not fl Ird Ave. and Ird SI Princess Maqulnna Southbound Sunday 6 p. m. (Poll Office.) $ TAKE NOTICE that I, John A. Maclnnll, Princess Sophia for Alaska Monday, November 20th. Boi zs ird Ave. ami McBride si. FRED STORK'S HARDWARE actlcltor for lied Mine Limited, free Bos 24 isi ava. and McBride 01. miner' certificate No. 70314 B, Intend Sai ss- tnd Ave. and tnd St J I. PETERS, General Aeent after the expiration of sixty day from Boi 2S tnd Ave. and (tb 8t the date hereof to apply on behalf of the Rupart. B.C. Co ner Fourth Street and Third Avenue. Prince so i tr o. t. p. said Company to the Mtnlof Recorder for 710 SECOND AVI a cerUflcate of Improvement for the pur-poe OINOUtf NO. s. of obtalnlnr Crown Ortnt to the .Carpenters' Tools Builders' Hardware Ship Chandlery above claim. Box tl lib Ave. and Fulton 8k Win Cable Steel Bloeks Fishing Tackle AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that action Sea Si Borden and Taylor Su. Iron Pipe under Section SI of the Mineral Act muit Boa 84 7th Ave. and Fulton SL Pipe Fitting Rifles and Shotguns be commenced before the Issuance of ueb Sot SB 9th Ave. and Cotnoz Ave. Rope Valvee Ammunition certificate of Improvements. Boi 87 atb Ave. and Dodte PI. Sunlight Soap Pump Hose Paint Dated this Hit day of May, A. D. tl. Boi ss 4th Ave. and Thompson St. JOHN A. MACINNE3. Stove and Ranges Rubberold Roofing Corrugated trou j Solicitor for Ikeda Mine Limited. OIROUIT NO. 4. Bei 41 Its Ave. and ammsrsoo " WE SELL NOTHING BUT THE BEST' NAVIOABLK WATERS PROTECTION ACT. PL cuts Monday's labor clean R. S. O. Chapter IIS. Boi 42- lth Ave. and McBride St. in half. The Grand Trunk Pacific Railway Com. Bei 43 lth Ave. and Often SL pany hereby rive notice that It has under Boi em Ave and Bull SL is easy FRED STORK'S HARDWARE Section 7 of the ald Act deposited with Boa 48 7th Ave. and Ettrt. J The Sunlight way so the Minister of Public Work at Ottawa Boi 141 7th Ave. and Tiuct St 1 --just note. First you soap and In the office of the District Rertttrar roll it up then of the Land Rertstry Office, Dittrlct of the garment ; Prince Rupert at Prince Rupert, a de to soak. After a while you roof, scription of the dte and plans of ware- and the house proposed to be built In Prince Rupert A ! Lft tlxaaUtlca rinse it thoroughly Harbor at Prince Rupert. British Co Igo dirt drops out like magic. Tickets lumbia, In front of waterfront Block "0 LD WATGH FREE. aerordinf to reentered plan of the town A tirftlrfctfarw Mwrent Why scrub, and rub, and site of the said city of Prince Rupert da- flat tmtm -l.till.lwd posited in the aforetald Land Rertstry Srm.WMcbw W mr ihooMuida giving i.if t4 wear and tear the clothes to and from Norway, Sweden, Dan-mark, orace as no. VII. Mei mi r ID strength. ot Finland, Italy and Rut la. AND TAKE NOTICE that after the ez worU UwttwU.m tan how when the gentle SAILINSS MOB) NIW YORK plratlon of one month from the data of U Hf tlUMM la Sunlight Soap will do the iieiiir Olov" not. tJrd. kUI tat. Writ the first publication of this notice, the MW. aaelmlng M a hurt to "Stockholm" Dec tnd. Grand Trunk wnu ln Ht of Mr work with never Pacific Railway Company will larkfaubW L.SItt' Frederick VIII , Dee. ttb. under Section 7 of the said Act apply to Ixmi atuf.it, or fabric or hands. 'BrenfJorr, Dec. tin. (haia Alb.ru, wot the Minister or Public Works at hl office tvrlM n4 la Ml Have Your Reeervattone mad Early, In the City of Ottawa 1tkuul,kla for approval of ror Rate. Illtistrarnl rolderi and HI u rnr EtSQZBOa 3MMBSM Oeneral iDrcrtiialion Apply to said site and plans, and for leave to con Uhmm rirntMd trhtr'1 .tmnK mn Try it once struct the said warehouse. this Sunlight OYBHAVN HANSON Dated at Winnipeg-. Manitoba, this ttth uum !aw muni. ssss-a-M- Insurance and Steamship Agency, day of May A. D. 1010. tbftul m tni now MM IM bMMIIlMlWlftlrll. way. I think IhK I WUr la too4 to U Um. t ut m4 TIIK OltAnu TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY BS Mat ! 4 ! frm uK. all Prince Rupert, a, o. will t miu-IIJJtl LIXT1. It hav.ll At grocers COMPANY. J...liar.Uwvi.IMS,m,Coranlll tkad. Uadau.SU f II. H. HANSARD, Solicitor, EMPRESS COFFEE WHOLESALE DISTRIBUTOR RUPE', - ii . . F. O. DAWSON 1 S PRINCE